.answer-answer .body { -webkit-transition: 1s; However, a choker is not the accessory for you if you were not gifted with a long neck, having enough space between your chin and shoulders. A choker refers to a type of necklace designed to fit around your neck with a rather close fit. Female French expatriates wore red ribbons around their necks as a way of paying tribute to those who had lost their lives to the guillotine. .source a:visited {color: #535d5c;} font-family: 'BebasNeueRegular', Impact, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; What is the best selling over-the-counter allergy medication? Today, well look at everything you need to know about chokers, the risks around wearing chokers that are too tight and to wear chokers safely and appropriately. The tattoo choker consisted of a tight, springy, lace-like plastic necklace designed to sit snugly against your neck and mimic some sort of hand-drawn tattoo because so many 14-year-old girls in the '90s had neck tattoos while conveying an intangible emotion that fell somewhere between "I'm the trendiest chick on Chokers were popular into the 1920s and again in the '40s as colliers de chien.