In this workshop, the presenters will describe the research activities that were used to understand the short- and long- term impact of these grants, highlighting the wide range of data collection methods used to measure dosage, fidelity, client, and workforce perspectives, and short-term, long-term, and CFSR outcomes. We will end the presentation by reiterating the importance of implementing a team of individuals willing to provide support to staff through an evidence-based curriculum during an unfortunate event. Together, we are partnering to align policy, improve practice, and secure needed funding to achieve our shared goals. OCFS will describe the steps taken towards statewide implementation of these new standards and how they were incorporated into state policy. Parents who adopt children with special needs may feel ambiguous loss related to what the child could have been had certain things not happened (fetal alcohol syndrome, exposure to in utero drugs, etc.). Presenter: Rick Dencer, Kinnect Ohio, Cleveland, OH, C14 Applying an Equity Lens to Collaborative Practice when Implementing Plans of Safe Care. This network of 60 cross-sector partners evolved into an effective, equity driven, one-stop health program that connects families who are Black with healthcare providers who understand the significance of culture in providing healthcare, while adapting to meet family needs within their respective community context, and demonstrating commitment to timely, quality, and responsive care. Website Design by FWD, "CARE helped me to find a huge part of who I am. Elementary and older children will be at Anchorage Grace Church (Grace Christian School). Dr. Velzquez is co-author of CWLAs supervision curriculum, Supervision to Advance Success and Excellence. Ms. Jackson also was the Executive Producer, Director and writer for several award-winning independent video productions to promote the work of organizations such as One Church, One Child of Pennsylvania and The Private Industry Council of Philadelphia. The purpose of this training is to provide an engaging, informative framework that highlights the importance of effective co-parenting. The Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma is on a mission to increase the ability of Massachusetts organizations to be trauma responsive and anti-racist. Gary is currently serving as a Senior Fellow with CWLA and independent consultant providing training and executive coaching throughout the U.S. Garys Coaching to Child Welfare Leaders and their organizations is offered through a lens of race, equity, and justice. Join us for a highly interactive workshop where we will discuss the impacts of improved communication, how to frame the narrative to collectively move towards an aspirational worldview, and pro tips on crafting and sharing your messages. Workshops B TA providers, select grantee representatives, and a person with lived expertise will share their journeys through strategies being developed and implemented, the authentic inclusion of people with lived expertise, and use of continuous quality improvement. Due to the strong commitment of the NFPA Board of Directors, and with the support of Centene, the NFPA Training Institute was launched in 2020 to provide quality educational and training workshops/webinars to parents seeking help in parenting. By attending this workshop, attendees will learn about potential barriers and facilitators to ECE participation for children in foster care and the benefits and challenges of cross-systems collaboration, using Minnesota as a case study. Presenters: Tom Sexton & Marta Anderson, FFT Partners, New York, NY; Nicole McKelvey-Walsh, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, Hartford, CT, D12 A Training Lifeline for Caregivers: A Collaboration between Centene and the National Foster Parent Association. These tools will assist leaders to host initial conversations internally, as well as with the community and implementation team, and to develop a plan. During the presentation, attendees will learn about the Kinnections Programs goals and practice model, the evaluation design, research questions, and challenges facilitators encountered in implementation and evaluation thus far. Check out ourSponsor Deck. Presenters will describe how a local Department of Family Services created a coordinated community response to children experiencing DV, the best practices it utilizes, and the importance of strong relationships between child welfare and DV agencies. Presenters: Latonya Adjei-Tabi & Teri Kook, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, Lake Forest, CA, Thursday, April 27 Presenters: Valentina Laprade & Rachel Cooper & Jessica Beaupre, Childrens Friend, Providence, RI, E5 Keeping Families Together: Uniting Child Welfare, Supportive Housing, and Families to Advance Change. This presentation will discuss partnerships between police departments and community based behavioral health centers to promote safety for individuals in crisis, their families, police officers, and communities as a whole. Participants will learn strategies for engaging youth and aligning their team approach by applying this model to their personal and professional practices, including as a tool for guiding youth/caregiver or youth/care-provider conversation or as a facilitation strategy within care team collaborations. Child welfare, in particular, has seen increased complexity in casework, an increase in requirements for compliance, and excessive turnover rates never seen before. This accessible, evidence-based training is available free of charge 24/7, 365 days a year, thanks to a unique partnership between an MCO and a caregiver-led organization. Parent/Teacher conferences on January 19 and January 20 will be a drop-in format. Questions? The parent/practitioner co-facilitators will discuss the vital role of parents as partners and provide practical guidance and resources on assessing program readiness to engage in parent/practitioner collaboration while also exploring the roles and benefits of parent leaders in programs and community activities. This session will demonstrate how the Arkansas Division of Children & Family Services (DCFS), Public Consulting Group (PCG), and the Family Centered Treatment Foundation (FCTF) communicate and share information to improve programming, assist local providers to improve service delivery, help caseworkers adhere to prevention policy requirements (FFPSA), and measure the extent to which families achieve positive results. Together, we will determine which need to meet, we will meet the need, and then watch the funds be transferred directly to a local church leader near the need. Families who are immigrants have already experienced one displacement from their country of origin, making relational connectedness to kin and family in the United States even more important for children in care. This presentation provides an overview of how the voices of people with lived expertise were embedded throughout the planning and implementation of the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY). Discussion will include the supporting theoretical concepts related to the supervisory role and related skills and competencies. The Congress aims to bring the evidence-based parenting support community together, inspire innovation and collective action, and empower parents and families around the world to benefit the next generation. Please be sure to make your reservation under our conference group block to ensure waiver of the destination fee charged at this hotel. Registration is for admission to the entire conference including both days. This presentation is designed for peer interaction, shared learning, and strategy development. Participants will create a plan to include client choice and voice in treatment planning and develop a template for measurement-informed care at their agencies. There is a great deal of conversation about bringing families into the child welfare arena. The Cornerstone Parenting Conference is an effort to equip parents to disciple their children through some specific challenges. Other professional positions have included former Broadcast Director at the nationally syndicated Joan Rivers Show, and Media and Public Relations Manager for the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. As a result of his dedication, Anthony has received numerous awards recognizing his work with fathers and families. Presenters: Carolyn Flynn, The Center for Great Expectations, Somerset, NJ; Davetta Ford & Erica Fischer-Kaslander, New Jersey Safe Babies Court Team, Wayne, NJ, D5 Filling in the Cracks: Building a Coordinated Community Response to Children Experiencing Domestic Violence. Participants are encouraged to present results and ideas on state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic "Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times". Building Relationships with the Media and Understanding What Makes News with Beverly Jackson. Our objectives in this presentation are to share new approaches to addressing serious injuries and fatalities from maltreatment and to introduce new strategies for reframing childhood adversity as a public, preventable, and solvable issue. Workshops H Presenters will offer their expertise and recommendations for moving forward. Domestic violence (DV) cases in the child welfare system can be complex and challenging. He has also produced a series of training tapes for parents and professionals on transracial adoptions and kinship care. *Required material, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting: Companion Workbook is available to purchase online through the CWLA Bookstore and will be waiting for you at conference registration! We will explore how the Keeping Families Together Training Academy, co-created with consultants with lived expertise, has successfully guided planning and implementation in local sites. Presenters will then recognize barriers to father-involvement, followed by offering strategies to overcome these barriers and support fathers with their children. She has worked with CWLA as a Media and Public Relations Consultant in developing understanding of media relations. Join us for a PARENTING CONFERENCE Sunday, Feb. 5, 3 pm - 6 pm at Double Oak Community Church-Mt Laurel Campus. Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to this conference as early as possible but by January 13, 2023. Click through on speaker names for bios and presentation details. The principles of safety science challenge us to understand resilience as a property of the system, as opposed to the individual. The Orange County Social Services Agency observed improved outcomes and more equitable services for children in care, such as a reduced number of children entering care, improved time to reunification, less residential placements, and more children placed in long term relative care. The Volunteer Leadership Conference 2023 is an opportunity for alumni volunteer leaders to virtually come together across the globe and network and learn about best practices while providing ways to better the volunteer experience among leaders. Nursery and PreK children will be hosted at Cornerstone Church. This training will provide an overview of a new video training series. The 2023 Parent Conference will be held December 4 through December 7. Sponsorships:Sponsorships are available. All rights reserved. This public health approach re-balances power, credits multiple types of data, and centers learning. The theme of the 2023 I-CEPS is. He is also a proud father of two, and recipient of the 100 Men of Color award in 2017. These supportive workforce practices can be created and maintained to attract committed social service staff and retain the excellent employees on your teams. Workshops A Presenters: Jennifer Kennedy, The Center for Great Expectations, Somerset, NJ; Emily Bosk, Rutgers University School of Social Work, New Brunswick, NJ; Jennifer Unger & Carolyn Flynn, The Center for Great Expectations, Somerset, NJ, A8 Navigating the Child Welfare System and the Critical Need for Culturally Responsive Service. Examples will be shared of how this assessment can be implemented using a co-design framework to ensure that youth are fully engaged in the process. Wraparound services are holistic, culturally relevant, and logistically convenient for families and include the whole family. Collaboration between traditional child welfare partners (i.e., Department of Children and Families and Guardian ad Litem) as well as housing partners (i.e., local public housing authorities, Homeless Trust), and other local partners, can reduce instances of homelessness. MiRegistry: There will be a separate sign-in sheet at the CEU table. Registration goes up to $40 per person on January 1, 2023. Respecting youth with lived experience and regarding them as experts is a critical step toward improved child and family outcomes. The workshop will focus on specific, common-sense approaches to community organizing and family engagement as a component of education, support, and prevention. The objectives of the session are to learn how to replicate NCs Model in ones own community, increase knowledge of family engagement strategies at the individual, peer, and system levels, and review tools to support implementation. Participants will also receive strategies and resources to increase the trauma responsiveness of community organizations in their areas. Maximize your exposure! Attendees can expect to learn about best practices around service delivery in non-traditional settings as well as how implementing training and support opportunities for school staff can help create more trauma-informed school environments. The Parent and Nanny Conference has over 50 on-demand seminars and you have an entire month to watch as many as you want. The Keeping Families Together approach supports transformation and partnership across child welfare and housing systems, providing a framework to align affordable housing with wraparound services that significantly improve family unification, housing stability, strengths, and quality of life. Presenters will share the SWON model and discuss some of the lessons the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Association has learned in representing families across nine Atlanta schools. The Autism Parenting Summit has been created to help you on your parenting journey, with expert speakers covering topics ranging from behavior solutions, speech & communication, social skills, sensory solutions, transition to adulthood, picky eating, executive functions & motor skills, education, dealing with transitions, mental health . This workshop will emphasize the connection between cultural resilience factors and cultural strengths over an array of community-based strategies. Promising practices for engaging youth will be discussed so attendees may apply lessons learned in their own work. What parents need to know about FSY conferences in 2023 Key dates, registration information and 5 things to do now to prepare for FSY 2023 By Sydney Walker 7 Dec 2022, 10:47 AM PST A counselor of a For the Strength of Youth conference takes notes during a session at BYU in Provo, Utah, on Friday, June 3, 2022. Pay by credit card or select Bill Me to receive an invoice. Presenters: Amanda Wagner & Sean Lazarus, JusticeWorks YouthCare, Gettysburg, PA, H7 Centering Social Justice and Equity in Fatherhood Research: Addressing Systems, Context, and Development. Successful family engagement supports a comprehensive assessment of parental protective capacities vital for safety planning. Exhibiting affords you the chance to gain crucial insights into the needs of the population you serve, by connecting directly with current and potential clients, or popping into the occasional conference workshop to hear about the hot topics affecting the field. Presenters: Julia Pearson & Susan Glatki, Plummer Youth Promise, Salem, MA; Jaime Caron, Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Northampton, MA, C8 Journey to Zero: Community Partnerships to Strengthen Families and Prevent Entry to Care. Workshops D Social service professionals are often affected by vicarious trauma, with differential impacts related to their personal histories, roles at work, and other factors. Presenter: Kelli McKnight, Options Counseling and Family Services, Eugene, OR, E8 Designing an Effective and Sustainable Family & Youth Partnership Model. The old adage of we just need more people is no longer feasible and, in most cases, no longer rings true. CEUs and SCECHs for professionals are pending. The focus is to either strengthen and preserve children within their home or to bridge through successful reunification back into the home. Facilitator: Anthony Gay, BA , Welcome to Reality, LLC. Recipients of substance use services have rights protected by state and federal law and promulgated rules. Presenters: Shannon Deinhart & Sheila Corrigan & Heather Jamison, Kinnect, Cleveland, OH, Friday, April 28 Friday evening session $15 and Saturday morning session $20. In this workshop, youll hear Missouris initiative to approach the work differently, find capacity in unlikely areas, and, ultimately, serve citizens in a more holistic, comprehensive way through process re-design. For questions, or more information, please contact Teresa Sandner at Presenters: Ira Lourie, San Mar Family and Community Services, Hagerstown, MD; Karl Dennis, Karl W. Dennis & Associates, Michigan City, IN; Sue Smith, Georgia Parent Support Network, Atlanta, GA, C13 Leaning into the Engagement of Fathers. This session will delineate actionable strategies for partners who acknowledge the presence of disproportionality and disparities throughout their systems and want to mitigate the effects of those disparities. A 2021 OnePoll survey of . 15. Workshops will focus on effective strategies and practices that strengthen families; cross-system partnerships; innovative approaches to service delivery; bolstering the child welfare workforce; strategies for supporting families impacted by mental health, and more. This workshop will include an overview of the framework and tools needed to build out similar work in your own state and community, and organizational domains for focus to become more racially equitable in child-serving work. master clinicians, policy makers, consumers, and service providers. In this session you will learn how you can use the CarePortal platform to meet the real-time needs of children and families in distress in your community. Early Registration Begins May 1, 2023 Sign up below to be notified! This presentation will focus on effective engagement and service delivery to fathers. Closing Plenary & Lunch. In this workshop we will present key learnings from University of Minnesota research, centering the voices and experiences of families (foster and biological), child welfare workers, ECE providers, and state agency staff. Framework, this session will provide context and key takeaways to assist leaders in their FFPSA planning process. After one year, over one-third of service providers decided not to renew contracts. This presentation will focus on providing a landscape analysis of all Independent Life Skill assessments that are currently being used nationally. Prizes can be branded swag, gift cards, small electronics, gift baskets or anything else you think will drive excitement to your exhibit booth! This session outlines a comprehensive toolkit that will facilitate child welfare agencies and professionals in enhancing practices to identify and provide resources for children with prenatal substance exposures and their families. Presenters: Patricia Chin, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD; Sonia Emerson, Child Focus, Putnam, CT, G5 Best Practices in Engaging Fathers Involved in Child Welfare. The Media and Understanding What Makes News with Beverly Jackson provide parenting conferences 2023 overview a! Conference including both days the 100 Men of Color award in 2017 with!, followed by offering strategies to overcome these barriers and support fathers with their through. 13, 2023 Color award in 2017 is on a mission to increase the ability Massachusetts. Align policy, improve practice, and strategy development seminars and you have an entire month watch. Of community-based strategies separate sign-in sheet at the CEU table the excellent employees on your.! 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