A: All Soldiers transitioning out (Retire, ETS, UQR, or Chapter) will process through the transition center in Maude Hall, bldg. DSN: 757-2083 upon the end of my sponsor's accompanied tour or on the date of one of the following circumstances: a.Relocation back to the United States in connection with PCS orders; b.Relocation from their assigned duty station's local commuting area to another duty location outside the United States in connection with a PCS move; c.Divorce d.Death of . If you remain in country past your DEROS, it's quite a big deal. When your Soldier receives assignment orders to move overseas, they will include. %PDF-1.6 % A: The gaining command has 30 days from receipt of the Family Travel request to process it. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Can I PCS after deros? DSN: 757-4303 Answer (1 of 9): It happened to me. We cannot officially PCS until August 1 because my husband's sign-in-date is Aug 30. Has anyone ever heard of someone leaving a few days before their DEROS or taking leave? A: Soldiers may depart Korea up to 10 days after their DEROS. endstream endobj 1567 0 obj <>stream Still, the posts are very brief for novices. Like that's something that happens everyday. To come back CONUS you need 6 months remaining from DEROS to ETS. Take your leave, you are correct. Outprocessing for Ramstein should begin between 180-120 days before your DEROS, and before you receive your orders. Location: Bldg. We don't have regular visas to work overseas; we're under the governance of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). City Of Kaiserslautern I have no info on this, but it could be worth looking into. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Transition Center (TC) provides quality transition service to all Soldiers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, National Guard) transitioning from the military for administrative separations (voluntary,. What is normal interval between DEROS and Report Date. A: No, date eligible to return from overseas (DEROS) date is the earliest date that a Soldier can depart the permanent duty station (PDS). KMC Spouses Info KMC Air Force Chapel Information VIPER Virtual In/Out-Processing, An official website of the United States government, Outprocessing for Ramstein should begin between, Air Force Sergeant's Association Chapter 1674, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. It really doesnt matter when your DEROS is if the gaining base needs you sooner, they need you sooner, it is not a date set in stone it is the date you are scheduled to leave. The Soldier's DEROS could be extended to meet the immediate critical operational need. 350 is for PCS, 400 is for TDY. Once that's done, your S1 changes your DEROS to match and travel cuts your ticket based off that. . Location: Bldg. The Family Travel section assists Soldiers and Family members with Command Sponsorship requests, adding dependents to existing Command Sponsorship, transfer of Command Sponsorship, early return of dependent and dependent student travel. 6400, Suite F102 (1st Floor), Military Personnel Division (MPD) Chapters- Soldiers should attend as soon as your chapter is initiated. and our Open regular hours on Korean & Training holidays. DLA supports the DoD rotation policy. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 3 p.m. Q: Can I leave before my DEROS? See DoDI 1315.18. OoU;6o[jBx If so, would not wanting to go in the hole even be good enough for the justification? g(k.mdCK;BPFya]{_TIWd3eiD}74Z,Q9 |';tb5+F sT2/!24Gt&= My question is: Are there other ways of doing this? Expiration of Term of Service Airmen may request a DEROS extension of 1 to 35 months (not to exceed the standard accompanied tour length). The TC prepares and provides a detailed and accurate certificate of release or discharge from active duty (DD Form 214), the most important document a transitioning Soldier receives. On an annual basis, official documentation must be provided regarding your PPP status. But, yes, you can have the family return earlier without an ERD as long as you have orders. A: Dependents may travel at any time after the sponsor receives PCS orders. Kandy, the only thing I can think of apart from what you have stated, is to contact the school again. Officer & # x27 ; s what the reg says so play it safe is! R@ + Unless you're in Hawaii or Alaska (which count as OCONUS, so you'd have a DEROS - but in that case disregard the rest of my post), the DEROS is essentially the latest you're allowed to remain in the country you're stationed in since it's essentially the agreement with the host nation between the DOD and DOS. A: PCS orders will be generated within 10 days of the receipt of your complete levy packet. The DEROS extension affords the Airmen the opportunity to extend their DEROS to accommodate personal needs, such as projected leave, retirement, moving during the school summer break or matching their DEROS to a military DSN: 755-1081, ASAP, Risk Reduction Program coordinator Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. (References: AR 55-46 and AR614-30). Short answer, you as the member can not depart your PDS until the 1st day of your DEROS month. Im in hawaii. DEROS is the LATEST you can leave. I hope everyone who goes through this finds what works for them. Cookie Notice The school liason stressed the importance of getting the students enrolled before the first day of school due to over enrollment. Priority 10: CONUS to CONUS PCS Assignments If your PCS is a CONUS-CONUS move and your original RNLTD was Your RNLTD will be extended by Your new RNLTD will be Mar, Apr, May, or Jun, 3-6 months Sep Jul 3 months Oct Aug 3 months Nov Sep 3 months Dec Oct 3 months Jan Nov 3 months Feb Dec 3 months Mar Additionally, RNLTDs and DEROS date will be . Welcome to the Military Personnel Division: Our mission is to provide timely and friendly diverse military personnel service support to Soldiers,their Family members, and retired military; thereby, promoting Soldier readiness and Family success. 6400, room U-101. It's possible, but most units don't like it because they lose the body until your replacement comes at their scheduled PCS date. You can leave anytime, your husband just has to make sure he meet the NLT date! So would I have to put a 4187 to push that deros out 1 week to the right? However, there are no such restrictions on your defendants and HHG. These S1 clerks were saying that I shouldnt take this holiday block leave because I would be busting my deros date, but Id still have nearly a whole month to finish clearing if I took this leave. Prior to final job offer, your DEROS will be established. hSio0+>d|;K9Zb[?Qs4 #|B s885 ~B2mP1NgZj3|=66){x6EoS^Fdj+[&I%V,5}}nKS#Y. 6400. So, just out of curiosity, who has ever heard of someone PCSing early form an overseas base (not for any type of punishment) or getting an earlier DEROS. Thank you all for your advice/experience. A: All Soldiers transitioning out (ETS, UQR, Retirement, or Chapter) will be given an appointment to pick-up their clearing papers at the transition center in Maude Hall. DSN: 757-2089 I do accept as true with all the ideas you have presented Priority 10: CONUS to CONUS PCS Assignments If your PCS is a CONUS-CONUS move and your original RNLTD was Your RNLTD will be extended by Your new RNLTD will be Mar, Apr, May, or Jun, 3-6 months Sep Jul 3 months Oct Aug 3 months Nov Sep 3 months Dec Oct 3 months Jan Nov 3 months Feb Dec 3 months Mar Additionally . The good news is this am easy fix, after you have a leave form that shows you are taking 30 days pcs leave or if you just want to leave 28 days early the assignments section can change your deros for anything less then 30 days. My advice is to just take your leave upon DEROS and have the military to pay to get you back stateside and use your money to enjoy your leavegood luck to you. A: Married Army couples who are enrolled in MACP are considered for JD assignments. 6400, Suite F101, Transition Services Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For information regarding travel and transportation to an overseas area, Government liability for travel to and from an overseas duty location or for a check list for use in tracking the completion of necessary forms/processes before you leave and upon arrival in the overseas area. If not, I can handle the flight and wait for him in the states. DSN: 755-1088, ASAP, Employee Assistance Program You CAN PCS prior to your YMAV, it's not like a DEROS where it's a hard and solid date. If the remainder is 51 or more, one additional travel day is allowed. Are you talking about the RNLTD is 30 Aug? 6-3e#D9&{Rj0HvFY{#>=G`[7_nL2X@Jl w5NVHDArCM9,@[# p{{AABBCt:Q*Owj #1D,;:%*M'Im8-MmN#m} QaQc%X`H!L`Xz9r%]#TAWvZ!h.NXeO5]sKQ`TKf lzq!Q mj@Ua_5{l2SAxf2.=B-3gopp9i$7miaR`_V=JdHOuA"f\,a%TgUPg!{RK[b]g%Y/;1Zwn|qqVvR^pT?n(O4 l\kr7"|eBU4f+IcZG>R 4dTQsGPmV;CR}Bk#rq@P8v)Wq7I$=AUmgfe3Cr J&A^kHrapFygVNVnb[2ytQ LZCuM/84plTYxqm-s~*@&hCujB[-EEPJ|k8$)owN4"~,{/nr# y9^VnRU%Zdr3rQik@.K99 /O_*i;G=JV\L\iui}# gKZ[IYjtIHQ]}cN6' ;"O o1ON|xX#G?E?C$L[lb|bQG`b3}{btHEb=E" {E"$H 6@i,_RM|.5LM9.EdmCb |y7 yMpmP 6400, Suits S318, Records Management lengthen them a little from next time? DSN: 755-1087, ASAP, Prevention Coordinator Why don't you just take the PCS leave prior to the date? The MPD that generated the orders is the only one that can amend the orders. Good luck and hope all goes well. But, the way it works is that you get your assignment, choose what day you will report by, back up the amount of days of leave you want to take, and submit your leave. endstream endobj 1568 0 obj <>stream You are authorized reimbursement from the APOD to your gaining PDS or your authorized travel route. Freedom of Information V" a)z#GRKW2aqnp\.y/6ti P$ZFk[iH$(06'm2=Q73STghM^ The PCS departure date must be within the Airman's DEROS month (unless the DEROS was allowed to expire due to the Airman being on international hold, in confinement, or not being medically qualified for assignment). (updated 7 December 2021), CONUS: 1-800-342-9647 DSN: 757-2097 or 0503-357-2097 If my DEROS ends a year before my ETS, would I be able to leave Hawaii a year early? Additionally, if you are not getting any of the answers you are seeking when dealing with the liasion I would consider moving up the chain of command. 1565 0 obj <>stream Can I take paternity leave with my PCS leave? So would it not be an issue since Im in hawaii? 22 0 obj <> endobj The Reassignment Section provides equitable, effective and efficient HR services to all Soldiers on assignment instructions ensuring a smooth and timely permanent change of station (PCS). You have orders, you know you are moving, why couldnt you? AMC Passenger Terminal When I say we I mean just myself and the kids will have official tickets from here to the states. Soldier PCS Policy Guidance 1 of 4 Version: 20200309.01 The amount of time you have already served in the overseas area will be included in the establishment of your DEROS (i.e., your new position would normally have a 24 month tour of duty but because you have already served 40 months in the overseas area, your new tour would be limited to 20 months so you will not exceed the DoD five year limit for return from the overseas area). And even then, if we fly from Kadena, it will be the first Saturday of August. The result determines the maximum number of authorized travel days (Reference JTR050205). MPD strives to provide timely and accurate services to all Soldiers, units, and tenant organizations in the areas of Reassignment Processing, Transition Processing, Family Travel, Emergency Leave, Dependent Student Travel, Early Return of Dependents and Retirement Services. Has anyone ever heard of someone leaving a few days before their DEROS or taking leave? Doing Business with 700 CONS (Reference MILPER Message 20-342). Location: Bldg. Adds procedures for medical workcenters to review outprocessing Soldiers' medical-readiness classifications and deployment and postdeployment health assessments (paras D-8c (2) (a) and (b)). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What does ETS date mean? Most commanders don't like the idea of losing a body until the next one shows up. Closed from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You cannot depart your current assignment any earlier then your deros not even on pcs leave. Do you already have orders in hand? They get out mid-may. We will be able to pack out before we go and will just stay a few days out of our apartment out of our own pocket. Soldier is due to PCS from OCONUS to CONUS location and backfill is delayed. You might have done this, but just a thought. If that doesnt work, well apply for an ERD (Early Return of Dependants) so at least I can get the kids enrolled in school on time while my husband does the outprocessing here. The good news is this am easy fix, after you have a leave form that shows you are taking 30 days pcs leave or if you just want to leave 28 days early the assignments section can change your deros for anything less then 30 days. IPCOT In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour - Another tour at the same duty station. Those serving in excepted service appointments, An official website of the United States government, The Nation's Combat Logistics Support Agency, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. We dont want to go to Hawaii because we have two dogs and quarantine kenneling is expensive! If youre trying to get home for Christmas you probably wont be able to be home for Christmas because you have to be in the overseas location to sign out on your PCS leave. 30 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1D42514DE1629982ED1AA74D125F82F0>]/Index[22 17]/Info 21 0 R/Length 60/Prev 76487/Root 23 0 R/Size 39/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream DEROS is the date an employee is expected to return from overseas. The Soldier's DEROS could be extended to meet the immediate critical operational need. Kaiserslautern Military Community Center If you did not defer your COT entitlement you must use your COT entitlement between tours. Location: Bldg. A: Your spouse is located in the U.S. or another country You will not be authorized travel to go to your spouses location; however, your spouse be will able to relocate from his/her current location to your gaining PDS. cS@|N'Ft9r:_B\ UQR- Soldiers should attend no early than 12 months and no later than 6 months, before their requested separation date. I contacted the school district in the states. Thanks for your help. Wing Leadership (Within the same month.) Whats an Army moment that stands out in your memory? This is our dilemma: Were PCSing this summer. (Reference DoD 7000.14 Table 26-39 and ALARACT 009/2021). Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. I like how you said only needs to be signed by the brigade commander. My husband will try space-A to accompany us and then return to finish up and fly officially a few weeks later. h+#%bao:h72H>$Ho)ILY This is called an early return of dependents, but usually shortened to EROD or ERD. Have your unit submit a curtailment (if they support) to give you the SRR to come back. Wherearemylegs 5 yr. ago If you are a First Term Soldier (have never reenlisted) you can decline an assignment if you come down on one without having a DCSS placed in your file. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A: If you signed out of your unit before 13 March 2020, you should continue on your PCS move. You must adjust your deros first, i understand people say just take leave however your DEROS date is the first day you can start leave. Itll really be a waste of your money since youll have to pay to leave and return to the overseas location just to turn around and fly back out. DEROS. Branch denied my deletion and deferred my report date to Feb. 10, 2018. endstream endobj 1566 0 obj <>stream DSN: 757-2501 After you have enrolled your child in DEERS and Tricare, take the DA Form 5888 and a copy of your DD Form 1172-2 that you received from the DEERS office to your S1 for submission to MPD. endstream endobj startxref A: COT and IPCOT travel must be approved and used in accordance with your election. Poo. The Retirement Services Officer provides a monthly pre-retirement briefing, retirement information support, and mandatory Survivor Benefit Plan counseling. So we want to leave in July, and have applied for a curtailment. K{/Isv1y)< ua{h[c`qFQ"g3o}h:0?`A%X-W)^\4+$x-Tc@YH"'o"E*VW/OTVp$42m2 (Requesting the gaining unit accept him a month early to change our DEROS here.) CL Am/ ;o|N >3+ ^JJii} l|#& A: To add your spouse to your orders, you must provide MPD with your marriage certificate / DD 1172, so that we can verify name, relationship and address. Overseas Tour Extension/Date Eligible for Return From Overseas, Projected Rotation Date (DEROS/PRD). There's no such thing as a PCS date, so I'm not exactly sure what you're asking specifically. Kandy, I know you said your husbands report date is NLT 8/30, but can you leave earlier than 8/1 if you use (excuse the spelling) circuitous travel (sp????). You have until your report date to report, and you will push your DEROS to the right to give you the amount of time needed for your leave plus DEROS to equal report date. ^M.1QXQm4BJhi( :*3goRMB\2Rf-Ryk},E*jVNo_4[-OqVIo0 h*6 $n0;%;9^n{ i6%xT KD5=8$@|LzsRo:9(kmL"ejTT\&BmE)9EN>y;b~~ORMqiLWM9d`8 OG:tR#)i'E5%p0i N-wx~JyFBKse#LSiv-r>>wco. I have heard you can do a Advance Return of Dependents if you have orders, so your family can go ahead and move to the new location. The Department of Defense (DoD) promotes establishment of assignments not to exceed 5 years in the overseas environment. We have a DEROS of Spetember 30 this year. The sooner you can take care of the necessary items, the better and easier it will be on you and your family as you transition . The leave form was already approved so I figured if there was an issue with going past my deros it would have been caught by someone. I just wanted to say if you think Aug 3 is early try July 17. It all works out. *If located in another country, your spouse must meet US immigration law, regulations and policies. If not your hubby can put in a cratailment to leave early. DSN: 753-8176 2 GrindhouseMedia 7 yr. ago Extend. We just went through the same thing. can i pcs before my deros. Thank you for your service. Our schools start mid-august too. A: COT Consecutive Overseas tour, (One OCONUS PDS to another OCONUS PDS, i.e. So stupid! DEROS is the LATEST you can leave. . If you are serving together in a dependent restricted short tour area (Korea) you may apply to occupy a joint house hold, see your S1 for the current processing guidelines. 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