metal rod in femur causing pain

She had a broken ankle 20 years ago. v, Pl see your orthopaedic doctor to assess if the plate is cause of pain. In cases of severe arthritis that limits activity, a total knee replacement may be the best option to relieve symptoms. Epub 2016 Sep 23. Walk with stick support Once your doctor determines that your fracture is stable enough, you can begin weightbearing activities. Walk with stick support. J Trauma. When you are allowed to put weight on your leg, it is very normal to feel weak, unsteady, and stiff. Not sure about stem cell replacement. Pain after surgery might be present for couple of weeks weeks but slowly it will come down. I have undergone a surgery to fix the fracture in which a DHS plate with 6 screws placed in my leg. I am very familiar with rehabbing a TKR, since my mom and mother-in-law have both had that experience. Removing an implant after 8 years is not adviceable, unless you have some problem with it. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the v, You said operate Ed without plates and screws. Read More, Asked for Female, 27 Years I know this is a couple of years late, but I do hope you had your metal removed or your pain stopped. Still, a second opinion never hurts. I broke my femur 4 years ago. What is the precautionary measure to be taken before being operated for removal. Should I be worried? It is important to avoid situations that can cause blood clotting such as lying down immediately after surgery. Your doctor or therapist may be able to recommend professional services to help you quit smoking. Newer techniques in treating these difficult fractures have cut the infection rate by more than a half: Currently less than 5% of patients have infections. My leg is bruised and swollen and now Im in a lot of pain up to my knee which is now also swollen. At a mean of 21 months after operation 33 patients had residual pain severe enough to interfere with their lifestyle or mobility. However, this treatment is used only for serious injuries where external fixation would be difficult or impractical. Five common post-surgery problems tend to trigger certain symptoms: 5 Read More, Asked for Male, 32 Years A month after that I had the plate and screws removed. If treated with a brace or cast, these regular x-rays show your doctor whether the fracture is lined up. You may still have some mild pain, and the area may be swollen for 3 to 4 months after surgery. Your doctor will give you medicine for the pain. You will continue the rehabilitation program (rehab) you started in the hospital. Now, I cannot run. Because the knee is the largest weightbearing joint in the body, any defect can damage the protective articular cartilage and, over time, result in arthritis. Stretch Calves Safe nahi hoga to koi doctor kaise operate karega This was in the region of the scar on the greater trochanter in three-quarters of the patients. This depends on how well the soft tissues (skin and muscle) are recovering and how secure the fracture is after having been fixed. All rights reserved. 1.minimum period would be atleast one year for the bone to completely heal and remodel and its completely safe to remove after a year I am hoping it's the metal causing it. Open fractures expose the fracture site to the environment. A year later after all of this,I snapped the plate in the right femur when I simply bent over and down jamming the plate up into hip, went in for another 4 day stay to remove plate and replace with rod. An intramedullary (IM) rod can be used to realign and stabilize the femur after a fracture. I had all my metal taken out plate for the fibula and the rod which needs to be replaced when I need a knee replacement. The patient is positioned so that the physician can see the side of the thigh, and the region is cleansed and sterilized. THese episodes are still ocurring and last 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Your doctor will talk with you about the best treatment option for you and your injury. Hi @ooshaleigh and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. WebHe broke his femur in 6 places and had a metal rod placed from the hip to the knee. Is it Ok for me to remove this implant? WebThe distal femur is the bottom part of your thigh bone. The pain in my thigh and buttocks is terrible at night when I get in the bed - Of course I cannot lie on my left side because then it really hurts terribly. Opioid dependency and overdose has become a critical public health issue in the U.S. It has a plate, wires, pins and screws. However, if removing the rod would take away the pain I'm currently experiencing (after recovering from the removal surgery, of course) then it would be well worth it! Insertion-related pain with intramedullary nailing. Arthritis caused by fracture or injury is called post-traumatic arthritis. A steel (SS) or titanium plate does not react while inside t, More details required like an x ray for further opinion. v, Hi I was involved in a motorcycle accident in July of 2019 and MY GF broke her leg near the hip last September, a Proximal Femoral Nail was inserted, but has broken at the location of the screw attach Can you please let me know how you feeling after the removal of rod. Physiotherapy treatment must. Don't get me wrong, I am not excited about the prospect of surgery- I know it won't be easy, particularly since from what I've read, bone bonds pretty well to titanium. Everything healed well but then 6 months later she started getting severe leg pain 8-9 on scale of 10. Can you please suggest best diagnosis and doctor for this? In this x-ray of the knee taken from the side, the muscles at the front and back of the thigh have shortened and pulled the broken pieces of bone out of alignment. It typically takes a year or more for a distal femur fracture to completely heal. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Even though this is expected, be sure to share your concerns with your doctor and physical therapist. I also previously had a rod in my femur from 1971 to 1973. The question asked on this page is a free question. AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. I can imagine that this must be scary and confusing as to how to proceed. Your doctor will regularly schedule x-rays to monitor how well your fracture is healing. If the provider does not document that the pain is due to the fracture or due to the implant, then it cannot be coded that way. v, All will be guided by your operating surgeon Stretching exercises and strength exercises with physiotherapy treatment. Hi @JustinMcClanahan I will try to offer an abbreviated version of my situation. WebIM Rodding Femur. The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: Big Promise, Big Questions, Ankle Sprains: Causes, Consequences and Cures. Of the 80 patients, 27 had the implant removed after 18 months, 17 of them because of pain. Fractures of the thighbone that occur just above the knee joint are called distal femur fractures. 1151 Views WebHow is a metal rod placed in the femur? is there statistic on it it breaking the bone again on removal? I shattered my right femur which a place and 9 pins was placed, broke my left which a rod was placed. Still, 16 years later.. Pavel Conovalciuc answered. The patient is kept supine for several days until healed. but swelling and m. I soon will have surgery but I feel weird about it . Also when I meet with an accident, some nerve got cut. Doctors tell give you a way linger recovery rate than you really need. Please suggest. Tips for preventing one of the most common types of knee injury. It allows for stable internal fixation without removing material from the healthy part of the bone. My rod was put in 2008 after my horse fell ontop of me. You can consult with me personally in detail on your issues. Older patients and those with osteoporosis are at high risk for the implants loosening and pulling out of the bone. Did you have your femoral rod removed? in the past couple of days i have started to get painful aches in the femur, is this growing pains or something more severe? Similarly one may ask, how long is recovery after femur surgery? Recovery most often takes 4 to 6 months. The length of your recovery will depend on how severe your fracture is, whether you have skin wounds, and how severe they are. Recovery also depends on whether your nerves and blood vessels were injured, and what treatment you had. Because of newer techniques and special materials, the results of surgical treatment are good, even in older patients who have poor bone quality. Open fractures (those with tears in the skin) and high energy fractures (such as car accidents) are at higher risk for infection. Consult personally on Practo app or 8318469*886 Do I have any specific risks for not doing well? I agree with JK that I've never heard of anyone breaking a titanium rod! Trouble Signs Hip and knee surgeries often involve the use of metal. However, I agree with Debbra, I would get a second opinion. Copyright 1995-2021 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. In most cases, surgery is delayed 1 to 3 days to develop a treatment plan and to prepare the patient for surgery. The whole procedure is normally performed while you are unconscious and under general anaesthetic. What are the side effects of having a metal plate in your leg? Fractures and knee replacements. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. I met with an accident in 4 years back and due to compound fracture in my left leg 15-20 cm above ankle there is plate and 4 screws, i am planning for its removal. I got a major fracture in my right leg in year 2013. I have experienced this sharp yet aching pain you described every day since my initial injury. There was nonunion of the fracture in two, Paget's disease in one, breakage of the nail in two and prominence of the proximal locking screw in five, although we found no correlation between prominence of the nail and pain. Now i want to remove this implant. Your surgeon may implant a long metal rod into the center of your bone to treat a fracture in the long, central area of your femur. How to bounce back fast from an ankle sprain - and stay pain free. Read More, Asked for Male, 33 Years Read More, Asked for Male, 21 Years Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. This is puzzling since my other injuries, which used to be the source of pain/discomfort on a pretty regular basis, have improved incredibly since my family moved to a desert climate a few years ago. Since last few years developed pain near lower end of plate along with infection that increases with increase in sugar levels. Has has been put on every pain medication imaginable with no relief. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. When I bend in front for typing or something else, then when I lie stand , then a sound occur in that place and after that I feel satisfaction, as similar to finger crack. The ends of the femur are covered in a smooth, slippery substance called articular cartilage. Read More, Asked for Female, 46 Years She's lucky to have had your support. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. From your post, it sounds as if you moved to SC to be with your mom so I'm guessing you use Mayo JAX. The complete name of this surgery is open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Is cause other deseasce in body, I got ankle fracture and my plaster was removed yesterday and still I have pain while walking. I have a plate in my leg which has been in for 24 years now. Just using Tylenol for pain. I am wondering what I should do if the bone scan shows nothing? It has just been the past 1-2 years that my leg hurts. For example, if you fell from a tree, how far did you fall? There is one metal plate installed in my right leg with support of knee. and transmitted securely. Consult personally on Practo app or 8318469*886, Looks like dengue. Your bone quality. About OrthoInfoEditorial Board Our ContributorsOur Subspecialty Partners Contact Us, Privacy PolicyTerms & Conditions Linking Policy AAOS Newsroom Find an Orthopaedist. Management of Lateral Thigh Pain following Cephalomedullary Nail: A Technical Note. The knee is the largest weightbearing joint in your body. Read More, Asked for Female, 34 Years These frames hold the broken bones in the correct position while they heal. It is one of the most common treatments for a femur shaft fracture and. It's been 8 years since my surgery. Anyone seeking specific orthopaedic advice or assistance should consult his or her orthopaedic surgeon, or locate one in your area through the AAOS Find an Orthopaedist program on this website. I would appreciate any thoughts, feedback, etc. 3 months later I was walking with a limp. It is just as important for your doctor to know if you sustained any other injuries and if you have any other medical problems, such as diabetes. I have worn a bone stimulator for a couple months with no results. 133 Views 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Resreach. THese episodes are still ocurring and last 1 1/2 - 2 hours. @skeleton have you had any knee issues with your rod and pins? Hi- I have had a metal rod in my leg, above knee, for 3 years now due to a break. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Nonsurgical treatment options for distal femur fractures include: Patients with distal femoral fractures of all ages do best when they can be up and moving soon after treatment (such as moving from a bed to a chair, and walking). JK. If the documentation mentions no issue with the rod or the previous injury, then you code only the leg pain. She did suffer from seasonal allergies and was prone to get bronchitis in the Spring, and SC is particularly high pollen area at that time of year. She was 68 when had TKR and 74 when fractured her femoral bone just below the hip bone. government site. There are a bunch of us here who have dealt with TKR's. Copyright 2017, Practo. Because blood clots in your leg veins may develop after surgery, your doctor may also give you blood thinners. Similarly, if fever is just for 1-2 days then it's OK. there was minor gap between joint of lower and upper bone after accident and for filling this gap, bone drafting was done on knee, then plate was installed to support with 6 screws. After surgery, your doctor will guide you through physical therapy programs to regain strength in your legs. WebAbstract. Get the hardware removed and I'm sure the pain will stop. The fracture on the right, however, has broken the joint surface into two pieces. What Do Herpes Sores Look Like at Different Stages. She knew no one and was still under her orthopedic surgeons care in Lexington. As a result, I required nearly 10 hours of surgery to repair two badly broken legs and L forearm. I cannot run at all, and dont walk without pain. Titanium rod: The best source to get the answer to this question would be to contact the manufacturer of the same. It can be treated like other forms of osteoarthritis with physical therapy, braces, medications, and lifestyle changes. Asked for Female, 51 Years The latter is the option the seems most viable right now. Hello Bionic Mom. In many cases, the devices used to fix a fracture break or loosen when the fracture fails to heal. I'm assuming that the scan is not going to find some horrific problem like bone cancer and since my hardware is fine, I feel that chances are that the scan won't shed any light on the source of my pain. If you want to get your plate removed, you can , but let your know about it. What would happen if we did not have any bones? Jumpers Knee or something worse pls help?? It sounds like you have a rather unique situation. Read More, Asked for Male, 31 Years Plate late 50000. It is recommended for patients who are able to tolerate a prolonged hospital stay. Only by words guidance is futile. I am a student. I hope you get this. Patellofemoral pain and what to do about it. Elderly people with distal femur fractures typically have poor bone quality. At a mean of 21 months after operation 33 patients had residual pain severe enough to interfere with their lifestyle or mobility. Sometimes the lower support nails can cause fractures in the bone or pain. God speed and good luck. It is important not to go all the way through since this would cause significant damage to tissue and blood vessels inside the leg. The upper part of the shinbone (tibia) supports the bottom part of your knee joint. The only way out of it is removal of the rod.I can't do that cause they say 6 mo recovery before back to work.I have a family to feed and a 1 yr old son.That option is out. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. v, Share x-rays. 2013 Aug;39(4):327-37. doi: 10.1007/s00068-013-0283-5. By getting a knee replacement, do they think that will stabilize the leg without the metal rod? Healed fractures treated with a plate(left)and a rod(right). Patellofemoral pain and what to do about it. 2019 Feb 20;11(2):e4110. There is always a risk of frac It's a possible option to discuss with your anesthesiologist. I took flexeral mussel relaxer which made the spam go away. An external fixator is used to stabilize the fracture before surgery. My Mother had a femoral rod put in her leg AFTER she had her TKR however. Tips for preventing one of the most common types of knee injury. It has been 11 years since I had a rod in my leg can I remove it now, how many days I have to take rest what will be the problem, My dad is having leg pain now right leg has got red rashes so WAt s Plates are 1.29. Read More, Asked for Female, 26 Years So, now I will be going next week to have a bone scan done on my femur. WebAnswer (1 of 6): Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is surgery used to stabilize and heal a broken bone. Hi there, I hope someone out there can help me. Pain medicine makes you drowsy, so keep track of time to make sure you're taking your pills as recommended. The most common symptoms of distal femur fracture include: In most cases, these symptoms occur around the knee, but you may also have symptoms in the thigh area. I had done my arm surgery 7yr ago due to bone tumor. I have a couple questions about my shin (Tib/Fib) fracture. In some cases, the joint surface may wear down to bare bone. Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Conditioning Program, Distal Femur (Thighbone) Fractures of the Knee. How to bounce back fast from an ankle sprain - and stay pain free. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Most distal femur fractures are not operated on right away unless the skin around the fracture has been broken (open fracture). But from past one week I am getting continuous pain in whole of my leg.. Patients may experience pain and other symptoms at the insertion site, which may require the rod to be removed through a second procedure. However it has be causing a lot of pain ever since I got it. WebPain in femur with titanium rod bionicmomof2 I would appreciate any thoughts or feedback. I now am quickly approaching knee replacement (same leg) so that rod will be removed at time of knee replacement. Talk to experienced orthopedist online and get your health questions answered in just 5 minutes. Gazab mentality hai sahab, There will be some pain after plaster removal due to tissue stiffness. Talk to y Read More Created I'm needless to say nervous now since I'm 50 this year Hmmm. Your doctor will assess your blood level during the operation and, if low, will determine whether it is in your best interest to have a blood transfusion. Know about it called distal femur is the bottom part of your thigh bone made the spam go away summary... Was removed yesterday and still I have had a rod in my right leg in 2013... Avoid situations that can cause fractures in the U.S code only the leg 8-9! 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metal rod in femur causing pain