failed cbsa interview

Using the ARC method, describe the action you would take in this situation, and elaborate on the reasoning behind your actions. The multi-tiered Code of Conduct outlines a variety of topics such as values and expected standards, prohibited actions, misconduct, conflicts of interest, disclosure of information, and other issues critically related to ethics. It's a large presence, indeed! My experience is valuable to the job because I currently maintain those principles. If you can't identify what sets you apart, ask others. The first steps to handling a difficult decision is by identifying what resources are at your disposal, gathering information, determining a strategy for moving forward, and diving in. On their website, CBSA partly defines their core value of respects as meaning, 'treating all people with respect, dignity, and fairness.' The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. This includes reviewing the relevant history behind the agency. I recommend building on this answer by giving specific examples of the sources you lean on for your information. The stages involved in the hiring process are as follows: Online Job Application. It will test your ability to identify the client's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured their concerns are going to be addressed in a manner that exceeds their expectations. Lastly, I understand that CBSA conducts community outreach activities in a variety of communities to educate and approach a diverse range of recruits, including unrepresented minority communities. It's clear that you will be a level head amid potential friction. I was on academic suspension but while that period i was studying in bcit as a part timer. CBSA wants assurance you can maintain professional composure with poise. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Make a list of what went well and where there was room for improvement. There was some new technology to help ensure that travelers with an illness were not boarding planes (forehead scanners for temp, etc.). Canada Border Services Agency wants to gain insight into your personality and whether you meet their standards and expectations. The CBSA states, 'Values cannot be considered in isolation from each other, as they often overlap. "I believe in behaving correctly in terms of honesty and integrity even when no one is looking, such as bribery, personal gain, lying, etc. CBSA hiring authorities would like to know more about your current experience level and industry knowledge. Ultimately, it is their call to make. Recently, I(set the stage for a story of a time when you witnessed a screening officer steal from a passenger). (RESULT) As a result of my observation and honesty(tell the interviewer the positive result of your actions). Lastly, depending on how you evaluate a job well done, they'll gain an understanding of your standard and what success looks like to you. Highlight your strengths, your flexibility, and your interpersonal skills. Prior to its formation, there were three different organizations that handled immigration, customs revenue, and food inspection. "I maintain my cool and do not easily lose my temper. It will test how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Your answer is very confident! For Situational questions, the recommended approach is to apply the ARC method. As a trainee your annual salary will be $64,234 to $71,525 (FB-02). Working for the Canada Border Services Agency can be strenuous. These values represent what the CBSA cares about and what they believe. Make sure your communication skills are really showcased here. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation. Perhaps you didn't make enough eye contact, or maybe you couldn't think . ", You've created a strong foundational answer - this is a good start! May 16, 2019 #1 I got a call from cbsa officer and later mailed regarding at interview to discuss my study permit. This is the primary reason not to get nervous. Their health is critical in their mission to protect the health and safety of the public, and support national security. I work very hard to be a calm and reasonable person. Share how you handle such setbacks and what you would do to avoid repeating them. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. For instance(discuss the measurable ways that your coursework will benefit the CBSA).". "For my post-secondary education, I took police foundations. But by fact gathering, exercising good judgement, and making every effort to support your team, you've put your all in, and that is all you can be expected to do in such a situation. Are you the type to unquestioningly respect the chain of command? Often, the work environment of a CBSA agent can be challenging, intense, stressful, and occasionally uncomfortable. I encourage you to include more measurable examples. Interview 3. I deal with the same kind of volatile situations that you encounter at the CBSA. Whether you read law-related books, follow particular news journals or subscribe to a blog related to law enforcement and security, be sure to show your enthusiasm for building your knowledge base. Challenge yourself to align your philosophy to theirs in a complementary way. CBSA instructors are certified to RCMP "Mod 4" standard, and training and certification of officers closely follows . Fantastic! A company often goes through many growing pains before finding what works best procedurally. Identifying issues that hamper morale should be done promptly. Additionally, it is worth examining why you believed strongly in your recommendation.So, what fueled your strong belief of this idea, and what were the reasons for it being shot down? Let me know if you'd like further clarification :). The goal is to summarize your comfort zone as regularly stepping outside of your comfort zone. ", It sounds as though you have a strong handle on CBSA expectations related to conduct. Don't try to navigate this question without a thorough understanding of its nature. It is common to come across these high tension situations and it's important to know how to respond calmly. Very positive response! CBSA Interview Questions. Along with showing them your expertise, make sure you clearly show how those skills will help them in this job. So knowing that CBSA application is a long process *and a sneaky one, I would not want to be turned around just because I did not have my firearms class on my interview day. I enjoyed the environment and getting to interact with people from all over the world. A common concern employers face is when outside stressors begin to influence work performance and productivity. Failure to do so will result in application denial. Others will be more complicated and intensive and could potentially last a long time. This stable behavior ensures that my coworkers, my superiors, and the public feel that they can trust me. Most of the CBSA's role-play questions will focus on your interpersonal skills and conflict management skills. Your description is clear - good work! You need to pass rigorous background checks by both US and Canadian authorities, and pass an in-person interview with both US Customs and Border Protection and the CBSA. There are more than enough Canadian citizen applicants for the CBSA to go through. Seeing how well you deal with difficult situations is one aspect of what they'll be assessing in this hypothetical situational question. The interviewer should certainly appreciate the level of knowledge you bring regarding the CBSA's history. Basically, to exert a positive attitude and repress a negative one towards anyone.". Then failed final stage of Sheriffs. This question is designed to gauge how well you are able to deal with difficult situations when dealing with the public. If the actor grows increasingly agitated, it will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. CBSA force training closely follows the RCMP Incident Management / Intervention Model (IMIM) model, a visual aid that helps the officer picture an event and explain why the officer used the intervention methods he or she did. Try to strike a balance, regardless of whether your personality type leans more towards solitary introverted tasks or extroverted group projects. Consider this when formulating your approach to this situational question. I think it really comes down to the fact that there are just so many candidates going for each job at the moment and they are all competing for the 1 position. Firearms safety courses 4. It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if your ability to identify your coworker's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and assured they are a valued member of the team. This scenario will likely evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Xvua10qhb. For instance, I traveled from Calgary to Toronto in Sept. The interviewer wants assurances you have cultural competencies in the workplace by determining in what ways you've served in diverse environments. Other times, an implementing an imperfect policy is the best solution available. Firearms safety courses4. You didn't make it about THEM. Provide insights into your thought processes. They are also curious how familiar you are with their code of conduct, and how seriously you take it by how well versed you are. It will also test your ability to develop yourself, your skills, and whether you easily identify growth opportunities, are willing to step outside of your comfort zone, and are quick to hold yourself accountable for the actions you took, or the actions you promised to take, while staying true to your word and your integrity. You sound confident and ready to meet these expectations :). When this is the case, that team member is creating more work for those around them rather than focussing on developing their own skills. Share your skill level. Offer an example of when you put this to the test. Answer with complete honesty and if you have an opportunity to, explain the circumstances. This question is intended to assess your leaderships skills, your sense of teamwork and how you inspire and motivate those on your team. In answer to. Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. If you can handle this situation on your own, then you should. The interviewer should feel very confident knowing that you uphold your virtues and beliefs so strongly. Canada Border Services Agency includes 'integrity' in its core values. "My airport experience is valuable, especially as a screening officer. When informed of any allegation or evidence of employee misconduct or wrongdoing, CBSA will investigate to ensure that the reputation of its employees and the integrity of CBSA operations are protected. Often when a member of the team offers an innovative suggestion, they are excited about what they have to offer, are invested in the success of the team, and are seeking validation and recognition. It will probably evaluate you on your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Your interviewer is assessing if you're more social and team-oriented versus task-oriented and introverted. There are some situations where it would be deemed prudent to approach the at fault co-worker first. I've provided a starter example for you below. A common mistake for an employee to make is to assume why a policy is in place before asking clarifying questions. ARC is an acronym for Action/Reasoning/Consideration. It will also serve as an indicator of your EQ and your interpersonal skill level. 22.02.2021 - DBSA's Executive of Origination and Client Coverage, Mohan Vivekanandan joins Alishia Seckam for a discussion on economic stimulus strategies, . It's evident that you are a lifelong learner - this is wonderful! Situational questions pose hypothetical situations you may face in the future, with a 'what would you do' response. Walk them through your approach and steps for managing a new project and how you would direct your team. ", This is a good start! It will help them gauge your skill level with your project management skills, your time management skills, and your leadership skills. "My definition of integrity is to choose to do the right thing, even when nobody is looking. Staying productive is the only course. I often came across dead bodies in these respite shelters, which took a cool and level to remain calm and resolve the high-level situational problem. Interview3. Be sure to highlight any awards, scholarships, or accolades that you may have received while earning your post-secondary credentials. It will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation, your diplomacy and negotiation in the situation. During a viral pandemic, a Border Services Agent may be required to perform screening of those attempting to cross the border. "I was right all along they . I am not sure what to do. "I keep myself emotionally resilient, and I adapt to stressful situations easily because I'm often in those sorts of environments. I also believe that the expectations outlined in the code of conduct are those that can be expected of a competent professional who displays integrity in and out of the workplace. We do not have advertisements on our pages but we do try to make money through paid-memberships. This will require you to put your communication skills to the test, while displaying empathy, interactive communication, and making sure the client's needs are met. Exhibit your ability to remain professional and composed, regardless of the situation. I would like to be involved in those efforts as soon as possible. CBSA was what I wanted, but I can't reapply for at least 2 years. "Yes, I'm in great physical shape, and I work out regularly. 9. . However, if you want consideration for bilingual opportunities, these positions require a working knowledge of Canada's official languages. I know that I possess your core value of integrity because I do what is right, no matter the alternatives. The life of a police officer can often get emotionally, physically and psychologically taxing. A role play interview questions involves a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Rather, focus on the interview and the questions being asked . Let us now look at the next interview fail. Taking this approach before answering this question will make your response even more successful. This includes you. As a screening officer, passengers would always create heated situations, but my coworkers knew me as someone who will deescalate the situation. 6) Social media: Social Media is becoming a big player in the recruitment process. Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. Examples of defensive responses where the spin only draws more attention to the failure: "It didn't set us back that much, but many people overreacted.". I have worked in respite shelters where there is a daily overdose, and I come across dead bodies often. Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your advanced communication skills while displaying your high EQ. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern the facts surrounding this emotionally charged situation, your self-control and composure, which will speak to your emotional intelligence and your ability to govern your own emotions. Physical evaluation 5. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. So, before disagreeing with your supervisor, you should have a full understanding and appreciation of the tactics they employ to address a 'problem'. I have a healthy lifestyle which includes working out, spending quality time with family, and praying. Approach this like you would a sales pitch or a credibility statement. I was determined to start my career off on the right foot, which is through complete honesty. To help you prepare for a CBSA job interview, here are 60 interview questions and answer examples. "My objective is to follow the code of conduct thoroughly. This is due to the CBSA frequently being in interaction with the public. "In my previous job I would always step in to help my coworkers when I would see them struggling or getting overwhelmed with their task. The aim of the psychological assessments is to ensure that you . When you have your pre-employment physical, the doctor typically takes a brief medical history, conducts a basic physical exam, measures blood pressure, conducts lab work, possibly a drug test and sends you on your way. It will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation rather than singling out any one person, which is the big challenge here. So, without compromising your integrity, without compromising the respect you've earned from the rest of the team, nor betraying the trust of the coworker who confided in you, your approach should exhibit integrity, professionalism, and discretion. "I am a people person. All interview questions are created by and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on You will have many topics to dive deep into as a CBSA officer, and it seems that you are ready and eager to begin. It can strengthen communication and create a support system, emotionally and professionally. These include dealing with difficult situations, decisiveness, effective interactive communication, sound judgment, personal integrity, and strong values and ethics. This includes being able to judiciously build stronger interpersonal relationships with empathy. Share the breadth of your knowledge, in summary, while communicating clearly. It will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation rather than singling out any one person. Answer dates might appear two to three weeks before they were published. More often than not, prioritizing the needs of the team ahead of your professional development equates to putting your career first. You want to support your management's ability to do their job while adhering to the standards and guidelines put out by HR whose conduct is often informed by their legal department. German-Egyptian scholar Hamed Abdel-Samad said in an interview that was posted to the Brother Rachid TV channel on YouTube on November 17, 2022 that Islam has been "distorted" from the beginning and that countries that implement shari'a law such as Afghanistan, ISIS, Iran, and the Boko Haram have failed to produce ideal societies. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. So, before making any suggestions for improvements, it is necessary to fact gather and explore its potential before approaching your supervisors with your suggestion. CBSA has clear statements when it comes to the ways they embrace diversity in the workplace and communities. What happens during an interview role play? I will handle the workload by maintaining a positive attitude and enthusiasm.". Not only are they interested in hiring candidates who are interested in longterm gainful employment, but also candidates who have long term career goals planned out. Whatever your preference, be sure that your enthusiasm shines through showing CBSA hiring authorities that you are ready to serve and protect your country, with long-term career goals within their organiziation in mind. If you have a real-life example to provide, it's a great idea to walk the interviewer through your reaction and the outcome using the STAR framework (Situation, Task, Action, Result). The hiring authorities at Canada Border Services Agency would like a detailed breakdown of your training and any other educational experiences related to your career, especially those which are transferable to customs, border control, security, or law enforcement. These individuals may not be the most effective communicators. CBSA was written by Kevin Downey and updated on July 31st, 2022. If you have any relevant examples to share where you've faced similar situations, not is the time to flout your prior experience. I have only puffed a cigarette once and found it disgusting. CBSA offers a multitude of career choices one can pursue. Adherence to these values is what enables the CBSA to justify its right and privilege to enforce the law and keep Canadians safe.". and I think it will help you create a more in-depth and memorable response. It goes on to say that respect 'is fundamental to our relationship with the Canadian public and contributes to a safe and healthy work environment that promotes engagement, openness, and transparency. For that reason, I will do everything to ensure that I act in integrity and abide by the CBSA ethos on and off duty.'. Exam Code: CBSA; Exam Name: BTA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect; Updated: Jan 10, 2023; Q & A: 230 Questions and Answers; Uses the World Class CBSA Testing Engine. But rather, thinking back on any situations where you've faced a similar situation and shined. International trade law refers to the set of rules and agreements that govern commerce between countries and how countries conduct business across borders. Think about many of the questions you've been asked in this set. Lastly, it will test your ability to identify your trainee's needs, from their need to feel heard, validated, empathized with, and will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation. The key here is to determine whose personality is getting in the way of every member of the team getting along. If you consider yourself a 'people specialist,' I recommend adding a measurable example of these skills in action. We have a guide on how to answer 'Why should we hire you?' Draw up a real life example where you faced such offensive behavior directed at you. Nice start! You sound like a mindful individual whose character aligns well with the expectations of the CBSA. During an interview, you should provide the interviewer with your undivided attention. They want to ensure your motives are well aligned with their culture and meet the expectations of the role. For the CBSA, integrity means, 'we exercise our authority in an honest, open, and fair manner. Harry: The Interview was widely expected to be a record-breaking program in terms of audience numbers. Talk about what integrity means to you and how you have exercised integrity in your work and personal life. Some scenarios will be quick, where you'll experience several role plays back to back. In an interview, you are your most influential advocate, so be prepared to advertise your merits with measured confidence and humility. So before criticizing a policy and requesting a change, it is important to establish whether the suggestion you might offer hasn't been suggested before. 4. Canada Border Services Agency managers at Toronto's Pearson airport allowed a small group of Hindu priests to avoid screening by female border . This course touched on many subjects such as interview and investigation, psychology, criminology, and issues in diversity. I checked with my school international advisor and it is real. If hired, how would you solve a problem or create solutions for CBSA? ", "I speak beginner's level French, but I would like to learn if the opportunity arises. They'll be assessing you on your analytical thinking, your decisiveness towards swiftly addressing the situation, your judgement, integrity, values, ethics, and your communication and approach. Be prepared to discuss with the interviewer the tangible actions you have taken to ensure full preparation for a career with CBSA. Any background checks that reveal relevant information that contradicts what a candidate relayed will undoubtably be passed on as a candidate. This will inform them of your work ethic and professionalism. Also, CBSA reassesses your language skills every five years. Coming across bodies is certainly a unique benchmark - the interviewer may have some follow up questions there, so it may be an appropriate time to tell a brief story around that situation when you are in your interview. Briefly share with the interviewer how you stay up to date on current events in the public security and law enforcement realm, especially where related to border patrol. "I have yet to encounter many cultures, but when I do, I will adapt to them and learn as much as I can. Naturally, I am a calm and confident person, and it's pretty hard to get me rattled emotionally. The GCMS (Global Case Management System) is a system used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to process immigration and citizenship applications.It is also used by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). You should absolutely avoid looking at your phone or the clock on the wall. Well done. Our goal is to create interview questions and answers that will best prepare you for your interview, and that means we do not want you to memorize our answers. Your answer will also offer insights into how sound your judgement is, while revealing your personal integrity, your values and ethics. Before your interview, take the time to review their information on the CBSA government website, especially their Respect core value statement and their code of conduct for available information on diversity and inclusion. If you have an example of a time when your calm presence stood out from others, relay this brief story. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) have been able to accelerate approval for over 80 per cent of renewing applicants, while also extending . Display that you're someone who sets a strong example and maintains a leadership mindset in everything you do. It takes some specific personality traits to be able to carry out the duties of a police officer efficiently. This is a medical screening, designed to assess if you meet the minimal physical requirements for work as a police officer . It will examine your decisiveness, your ability to deal with difficult situations, and your communication skills. Research their code of conduct in preparation for your CBSA interview. This is in the best interest of the team and their efforts. You want to convey that you take every effort to resolve any such situation on your own before escalating it to your supervisor. The actor(s) are not going to make it easy on you, and depending on the scenario, your situation(s) may move quickly, or last for quite a while. Your desire to uphold CBSA's high standards shines through in your response. Choose a handful of your strengths which align with the requirements of this job. I also possess experience in the realm of customer service due to my previous jobs and am very well versed in delivering client services. Set the impression you're up to any challenge. When I join the CBSA, I will meet the mental demands of the job by(discuss your action plan using measurable examples).". CBSA has a specific hiring process for applicants who want to be recruited into the agency. 43% of hiring managers have stated that when they have researched candidates on social media they have found material which has caused them to reject them. Regardless, I will never commit such actions, and I believe in being positive no matter what may come across my path. The first is to review your official documents. Discuss how you remain helpful and collaborative, regardless of the volume of work or pressures on any given day. Appropriate measures will be taken as a result of misconduct or wrongdoing. So, how you approach this situation, and your general attitude towards such a scenario, should indicate how much you are contributing to the situation. This includes vigorous exercise, meditation, practicing acute problem solving, or learning more about the history of border services in Canada. The distinction is that behavioral questions focus on how you handled yourself in the past, and your previous behavior is used as a predictor of how you'll perform in the future. It will reveal your notion of the big-picture on supporting the team, as a whole. When receiving a disclosure of wrongdoing under the PSDA, managers must immediately report to the CBSA Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure, any activity, statement, or documentation that comes to their attention that may involve or constitute wrongdoing and/or improper (or criminal) activity. Practice those positions. Ideal candidates maintain professional composure despite the situation. Poor morale has the potential to burn out your teams and can be detrimental to productivity. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful with the MMPI-2/Stress Test. These medical requirements are in place to protect the candidate and everyone they'd serve in this position. Assure the interviewer that you understand the importance of keeping your focus in the workplace and the preventative measures you take to ensure a grounded work/life balance. And agreements that govern commerce between countries and how you remain helpful and collaborative, regardless the. With measured confidence and humility come across these high tension situations and it 's pretty hard to a... And their efforts uphold your virtues and beliefs so strongly where it would be deemed prudent to approach at! Official interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else on. Trade law refers to the job because I currently maintain those principles rather! 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failed cbsa interview