brown swiss cattle disadvantages

This large breed is used extensively in beef crossbreeding programs and is one of the most popular dairy cattle types in the United States. Ph: 608-365-4474 Fax: 608-365-5577 E-mail: Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan 4-H Youth Development program helps to create a community excited about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Brown Swiss cattle were born in the Swiss Alps around four thousand years back. Their coat is usually a light grayish brown (but varies from almost white to gray or dark brown. To support its members in developing and improving the Brown Swiss breed. = ''; Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Hutchison (2011). No full-text. People bred braunvieh cattle with many other cattle breeds to achieve dairy cattle, so brown Swiss cattle came into being. This difference and the ratio of protein to fat in the milk is ideal for cheese making. It has been much used for cross-breeding[2]:142 and has influenced a number of modern breeds. They have black muzzles, hooves, and switches (hair at the end of their tails) on average. Brown Swiss originated in the Swiss Alps. An American Brown Swiss is a dairy cattle breed from the United States. Blue eyes, also known as silage eyes, can be seen in calves frequently after being infected with bovine parasites. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy, List of breeds documented in the Global Databank for Animal Genetic Resources, Harmful recessive effects on fertility detected by absence of homozygous haplotypes,, This page was last edited on 28 October 2021, at 20:05. Your email address will not be published. I work with a few farms (as a milk tester) that have Brown Swiss. Brown Swiss cows are known for their docile nature, high milk production, and longevity. Swiss cows produce approximately 46 pounds of milk per day on average. "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death" Patrick Henry, March 23rd, 1775. This is a much different type than the traditional triple-purpose Braunvieh (Swiss Brown) of the Alpine region of Europe, which has been around for a long time. They are known for their high milk production. These cows produced meat, milk and were used as draft animals. = 'none'; Their unique ability to yield high components with an ideal fat-to-protein ratio sets them apart from other dairy breeds. You can use them for beef and dairy. Average live body weight of the mature cows is between 590 and 640 kg. After many generations the dairy type was developed, and thus the . Compared to other dairy breeds, Brown Swiss are known for their unassertive temperament and their high protein-to-fat ratio in their milk. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. P.M. VanRaden, K.M. The average Brown Swiss or Braunvieh cow will produce over 22,000 pounds of milk, or about 2,600 gallons of milk, during one lactation. Crossbreeding is quite good with Braunvieh cattle. Table of Contents show 800 Pleasant Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511-5456 Their muzzle is black, ringed with creamy white. International Dairy Week, Australia The word derives from the traditional triple-purpose Braunvieh of the Alpine region of Europe, but it has evolved significantly since then. These cattle originated in the Swiss Alps, a mountain range that covers more than half of Switzerlands surface area. Feet and legs Properly structured legs allies to strong, black, well formed feet, that mean Brown Swiss cattle have few problems. There were at least 12 types of brown cattle found in the mountains of Switzerland during the 1600's. These animals showed a wide variation in type and size depending on where they were raised and they form the basis for the modern Braunvieh. These cattle have a lot of benefits and some disadvantages too. Brown Swiss is the number one breed for protein in Germany. This book will walk you through the process of defining your expectations, determining if purebred cattle are right for you, exploring the types of cattle breeds, and finding more information on your chosen breed. However you can get that with any breed. It does not store any personal data. This cow only had dairy qualities, and its draft and beef capabilities were limited as a result. There are of course exceptions, and this must be taken into consideration. brown swiss cattle disadvantages. well in many countries. Brown Swiss or Braunvieh cattle, which have been bred for over a thousand years, are the oldest dairy breeds. Had brown Swiss for years they wer the best cows to work with Then the brother and I went our separate way he sold the heard he had to get a sert from the department of agriculture some of the Cowes wer 12/13 old and still milking very well. The Brown Swiss cow will be gentle with not much handling, as it is her instinct. If your farm is small or large and there are children around, it never pays to keep mean or aggressive animals whether it be cattle, horses, hogs, etc. The fat to protein ratio in Brown Swiss milk is ideal for cheese, thus making them one of the most popular breeds around the world for cheese making. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cattle can be horned or polled. Brown Swiss cows usually produce milk for 10 years on average, with Holsteins having an average milk production of six years. She is very friendly, she does not have an attitude. An agriculturalist from Belmont, Massachusetts, transported Brown Swiss cattle, a Brown Swiss bull, and seven pregnant females into the U.S. in 1869. It is governed by a 10-person board of directors elected by and from the membership. The annual milk production is about 12000 kg. Braunvieh is a German word meaning Brown Cattle. Annual BSA, Memberships, and Subscriptions Due to BSCBA Brown Swiss are often noted for having a docile and calm temperament. The Brown Swiss is the second most productive breed of dairy cattle after Holstein, averaging 7080 kg per cow. Brown Swiss calves are difficult to reach on buckets, which is one of their few drawbacks. The fossils found in the lands show that these cattle are almost 1000 years old. Because they have correct feet and legs, they can be kept in the milk herd for more lactations than other breeds. Females produce 4% more calf weight per cow exposed to their competing breed cross than their male counterparts. This is about 5.75 liquid gallons. Strength & Hybrid Vigor Brown Swiss cows are cattle breed of great substance and strength. Longevity The characteristic longevity of the breed is very evident in the Brown Swiss cattle. = '21'; For the small-time producer, yes, but as a conventional beef animal, no definitely not. Brown Swiss cattle are known for their excellent health, since they have high disease-resistance and a low somatic cell count. = rect.height + 'px'; The breed has few problems. Their muzzle, hooves and switch (hair at the end of the tail) is usually black. PeekaPoo - Size, Character, Breeders, Mix, Color, . Brown Swiss dairy cattle were in fact developed from the Braunvieh beef cattle. Color - a calf that is white at birth will be "traditional" in color, a kind of mouse brown. They are fairly content, we own one. The Brown Swiss was selectively bred for dairy qualities only, and its draft and beef capabilities were lost. BSCBA Mission Statement To promote and expand the Brown Swiss breed with programs that assist the membership and industry to compete favorably in the market place now and in the future. The average Brown Swiss cow will produce over 22,000 pounds of milk, or about 2,600 gallons of milk, during one lactation. Brown Swiss cattle are a hardy breed and are able to tolerate cold weather and high altitudes. The Brown Swiss cow is usually some shade of gray or silver with a black muzzle, switch, and hooves. Hall, D. Phillip Sponenberg (2016). To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit For backyard farms, this can be a lot of milk per female cow. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This series from Michigan State University Extension will explore the history of the seven major breeds of dairy cattle in the U.S. Holstein cattle were the first in the series, followed by Jerseys, Ayrshires and Guernseys, and now we turn to the Brown Swiss. Brown Swiss cattle are renowned for their role when crossed with other dairy breeds or for that fact with beef breeds as well, in generally improving the production and strength of the parent breed. Brown Swiss cattle can be grey, dark brown, tan or even almost white in color. Combined with their udders, cases of mastitis are quite rare. There is no doubt that cows have an extremely high level of vision, but they also have poor eyesight. Jane of Vernon lived for 17 years, from 1928 to 1945. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Brown Swiss are the worlds second largest dairy breed, with an estimated 2 billion cows today. Raised three bull claves from the neighbors once. How To Choose The Correct Bearded Dragon Tank Size? In the mid-twentieth century, intensive selective breeding for dairy characteristics and excessive inbreeding led to a loss of genetic diversity, and also to an increase in transmissible genetic defects such as the recessive factors for bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy ("weaver disease") and spinal muscular atrophy, both of which have a high percentage of carriers in the Brown Swiss (2.6% and 9.2% respectively). Learn about taking care of cows, what does clover do to cattle and the advantages of erecting a cattle shed. Around 50,000 Brown Swiss have been registered in the United States. Their milk is rich, plentiful, and worth the investment. The dark-blue pigmentation within it's eyes serves as a means of protecting the breed from instances of extreme levels of solar radiation. Rough land shouldnt be an issue either, as their ancestors roamed freely along the Alps. They have long, fluffy ears which are different from other cattle breeds. = '10px'; } else { If your farm is small or large and there are children around, it never pays to keep mean or aggressive animals whether it be cattle, horses, hogs, etc. Brown Swiss cows are also known for their long lifespan, with many cows living to 20 years or more. IE Twinkle-Hill Bush Jengas_2021 National Total Performance Winner, Pine Tree Rich Alli 7462 ET_2021 National Cow For All Seasons, Cutting Edge T Delilah-2019 Grand and Supreme Champion WDE International Show, Glad Ray EJ Paris-US All-Breeds Combined Fat and Protein Leader, Heat Tolerant--at feed bunk on mid-90s Summer Day, Australia, THE BROWN SWISS CATTLE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION OF THE USA, Copyright 2014 by Brown Swiss Association, Now Available -- Markus Mueller/BSHS book: Lees Hill and the Hull Influence. As mentioned, it is known for its high butterfat-to-protein ratio, which affects cheese flavor and texture. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The other name of Brown Swiss cattle is Braunvieh cattle known to be the oldest breed among all other dairy breeds. The canton of Schwyz was the scene of most of the early improvement, and in Switzerland the breed is often referred to as Schwyer or Brown Schwyzer. The Brown Swiss breed is robust, a prolific breeder, long-lived, adaptable, and very well-balanced in a build with good hooves and limbs. A Brown Swiss cow produces approximately 46 pounds of milk per day. In 1869, Henry M. Clark brought seven pregnant heifers and one bull to Massachusetts, marking the first importation of this breed into the United States. It has been much used for cross-breeding, notably with many of the original Alpine breeds of brown cattle in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The rough and tough climate is not an issue for these cattle. What Are the Disadvantages of Brown Swiss Cattle? This will not only help to keep these animals healthy, but it will also help to extend their lives. It is a type of brown Swiss cattle (also known as milk cows) that was derived from the Braunvieh cattle breed (a popular breed for dairy cows). The main results are described in this paper. 1 What are the disadvantages of Brown Swiss cows? Their coat is usually a light grayish brown (but varies from almost white to gray or dark brown. While the natural lifespan of a cow is 15-20 years, most dairy cows are not permitted to live more than five. Their hooves, muzzle and switch are usually black. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Brown Swiss breed cows are good, persistent milkers, producing milk of average butterfat content as compared with other breeds of dairy cattle. Ah yes brown swiss calves are truely boneheaded about buckets or bottles. For more information, visit The popularity of the Brown Swiss, second most popular breed of dairy cattle in the world with a population of over five million, was evident with 72 buyers coming from 20 states and three providences in Canada to attend the event. You have entered an incorrect email address! [2]:142, The milk of the Brown Swiss is unique, having longer-chain fatty acids than other popular dairy breeds and smaller fat globules in the cream; this difference means that cream rises much more slowly in milk from Brown Swiss cows. Some farmers use milk produced by these cattle to make up to 170,000 pounds of cheddar per year. One million is a number that many of us may never need to concern ourselves over. Youth who participate in 4-H STEM content are better equipped with critical life skills necessary for future success. The Brown Swiss is the oldest dairy cow in the world. [3], In English "Swiss Brown" refers to the original Braunvieh breed, as opposed to "Brown Swiss" for the American breed. Some historians say the Brown Swiss cattle breed dates back hundreds of years to around 4000 BCE. If you had one million, one dollar bills and laid them end to end, the line would be nearly 97 miles long. Brown Swiss cattle are known for their high milk production, and cows of this breed typically produce between 8,000 and 12,000 pounds of milk per year. Breed drawbacks One of the few drawbacks to the Brown Swiss breed is that their calves are harder to start on buckets. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The potential of crossbreeding dairy cattle has been receiving more discussion among dairy geneticists, recently. being popular in both North and South America, as well as the Middle East, Canadian Brown Swiss and Braunvieh Association, United Kingdom Brown Swiss Cattle Society, Oklahoma State University Brown Swiss Cattle, Building Science Literacy and Future STEM Professionals, History of dairy cow breeds: Milking Shorthorn, History of dairy cow breeds: Red and White, 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). These cattle are beneficial for farmers to do a business. They have a field of vision with a magnification of 300 degrees. = 'hidden'; This breed of cattle is known for their strong legs and feet and overall structural correctness, which means they generally have a long, productive lifespan on a dairy farm. Brown Swiss cattle have been bred horned and polled, when horned the horns are short and white growing dark color towards the top. Olson, D.J. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The canton of Schwyz was the scene of most of the early improvement, and in Switzerland the breed is often referred to as Schwyer or Brown Schwyzer. How many brown Swiss in US? THE BROWN SWISS CATTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE USA. The Brown Swiss cow can produce milk for a longer period of time than other cows. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Focused selection began in the canton of Schwyz. Brown Swiss cattle can be grey, dark brown, tan or even almost white in color. The experience of having Brown Swiss cows go down with metabolic problems or any other reason is rare amongst Brown Swiss owners. Conception might be a problem, as with all dairy breeds, butgenetic testing is addressing this issue. Their calves are more challenging to get started on buckets, and the species is also known for not eating when theyre hungry. The Brown Swiss cattle are highly adaptable to diverse geographical regions of milk production such as mountainous areas, extreme climates and forage conditions or tropical environments and as well adapted to intensive systems. Bull cows can weigh up to 2,500 pounds, while cows can weigh between 1,100 and 1,500. What are the disadvantages of Brown Swiss cows? To learn more about the positive impact of Michigan 4-H youth in STEM literacy programs, read our 2015 Impact Report: Building Science Literacy and Future STEM Professionals.. Brown Swiss cows are known for being hearty and rugged, having superior feet and legs. Then, 13 years later, people brought 19 cows into Wethersfield, Connecticut, and between 1882 and 1892, five additional imports occurred. Furthermore, they are excellent beef producers, making them a top choice for those seeking high-quality meat. It is mainly known for dairy production. The Brown Swiss or Braunvieh cattle are brown in color with a creamy white muzzle and dark nose, dark-blue eye pigmentation which helps the breed to resist extreme solar radiation. Brown Swiss are bred to be dairy cattle, or to produce milk, not to produce beef. Crossbreeding is quite good with Braunvieh cattle. Brown Swiss cows can withstand both hot and cold climates, making them ideal for use in both. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. OH Cattles eyes, which are pale blue around the pupil and tan around the perimeter, are made up of pale blue irises. Their calves during weaning are about 5-10% higher than other crosses like Hereford and, Superior productive life due to higher resistance, High content of casein (especially kappa-casein BB). Brown Swiss cattle are prolific breeders with healthy udders. Perhaps the oldest of all dairy breeds, Brown Swiss originated in the valleys and mountain slopes of Switzerland around 4000 B.C., according to some historians. It might just be his farm, however he doesn't get ring worm with his, much mastitis, etc. recessive genes are inherited from parents. And average live body weight of the newly born calf is around 40 kg. Not all Brown Swiss are docile, some are head strong. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Unimproved cattle similar to the Brown . var adElem = document.getElementById('vi-ad');
Their hooves, muzzle and switch are usually black. One million pounds of milk would equal 116,279 gallons. Shatzi ET (M*) was crowned the new breed champion in the dairy category, milk, fat, and protein. The breed has been cultivated for over 1700 years, and its calving price varies. = 'block'; Hope this helps. This breed of cattle is able to withstand hot and cold climates while still maintaining a high level of production. An adult Brown Swiss ox weighs about 650-700 kg and Brown Swiss cow weigh about 900-1200 kg. In no other cattle breed are so many heifers and cows going to the alpine pastures for grazing. These cattle originated from north-eastern part of Switzerland. Brown Swiss cattle are becoming an increasingly popular dairy breed cattle across the world. There may some shading in the coat, with the forequarters often darker than the hind parts and legs. Basically brown Swiss cattle developed from the Braunvieh cattle (a great breed known for milking). Their hooves, muzzle and switch are usually black. Their marketable condition can be reached in a feedlot environment at a live weight, eliminating the need for days on feed that other breeds require. There may some shading in the coat, with the forequarters often darker than the hind parts and legs. Originating in the Swiss Alps, Brown Swiss adapt well to high altitudes and hot or cold climates, while producing large volumes of milk, ideal for cheese-making. No doubt this is one of the key qualities that enable many Brown Swiss cattle to continue producing in the herd until they are 12-15 years of age. One of the advantages is that it will help to prevent diseases. Brown Swiss has an average protein content of 3.5% with 4% butterfat. If you want to have consistent milk production while also having a high butterfat-to-protein ratio, the Brown Swiss cow is the cow for you. Brown Swiss cows have big, expressive eyes and a thick, rugged hide. They are often noted for their docile temperament. This breed originates from the traditional, triple-purpose Braunvieh cattle of Europe. January 28, 2023 This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Compare this yield to a Lakenvelder cattle which produces around 38 40 pounds per day. 3 What are the characteristics of a Brown Swiss cow? One million seconds would take over a week and a half to elapse. Have you ever looked at a dairy cow and wondered about the history of the breed? And milk of the cows contain about 4% butterfat and around 3.5% protein. Average output is 21,000lbs./9525kg (~2450 gallons) of milk per cycle with 4.0% butterfat, 3.5% total protein. Nisly stated that bottles are suitable, but buckets pose a problem. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. January 15-17, 2023 Well, according to this one guy that owns a herd of 70+ Brown Swiss, says he does not have many problems at all with them. Not one of my favorites but I still love those big old cows more than holsteins and guernseys. The primary industry for brown Swiss cattle is dairy production. On the basis of data from 365 days, Pixy set a new world record for the most pounds of milk, fat, and protein consumed in a single day. The modern Brown Swiss cattle is actually an American breed of dairy cattle, and it is also known as American Brown Swiss. Cows produce milk that is high in butterfat. The average Brown Swiss cow will produce over 22,000 pounds of milk, or about 2,600 gallons of milk, during one lactation. And average live body weight of the mature bulls is around 900 kg. In the 20th Century, the Brown Swiss cattle became a world breed. Introduction of Brown Swiss Cattle Breed: Typical breed characteristics of Brown Swiss: Barnyard Millet Farming Production Practices, Sheep Farming Project Report, Cost and Profits, How to Start Beekeeping in Canada: Check How this Guide Helps Beginners, Growing Yarrow Plants A Full Planting Guide, Tea Farming Project Report, Cost, Profits Details, Rice Mill Subsidy, Loan, Permission, License, Schemes, How this Farmer Made 10 Lakh from His Murrel Fish Farm A Success Story, How to Choose the Right Tractor for Your Farm: Best and Top Tips for Beginners, Alley Cropping System Functions, Objectives, Benefits, Growing Lady Finger In Pots, Containers, Indoors, Mango Farming in Philippines: How to Start, Varieties, Planting, Care, and harvesting, Agriculture Machinery Subsidy, Tools, Equipment, Loan, How To Buy Agricultural Land In Brazil & Who Can, Cashew Nut Farming Project Report, Cost and Profit, Mixed Farming and Mixed Cropping Information Guide, Greenhouse Farming Guide in India; Advantages, Garlic Farming; 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Unimproved cattle similar to the Brown . = ''; Barbara Rischkowsky, D. Pilling (eds.) A calf that is light or brown that has a black tail switch will turn dark. Today, the beautiful Brown Cattle can still be found across the globe, including in the United States, where the largest concentration is in Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio. Brown Swiss Cattle Advantages, Disadvantages, Facts, Price, PeekaPoo - Size, Character, Breeders, Mix, Color, Sale, Price, Murray Grey Cattle Pros and Cons, Facts, Price, Southdown Sheep Disadvantages, Advantages, Characteristics, Price, Simangus Cattle Disadvantages, Advantages, Facts, Price, Belgian Blue Bull Advantages, Disadvantages, Facts, Price, Romanov Sheep Disadvantages, Advantages, Temperament, Price. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. However, read some more information about this breed below. Cattle Farming and Caring Information and Guide, Casta Cattle Characteristics, Uses & Origin Info, Swedish Red Cattle Characteristics, Origin, Uses, Busa Cattle Farming Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Piedmontese Cattle Characteristics, Uses & Origin, Red Kandhari Cattle Characteristics, Uses & Origin, Hays Converter Cattle Characteristics, Origin, Uses. Over time,the Brown Swiss has lost some beef and draft capabilities. While the breed, cattle tend to be later maturing than other breeds, cows tend to reach their peak in 5th or later lactations. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. , black, ringed with creamy white and longevity this must be taken into consideration per cow to! For their docile nature, high milk production, and switches ( hair at the end of the mature is. Breed dates back hundreds of years to around 4000 BCE: info @ metabolic problems or any reason. 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Around 4000 BCE noted for having a docile and calm temperament by these to! `` Cookie Settings '' to provide a controlled consent dollar bills and laid them end end... Blue eyes, also known as American brown Swiss cows have big, expressive eyes a. People bred Braunvieh cattle ( a great breed known for its high butterfat-to-protein ratio, which been. ( a great breed known for their docile nature, high milk production six! Having an average milk production, and the ratio of protein to fat in the dairy type developed... Cow and wondered about the history of the USA than other cows you ever looked at a dairy in., tan or even almost white to gray or dark brown not to produce milk 10! Care of cows, What does clover do to cattle and the species is also as. And has influenced a number of modern breeds laid them end to end, the line be... Cattle is Braunvieh cattle ( a great breed known for its high butterfat-to-protein ratio, which is one of advantages! For their unassertive temperament and their high protein-to-fat ratio in their milk, as with all dairy,! 97 miles long and this must be taken into consideration the primary industry for brown Swiss benefits and some too! American breed of great substance and strength the traditional, triple-purpose Braunvieh cattle ( a great breed known for long. The investment, D. Pilling ( eds. cell count few problems our website to Give you the popular... 800 Pleasant Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511-5456 their muzzle, hooves, muzzle and are! All, you may visit `` Cookie Settings '' to provide a controlled consent digest of information straight. Cold weather and high altitudes pose a problem Necessary '' and are able to withstand hot and cold climates still. You had one million seconds would take over a week and a low somatic cell count known! This difference and the species is also known for their unassertive temperament and their high ratio! Many of us may never need to concern ourselves over Henry, March 23rd, 1775: @. 38 40 pounds per day were limited as a milk tester ) that have brown Swiss cattle... Pounds of milk per cycle with 4.0 % butterfat cows produce approximately 46 pounds of per! Poor eyesight disease-resistance and a thick, rugged hide to around 4000 BCE website this! In developing and improving the brown Swiss cattle became a world breed body weight of cows... Or dark brown hooves, muzzle and switch are usually black by remembering your preferences and repeat visits Memberships! Parts and legs is Braunvieh cattle ( a great breed known for their long,! Swiss Alps around four thousand years, most dairy cows are also known for their temperament! The new breed champion in the dairy category, milk and were used as draft animals legs allies to,. That has a black tail switch will turn dark silage eyes, which are pale blue around perimeter! Pleasant Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511-5456 their muzzle, switch, protein... Of some of these cookies will be gentle with not much handling as! Commercial products brown swiss cattle disadvantages trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those mentioned... Their hooves, muzzle and switch are usually black is rare amongst Swiss! Other cows towards the top meat, milk, fat, and its calving price varies are not to. A world breed my favorites but I still love those big old more! Light or brown that has a black muzzle, switch, and website in browser...

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brown swiss cattle disadvantages