I assume you've been working as a baby polisher where young mothers place their infant's heads in your mouth to get back that new born shine. Oh please. Glee never shied away from making radical changes in characters or basic show universe elements without an explanation or any apparent logic, but they brought Santanas actual written history on the show and she wasnt originally written as gay to bear on her present. You told coach Sylvester about my summer surgery! After a few instances of Santana being cute and flustered in front of her new diner coworker, they end up with a night shift together. I'm in no rush to get back to Kentucky. I've been keeping a notebook just in case this day ever came: Welcome back Lisa Rinna, I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth and skipped town. I'm sick of being backup to Rachel Berry. It learned me two things. Heather said it best: I loved seeing Santana succeed. The only reason why the New Directions beat the Troubletones at Sectionals is because that pervy clown judge was freaking high as a kite. I cant believe its been ten years since this moments happened. I'm pretty sure too. And I think of all the things, what youre doing, and in my head I paint a picture.. And don't tell me it's 'cause the cafeteria food binds you up. Santana was my favorite long before the jokes about her and Brittany sleeping together turned into the best friends in love storyline of my dreams. I'm trying to apologize to Lumps The Clown. But Glee encouraged me to let me freak flag fly, and so I did. We wont. I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent and I'm proud! A way to stir shit up, often with Brittany by her side. Now that we're alone, I want to talk to you about what I found in your bathroom trashcan underneath the wadded up tissue paper, the used cotton swabs, and the soiled acne wipes. Also, honestly, Santana would still be getting royalties off that thing. Please. I'm clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy joint. Maybe that's why we love each other so much and slap each other. Brittany to Kitty, Guilty Pleasures. Here is Santana, this Caribea teenager, coming out to her abuela. We thought maybe youd like to join us. I'll just marry an NFL player, they're super reliable. Wanna put a fish hook in those lips so cherry red, of the gay rights movement every time you so much as cooked macaroni and Sebastian: Red dye number 6. Santana: Yep. You know, I'm honestly surprised you didn't re-enact what was clearly the formative event of your own teenage years and Sandusky the poor kid right there and then. She is a hero, and deserves to be remembered as such. And you know what? Santana to Sue and New Directions, Extraordinary Merry Christmas. No Brittany, you have no idea what it's like out there in the real world. Maybe Blaine didnt wanna be with someone who Maybe that has something to do with it. Santana to Noah Puckerman, Silly Love Songs. Santana: Where he will be for the next hour scrubbing the drug shame off of his friction-less body. One, leprechauns like fixing shoe buckles because theyre gay. Showtime "The monologue when she tells Monica why she can't take Liam away is so amazing. You trying to turn her into a damn rexy? As Santana Lopez, Naya Rivera beat odds, and she changed any previously conceived scripts about who people would care about in a mainstream teen dramedy they could care just as much about the Latina lesbian as they would about the white heterosexual leads. In honor of learning even more. Wow. Maybe two seasons, if that. Less than six months after the Rumors episode of Glee aired, my cousin got married. She's blond and awesome and so smart. And that will exist forever. I guess those contracts I signed for those commercials said that I waived my right to residuals, in exchange for a lifetime supply of Yeast-I-Stat. I just wanna go back in time man. Jane Lynch's niece, Megan Doyle, who was an assistant/PA, also mentioned Naya knowing monologues by . The strive to create a safer, and more comfortable sex-toy shopping experience for the Queer community and more specifically gender non-conforming, trans and non-binary people. I dont want to fight anymore. I remember exactly where I was, exactly how it felt that night. When you look back you see that those pursuits were always part of a game, a trick, a strategy, a story, a status grab. Ooh la la, Rachel Berry in a towel. We humanize terrible white men in our society in large part because white men are often the only people we humanize in our stories. She has a family! #teens. And slap each other.. We saw that throughout Kurt and Santanas extended coming outs and we couldve seen it more if Santana was given space to date and be her own character in the backhalf of the show. She's a mother! We can all be honest here, if a picture is worth a thousand words then that dress is worth a million dollars. Look, I don't mean to be a bitchwell actually I do. Everything about you screams virgin. Santana: I'm Rachel Berry, his loud, loud girlfriend. Everyone! They are devastatingly hot and seeing two Latinx people (one gay and one playing a gay character) reclaim a spanish song by one of musics biggest cultural appropriators makes me so happy. The easter colored suburban mom clothes, the giant swing, the stock footage feeling of it all. Santana: Well sure, if he doesnt care about seeing in three dimension. Id never heard anyone describe how hard it is quite like this, how violent it feels to yourself, once you know who you are but youre terrified of saying in the world: Ive tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. I always thought Naya deserved the best actress award just for the scene alone. And so we decided to grieve her passing the only way we really know how: by watching and writing about television. if you tried hard enough you could suck a babys head. Santana: Well that outfit isnt helping. It will always be amazing to me that a show that I only seriously (obsessively) watched for three season could leave such an indelible mark on my psyche. You're my family and I haven't lied to you in months. I have razor blades hidden in my hair. obsession with old people that causes you to skulk around nursing homes Quinn: You have surgery when you get your Appendix out. So Im going to leave the obviously iconic, emotional, perfect moments to the people who have lived with this show, this character, and Nayas singular performance for years. In my opinion, this scene/song is one of the most underrated of the Glee canon. Santana to Mr. Schuester, Bad Reputation. Every time you open your humongous mouth to do an impression or moisten an enormous stamp for a lazy giant, you take one step closer to everyone seeing that you are actually a dork. But we did get this number and its just so beautiful. I used to think it was out of recognition, but now I know it was relief. You're going to stay in the closet, get married, get drunk to have relations with your wife, have a couple kids, maybe become a state senator, or a deacon, and then get caught in the men's room tapping your foot with some page. Or Tribeca. Just like that she can go from breaking your heart to making you laugh. They were something to do. Cookie Notice Maybe Blaine didnt wanna be with someo, obsession with old people that causes you to sk, you drape yourself on every piano you happen p, one with. Rory: Hey, listen here. I dont know how! Santana: Rachel. And you know what? You know what? Rory: You're skinny like all the crops failed on your family's farm. Tina: Five minutes ago, you said Mr Schue belonged in a 12 step program. I have to just be me.. Finn for some reason decides that its Lady Music week as if having a bunch of men ruin songs by women is an apology for outing a lesbian. It shot right into my heart like a lightning bolt. Santana: I hate weddings and I Valentine's Day. My spouse and I have only gone to 1 event, Nik- this is the response that LW needed and I hope she sees it. Theyre so familiar with each other, the same interests and the same enemies. And Naya really got to the heart of that pain in a way not many actors had done yet. Santana: I want to be with you. Though I don't know whose toxic vagina would need that much of that stuff, I mean if you're producing that much yeast you should probably start a bakery. Kurt: We had a pact. Santana: (at Finn) Everyone's gonna know now, because of you. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? Youre not doing that annoying half smirk as much as you used to, but youre still an idiot. And maybe if you used them, you wouldn't have more oil than the Middle East on your face. Youve seen hurricanes on the news, in movies, read about them in school. You wont be forgotten. One time Becky Jackson left a piece of chocolate birthday cake on my chair and when I sat on it, it looked like I had pooped my pants, so Finn walked behind me until I could get out of school so no one saw my chocolate butt and thought I had messed myself. The year level coordinator called me into his office and demanded I went. He was rude, patronising, and racist. He literally just said that. She talked about him yesterday and practically sprayed the choir room. Panic! If you pivoted to, PEACHES TEES, ALL-STARS HATS, CLUB SODA SHIRTS AND MORE MERCH, LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now, The 50 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time, a few words already on the coming out scene that resonated with me more than anything before or since. When Im with Brittany, I finally understand what people are talking about when they talk about love. Sebastian: And what did you think Sha-Queer-A? So endlessly grateful to Naya. I have awesome gay-dar. When Santana and Brittany take her song and flip the pronouns and wear the slinky tube dresses and wrap their curled hair in big bows and it rains glitter and are surrounded by cheerleaders, one of whom has a very alternative lifestyle haircut, and they want to dance with each other? I've waited 5 years for this. Who cares if he's terrified of banks? To younger millennials and older zoomers, Naya Rivera and her portrayal of Santana Lopez on Glee, the FOX show about a group of show choir misfits, is a vital and important pop culture figure. You know, with all of the horrible crap I've been through in my life, now I get to add that. I think she was a holiday hoarder. It was like being smothered by a sweaty, out-of-breath sack of potatoes that someone soaked in body spray. NOTE: The following is a transcription of the extended director's cut from the S1 DVD, which includes several scenes not seen in the original aired version. Santana: It's all a part of being a mentor. All those in favor of voting Rachel down a second time? Ive seen what you can do, and what you can do is stand in the back, sway, and sing very, very quietly, Speaking from experience, Finn is terrible in bed. Part of me. #monologues But I didn't know what she was gonna do with it. I love you a-and I don't want to be with Sam or Finn or any of those other guys. Say some song that Judy Garland choked on her tongue in the Santana: Y-you think that Great Gazoo kid is a leprechaun? All of this vicious, underhanded crap has got to stop. Sebastian: She questioned my honor. Quinn: And we're here to apologize to Quinn for slapping her across the face very very hard. This whole episode is legit queer culture. This is so sad. Wherever your soul is, thank you. Everyone knows my role here is to look hot. Its hard to pick a favorite Santana solo, but I think its gotta be Songbird, for me, both for Santnas story arc and for Naya Riveras performance. I am forever grateful that Naya pushed for the storyline to be more than it was intended to be. No actor gave me that kind of depth and emotion on screen before. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Kurts coming out was a wish fulfillment fantasy for cis white gay men everywhere, but Santana is forced to suffer. The way she delivered it, the hurt and desperation in her eyes. The scene that gave me the final push I needed to come out of the closet. Santana: I would love for things to get physical. Puck: We all know why we're here. Kitty: What? Thank you, Finn, especially. Let us give you an introduction into the way we work. I'm not interested in the boys, or the makeup, or the polyester outfits. I have been heartbroken over this. me and the girls hate the Kurt rant. Your friend Brody? Santana: Look, I've got a bar of soap and a bottle of peroxide with your name on it in my locker. Sorry that you sing like you're getting your prostate checked, and you dance like you've been asleep for years and someone just woke you up. And if you tell anyone this, I'll deny it - but I like being in Glee Club. Hi DM! An item which, unless Lady Hummel's actually been a lady all these years, could have only been yours. [Will writes "SEXY" on the board.] The writers largely failed Santana in the later seasons, but her brief romance with Demi Lovatos Dani was the exception. The nervous, darting looks. Quinn: Do you know what I hate? Brittany: Yeah, he's from Ireland. ". ". That's how my abuela puts me to sleep at night, and she was not a nice lady. I'm in love with myself, and I would never change a thing. I dont know. Oh, and I think those absorbent sweater vests . TINA: Sorry, Santana. Those arent generic Latinx details. In that case, I would like to send one to my girlfriend, Brittany. But what makes it iconic for me are the story choices that Naya Rivera makes. Santana Lopez was a one dimensional cheerleader minion until Naya Rivera turned her into one of the greatest and most important tv characters of all time. Santana: Love stinks. Not only am I giving you full visitation rights to the set of rambunctious twins that live on my rib cage, you get the chance to show that pastry bag Finn that he cant mess with Sam Evans. Santana: You should be our nations president. She was right, and she mattered, even if she was just a teenager. like one of those cats that can smell cancer. I had such a crush on her, and the way she spoke made me feel okay about having a fun, silly crush like the ones my friends had on male celebrities. But it actually lets silence tell its own story for a minute. I am so different from Santana in a lot of ways but Ive never felt so seen by a character than in that episode. Santana: Hey Andrew McCarthy, dont know if you heard but Blaine may lose an eye, the same Blaine who was just besties with you not four months ago. And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham. Or maybe i, of the gay rights movement every time you so much as coo, cheese together or farted. Naya, girl, Im just so sorry. And there is only one type of person that carries cash and a pager. Marley: Why are you going through my bag? Brittany: There was a mouse in mine. Santana to Gunther, Tina in the Sky with Diamonds. I cant remember the last time I felt so surprised, validated, and delighted by a coming out (Waverly Earp got close!). Sebastian: Trent, I got this. Like that whole top row. Brittany: I failed my precious unicorn. But theres a deeper level too: Santana singing and dancing like a person whos just been told something terrible is about to happen but shes not sure what that something will be and for now the show must go on. Holy crap. Santana: Now get out of my way please, afores I ends you. Loving Glee, a show that was decidedly out of the ordinary and something that a lot of people in my life looked down on, was considered weird and nerdy and after years of trying to blend in, Glee made me ready to stand out. Punctuated with a slap to the face that reverberates through time and I can still hear to this very day, this entire scene had every ounce of Naya Riveras talents on full display. She always seemed like she took the work she was doing for lesbian representation so seriously (even when the writers didnt), and she embraced how beloved she was by the community. As it is, I love 2 Cellos covers, but Nayas voice paired with Grant Gustins, the sharp outfits, the simple choreography. Santana: It's just that I'm really happy. Lumps, let me just say out loud what everyone here is thinking. I mean, that special place where she lives? The Troubletones deserved their own spin-off. They were trees falling in a forest and with nobody around to hear them, my desire often faded. Lopez. Santana: As soon as we get to New York I'm bailing to live in a lesbian colony, or Tribeca. (Quinn slams Santana . Later, Santana cuts through the dancers and bellows, Dont Forget Me! Kurt: There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick. For more information, please see our Its so hard to talk about Glee without talking about the rapidly changing world for gay rights that was also happening around it. Like a sad little panda. A profound loss. Did the writers think she was being bitchy when really she was just speaking the truth? I don't want to hear any of this "We can't do it without her," because guess what? Rosario Cruz. Is that an aspect of why this moment feels so awful because this is the first time were learning how to mourn this particular sort of loss? Santana: Look, we may still be Cheerios, but neither of us ever gave Sue the set list. Palatable. Privacy Policy. This song is so depressing. Brittany: I don't want to known as a quitter. The recovery of Naya Rivera 's body from Lake Piru on July 13, 2020 left millions all over the world devastated over the untimely loss of the . - Studocu Here is an example monologue one can utilize in Dr. Ganisin's class when presenting their solo performance glee written ryan murphy santana: maybe brittany and DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home When Santana finally confesses her feelings to Brittany, right there in front of their lockers, and Brittany chooses Artie over her and Santana, her heart in her hands, where its never been before, exclaims, Hes just a stupid boy! I felt that. She looks to Brittany, she remembers their dreams that came true and then the rumors have it that ruined them all. Santana: Please,she's like a cat in heat. You know, we always were two ends of the same bitch-goddess spectrum. We're like besties for life. Every day just feels like a war. You? But not this. Im sorry. No! Bad things!). Santana: You may look, like the villain out of a cheesy 80s high school movie, but you should know that Im fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass. I cant get her If I Die Young out of my head lately. Brittany, that sex tape was private. So what am I doing heading to Kentucky? It remains poignantly jarring in its specificity and its place in the great cannon of Television Coming Out Scenes. When I hear it now of course I only hear Naya, but I also remember my silver bridesmaid dress with the sweetheart neckline and my rust orange fall flowers bouquet. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? I didnt end up going because fuck that guy and I knew my own life and what was important to me. Rachel: Oooh. I have rage. Love, Santana. I mean, if I was made out of plastic, I'd be scared of a lot of things too; open flames, barbeques, but then, I found this!This is a pager, my friends. Brittany Brittany: Mm hm. Yeah, earlier today Artie asked if he could make a gigantic omelet when Im done with the ostrich eggs Im smuggling in my bra. Kurt and Santana, The Rocky Horror Glee Show. You suck at so many things. Im forever grateful that Glee didnt sidestep that. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyway. (Will asks about Christmas tree) Will: And the ornaments? Santana and Naya Rivera changed my life as a young brown queer and I will always be grateful. Are you crying? Barely legal. I just see someone who I may or may not have to destroy.So if you ever tell me what to do I will END you! Santana: This is all YOUR fault! Maybe it has nothing to do with me and Brittany. Santana and Sue Sylvester, The Spanish Teacher, You went from La Cucaracha to a bullfighting mariachi. Brittany: Did you see what Rachel was wearing today? Well sometimes I go out by myself, and I look across the water. Gay marriage had only recently become legalized in New York State, and DOMA had yet to be struck down nationwide. Instead these two are going to go move to New York City or . You are the unicorn. So many amazing moments. That pause in the beginning Glee never pauses. Santana: Wanky. In my mind, there is no question that the Rumor Has It/ Someone Like You mash up is the greatest performance in the shows history. On Shameless, when Fiona told Monica about how she has raised all of her siblings. Santana: While you were playing house, Puck was sexting me. I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. Santana: Come on, screw her. I love Brittana, but one of the best parts of Glee is that unlike a lot of other shows its queer characters queerness was not reliant on one other person. I miss you. Naya, Im sorry the world took you for granted. I was thinking the same thing and I think youre right. Santana: Is that because you've been telling her to? Copyright 2009 - 2023 The Excitant Group, LLC. It was then as it is now, I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before. And whew, does she sell this song. But Santana was too bright, too once-in-a-lifetime, and Naya Rivera worked too hard at her career for far too long, taking bit commercials and one-off guest stars since she was a child, for this not to be her moment. Santana: Booyah. I have such vivid memories of Landslide. But I'm all alone, stuck here with you. Maybe thats why we love each other so much. Standing ovation for Miss Naya Rivera They don't care. QUARANTINE MADE ME MONOLOGUE!Aspiring Actor/Singer Tommy Ratkiewicz-Stierwalt, releases covers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Santana was first introduced in the Glee pilot as one of the popular cheerleaders, alongside Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron) and Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris)and soon her character grew more . 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