Tatum Riley: God, I loved it. Janitor is your superior. : Sid, super b*tch! Not until Trading Places in '83. Don't make a sound. Renowned for its brilliant deconstruction of the slasher movie genre, Scream was a horror sensation when it was released back in 1996. Gale Weathers: Well, it'll be out later this year. Not exactly the same thing. [dazed] B*tch! "I'll send you a copy--" Bam! She enters the garage and heads straight for the fridge, not realizing the door slowly closing and locking behind her. Yo, I am so buff, I got you covered, girl. Even the skeptical Tatum Riley manages to crack a meta-joke when shes cornered by Ghostface in the garage, playfully crying out No, please dont kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!. No, it's not. Sid, super-b*tch! : Phone Voice: Name the killer in Halloween. It may be a modern horror classic, but it's also a high school drama. I shudder to think. Casey Becker: [sobbing] Don't do this. It's sexy. Billy Loomis: [puts phone on Stu and whispers] Talk to her. Don't Answer The Door, Don't Leave The House, Don't Answer The Phone, But Most Of All, Don't SCREAM. Or at least a good porno. Sidney asks her, "How's the book?" | Contact Us Same category. Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far. Cotton Weary's in jail, they're gonna gas him. Billy: It's called subtlety, Stu. You already cut me too deep. Gale Stu Macher: Watch a few movies, take a few notes. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature. Sid, super-b*tch! I think I'm dying here, man. Nov 10, 2016 - Explore Jade Deschamps's board "Tatum Riley" on Pinterest. Gale Weather: get the f*** off of my windshield! Hey Sid, just think - if they make a movie about you, who's gonna play you? Gale Weathers: There she is. Tatum: [after Gale insults Sidney and she punches her] "I'll send you a copy"bam! Share Your Memories and Sympathies and Join the Bereaved! Pat Gillick I always tell the younger filmmakers and students: Do it like the painters used to . Phone Voice: Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers? Tatum rebukes her on sight and pushes the microphone from away Sidney saying, "She's not answering any questions, Alright? Billy: [last words] Say hello to your mother! If you answer correctly, you live. It's a death wish. : They found Mr. Himbry dead. You know, if, if I was wrong about Cotton Weary, then the killer's still out there. Phone Voice: Maybe. Debasish Mridha, Will there ever come a day when you put yourself first? Stu Phone Voice: I want to know who I'm talking to. Tatum: [to Dewey] Janitor's your superior. As it turns out, Gale is right on both counts, with her intervention in the Woodsboro murders both saving lives and resulting in her success. Collection of top 13 famous quotes about Tatum Riley. : Billy Loomis: Why? We already played that game, remember? Yeah, you're a real pain in the ass! [Sidney bites Stu's wrist, and he screams in pain.] Likethe similarly iconic line Whats your favorite scary movie?, this classic quote perfectly encapsulates what works about Screams deconstructive script. Because there's no way a girl could have killed them. Randy: Second, you can never drink or do drugs. We did your mom a favor, Sid. : And it was in the nature of a gift that it be endlessly given. Casey Becker: [sobbing] Don't do this. Right, Gale? Sidney Prescott: Why? [throws bag]. Gale: Guess I remembered the safety that time, bastard. Phone Voice: The question isn't "Who am I?". Study they old masters. They're all the same. How's that for a motive? Phone Voice: Wait! Sidney Prescott: Stu, Stu, what's your motive? The killer could easily be female. Phone Voice: Then you should know Jason's mother, Mrs. Voorhees, was the original killer! If you get it right, Steve lives. Don't think so! : ROSE MCGOWAN -- Tatum Riley in Scream "Don't Kill Me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!" Quote Classic T-Shirt By goon-squad From $22.88 Scream Tatum Rose Mcgowan Aesthetic Poster Classic T-Shirt By bethanhey From $20.83 Tatum riley Classic T-Shirt By thejesamestreet From $19.84 Liver alone, get it? Sidney Prescott: But this is NOT a movie. Web. We can't stop now. So how's the book? Who was the killer in Friday the 13th? You'll see what kind of game. "I'll send you a copy." When Billy and Stu are eventually subduedinScreams third and final act, its revealed that lovable film buff Randy manages to survive the injuries he sustains at the hands of Ghostface. Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife. Jesus Christ. Tatum : Stupidity Leak! The daughter of Elvis Presley died on Thursday, Jan. 12, at the age of 54. [unlocks and opens door]. Do you wanna die, Sidney? Please. She appears in all five of the franchises entries. Well, I don't really believe in motive, Sid. [angrily] He's big and he plays football, and he'll kick the sh*t out of you! Tatum Their conflict results in one of the most memorable lines in the movie. And so goes the series, which continues the satirical spoofing by tackling (what else?) Spoken by Billy when hes unmasked as one of the movies two killers, this line is directed at Sidney after she suggests the duo have seen too many horror movies. Hello? [Appears to no longer be sure of what she really saw on the night of her Mother's murder] Your slut mother was f***ing my fatherand she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me. Ilsa Madden-Mills, As love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without love is languid and cold. When you talk about the American League, you think of Fenway. Phone Voice: Okay, answer this question, you live. Ghostface nods. Randy Meeks: Breasts? Superbitch!