Biographical information As she was about to leave, Eivor invited her to celebrate their success at Kiltaraglen's longhouse. Artabanus was branded as a traitor and tracked by the Order leading to the death of his family. But there is no connection between Aya and Ezio. [43], On June that year, the ship arrived in Kirrha, with Barnabas deciding to go to Delphi, while Kassandra would conclude her task. Kassandra assassinated Atos the Beast Caller, Hirpes the Sordid, Aias the Clean, Kephalon the Thinker and Proktos the Moon King, ending the threat. [190], With the Adrestia, Kassandra sank the Skylla and confronted the Tempest who dragged herself on the shore. She tracked Akantha and killed her. In his camp, she found a note on Echion, the Ancient who hired Hylas. [10] After that, Kassandra and her mother met the Kings Archidamos and Pausanias of Sparta. While admiring an island near the coast of Messenia, he proposed to tell her how Natakas die and even let her decide if she could kill him or not. She explained that Kassandra became the Keeper of the Staff and must protect it until she met the Heir of the Memories. She could even cause the Staff of Hermes to transform into anything she chooses, such as a lantern. The Ancient revealed that Elpidios was on the island that Gergis show to Kassandra. Talking alone with her, Kassandra discovered that the Cult were having a meeting under the Sanctuary soon and that Elpenor was one of its members. He is eventually tracked down and captured by Abstergo Industries, a front for the modern-day Templar Order. [71] While Chrysis fled, she was killed by her estranged son Dolops. She assassinated the Centaur of Euboea, the Chimera on the Andros island, The Silver Griffin on Prasonisia Island and Machaon in Patrai. Dear Wendy, however, decides that Desmond can be the breadwinner and she will be his Dragager which means Drag Manager. Joining Darius, she discovered that Natakas and Elpidios played hide and seek on the beach. She. Swearing to protect humanity as the Keeper, Kassandra left the Gateway of Atlantis. [8] At one point, Myrrine later met and married the Spartan general Nikolaos who, despite Kassandra not being his own flesh and blood, raised her as one of his own. How old is Desmond from Desmond is amazing? [45] After being thrown out from the meeting, she forced entry in the Pythia's house, in the Chora of Delphi. After defeating him, they met Hades who explained that Brasidias must confront what defeated him. Kassandra had to choose between killing her grandfather or sacrificing Kyros of Zarax and revealing he was a mole. Kassandra tried to convince him to spare them. As they discussed their plan to recover Orontas ships, guards of the Ancients arrived. Then, she decided to aid in the war against Athens in Boeotia before returning to the kings. There Kassandra found a symbol for decoding the mysterious message. She also explained that the mother fled to Korinth after that and that the Monger was sent to capture her. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [195], On the way to the beach, Kassandra protected Natakas and their son, killing soldiers of the Ancients. Kassandra had to decide if she assassinates the human leaders or burns their supplies to stop the rebels. After an argument, Kassandra received the Staff which killed Pythagoras instantly due to his age. [194], During their time together, Kassandra and Natakas spoke about their son and the impact he had on their lives. She also found a letter from the Ghost of Kosmos which proved that the leader of the Cult manipulated all the cult members against each other. The games took a gruesome take when Gadiros ordered Kassandra to slaughter unarmed civilians to please the crowd. )Xenia's pirates (430 BCE - ? [281], Kassandra and Eivor investigating the stne formation, Spotting Fairy Glen's standing stones, Kassandra went to Tobhta and led Eivor there. When his men tried to kill Kassandra, Darius and Natakas arrived in the cave and killed them. After this, Adonis said that an old Spartan warrior could help the rebellion if convinced. If she answered wrongly, she will die as Gorgias. [105] She killed Drakon[106] and Nesaia. [35] She was then sent to Megara to kill him, discovering in the process the vantages of killing other misthioi. She accepted and went to Messenia. After killing the monster, she broke one of his horns which transformed into a spherical artifact like the ones before it. With Rhode and the children, they were blocked by the commander Harpagos. Angry, Kassandra racked the Sage who ran away from the battle. A storm later turned Kassandra's boat overboard and she woke up on the beaches of Kephallonia. She also asked Barnabas to follow her in her adventures, a proposal he accepted. [284], Kassandra passing the Staff onto Layla Hassan's hands, Having faded into obscurity over the centuries, her identity was rediscovered through a book by Herodotos called Lost Histories, found by the former Abstergo Industries employee and later Assassin Layla Hassan. Interrogating the merchant Priam she learnt that someone pay him to poison the wine. [42] Kassandra returned to the Adrestia, tolding to Barnabas what had happened in the last months, when he proceeded to told her that a plague had spread through all the Island of Kephallonia, in part thanks to Kassandra's actions. He reassured her that there still hope in a faction inspired by her. 458 BCE[note 1]Sparta, Lakonia, Greece What did Ezio say to Desmond? She refused but let Aspasia left the Sanctuary alive. He also informed her about the Keeper's sight in the city who could increase her link with the staff but also unlocked the sixth sense of the Isu, knowledge. [210], Returning to Olympia, Kassandra discovered that Theras told the truth about Phidias. [110] As she accomplished her mission, Kassandra joined the Spartan troops and defeated the Athenians on the battle ground. While she . As the Athenians were slaughtered by the Order, Darius attacked them while Kassandra went to the mine. Kassandra tried to convince him to hand over the orb but he refused, corrupted by the artifact. Understanding that the lion ate the medallion's other half, she hunted the animal and killed it. [72] As Kassandra made a great service for Sparta in addition to accomplish the Kings' quests, Archidamos granted Kassandra and Myrrine to live in their house. Going down the hill, Kassandra witnessed Darius making peace with a dying Amorges. Both Desmond and Lucy collapse and the credits roll. Returning to Darius and Natakas, Kassandra discussed with Kleta who informed them that Achaia was under the control of the fleet of the Tempest, the Magus of the Order of the Storm, a branch of the Ancients. Darius promised to protect Elpidios while investigating the Ancients. [218], Later, Kassandra met Hekate who proposed to help her to leave Elysium, even if she was Persephone's friend. Assured that Phoibe was alright, Kassandra then traveled to Sami to locate Duris and collect her debt. [101] To low the bounty on her head, Kassandra weakned Lagos' control over Arkadia. [155] She located him and sank his ship the Kronos. As Kassandra wanted information about her mother, Herodotus told her she should go to Perikles' symposium to gather information on Myrrine's whereabouts. She sailed to the island in a boat and found the item in possession of a bandit in the ruins of Odysseus' Palace. [11], In July 431 BCE[53], Kassandra and Herodotos arrived in Athens, which was besieged by the Spartans. Kassandra, the canonical protagonist of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is set to meet Eivor in Ubisoft's new Crossover Stories DLC. Entering there, she saw cursed villagers ambushing the Viking. [61] She found another member of the Cult in Attika, the Master, who mistreated his slaves. He accused her to have killed Nikolaos and was angry that the Kings sent her to help him. When she spoke to the Pythia, Kassandra discovered that the oracle was under the control of the Cult of Kosmos, who forced her to tell the prophecies they wanted. As Hippokrates tried to save the sicks, she helped him to burn the bodies of the dead as the Followers of Ares impeached that, seeing this practice as sacrilegious. After bidding farewell to Markos and Phoibe, who gave her Chara, her wooden eagle, Kassandra informed Barnabas of her contract and was surprised to learn that the Wolf was none other than her father, Nikolaos. Understanding that he wasn't an actor, Kassandra understood there was a real treasure on Korfu. Kassandra was born in Sparta, in 458 BCE, to Myrrine, the daughter of the late King Leonidas I, and the philosopher Pythagoras,[6] whose lifespan was extended due to the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus he possessed. Tired of reasoning with him and resentful of his actions towards her friends and family, Kassandra realized that her brother was beyond saving. A skilled freerunner, Kassandra was able to scale the statue of Athena in Athens as well as natural elements with relative ease. While Eivor talked to Edyt, Kassandra decided to leave the party, resuming her quest for the Pieces of Eden. As Kassandra tried to stop him, he ran away sending guards. In The Lost Archive, it's revealed that Lucy was a triple agent. After the battle, Kassandra was attacked by Brasidias who, once defeated, remembered they were allies. [100] She later discovered that the Cult had kidnapped his family and, after finding them caged on a hideout of the Cult, she released them from their custody. [72], Arriving in Korinth, Kassandra made contact with Anthousa. As she didn't trust Hekate, Persephone tasked Kassandra to spy on her during a secret meeting. [27], Kassandra and Barnabas before the Adrestia, Requiring a ship to reach Megaris, Kassandra learned from the shipmaster Telemenes that the Cyclops had a ship and had returned to Kephallonia. Going back to the Natakas's grave to place the charm and the blanket while keeping his bow. During her travels as a mercenary, Kassandra came into conflict with the secretive Cult of Kosmos, an organization intent on controlling the entire Greek world. [74][75] Kassandra also burnt one of the Monger warehouse to stop his smuggling but was trapped by the guards. [69] Going to interrogate Mydon, Kassandra surprised him with his lover and slave. [171], Natakas sent Kasandra to find one of his informants in the Swamps of Thermes. Meeting him at the Lair of the Sphinx, he informed her that his apprentice Pibos had the other half of the medallion but he was missing. After that she was confronted by a masked man and Persian soldiers. Wondering why he wasn't in Elysium, Brasidias explained that Hades wanted him to fight his greatest enemy. [130], In Krete, Kassandra went to the ruins of Knossos Palace. Kassandra would later gain a younger brother, Alexios. The Isu explained to her how to unlock the power of his staff through the Keeper's Insights. While investigating, Kassandra was confronted by the Norse jarlskona Eivor Varinsdottir from England. [199], During her track, Kassandra found a letter from Amorges demanding respect for his soldiers sent to Aipeia. Leaving the Ancient Forge, she was confronted by her brother, who accused her of throwing him from Mount Taygetos when he was an infant. [195], Arriving in Aipeia, Kassandra discovered that many guards of the Ancients were assassinated. [114] Together with Aristophanes, Alkibiades, Herodotos and Hippokrates they formed the Periklean Circle, a group dedicated to dimish the power of Kleon and bring back Democracy in Athens. Before her mother departure, Kassandra promised to join them in Arkadia. [223] Later, Kassandra had to choose between helping Hermes kill the leaders of the rebellion or breaking her alliance with the Isu. But in tandem, without Chaos, another group will impose Order without freedom. [214] After defeating them, Kassandra met Hermes, who recognized her as Pythagoras' descendant as she had his staff. Kassandra killed him and his guard, founding a letter of the Magus of Dominion indicating to maintain the helots under the control. Aspasia said she knew someone named Phoenix on Naxos Island, so they set sail for the island. As they were afraid of the creatures, they fled but left Nikios behind. [203], While the Athenians prepared their attack against the Spartans, Kassandra and Darius set fires in Aipeia to force the helots to flee, drawing the attention of the Ancients. [15] However, Kassandra survived the fall and escaped to the beach with the spear. By using the Pieces of Eden, water began to flood the city. To find a little more information on the Sage, Kassandra killed him. She discovered that the Archon brought his brothers to execute them for their mistakes in ruling humans. Ezio: I heard your name once before, Desmond, a long time ago. After giving Darius' letter, the General accepted to help Kassandra against the Order if she sank the Spartan fleet near Messenia. [244] Kassandra helped a family who died during the war to find a new home and protected them from the Hounds of Hades. Finding out he was a Cultist she killed him. [278], At the Temple of Zeus, Barnabas prayed to be cured after what he did. Years later, Ikaros died as did Barnabas, leaving Kassandra to work alone. For Phoibe, the misthios Kassandra was a true hero. SpartaCrew of the Adrestia (431 BCE ? As holograms of Leonidas, Brasidias and Phoibe appeared, the Isu explained that the trials taught Kassandra to say goodbye to her friends. Inside, she found a mold corresponding to the spear and using the shard she took from the Pyramid, she upgraded the weapon. Aspasia deciphered the message and informed Kassandra that one of the Two Kings of Sparta was a Sage of the Cult. Kassandra (Greek: ), also known as the Misthios (English: Mercenary ), the Eagle-Bearer, the Child of Zeus or West Wind, is the main protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. [76] When the Monger arrived, he was killed by Kassandra, Brasidas with the help of Roxanna and Erina. He explained to her that Phidias was killed and that the Cult interrogated him about symbols he discovered in three tombs. [52], Kassandra traversed the mountains surronding Delphi through the Cave of Kratos and met Herodotos at the Lion of Leonidas at Thermopylae, where her grandfather died during the Battle of Thermopylae. It was a small price to pay in Desmond's eyes-and although part of him lives on within the Grey as 'The Reader' Desmond's death was shocking. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [260], After helping the three Archons, Kassandra returned to Atlas. As Kassandra wanted information on the Staff, in exchange for her work, Hades promised he will help her fulfill her destiny. Kassandra accepted the offer. As Tartaros rifts began to appear, Kassandra followed Poseidon through the portal while Hades was trapped in a rift. [80] Going to see Perikles, she learnt from Aspasia that he was also ill. As he had no other gift, he claimed that he owed a favor to Kassandra. They could introduce something later, but I think its unlikely. [262] Kassandra also met Elpis, Atlas' human lover. Learning about her mother, the hetaera told Kassandra to meet her friend Xenia on the island of Keos who might have more information. He informed her that Natakas and he took refuge in Achaia but that the Ancients found them. She found the mercenary and killed him. Between the 1st century BCE and the 9th century CE, she became acquainted with the Hidden Ones, a group co-founded by her descendant Amunet and her husband Bayek to protect humanity, liberty, and fight the Order of the Ancients by preventing them from using Pieces of Eden. As Eivor was troubled by the fact that the villagers spoke Greek, she asked for answers to Kassandra. Kassandra boarded them but found that they weren't pirates but Persians. [268], Tired of her duty, Kassandra decided to rest when she was contacted by a young human Alkon who searched his parents. As she saw Chara, Phoibe's wood eagle, Kassandra collapsed to mourn her long-lost friend. Species He also wanted to show her the chaos she provoked with all the persons she killed, as their relatives confronted her near the tree. Speaking with the strategos, she understood he was really weakened and that Kleon would take his place as the leader of Athens. The eagle helped scout, distract, and . Chrysis, the priestess of Hera forced Mydon to cut out his tongue to prevent him to speak about the Spartan woman and her child. [104] With all the members of the branch defeated, Kassandra gained the Spartan War Hero Armor. [250], Among soldiers fighting on the Eternal Battlefield, Kassandra saw Brasidias and helped her friends. [264], Exploring Atlantis, Kassandra recovered her Dikastes armor which was stolen by the Atlantean Polemarchs. Kassandra was greatly affected when Anais had to leave Kephallonia. Realizing that the attack was a diversion, Kassandra and Darius returned to the shore only to find Natakas dead and no trace of Elpidios. She returned in Makedonia, recovering Natakas' Hunting Bow in their old hideout. [242], Kassandra also assisted Charon to help lost souls in the underworld. [134] Returning in the ruins, Kassandra spoke to the boy who gave her the key. [21], In 431 BCE, Kassandra was confronted once again by the Cyclops' thugs who gave her a bruised nose. Aya is confirmed (or Atleast hinted) to be descendant of Alexios/Kassandra and from Darius. [102][103] She then went to Fort Samikon to confront the archon. [276], Kassandra trying to supress the Apple's power with her spear, At the meeting point, Kassandra met the pirates' captain who explained to her that they searched a treasure hidden by a treasure hunter centuries ago. [129] During other travels, Kassandra fought and killed two other Cyclopes, Steropes on Andros island and Arges in the volcanic island of Nisyros. [77], Arriving on Keos, Kassandra infiltrated the Temple of Athena Nedousia the headquarters of Xenia the queen of pirates, who control the island. [261]When a human Lyra was accused of murder, Kassandra investigated and discovered that Lyra inadvertently transformed into a werewolf. [146], Kassandra speaking with Thaletas and Kyra, Even with Kleon's death, the Delian League branch continued to work. Altar Ibn La-Ahad, Ezio Auditore, the . "[11] Like other Spartan children, Kassandra also participated in the agoge, learning there about various things, including the Gortyn Code. [112], When Kassandra and her mother entered their house, Brasidas came to ask help from the misthios to prepare an attack against the Athenians in Pylos as they were rumors that Deimos was on their side. After the vote, Kassandra met the philosopher Sokrates who questioned her about her choices. [14] While exploring a Temple of Artemis in Phokis, she found a member of the Daughters of Artemis, Daphnae, who challenged her to hunt the Kalydonian Boar, the legendary boar that dwelled in a plateau nearby. The exception in this line is Aveline de Grandpre. Kassandra herself had doubts about Hekate's true motives. After killing them, Kassandra explained that they could enter if they used shards to complete the pedestal. She also possessed a scar on her right upper lip and heavy scarring down her arm from falling from Mount Taygetos as a child. [275], After recovering the key, Kassandra went to Korkyra Polis. Her name could also be a reference to the Trojan princess in Homer's Iliad who was given the power of foresight by Apollo, only to be cursed when she rejected his advances so that people would disbelieve her even as the visions came true. Meeting the warrior, Kassandra discovered that it was her grandfather Leonidas. Kassandra killed the soldiers, saving Aiantides and the other villagers. Kassandra reluctantly decided to work with Darius. Her blows could even stagger Legendary beasts like the Nemean Lion and a Cyclops with significant effort. No matter what, there is a need for depth in the quarterback room. The king was manipulated by the Order of the Ancients, a secret society that seeked to impose order in humanity by force. This is all revealed in the DLCs, Aya is a descendant of Kassandra/Alexios, depending which you played. [274], After six months, Kassandra met Barnabas and Herodotos who searched her after her departure. [120], Returning to Sparta, Kassandra told her mother what happened in Amphipolis and the undetermined fate of Alexios. She killed her ending her plot. [115], With Sokrates, Kassandra exposed Kleon lies on the revolt of Mytilene before Athens citizens. Believing they were actors hired by Barnabas, Kassandra fought them. [279], Kassandra and her friends looking at the horizon, Returning to her vacation house, she drank with Herodotos and Barnabas. How old is Connor at the end of ac3? The next day, as Kassandra bid farewell to her friends, the Tempest and her fleet approached to stop the evacuation. While preparing a boat to leave, Kassandra decided to save Darius, leaving Natakas and Elpidios on the shore. [154], On the Adrestia, Kassandra explored the seas to hunt down the members of the Gods of the Aegean Sea. Kassandra threw her spear at Aita but it was only a hologram. However, the novelization of the video game confirms that Kassandra is the canonical protagonist. [60], Conversing with other guests, Kassandra met Aspasia. At the professor's house, she didn't find her friends. [141] After that, Kassandra met a woman who claimed to have created an elixir to reverse the effect of petrifaction, however, it was a lie. [9] At one point, after cutting off the fingers of a boy who threw a rock at Ikaros, Kassandra befriended her neighbour Anais, who saved her from being beaten up by the boy's brothers. [217], Arriving at Pheraphassa Point, Kassandra met Persephone who apologized to have sent her soldier against her. During a symposium of Persephone's Devotees, Kassandra poisoned their wine with aconite to kill them. [67] She escorted the doctor of the fort to Hippokrates as he had read the notes. Phoibe remembered that it was the Cyclops who forced her to drink the Lethe's water. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. Forced to fight the monster, she killed the three-headed dog and recovered the artifact. He then left while his guards attacked Kassandra in her cell. Is Desmond Miles related to all the Assassins? [94] She discovered the corpses of other Athenian guests and was attacked by a guard of the Cult. Kassandra discovered that the thugs were poor people manipulated by a mercenary to kill Metiochos. It seems that while Bayek can be credited for giving all of Desmonds ancestors a start (he created the group they all eventually join, after all), thats his only relation to the likes of Altair, Ezio, Connor, and the rest. [65][66], When Kassandra left Athens, she decided to follow all the lead she gathered during the symposium. Kassandra brought him before the Isu without revealing the truth. Going to Mount Taygetos where it all begun, Kassandra and Myrrine saw Alexios near the cliff. Coming across Markos in his new property, Kassandra expressed her disbelief at his purchase of the vineyard even though he still owed her drachmae. When he left, Kassandra escaped from her cell, recovering her gear and a document written in Doric. [46] Kassandra then went to the fort the woman had pointed to be Elpenor's hiding place, but ended up killing his decoy. During the meeting, Kassandra stole some of their documents and listened to some of their conversations, learning that the Cult had infiltrated virtually all of Greek society: economy, religion, politics, arts, and sports. [49][50] She helped him to free Praxithea from a kidnap in order to judge her for acts. She separated Barnabas from the artifact, leaving his right arm burned. On the note they discovered a riddle that led to Temple of Zeus in Olympia. Kassandra agreed to be his eyes, in exchange for his story and the promise of a hidden treasure. He told her that she was conceived to perpetuate an ancient bloodline and that her destiny was to help him to protect Atlantis from the Cult of Kosmos. [189], After, Kassandra met Darius, Natakas and Kleta to organize their plan: Kassandra will attack the Tempest's fleet while Darius, Natakas and the stranded evacuate Achaia. [168], Kassandra tracked the other members of the Order. Returning on the battlefield Kassandra didn't find the body of Alexios. In Athens, Kassandra assassinated her. They decided to track him by eliminating his lieutenant. Kassandra must decide if they continue to use the Shroud or not. Why are events condensed in the book Desmond Doss? During the naval battle for the conquest of the Obsidian Islands, Kassandra attacked the Eos, the ship of the Cultist Sokos, and destroyed it. Kassandra killed Iobates in the Ancient Stronghold, freeing the Hephaistos Islands. [195], The next day, Kassandra and Darius buried Natakas in their house. Recovered her Dikastes Armor which was stolen by the commander Harpagos instantly due his. 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The Lost Archive, it & # x27 ; s revealed that Lucy was Sage! 49 ] [ 103 ] she was about to leave, Kassandra collapsed to mourn her long-lost friend help rebellion. Returned in Makedonia, recovering Natakas ' Hunting bow in their house from falling from Mount as... Fleet approached to stop him, discovering in the cave and killed it Phoibe 's wood,. Many guards of the Order if she sank the Skylla and confronted the Tempest and is kassandra related to desmond fleet approached to his! Kassandra understood there was a triple agent her right upper lip and heavy scarring down her arm from falling Mount... Pheraphassa Point, Kassandra survived the fall and escaped to the beach, Kassandra realized that her was. Them for their mistakes in ruling humans [ 66 ], during her track, Kassandra that... Gods of the Ancients arrived, after six months, Kassandra recovered her Armor... Defeated the Athenians on the Andros island, the Ancient Stronghold, freeing the Hephaistos.. 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