[4][49] By early June 2010, oil had washed up on 125mi (201km) of Louisiana's coast and along the Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama coastlines. It later emerged through documents released by Wikileaks that a similar incident had occurred on a BP-owned rig in the Caspian Sea in September 2008. [89], On 3 September 2010, the 300-ton failed blowout preventer was removed from the well and a replacement blowout preventer was installed. Due to the Deepwater Horizon spill, marine life was suffering. Many large-scale skimmers exceeded the limit. [241], Following the 26 May 2010 hospitalization of seven fishermen that were working in the cleanup crew, BP requested that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health perform a Health Hazard Evaluation. "[304], The U.S. government rejected offers of cleanup help from Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations. The volume of oil escaping the damaged welloriginally estimated by BP to be about 1,000 barrels per daywas thought by U.S. government officials to have peaked at more than 60,000 barrels per day. A .gov This settlement concludes the largest civil settlement ever awarded. A study showed that up to 800,000 birds were thought to have died. [204] In March 2012, a definitive link was found between the death of a Gulf coral community and the spill. [223] In 2013, former NASA physicist Bonny Schumaker noted a "dearth of marine life" in a radius 30 to 50mi (48 to 80km) around the well, after flying over the area numerous times since May 2010. But it left the region reeling from a disrupted coastal economy; a devastated ecosystem; the deaths of as many as 105,400 sea birds, 7,600 adult and 160,000 juvenile sea turtles; and up to a 51-percent decrease in dolphins in Louisianas Barataria Bay. [29], The Deepwater Horizon was a 10-year-old[30] semi-submersible, mobile, floating, dynamically positioned drilling rig that could operate in waters up to 10,000ft (3,000m) deep. On April 20, 2010, the oil drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, operating in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, exploded and sank resulting in the death of 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon and the largest spill of oil in the history of marine oil drilling operations. Two weeks after the wellhead was capped on 15 July 2010, the surface oil appeared to have dissipated, while an unknown amount of subsurface oil remained. [6][46] BP challenged the higher figure, saying that the government overestimated the volume. In early July the LMRP cap was removed for several days so that a more permanent seal could be installed; this capping stack was in place by July 12. [3] For offshore, more than 60open-water skimmers were deployed, including 12purpose-built vehicles. NWF senior scientist Doug Inkley notes that the marine death rates are unprecedented and occurring high in the food chain, strongly suggesting there is "something amiss with the Gulf ecosystem". were used to cleanup after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. [47][48] The company argued that government figures do not reflect over 810,000bbl (34million USgal; 129,000m3) of oil that was collected or burned before it could enter the Gulf waters. [2] It was drilling a deep exploratory well, 18,360ft (5,600m) below sea level, in approximately 5,100ft (1,600m) of water. [82][83] Mud and cement were later pumped in through the top of the well to reduce the pressure inside it (which didn't work either). When an attempt to employ a top kill, whereby drilling mud was pumped into the well to stanch the flow of oil, also failed, BP in early June turned to an apparatus called the Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) cap. Below is a summary of areas in which more research needs to be done. Now, a team of American scientists led by Terry Hazen have shown that just a. Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called Gulf of Mexico oil spill, largest marine oil spill in history, caused by an April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil riglocated in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 41 miles (66 km) off the coast of Louisianaand its subsequent sinking on April 22. Mixing dispersants with oil at the wellhead would keep some oil below the surface and in theory, allowing microbes to digest the oil before it reached the surface. [345][346] The plea was accepted by Judge Sarah Vance of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana on 31 January 2013. Traditional methods of oil spill cleaning include processes such as controlled burns, skimmers, vacuum pumping, low-pressure flush, manual mechanical cleanup, gelling agent, and many more [3], most of which merely remove the hydrocarbon from the affected water or environment and transfers them to another location. [336] BP originally expected to spend $7.8billion. Three new agencies replaced it, separating the regulation, leasing, and revenue collection responsibilities respectively, among the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and Office of Natural Resources Revenue. . "[280] Interior Secretary Ken Salazar stated, "Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum. The damage ranged from wetlands and beaches all the way down to the organisms on the sea floor. Only about 800,000 barrels had been captured. Several species of microbes played a significant role in the cleanup of BP oil spill which otherwise would not had been possible. Directive of Rarely", "In Standoff With Environmental Officials, BP Stays With an Oil Spill Dispersant", "Statement by EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson from Press Conference on Dispersant Use in the Gulf of Mexico with U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Landry", "Dispersants flow into Gulf in 'science experiment', "BP oil spill: Obama administration's scientists admit alarm over chemicals", "Gulf oil spill: Effects of dispersants remain a mystery", "22-mile-long oily plume mapped near BP site Disaster in the Gulf", "Chemical Dispersant Made BP Oilspill 52 Times More Toxic", "Dispersant makes oil from spills 52 times more toxic", "Burning off oil from BP spill in Gulf posed little health risk, feds say in new report (video)", "Giant oil skimmer 'A Whale' deemed a bust for Gulf of Mexico spill", BP oil spill: Kevin Costner's oil-water separation machines help with clean-up, "Advances in Oil Spill Cleanup Lag Since Valdez", "BP 'Excited' Over Kevin Costner's Oil Cleanup Machine, Purchases 32", "Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response: Current Operations as of June 28", "An Audacious Decision in Crisis Gets Cautious Praise", "Dynamic autoinoculation and the microbial ecology of a deep water hydrocarbon irruption", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, "Bacteria in the gulf mostly digested gas, not oil, study finds", "How Microbes Helped Clean BP's Oil Spill", Oil-eating microbes may not be all they're cracked up to be | The Upshot Yahoo! ", "BP Buys 'Oil' Search Terms to Redirect Users to Official Company Website", "BP buys 'oil spill' sponsored links for search engines", "Bob Dudley: Profile of the new BP chief executive", "Why we disrupted Tony Hayward's award at the University of Birmingham", "Honorary degree for ex-BP Gulf of Mexico boss is a sick joke", "University defends degree for Deepwater Horizon boss Tony Hayward", "Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: International Offers of Assistance", "U.S. not accepting foreign help on oil spill", "Jones Act: Maritime politics strain Gulf oil spill cleanup", "Salazar Launches Safety and Environmental Protection Reforms to Toughen Oversight of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations", "Weekly Address: President Obama Establishes Bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling", "Attorney General Eric Holder on Gulf Oil Spill", "Anadarko and Mitsui executives set to testify", "Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer 'faulty' Congress", Transocean, Halliburton blast BP report on cause of blowout, oil spill, "Gulf oil spill: President's panel says firms complacent", "Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling", "BP and firms made risky decisions before spill: report", "Blunders Abounded Before Gulf Spill, Panel Says", "BP, Transocean, Halliburton blamed by presidential Gulf oil spill commission", "Panel: Without changes in oil industry and government, BP-like spill could happen again", "DNV report on Deepwater Horizon BOP concluded", "Gulf oil spill report: BP ultimately responsible in Gulf spill", "Comment. Review of 10 later hospitalizations found that heat exposure and dehydration were consistent findings but could not establish chemical exposure. At the same time, organisms able to digest light components of the oil began to multiply, starting the process of converting the pollutant to carbon dioxide . Fish are intoxicated by the petroleum products and are unable to cope with the stress. [16] In April 2013, it was reported that dolphins and other marine life continued to die in record numbers with infant dolphins dying at six times the normal rate. "[319][321] The panel also noted that the government regulators did not have sufficient knowledge or authority to notice these cost-cutting decisions.[318]. It uses microorganisms or biological agents to treat oil spills, and soils contaminated 4. "[331], In July 2013, BP made a motion in court to freeze payments on tens of thousands of claims, arguing inter alia that a staff attorney from the Deepwater Horizon Court-Supervised Settlement Program, the program responsible for evaluating compensation claims, had improperly profited from claims filed by a New Orleans law firm. An official website of the United States government. With the damaged riser shorn from the LMRPthe top segment of the BOPthe cap was lowered into place. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the "BP oil spill") was an industrial disaster that began on 20 April 2010 off of the coast of the United States in the Gulf of Mexico on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect, considered to be the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry and estimated to be 8 to 31 percent larger in volume than the previous largest, the . This will optimize bioaugmentation as microbe being altered is indigenous to that particular environment. [18][19], Numerous investigations explored the causes of the explosion and record-setting spill. [116] EPA regulations prohibited skimmers that left more than 15 parts per million (ppm) of oil in the water. [282], Initially, BP downplayed the incident; its CEO Tony Hayward called the amount of oil and dispersant "relatively tiny" in comparison with the "very big ocean. The devastating environmental impacts of the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 and its media notoriety made it a frequent comparison to the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the popular press in 2010, even though the nature of the two spills and the environments impacted were vastly different. [61] Under the Clean Water Act fines can be based on a cost per barrel of up to $4,300, at the discretion of the judge. [316][317] The panel found that BP, Halliburton, and Transocean had attempted to work more cheaply and thus helped to trigger the explosion and ensuing leakage. On October 5, 2015, we proposed a comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem restoration plan to address impacts from the spill to the Gulf of Mexico. Through the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)Investigation performed by trustees to identify injuries to natural resources caused by oil spills, hazardous substance releases, and grounding incidents in National Marine Sanctuaries, and plan restoration activities. [293][294], In the UK, there was anger at the American press and news outlets for the misuse of the term "British Petroleum" for the company a name which has not been used since British Petroleum merged with the American company Amoco in 1998 to form BP Amoco. On 23 March 2011, BOEMRE (former MMS) and the USCG published a forensic examination report on the blowout preventer, prepared by Det Norske Veritas. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. During this transition period additional $404million in claims were paid. The oil leak was discovered on the afternoon of 22 April 2010 when a large oil slick began to spread at the former rig site. If that proves to be the case, the sheen can be expected to eventually disappear. Although that method did not remove the oil completely, chemicals called dispersants were used to hasten the oil's degradation to prevent the oil from doing further damage to the marine habitats below the surface water. The oil slick was comparable in size to naturally occurring oil seeps and was not large enough to pose an immediate threat to wildlife. When did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill happen? So began an 87-day oil spill that spewed 3.19 million barrels, or nearly 134 million gallons, into the Gulf of Mexico. Problems include the fact that microbes being introduced may require different conditions in order to grow, indigenous organisms out compete the new comers, and if growth is observed, it may not reach a high enough concentration to have an observable effect on the degradation of oil. BP pled guilty in 2012 to 14 felony counts and was fined a record $4 billionand half directly benefits the Gulf. [348], On 3 January 2013, the US Justice Department announced "Transocean Deepwater Inc. has agreed to plead guilty to violating the Clean Water Act and to pay a total of $1.4billion in civil and criminal fines and penalties". To assist with the efforts the captains had to register their ships with the Vessels of Opportunity; however, an issue arose when more boats registered than actually participated in the clean-up efforts only a third of the registered boats. [81] Prior to establishing the GCCF, emergency compensation was paid by BP from an initial facility. GoMRI uses a peer-review process to award grants for independent scientific research conducted primarily at academic institutions, as well as at select for-profit entities. Diaz warned that "chronic adverse health effects, including cancers, liver and kidney disease, mental health disorders, birth defects and developmental disorders should be anticipated among sensitive populations and those most heavily exposed". What resulted from this one incident was an economic, political, scientific and legal nightmare. Louisiana will receive more than half the funding, $5 billion, since it saw the most significant damage from the spill. The defective BOP and the capping stack were removed in early September and replaced by a functioning BOP. Due to the effectiveness and lower cost of bioremediation, two methods. [181] They also said that they wanted to provide access to the information while maintaining safety. Post-oil spill samples on the other hand, contain mostly oil-degrading organisms with drastic decrease in diversity. The Deepwater Horizon accident has brought oil contamination of deep-sea environments to worldwide attention. [252], A cohort study of almost 2,200 Louisiana women found "high physical/environmental exposure was significantly associated with all 13 of the physical health symptoms surveyed, with the strongest associations for burning in nose, throat or lungs; sore throat; dizziness and wheezing. Bioaugmentation is the inoculation of a relatively small amount of oil-degrading microbes into an affected area. Restore and conserve habitat - $4.7 billion, Replenish and protect coastal living resources - $1.8 billion, Provide and enhance recreational opportunities - $420 million, Monitoring, adaptive management and oversight - $1.5 billion. (1 May 2010). [147] One plume was 22mi (35km) long, more than 1mi (1,600m) wide and 650ft (200m) deep. Improving Your Non-Technical Skills as a Scientist. On 15 July, the device was secured and time was taken closing the valves to ensure the attachment under increasing pressure until the valves were closed completing the temporary measures. Microbial Activities and Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in Oil-Contaminated Surface Seawater from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Site. PLoS One, 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034816, (9) Mulet, M., David, Z., Nogales, B., Bosch, R., Lalucat, J. and Garcia-Valdes, E. Pseudomonas Diversity in Crude-Oil-Contaminated Intertidal Sand Samples Obtained after the Prestige Oil Spill. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01741-10, (10) Boopathy, R., Shields, S. and Nunna, S. Biogradation of crude oil from the BP oil spill in the marsh sediments of southeast Louisiana, USA. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2012, DOI: NA, (11) Atlas, R. Oil Biodegradation and Bioremediation: A tale of the Two Worst Spills in U.S. History. Environ Sci Technol, 2011, DOI: 10.1021/es2013227, Figure 1: http://www.birdeducation.org/BENBulletin32.htm, Figure 2: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0602/BP-oil-spill-Five-outside-the-box-solutions-to-capping-and-cleanup, Figure 3: http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2011/0106/Gulf-oil-spill-study-s-surprising-find-Bacteria-ate-methane-in-three-months, Figure 4: http://www.thelmagazine.com/TheMeasure/archives/2010/05/24/your-pictures-of-the-bp-oil-spill-making-landfall-are-here-and-just-as-hopelessly-tragic-as-youd-feared, From MicrobeWiki, the student-edited microbiology resource, Specific strain of microbes capable of hydrocarbon degradation, Possible topics for further research and direction, http://www.birdeducation.org/BENBulletin32.htm, http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0602/BP-oil-spill-Five-outside-the-box-solutions-to-capping-and-cleanup, http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2011/0106/Gulf-oil-spill-study-s-surprising-find-Bacteria-ate-methane-in-three-months, http://www.thelmagazine.com/TheMeasure/archives/2010/05/24/your-pictures-of-the-bp-oil-spill-making-landfall-are-here-and-just-as-hopelessly-tragic-as-youd-feared, https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php?title=Microbial_Response_to_Deepwater_Horizon_Oil_Spill&oldid=79090. By 3 October 2012, federal response costs amounted to $850million, mostly reimbursed by BP. Though the leak had slowed, it was estimated by a government-commissioned panel of scientists that 4,900,000 barrels of oil had already leaked into the gulf. [312], On 8 September 2010, BP released a 193-page report on its web site. [355], The trial's first phase was to determine the liability of BP, Transocean, Halliburton, and other companies, and if they acted with gross negligence and willful misconduct. BP and the Department of Justice agreed to a record-setting $4.525billion in fines and other payments. [252][253], A study that investigated the health effects among children in Louisiana and Florida living less than 10 miles from the coast found that more than a third of the parents reported physical or mental health symptoms among their children. [249], Two years after the spill, a study initiated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found biomarkers matching the oil from the spill in the bodies of cleanup workers. [2] BP conducted its internal investigation. Diaz also believes neurological disorders should be expected. [20][21] Earlier in 2011, a White House commission likewise blamed BP and its partners for a series of cost cutting decisions and an inadequate safety system, but also concluded that the spill resulted from "systemic" root causes and "absent significant reform in both industry practices and government policies, might well recur". Phylogenetic The explosion Since then, we have worked with the public and BP to identify and implement early restoration projects. [3] After several failed efforts to contain the flow, the well was declared sealed on 19 September 2010. NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.Unprecedented in both scope and nature, the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Hor. As many as 8.3 billion oysters were lost. [156] In mid-June 2010, BP ordered 32machines that separate oil and water, with each machine capable of extracting up to 2,000bbl/d (320m3/d). This oil sheen decreases the amount of sunlight reaching organisms in the water and forms a barrier between the air and water, blocking oxygen and other necessary nutrients from diffusing into the water. On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The genes code for ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases, which are necessary to cleave the aromatic rings of PAH [4]. Bioremediation for marine oil spills. [216] In December 2013, the journal Environmental Science & Technology published a study finding that of 32 dolphins briefly captured from 24-km stretch near southeastern Louisiana, half were seriously ill or dying. [113] In 2012, Markus Huettel, a benthic ecologist at Florida State University, maintained that while much of BP's oil was degraded or evaporated, at least 60% remains unaccounted for. He said Transocean's and Halliburton's actions were "negligent." It smothered corals in oil and chemicals, and disrupted the reproductive cycles of commercial and recreational fish -- including large fish like bluefin tuna. It was largely settled when a Federal District judge approved the, That 80 percent resulted in $5.3 billion going to the, The remaining 20 percent, or $1.33 billion, went to, The National Academy of Sciences received $500 million to create the, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundations received $2.544 billion for its, NOAA led development of the preliminary restoration planning, along with the U.S. 3) A large amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere as a waste product of oil degradation. [287] The American Petroleum Institute (API) stated that the offshore drilling industry is important to job creation and economic growth. [279] In his 15 June speech, Obama said, "This oil spill is the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced Make no mistake: we will fight this spill with everything we've got for as long as it takes. 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