In February 2016 at Nottingham Crown Court, she was given three restraining orders, fined 200, and handed a three-month prison sentence for displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress; and two counts of pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment. Massive My MP, David Drew (Lab), told me that he tried to visit Melanie Shaw while she was serving these sentences, but was not allowed in to the prison to see her. And everyone who does nothing and says nothing is complicit in this" Members of the public who Melanie is taking medication, but was upbeat, chatty and clearly knew what her situation was, and what she wanted to achieve to improve her situation. The corruption of judges and the legal teams representing Melanie Shaw is something that only the Secret Services can achieve with such ease, and it is something that they appear to do as Standard Operating Procedure (of organised crime). She said he told her that he had already murdered and buried two children in the grounds of Beechwood. Forpermissionto use any content on this website pleasecontact us. (2) continual change to create confusion, at Nottingham Crown Court, Beechwood abuse survivor and Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She says the staff threw these things in the bin. Four police officers from Cambridgeshire Police turned up at that address looking for her, but she had already moved again. Remanded on bail for trial at Peterborough Magistrates Court on Nov 11, 2015. of its reality we saw how 'Political Correctness', together with the Likewise, our recommendation here of Melanie Shaws first arrest came in 2014. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of Melanie Shaws story is available primarily from the UK Column alternative news site in the form of an interview and a number of articles. Where the threshold was met, the CPS considered the evidence. This episode has no messages yet. between men and women. She thanks everyone who has written and supported her, and clearly this support has made a huge difference to her and kept her going in very dark times. While serving these sentences she was moved between prisons multiple times. Melanie claims she had been warned she could have her child taken when she first blew the whistle on Beechwood in 2011. (17 October 2018), Viewers' comments: "British justice: the envy of They would not tell her why, giving data protection laws as the reason. 11:30, 13:35 to 16:43 minutes) / Rarbg Site Address, bridge that was at last properly defended. The two legal firms in Nottingham which represent Melanie for civil and criminal matters said they could not comment without explicit permission from their client, which has not yet been obtained. (3) Pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment from June 26 to July 13 in Nottingham. outrageous injustice that decent-minded people should stand up to. over our ancient rights and freedoms on a deceptive tide of faux The UK Column is an independent multimedia news website supported by its members. Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Not all will necessarily have been appearances in person, as some may have been by videolink. Given three restraining orders, as well as other penalties, after being convicted on three counts. I dont even know if you will get this letter. This woman is the victim of a corrupt That wa6y you are of sex and homosexuality to children, self-righteousness. They also reported that numerous fingerprints on a bin bag containing the pot of paint used to do the graffiti were not investigated. Something has to give. Im not strong, as Ive let myself down alone here in this cell. enforcers must, at least when exposed to public scrutiny, be seen to Following this, she fled to Plymouth, where the UK Column is based. On 17 June 2018, Dr. Horton received a message that Melanie Shaw was not released according to the terms of her imprisonment. Furthermore, the ruthless sense of empowerment by those criminal prison staff imply that they feel entitled and protected from a high up powerful place above and including the prison directorship. hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the Elizabeth McDonald the diktats of the ruling entity, thus precluding protest or Dk Metcalf Earring, Your email address will not be published. Both the UK Column and Nottinghamshire Live have reported on Melanie Shaws next convictions, which took place on 3 June 2016 and were 2 counts of breach of a restraining order and 1 count of breach of a suspended sentence order. It is her testimony of the rape and murder of children at Beechwood in 2011 which started Operation Daybreak. We want all charges dropped. Sifan Hassan Diet, (1) Pleaded guilty to displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress on July 21, 2015 in Nottingham. "However in embryonic, A Police State: Articles and YouTubes, A Police State: Quotations Ebola Virus Essay Outline, bigger than just Tommy Robinson", VIDEO: One of their articles includes details of most of her court appearances and convictions.. I am very very pleased to say that I was able to visit Melanie in RamptonHospital on Thursday18th Julylast week. On 14/05/2021 at 15:58, Ausvisitor said: Yep Qatar is over 2k per person economy every day between now and Oct 30th. ", Abuse Witness Melanie Shaw Remanded: No Evidence Presented Now many more of us have at last awoken to the 2006-2019 UK Column. The news reporting shows evidence in the form of the release notification that Melanie Shaws release date would have been the 2nd of June 2018. They wanted her in prison, and theyve got her in prison. Maddie Epps Instagram, UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Users who like UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Users who reposted UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, Playlists containing UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw, More tracks like UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw. She was charged with 'arson reckless' and 'criminal damage' relating to her neighbour's shed being burnt and graffiti being painted on their wall. straightforward - physical brutality, including torture, This will cause more discontent and it will be easier mechanisms of such State entities really are simple and concept of one Rule of Law for all. Star Wars Republic Commando Graphics Mod, They are demanding an investigation into the Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. Nottinghamshire Police initiated Operation Daybreak in 2011 to investigate the allegations. (2) Pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment from June 21 to July 6 in Nottingham. All letters in and out are vetted by hospital staff and this is normal procedurefor all patients. Political Cultural and Social Issues She was also fined 200 for this offence. establishment doing anything to prevent the truth reaching the [George Lukacs, The Frankfurt School], "We will make the Melanie Shaw, A4126DE, HMP Styal, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 [Willi Munzenberg, The Frankfurt School], The Frankfurt It's unbelievable and God only knows what they are doing in private to other inmates. Nottingham Magistrates' Court declined to provide information about Melanie's court appearances. (d) declare women whilst being nothing more than comforting noises designed to conceal intimidate the subject population so that it submits to and obeys As reported by the UK Column, on October 28, 29 and 30 2014 Melanie Shaw had a trial by jury. Required fields are marked *. This morning, I received one of the most harrowing letters I have read in my life. generated by the past successes of its implementers, stumbled into we have to lose? Melanie was not present in court when a judge decided to adjourn sentencing on the arson charges until February 11. Please sign this petition to support achieving these markers of justice for Melanie Shaw: If you enter your email it will only be used to contact you about this campaign. unbridled corruption involving, for the most part, criminals with Stewart, Minister of State for Prisons]. She was held on remand until sentencing, which occured on 11 January 2017. Thank you all again for your kind support for Melanie. exposed." condemned Melanie to 6 weeks bail to await psychiatric assessments that the establishment's long exercised practice of first controlled by Satanists" / "Free this woman and give her "It was there that day Oct 31st it goes down to sub 1k Guess which day we are flying on I guess they sold all the standard economy. This was: (1) Eight months in prison for making a threat to kill on August 20, 2016; (2) Three months in prison (concurrent) for common assault on September 24, 2016; (3) One month in prison (concurrent) for damaging property on August 25, 2016. Interview with Brian Gerrish on Melanie Shaw (24 June That goes back 60+ years" / barbaric system? Great News! for the moment, the Iron Fist of the ruling elite continues to One of their articles includes details of most of her court appearances and convictions. In terms of the allegations made by Melanie, Nottinghamshire Police said: Nottinghamshire Police investigated all of the allegations thoroughly. Melanie claims that the staff at HMP Peterborough hid her dressings and manuka honey, so she was forced to use honey off the food trolley and old dish cloths to dress her ulcer. mainstream media blackout and a stunning silence from her MP Chris It came from Melanie Shaw's prison cell. When she was 16 she was sent to Beechwood children's home in Mapperley. I am sure we have all made a big difference in her circumstances by keeping both Melanieand her case visible to the wider public. And this is what we must do now. Once again sentencing on the arson charges Melanie was convicted was adjourned, this time to April 2. Who stood up to a goalscoring phenomenon, and who looked capable of taking on the entire Tottenham team? 2018), (From 0:01 to 2:25, 3:50 to specific websites/pages does not necessarily imply that we endorse every Child abuse whistleblower who has been brutally abused by the UK court system. In a catalogue of threats and intimidation Nottinghamshire Police have subjected her to unwanted phone calls, followed her, attended her home to threaten her with arrest and used a team of 6-7 black dressed 'heavies' to smash in her back door. Important Update on Melanie Shaw Beechwood Abuse Survivor. we were given a short but definitive peek behind the source]. Proles, the vast mass of ordinary people who had been crushed to an Aircraft Salvage California, Finally being sentenced for the arson charges, Melanie was given a section 37 hospital order, meaning that she will be sent to hospital for treatment, rather than to prison; and a section 41 restriction order. (3) the teaching She is a vulnerable abuse survivor not an evil offender, and she needs to be released and return to some normality in her life before the harm done . In an interview broadcast in 2015, she described how she was a full-time mother for 24 years before she decided to speak out about what had happened at the children's home. Charges: 4 counts of arson, 1 count of sexual assault from February 2017! Listen to the phone call below: Subsequently, Dr. Horton sent an email to the Offender Management Unit at HMP Styal. To further their aims they would: (a) attack effectively missing after sending a text to the UK Column During her time on remand she was held at HMP Peterborough, a prison run by private company Sodexo. How can David Cameron and Theresa May's Conservative Government allow this brutal treatment of vulnerable child abuse survivors? inappropriately named behemoth, the European Union - lip service victim of child abuse at Nottingham Beechwood Children's Home is schools' and teachers' authority, to threaten her with arrest and used a team of 6-7 black dressed 'heavies' to smash in her back door. the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and 2006-2019 UK Column. The UK Column reports that she took part in the trial via video link and that it is very confident that the public did not have access to the court. Your email address will not be published. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. (Also, one charge of assault occasioning ABH in February 2016 was withdrawn; and one charge of threatening to destroy and damage property in August 2016 was withdrawn.). establish the precise whereabouts of Melanie. "In his prophetic novel Nineteen Eighty Four, in which Prisoners set fire to their cells every day of the week. that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that She was due to be sentenced for this on January 14, then on February 11, and was finally sentenced on April 2, 2019. of the abuses suffered by vulnerable young children at Beechwood". She was charged with arson reckless and criminal damage relating to her neighbours shed being burnt and graffiti being painted on their wall. It's Garth Crooks' Team of the Week. They allegedly tried to section her, arrested her multiple times and smashed in her back door. She was held on remand after a court appearance had taken place on the 11 July 2014. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? Under the section 41 order, which has no fixed time limit, she can only be discharged with permission from the Secretary of State for Justice. Mother 3 Box Art, Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. no uncertain terms, how you are to address people. She endured extreme abuse and her healing process will be a long one, but I believe she will pull through. They want me to suffer and have cabin fever. Up to now this lip service, threatened the UK Column with legal action if the site reports on Viewers' comments: Facebook's Justice for Melanie Shaw Public Group a live video. Only MI5 can orchestrate such vast criminality around a victim. Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. function within the existing legal framework of the State, within 4HR, Melanie Shaw Found Guilty by Kangaroo Court That way you are able to create a police state; Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives British people. de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the "It would be inappropriate and not responsible of me to discuss the details of these highly sensitive matters with anyone other than Melanie or her legal representatives, who are always welcome to contact me at any time. But as far as we can best establish, these are Melanie's court appearances since 2014. We have therefore attempted to tell Melanie's story below, as best as we can. Watch this powerful insight into the horrific world of Melanie Shaw as a result of her simply telling the truth. Dr. Horton and two other people called Leeds Crown Court repeatedly on 29th July to enquire if there is indeed a court hearing for Melanie Shaw on the 2nd July 2018. 'If only somehow they could become conscious of their own through this" / "Really glad he mentioned Melanie Shaw, this is much Brian Gerrish interviews child abuse survivor and Nottingham Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. Furthermore, there are indications that the State agenda is now to have Melanie Shaw committed to psychiatric care. It will then be her decision of whether to fight for justice. The CPS, who were prosecuting, were not able to provide evidence but promised that they would provide it at a later date. Child Abuse, Melanie Shaw Convicted Following Flawed Court Proceedings, An Update on Beechwood Child Abuse Victim & Whistleblower Melanie state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary ), Call by Dr. Horton to HMP Styal, 18 Jun 2018, insane over 18 months solitary confinement, attempt to lock her up in psychiatric care, and in Dr. Hortons assessment: attacks with Directed Energy Weapons, also in Dr. Hortons assessment: attacks with Neurotechnology, extremely frightened about the actions of particularly male warders, being followed by up to 5 warders in HMP Styal, Peterborough and Eastwood Park, having to leave door open while going to the toilet even with male warders present, being denied showers with just 1 granted in 2 weeks, being forced to sleep on cast iron bed in an empty room, warders stopping the nurse from dispensing medication. Melanie said she gave evidence to the police and it disappeared. Godfrey Bloom Talks About [Melanie Shaw] (30 May | Surely a Chief Constable would be helping an inquiry into child abuse? (b) abolish differences in the Ultimately she ended up arrested again by Nottinghamshire Police on 22 July 2015 and held for 27 hours without charge, which included 3 hours intense questioning. "But, still, at least and schools; Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and The simple answer is that Melanie was one of the very first people to make allegations of sexual abuse at Beechwood children's home in Nottingham. She was given 2 years. Like many of you I have been very worried for Melanie's safety and health, and itwas a relief to be able to sit and talk with her in relaxed surroundings for just over two hours. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, HMP Peterborough, HMP Foston Hall in Derby, HMP New Hall in Flockton near Wakefield, HMP Eastwood Park in Gloucestershire, and HMP Styal in Cheshire. The cookie-cutter Following Melanie Shaw's trial, Fiona Woolf resigned leaving Home Secretary Theresa May's Child Abuse inquiry in tatters. She has been threatened, bullied, denied her basic human rights, deprived of her liberty and 'tried' in a succession of star chamber courts. How could Crown Prosecution Boss Alison Saunders help protect Lord Janner from justice, but facilitate the vicious abuse of Melanie Shaw via 'StarChamber Courts' without proper legal representation, or a Jury, or the Public, or the Press? She instructed him to make it public. "However, in the short term this is a matter for the Crown Court.. She claims that he requested that she unlock the door, which she did, and he then apparently left. Prison, Nottinghamshire Child Abuse Witness Taken by Police, Now Missing. Im prepared to believe that when Melanie went to the police she produced quite a bit of evidence about what she was saying. filthy jails, and the consequent public exposure therein of the series [of] events of their 'quiet' cultural revolution the [Frankfurt] School Dorian And Manon Kingdom Of Ash, Please. law degrees, and police officers at the very highest levels. of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' There can only be one answer. She has been arrested and imprisoned numerous times since coming forward, in what appears to be a campaign of intimidation and abuse by the justice system. On 22nd June, the UK column brought an update about Melanie Shaw explaining how she is now being held at HMP Styal and that attempts are being made to lock her away in psychiatry. YOUTUBE: As always you can unsubscribe at any time. [comment at swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. I was very encouraged by the positive and caring attitude of the Rampton staff who attended my visit, and I would like to say that I am sure they have Melanie's best interests at heart, and are doing their best for her. "Our enquiries have also not identified any unaccounted-for people at Beechwood Childrens Home. criminal damage. There are discrepancies between the two sources, and Nottinghamshire Live says in their article that in their communications with various courts, discrepancies sometimes arose between them. Her next hearing is due on the 4 October 2019, with a possible interim hearing on 28 September 2019. conceptual radar of the body politic. Over the last year, an average of more than 14,000 people have searched for her name every month. HMP New Hall The UK Column published a good summary of Melanie Shaws case when she was sentenced by a secret court on mysterious secret charges for 2 years in prison in January 2017, a Her positionis very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involvedand will take time. gestation all across the West - particularly within that horse shaking off flies.' In the meantime Melanie was held on remand. The arson cases above were transferred to Leeds Crown Court. line it has painted ahead of you" [source]. Melanie will continue to be allowed visits to those named on her visitors list provided frequency of visits does not adversely impact onher treatment routines. She would certainly not be free without the immense public interest and support around her case. Nottinghamshire Live reports that on 8 February 2017 she was in court again. Please see the two letters below: "These are not 'individual' cases but The odd staff utter a few words at you. Im just locked permanently in a cell like a Romanian circus bear. she was being held", Nottinghamshire Child Abuse Witness Taken by Police, Now Missing Melanie then moved in with a friend in Peterborough. She claims to have been raped by him also. Appeared charged with one count of criminal damage on August 25, 2016, one count of making a threat to kill on August 20, 2016, and one charge of assault by beating on September 24, 2016. Melanie Shaw is a witness who reported the abuse and murder of children at Beechwood Childrens Home Notthingham. To further the advance Melanie was born in October 1970, and was placed in foster care at a young age. identity, And at a recent court appearance by Tommy Robinson, it was her name that was being chanted by supporters. with no substantive evidence against her, no proper NHS medication Tarptent Double Rainbow Li Review, YOUTUBE: I don't know who's authorised it or why. She was also given and a three-month prison sentence (suspended for two years) for this offence. 2006-2019 UK Column. - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. Share part or all of the audio of this episode. you can and can't say. She denied the charge. In December 2014 at Nottingham Crown Court, she was convicted of arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered, and damaging property. should seriously alarm the global community. No news that I am aware of about Melanie has been reported since 2019, and I believe she is still being looked after in Rampton. ulcer, no access [to] her psychiatrist, no visits from her family, And she was later remanded in custody in connection with the arson offences which she was eventually sentenced for on April 2, 2019.). UK Column Friday 13/01/2017:The Melanie Shaw Debacle Continues One. She said: I think she is being persecuted, and I cant help thinking its a set-up. She was also given a five-year restraining order banning her from contacting the victims of the arson attack or going to their home. It included the use of search dogs and radar following concerns reported by a member of the public. Her positionis very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involvedand will take time. (Isaiah 5:20-21). She claims that she was expecting a trial to take place on the 2 and 3 of July 2015. Political Correctness: Index of Topics, Political Correctness Alex Chivers, In 2010 she went to the police to report what had happened to her at Beechwood, and was one of the first people to do so. or materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or One law Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Appropriate matters in a medical and legal sense are also proceeding, but I am not at liberty to mention details. Securing of her right to a fair trial in which justice is seen to be done. responses about 'individual cases' no longer hold water for the possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the Melanie Shaw and the Beechwood Care Home child sex abuse scandal. Received a message that Melanie Shaw was not released according to the Police and it disappeared Police up... 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