isaiah 53:10 septuagint

In the context, the gospel writer said, "This said He signifying the manner of death that He was going to die" ( John 12:33 ). Methinks I heard some one say, "Do you mean us to understand this atonement that you have now preached as being a literal fact?" 40-66, p. There may be emphasis on the word see - he shall see his posterity, for it was regarded as a blessing not only to have posterity, but to be permitted to live and see them. Mosiah 14:8 (Isaiah 53:8) provides "transgressions" instead of "transgression," and Mosiah 14:12 (Isaiah 53:12) gives "sins" instead of "sin.". Remember that in pecuniary matters you must give a quid pro quo, but that in matters of penal justice no such thing is demanded. Be a debtor to that grace to-night. So sad is his heart, that he faints in the streets. The word is here used not with spedfie reference to this kind of oblation, but as a generic term for expiatory sacrifice. In connection with this it should be remembered that all history falls into A.D. and B.C, and that more great and beautiful buildings have been constructed and dedicated to his glory in a single century than were ever erected and dedicated to all the kings and potentates who ever lived in the previous millenniums of human history, etc. A man who was meant for h pains and was familiar with sickness. Thus they have rejected him in his essential character, and there has been no effect produced upon their conduct by their cold admiration of his life. he is fresh from the swine-trough! What shall I say of the seed of Christ? Isaiah 53:10 - But the Lord was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand. He shall see his seed." (5.) The Exaltation of the Messiah; The Triumph of the Messiah. What! (5.) where is the asian carp originally from . The word hand often denotes ministry, as the Lord proclaimed the law by the hand of Moses. (Numbers 36:13) Again, the Lord did this by the hands of David; that is, he made use of David as his minister in that matter. To this clause some supply the relative (asher,) which: A seed which shall be long lived. But I expound it in a more simple manner, Christ shall not be hindered by his death from prolonging his days, that is, from living eternally. Some persons, when departing from life, leave children, but children who shall survive them, and who shall live so as to obtain a name only when their fathers are dead. Being separated from God. See how this dwelt upon; for, whenever we think of the sufferings of Christ, we must see him in them bearing our sin. If there is anything in them which deserves reward, rest assured he will not rob them of it; and, on the other hand, he will do the right thing with those who have offended, and if they deserve punishment, it is according to the nature and character of a just and holy God that punishment should be inflicted. And if you should have to dwell quite alone in the bush, and have no Christian acquaintance, still go direct to the Son of God, for "He shall see his seed." I heard, the other day, from one who told me that he believed we were saved by being perfect, that when we committed sin we at once fell out of God's mercy. Have you ever looked at something that was so shocking you couldn't look; you turned your face? I may perhaps forget myself; I may run into sin and I may perish. Isaiah 53:10 . "What for?" All of the accusations. But this is the thing of marvel, for which heaven and earth shall ring with the praises of the Mediator, that Jesus Christ died for the ungodly, that Jesus Christ gave himself for their sin; not for their righteousness, not for their good deeds. Beloved, we become, I say again, the followers of Christ by being made partakers of his life, and unless his life be in us, we may say what we will about Christ, and profess what we like about following him; but we are not in the secret. Isaiah 53. We have sure and infallible proofs of it. He had but one son, that son his own heart's delight: he covenanted to yield him up for our redemption, nor did he violate his promise; for, when the fullness of time was come, he sent his Son to be born of the Virgin Mary, that he might suffer for the sins of man. They esteemed him smitten of God for some very great sin of his own (Isaiah 53:4; Isaiah 53:4); now it was true that he was smitten of God, but it was for our sin; the Lord bruised him, for he did not spare him, but delivered him up for us all,Romans 8:32. Ed. Isaiah{gr.Esaias} 53 > > KJV. You shall not stand out against him. Why, sir, it seems a marvel to me that I am out of hell, and Wesley's hymn is often on my lips, 'Tell it unto sinners, tell, I am, I am out of hell. However, many times they made the divisions in the wrong place, and in our reading we are prone to read to an end of a chapter and then quit until the next reading. Now, dear friends, this grace of God is yet further magnified not only in the allowance of the principle of substitution, but in the providing of such a substitute as Christ on Christ's part that he should give up himself, the Prince of Life to die; the King of glory to be despised and rejected of men; the Lord of angels to be a servant of servants; and the Ancient of days to become an infant of a span long. Isaiah 53:9. Do you feel it? For He's cut off. It was for our sins, and in our stead, that our Lord Jesus suffered. By Christina M Wilson. He is still ready to be your strong Helper, and to do for you what he did for needy ones in the days of his sojourn here below. Truly it has satisfied God: is there not enough there to satisfy thee? And that's all I needed. * We come now to our fourth remark, THAT CHRIST'S WORK, AND THE EFFECTS OF THAT WORK, ARE NOW COMPLETE. Absurd! There is no effect of Christ's death that is left to peradventure. for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. Verse 18 expresses God's infinite patience and grace. Of Old Testament prophecies of the birth of the Messiah, among the most famous and well-known (in part because Handel included its words in his magnum opus, "The Messiah") is Isaiah 9:6, 7 (numbered 9:5, 6 in the Masoretic Hebrew text, the Septuagint Greek version and in German and some other translations). "My son," said good old Abraham, "God shall provide himself a lamb for a burnt-offering." It would be the deliberate act of Yahweh. God the Father has engaged to reward the services and sufferings of Christ with great glory: "I will set him among the great, highly exalt him, and give him a name above every name." They are the ones who have turned away from God and they are the ones for whom the servant dies. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." With them length of days and a numerous posterity were regarded as the highest favors, and usually as the clearest proofs of the divine love. Christ becomes a substitute for us. On this account Paul also calls him a curse or execration: Christ hath redeemed us from the execration of the law, having been made an execration for us. (Galatians 3:13) He likewise calls him Sin; For him who knew no sin hath he made to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21) And in another passage, For what was impossible for the law, inasmuch as it was weak on account of the flesh, God did, by sending his own Son in the likeness of flesh liable to sin, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us. (Romans 8:3) What Paul meant by the words curse and sin in these passages is the same as what the Prophet meant by the word , (asham.) When men made chapter and verse divisions, they did make mistakes. He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied ( Isaiah 53:10-11 ): That is, He travailed in order that you might be born again. 'If he shall lay down his life for sin.' The Septuagint renders it in the plural, 'If you shall . 2. Oh, what blessed eyes those are of his that can spy out beauties which only he can see! They believe that Judas was atoned for just as much as Peter; they believe that the damned in hell were as much an object of Jesus Christ's satisfaction as the saved in heaven; and though they do not say it in proper words, yet they must mean it, for it is a fair inference, that in the case of multitudes, Christ died in vain, for he died for them all, they say; and yet so ineffectual was his dying for them, that though he died for them they are damned afterward. Since he has created them, and put them there himself, he sees them. If you do not want it it is no hardship that it is not provided for you; but if you really feel that you want it, you are God's elect. A difference may be made in the penalty, when there is a difference in the person; but if the person be the same, the penalty must be precisely and exactly the same in degree and in quality. And so the next time Jesus showed Himself to the disciples, Thomas being present, He said, "Okay, Thomas, go ahead. He believes with Peter "Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain." It was my sin that put Him on the cross. And that's when you get laid out of the game. In accordance with this, the idea is here, that the Messiah would sustain this relation, and that there would be multitudes who would sustain to him the relation of spiritual children. "He has no form nor comeliness." He has divided the spoils, the fruits of his conquest, to all that are his: let us therefore cast in our lot among them. In this he acteth justly, for the crime and sin of the Saviour's death must lay at the door of manhood. It may be a name that is very common, or very obscure; but, somehow, you feel quite great on that day when all the members of the family have joined to keep united holiday. But, my brothers, he is not dead. We could not put him in our stead, but he put himself, and said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit, in a higher sense than David said, or could say it. He steps upon the fagots; the chain is put about his middle; and after a brief word of prayer, as soon as the fire begins to ascend, he speaks to the people with manful boldness. Job)." Answer (1 of 4): Perhaps the greatest of all Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Scriptures / the Old Testament) concerning the advent of the Jewish Messiah is found in the 53rd chapter of the prophet Isaiah. But there is a caveat. He made his soul an offering for sin; he himself explains this (Matthew 20:28), that he came to give his life a ransom for many. Christ was put to death by the absolute foreknowledge and solemn decree of God the Father, and in this sense "it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief.". We are his seed. Read online Bible study, search parallel bibles, cross reference verses, compare translations & post comments in bible commentaries at Isa 3:10 . Note, [1.] The Septuagint reads it, "He shall see a long-lived seed." Sin must be punished. What can be the good of it?" Because the Messiah had voluntarily submitted himself to those sorrows which were necessary to show the evil of sin; and in view of the great object to be gained, the eternal redemption of his people, he was pleased that he would subject himself to so great sorrows to save them. He rose again the third day. compelled him to it. There was needed, also, one of the same nature with us. Do you see, then, how it was that God the Father bruised him? For one who was indeed put to death, this is undeniably a prophecy of his resurrection from the dead. Some are seeking; they have hardly found; they are longing; they have scarcely realized the way of faith. Worldwide Delivery. First, we have THE ORIGIN OF CHRIST'S DEATH. If so, the implication is that Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is about Israel, not Jesus. But on Christ's part there was no natural necessity for obedience, much less for obedience unto death. All of them fulfilled through the death of Jesus Christ. You just sort of cringe at it. i. Out of the land of the living. There are the Father's arms, and here are you, a black sinner to-night. Never think you have any claim to anything because Christ purchased it. Oh, I was excited. from ancient and medieval sources. Not as some tremendously physical, robust, handsome creature that we all sort of envision Jesus to be. How transcendently glorious are the nail-prints! The Spirit of God works the new birth in his own way, but he works according to the gospel. That love which he displayed in his death has touched the mainspring of our being, and moved us with a passion to which we were strangers before; and, because of this, we hate the sins that once were sweet, and turn with all our hearts to the obedience that once was so unpleasant. This cannot be accomplished by sacrifices contrived according to the fancy of men. He was despised, and we held him as of no account. You couldn't stand to look at it. Content: Part Seven. What can Justice ask more? Why through his death principally? Men die and leave their children, and they see not their seed; Christ lives, and every day sees his seed brought into the unity of the faith. Pardon takes away our filth, but then it leaves us naked; justification puts a royal robe upon us. The whole work was one of benevolence, and Yahweh was pleased with it as a work of pure and disinterested love. He it was that put the bitter cup into his hand, and obliged him to drink it (John 18:11), having laid upon him our iniquity. But then it follows, if we are thus of a seed, that we ought to be united, and love each other more and more. I am speechless; conscience binds my tongue. Nay, I know not but that I shall have Scripture for my warrant when I say, that this is the very core of predestination, and that the death of Christ is the very center and main-spring by which God did fashion all his other decrees, making this the bottom and foundation-stone upon which the sacred architecture should be builded. This mentioned again (Isaiah 53:12; Isaiah 53:12): He bore the sin of many, who, if they had borne it themselves, would have been sunk by it to the lowest hell. In short, (asham) is equivalent to the Latin word piaculum, (56) an expiatory sacrifice. [10] Hebrew though you make [11] Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light [of life]. 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isaiah 53:10 septuagint