sugarcube is not defined

First of all, many thanks for your advise. Hides the UI bar. If no conditional expression is given, it is equivalent to specifying true. You can see this effect by changing data outside the state. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to the audio element. Passage navigation terminates all pending timed executions. Unread Posts; Recent Posts; Member List; Forum; User Forums; 3rd Party Software; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. If the condition evaluates to false and an <> or <> exists, then other contents can be executed. See Engine API for more information. As new moments are added, older moments that exceed the maximum number are expired in order of age, oldest first. Configuration API. Functionally identical to <>. Hides the loading screen, if no other locks exist. Note: sugar cube: [noun] a small cube of sugar that is put in coffee or tea to make it sweet. Several things occur each and every time startup happens, regardless of whether or not a playthrough session will be restored, an autosave loaded, or the starting passage run. Returns a new array filled with all Passage objects that contain the given property, whose value matches the given search value, or an empty array, if no matches are made. Closes the dialog. They are called with no arguments, but with their this set to a template (execution) context object that contains the following data properties: String templates consist solely of a string, which may itself contain markup. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Whenever your story is first started or, for any reason, restartede.g., the browser window/tab was refreshed/reloadedit undergoes its startup sequence. Warning: Triggered at the end of passage navigation. Due to how the Twine2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using the link markup form will cause a passage named $return to be created that will need to be deleted. I really hope there is no other post similar; if so, my apologies for asking again. Should the history exceed the limit, states will be dropped from the past (oldest first). State.current is not a synonym for Requires tracks to be set up via <>. See the <> section of the Twine1 reference documentation for more information. There are a few ways to resolve both parts. The mute-on-hidden state controls whether the master volume is automatically muted/unmuted when the story's browser tab loses/gains visibility. See the .flat() method for its replacement. In practice, you'll probably want to use either line continuations or one of the no-break methods: Config.passages.nobr setting, nobr special tag, <> macro. Only deletes the groups themselves, does not affect their component tracks. Returns the save object from the autosave or null, if there was no autosave. Because of the additional HTML elements added by the debug views, some nested markup and selectors may be broken. See the Config.passages.nobr setting for a way to apply the same processing to all passages at once. Note: Hi, I am really new in Twine. See Also: See the. See: I'll leave this issue open until you have a time to test it let me know how it works for you!! This is not an exhaustive list. The core audio subsystem and backend for the audio macros. See Also: The cycling options are populated via <