[40] Nevertheless, subsequent generations of radical critics celebrated Gogol (the author in whose world a nose roams the streets of the Russian capital) as a great realist, a reputation decried by the Encyclopdia Britannica as "the triumph of Gogolesque irony". But after eighteen years of Gogol, two months of Nikhil feel scant, inconsequential. Later, Gogol's father dies, and the unexpected happens. 21 February]1852) was a Russian novelist, short story writer and playwright of Ukrainian origin.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. The name Gogol was an important one to Ashoke, who adored Nikolai Gogols work. His first serious relationship is with a girl named Ruth. For example, at one time, he tells himself that he will never seek friendships or relationships with other Bengali-Americans. This is mostly due to the feeling that he is caught between his parents' world and his own. Ashoke is a private character, but an emotional one; a man of feelings who nevertheless did not share those feelings directly with his own family members. When this relationship sours, Gogol's embrace of his name with the reading of a collection of the writer's work helps to establish that Gogol is more of a centered human being as he has made peace with who he is in the world, something that includes embracing his own familial background. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. White describes his childhood summertime experiences. His name represents the life-saving book that Ashoke was clutching when he was rescued. The marriage of Ashima and Ashoke is arranged by their families. Gogol's relationship with his family, as previously mentioned, was a rocky one. Like Gogol, Moushumi is Bengali-American. At the final examination, he sat in utter silence with a black handkerchief wrapped around his head, simulating a toothache, while another professor interrogated the students.[23]. Following the death of his father, Gogol becomes interested in making his family happy and reconnecting with his Indian background. He thinks of his life at fourteen, when he was still, with the names of each of her children, her husband, and her own. She is a family acquaintance but she is not family. The authorities moved the Golgotha stone to the new gravesite, but removed the cross; in 1952 the Soviets replaced the stone with a bust of Gogol. He studied art, read Italian literature and developed a passion for opera. Gogol and Sonia know these people, but they do not feel close to them as their parents do. They hang a painting by Ashimas father in the living room. As they both unwind in their hotel room afterward, craving Indian food they trek out to Jackson Diner in Queens. Gogols transformation is marked in at least three ways. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% He undermined Russian Romanticism by making vulgarity reign where only the sublime and the beautiful had before. The Gogol Family The movie's focal point was on an Indian immigrant couple coming from Calcutta to the United States after an arranged marriage. 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For instance, Ashima refuses to display the rubbings of gravestones young Gogol makes with his classmates. No matter where he is, Gogol feels out of place. That here at Maxines side, in this cloistered wilderness, he is free. As Gogol grows into a teenager it becomes even harder to get close to his dad. Keep that forward motion. If he picks the pen, he will be a scholar. "[38] But once his father shares the story of the train accident, it opens the door to see his old man in a new light. They give birth to their son, and without even thinking name him Gogol after a famous Russian author. They fall for each other rather quickly, but it becomes obvious that his parents don't fully support his relationship with the ''American''. In the Namesake, how can we compare Gogol's two main relationships, Maxine and Moushumi? They did not know that Dead Souls was but the first part of a planned modern-day counterpart to the Divine Comedy of Dante. I feel like its a lifeline. Gogol's transformation can also be marked by his romantic relationships. [41], The period of literary modernism saw a revival of interest in and a change of attitude towards Gogol's work. When Gogol asks his father, when he is college, whether the name Gogol reminds Ashoke of nearly dying, Ashoke counters that "Gogol" is for him a name of hope, of joyof life. I had it engraved, she says, and when he turns the flask over he sees the letters NG. His father had been reading a book by him one day while he was on a train in between the two cities Calcutta and Jamshedpur. (including. And yet he cant really blame her. But Gogol is attached to them. More than 135 films[51] have been based on Gogol's work, the most recent being The Girl in the White Coat (2011). Gogol Ganguli, the son of Ashima and Ashoke Ganguli, struggles with his dual identity due to two different cultures in his life and, more importantly, his name. Nabokov, Vladimir (2017) [1961]. Early life. There is no question of skipping this meal; on the contrary, for ten evenings the three of them are strangely hungry, eager to taste the blandness on their plates. The death of Gogol's father causes him to reevaluate his relationship with his family and to reconsider the part his parents and their culture have in shaping his identity. During this time, Ashoke dies, and Gogol feels guilty for being so distant during the past few months. again with Moushumi. Ashoke begins to explain to. What is meant by the word "namesake" in "The Namesake"? Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. She begins to comfort, no time to find a good name, they get an express passport with the name, When Ashima does leave the house, it is to wander around the university campus with, crossing the ocean with a single suitcase each. Gogol's short story "Christmas Eve" (literally the Russian title translates as "The Night before Christmas") was adapted into operatic form by at least three East Slavic composers. Suddenly, Ashoke has an idea, and reaches out to his son, calling him, Three days later, everyone has returned to work as usual, and Ashima is alone with, sons development, telling them that she and Ashoke are planning a trip to India after, brides, sharing recipes to approximate Indian dishes and discussing Indian politics, music, and movies. He also feels this way when his family visits India. Gogol's decision to become Nikhil occurs before he knows his father's story in detail. eNotes Editorial, 22 Mar. At his fourteenth birthday party, Gogol meets Moushumi, a Bengali British girl near his own age whose family has just moved to Boston from England. After Ashoke's death and Gogol's breakup with Maxine, it is, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. Gogol is also inspired by the design of the Taj Mahal when the family visits India together, when he is in high school. "Christmas Eve" was also adapted into a film in 1961 entitled The Night Before Christmas. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Latest answer posted September 02, 2012 at 9:16:26 PM. View Relationship between Gogol and the fathergg.edited.docx from BCOM 425 at Kisii University. The Russian TV-3 television series Gogol features Nikolai Gogol as a lead character and presents a fictionalized version of his life that mixes his history with elements from his various stories. Gogol then goes from being a baby at the start of the novel to being a divorced man in his early 30s by the final chapter. At the party, . His name continues to be a source of frustration and confusion for many years. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! The family shifts into action, all of their lives now changed forever. In The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, the main character Gogol is not very good at communicating . He thinks of the alarm system that now is installed in his parents house, wonders why they cannot relax about their physical surroundings in the same way. Dont have an account? Latest answer posted March 13, 2019 at 4:46:10 PM. She writes, and then finds her sons number in the address bookunder G for Ganguli and for, Sonia flies back from San Francisco to be with Ashima, while. parents invite close to 300 people, taking control of the planning of the wedding themselves. Through these romantic relationships, then, Gogol tests out different identities, different ways of relating to himself and his family, over time. Study and Discussion Questions for Chapters 8 & 9 of Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake In these chapters, Gogol moves beyond his relatonships with American women of European descent and, through Ashima's insistence, agrees to meet with Moushumi, whom we first met at Gogol's fourteenth birthday party [73]. Gogol the child is the happy outcome of a terrible event in Ashokes younger days. Though she knows its not his fault, she cant help but associate him, at times, with a sense of resignation, with the very life she has resisted, has struggled so mightily to leave behind. They wonder why a Bengali-American is named after a Russian man. Gogol himself appeared skeptical about the existence of such a literary movement. Part of the problem is that the people who now know him as Nikhil have no idea that he used to be Gogol. Gogols decision to become Nikhil occurs before he knows his fathers story in detail. This period of mourning resembles in some ways Gogol's shock in the aftermath of his father's death. when he is with maxine, gogol fully integrates himself into maxine's familyliving with her parents, dining the way they dine, befriending the types of people they befriend, and reading what they read. However, as Gogol grows up, he starts to hate his name. Like Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gogol sharply disagreed with those Russians who preached constitutional monarchy and the disestablishment of the Orthodox Church. Teachers and parents! is poured into a fire that the hotels management will not allow to be lit. While visiting the capitals, he stayed with friends such as Mikhail Pogodin and Sergey Aksakov. According to Viktor Shklovsky, Gogol's strange style of writing resembles the "ostranenie" technique of defamiliarization. Not to be confused with. As a result, Gogol seeks out other connections with, women that symbolize more of an American way of life. Gogolslife in New York, in turn, leads to his third set of transformationswithin romantic relationships. From that day on, Ashoke had a new outlook and attitude about life. The comedy, a violent satire of Russian provincial bureaucracy, was staged thanks only to the intervention of the emperor, Nicholas I. Ashoke gives him a book for his graduation, by the Russian author "Gogol. Gogol concludes his feelings about . Free trial is available to new customers only. Just two years later, in 1874, Tchaikovsky composed his version under the title Vakula the Smith (with Russian libretto by Yakov Polonsky) and revised it in 1885 as Cherevichki (The Tsarina's Slippers). Despite having clear instruction from his father that Gogol would be addressed by his good name "Nikhil", an incident during Gogol's first year in school forced the hands of Ashima and Ashoke to abolish their standard of culture and abide by the rules of the American education system. In recent years, however, "The Nose" became the subject of several postmodernist and postcolonial interpretations. It took enormous efforts to save Andreyev's original work from destruction; as of 2014[update] it stands in front of the house where Gogol died. When Ashoke was younger, he had been in a terrible train accident. Gogol views his relationship with Maxine as the height of his "American-ness" so far in his life. Shed been thirteen or so, doing her homework on her bed. Gogol has been featured many times on Russian and Soviet postage stamps; he is also well represented on stamps worldwide. And Lahiri is careful, too, to give these female characters emotional three-dimensionality of their own. Struggling with distance learning? Although Ruth, Maxine, and Moushumi were right for him at the time, they didn't end up working out. [13][14] His later writing satirised political corruption in the Russian Empire (The Government Inspector, Dead Souls). Explain the significance of cultural aspects of identity in The Namesake. By contrast, Moushumi, who is of Gogols world, wants constantly to leave that world, to make a new, more intellectually rich life for herself among her cosmopolitan New York friends. [citation needed] The first part represented the Inferno; the second part would depict the gradual purification and transformation of the rogue Chichikov under the influence of virtuous publicans and governors Purgatory.[27]. Konstantinovsky seems to have strengthened in Gogol the fear of perdition (damnation) by insisting on the sinfulness of all his imaginative work. Many writers and critics have recognized Gogol's huge influence on Russian, Ukrainian and world literature. Very early he developed a dark and secretive disposition, marked by a painful self-consciousness and boundless ambition. Like Sterne before him, Gogol was a great destroyer of prohibitions and of romantic illusions. [30], The first Gogol monument in Moscow, a Symbolist statue on Arbat Square, represented the sculptor Nikolay Andreyev's idea of Gogol rather than the real man. He later starts to date his future wife, Moushumi. When they arrive, they are swallowed by the embraces of their relatives, whose special names. "[47], Despite his portrayal of Jewish characters, Gogol left a powerful impression even on Jewish writers who inherited his literary legacy. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Gogol is mentioned several times in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Poor Folk and Crime and Punishment and Chekhov's The Seagull. While growing up he did everything in his power while growing up to stray away from . There is only one complication: he doesnt feel like Nikhil. Ashimas father was a painter, and so visual art runs in the family. Without a single grandparent or parent or uncle or aunt at her side, the babys birth, like most everything else in America, feels somehow haphazard, only half true. Subscribe now. In 1834, Gogol was made Professor of Medieval History at the University of St. Petersburg, a job for which he had no qualifications. His mother was descended from Leonty Kosyarovsky, an officer of the Lubny Regiment in 1710. During this period, he also spent much time with his old Ukrainian friends, Maksymovych and Osyp Bodiansky. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. She tries to hide this from, unable at first to find it in the mess of books shared by her and, telling herself she is reconnecting with an old friend, but keeping it a secret from. Hed confessed to her that he still felt guilty at times for changing his name, more so now that his father was dead. He intensified his relationship with a starets or spiritual elder, Matvey Konstantinovsky, whom he had known for several years. In the novel The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri there are many relationships portrayed throughout the story. The book is called the Short stories of Nikolai Gogol. January 17, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 "[48], Gogol's oeuvre has also had an impact on Russia's non-literary culture, and his stories have been adapted numerous times into opera and film. And yet the familiarity that had once drawn her to him has begun to keep her at bay. When this relationship sours, Gogol's embrace of his name with the reading of a collection of the writer's work helps to establish that Gogol is more of a centered human being as he has. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Its hard to believe that his mother is really going, that for months she will be so far. She liked that hed changed his name from, unsatisfying, and she feels too sober, her discomfort growing. house down a remote dirt road and find Gerald and Lydia, lounging with their books. A sequel entitled Gogol: Viy was released in April 2018 and the third film Gogol: Terrible Revenge debuted in August 2018. Gogol tells the hospital to send his father's ashes home, and is shown the bed where he died. | In the novel The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri there are many relationships portrayed throughout the story. Get access to all 5 pages and additional benefits: Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. He returns to bed, squeezing in beside Maxines warm, sleeping body, and drapes his arm around her narrow waist, fits his knees behind hers. This cultural disorientation is actually realized when Moushumi breaks off her relationship with the American Graham. rental car into the driveway so that it is not in the way of harm. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Gogol learns a lot from this connection, and his outlook on life, alters. Gogol was one of the first to use the technique of the grotesque, in works such as "The Nose", "Viy", "The Overcoat", and "Nevsky Prospekt". Over the rise and fall of the wind, he could hear his father's laughter. . Named after his father's beloved Russian author, he sees no identity in his name, which is neither Indian nor American nor even Russian 921 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Read More By 1994, Gogol has received his graduate architecture degree from Columbia and is working at an architecture firm in New York City. On the novel's terms, this relationship with an American woman of Bengali descent seems . TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. . he misses holidays with his own family to spend them with maxine's family, celebrating according to their traditions instead of his own . His second relationship, with Maxine Ratliff, becomes so serious that Gogol begins living with Maxine and her parents while barely seeing his own family. Why would he do this? "[46] In Lon Poliakov's The History of Antisemitism, the author mentions that, "The 'Yankel' from Taras Bulba indeed became the archetypal Jew in Russian literature. After his father's death, Gogol gradually returns to his Indian traditions, takes care of his mother and sister, abandons the life he could have with Maxine, then marries a Bengali woman. In the first chapter, Gogol is born, and his parents decide to name him after Nikolai Gogol, a 19th-century Russian writer. As a result he starts to reconnect with his family, something that is causing him to question his lifestyle. But now its become a joke to her. 26 lessons. say goodbye to Ashoke before he leaves for a prestigious nine-month teaching fellowship in Ohio. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Nabokov especially admired Dead Souls, The Government Inspector, and "The Overcoat" as works of genius, proclaiming that "when, as in his immortal 'The Overcoat', Gogol really let himself go and pottered happily on the brink of his private abyss, he became the greatest artist that Russia has yet produced. Gogol the child is the happy outcome of a terrible event in Ashoke's younger days. Sometimes it can end up there. He comes to hate the name Gogol, embarrassed by its unique oddity. For this reason, he, is ignorant of their Indian heritage and culture, having been reared in the United States whereas, they were raised in India from birth. Until theyd met tonight, he had never seen her outside the context of her family, or she his. Gogol is Gogol, of course, because his father and mother needed a name for him before leaving the hospital. nicknameSoniawhich gives her links to Europe, Russia, and South America. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Maxine and Gogol part ways. ashtrays still sealed. Unfortunately, Moushumi grows unhappy with Gogol. Continue to start your free trial. By the end of Lahiri's novel, Gogol is still trying to understand who he is. Despite their father and son relationship which . [44] Of all Gogol's stories, "The Nose" has stubbornly defied all abstruse interpretations: D.S. Father Son Relationship. Well, it is quite a remarkable story. Throughout his life, Gogol finds himself caught between the world of his parents and American culture. "Gogol's Research on Ukrainian Customs for the Dikan'ka Tales". Through the window he sees that dawn is creeping into the sky, only a handful of stars still visible, the shapes of the surrounding pines and cabins growing distinct. By morning, half the people in the room will have forgotten. She believed that he would be incapable of hurting her as Graham had. They observe the traditional ten days of mourning, eating only rice and dal. It was there that he began writing. Amelia Glaser has noted the influence of Gogol's literary innovations on Sholem Aleichem, who, "chose to model much of his writing, and even his appearance, on Gogol What Sholem Aleichem was borrowing from Gogol was a rural East European landscape that may have been dangerous, but could unite readers through the power of collective memory. Still, he wonders how hes arrived at all this His time with her seems like a permanent part of him that no longer has any relevance, or currency. What draws Gogol to his many lovers, especially to Ruth . Wed love to have you back! Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Each year his father would rent a camping spot for a whole month and the family would play and go fishing in the lake. As he works, he thinks of Thanksgiving dinner the week before. Ashoke then comes up with the idea to name him after Nikolai Gogol. The fact that she is so different from him is what attracts Gogol. Gogol realizes, only after his father is gone, how little of his father he knew, or what his father chose to reveal to him over time. Much of Moushumi's wedding garb had been purchased for her canceled wedding to Graham. They date for a while in college, while Gogol is. Apart from the permanent absence of his father, is the additional absence of Maxine. [citation needed] He saw the outer world strangely metamorphosed, a singular gift particularly evident from the fantastic spatial transformations in his Gothic stories, "A Terrible Vengeance" and "A Bewitched Place". He desired literary fame, and brought with him a Romantic poem of German idyllic life Hans Kchelgarten, and had it published at his own expense, under the pseudonym "V. His relationship with Maxine is an extension of this. I think Gogol's father-son bond is, the most important one in his life. For this reason, he decides to name his son Gogol. Joseph Stalin did not like it, however, and the statue was replaced by a more orthodox Socialist Realist monument in 1952. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Belinsky, for instance, berated his horror stories as "moribund, monstrous works", while Andrei Bely counted them among his most stylistically daring creations. You cant do that, shed told him then, shaking her head, and when hed asked her why not shed simply said, Because you cant. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol[a] (1 April[O.S. This is what upsets her most to admit: that the affair causes her to feel strangely at peace, the complication of it calming her, structuring her day. At school, kids constantly tease him about his name. Even as they get to know one another, she worked hard to catch up. Gogol painted him as supremely exploitative, cowardly, and repulsive, albeit capable of gratitude. Gogol was in a few different relationships over the course of Namesake. Words: 403 Length: 1 Pages Topic: Literature Paper #: 60213251. Gogol attends a night party with his co-worker, Evan. That evening, Ashoke gives Gogol a copy of The Short Stories of Nikolai Gogol. As a whole Gogol's name and he himself was in doubtful situation whether he will consider him as an Indian or as an American. 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