We go over the strategy, do the run ourselves, and show mods at the end of the video.DronF's Original Video Showcasing SLKR Getting 50%+ Damage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwDnhhMZEb8\u0026tJoin the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Never use FOO first ability. Nightsisters (Talzin Lead) (more early-game), Incredibly annoying to deal with (especially with Daka and NS Zombie). Didnt even have all the characters unlocked yet. Best slkr team? A very debuff-heavy and high-damage team, with very tanky Malak and damage dealers like Marauder, DR and BSF. Nightsisters (Asaji Lead) (early-game, more so than Talzin I guess) Inferior to Talzin Lead and also a lead I never really used to be honest. For hstr, you'd run hux/slkr/foo/thrawn/hermit. This Press J to jump to the feed. Best SWGOH Non-GL Team Overall Ranking Remember the polls last month or so? Here's the TLDR breakdown for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's most popular mods: Here's are the average character stats for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren: The most popular Mod Set for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is JKA will take out sides with aoe, or otherwise get C3PO to land confuse, Set a benchmark for damage prior just after GK dies (e.g 3.23), and restart and try to beat that, until you get sick of it. This Day 14: Characters already in SWGOH that arent playable Press J to jump to the feed. Don't freak out but I've found that slkr (lead) darth malak drevan kru and hux is a solid team but I wanna optimize my team if possible. The most popular Primary Stat for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's Cross Mod is Offense, with 75% of top players preferring it. I dont know what I expected, but it wasnt this STILL Grand Arena is slowly becoming my least favorite game Why doesn't the Rebel faction have a GL. Even more powerful with Omicron. The most popular Primary Stat for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's Arrow Mod is Speed, with 84% of top players preferring it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rz9Z_a-Ytd6CE1sdptW8v63hWUhzofwXhmKfj9Kxdos/edit, The ranking is by Reddit SWGOH people, around hundreds of them. Seconded on this. Can't say CAT is an early game team, at least for this moment where she's limited to the conquest store, whose currency is not that easy to earn unless you have a developed roster. The best Grand Arena Championship 5v5 teams are already listed above, so refer to those until some more Omicron abilities arrive for the current roster of First Order characters. If you have SE/Wat/others. Overall, the ranking kinda made sense (especially the top part; from 20+ onwards, most of the teams only got like 1-2 votes out of hundreds of respondents). Prior to nerf though. Only 1 attempt. Old Republic (early-game) I used this team as a backwall. Then use third. You could pair him with Ewoks are hed still probably field an effective squad. If you have SE/Wat/others. Hey yall. This is the results. Bounty Hunter (Boba Lead) (early-game) Also used to use this for the health boost and possible speed boost. Sith Triumvirate (not as early game; um easily obtainable but not a priority for most) This team is more easily obtainable than some and is further strengthened by Talon. Sorry if the formatting is very weird. JTR (early-game) Good for HSTR. Use airplane mode! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! Bounty Hunter (Jango Lead) (early-game) Used to use because of the speed boost. With its release, there hasnt been a better time to check out the top First Order squads to use in SWGOH. This means both buffs and debuffs help, and there are tons of those in DS Geo TB. SLKR, KRU, Hux, FO Stormtrooper, Sith Trooper, Why storm trooper tho I always see him but why him. I'm running SL lead currently and doing better after the Hux fix. We now have access to the world's first team which can solo the heroic Sith raid in Galaxy of Heroes because of K. Captain Phasma recently received a rework with the addition of an Omicron tier ability. I thought mne was slow. Again, I havent really tried to farm Resistance. Double down and flank him with some Resistance characters; doesnt matter because hell hit like a truck no matter what. The Kenobi Sink team is probably the most fun of all the teams because it's so quick and can't go wrong as long as your first move works. You have to follow the strategy for success though. Aiming for such characters may also take very long as you just started and relic mats and gear are way harder to come by. Farm this team mainly to get SLKR. Bossk is also needed for Hounds Tooth, one of the best ships in the game. SWGOH - Crancor P1 Darth Vader 10-12% - Challenge Rancor Phase 1 POST CHANGES - IN-DEPTH GUIDE! Starkiller (UFU Team) (more mid-game) Like some mentioned, this team is hurt by how new it is. I also use speed + health sets. Now mainly zBossk Lead. https://twitter.com/AhnaldT101https://www.facebook.com/AhnaldT101/ The most popular Primary Stat for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's Triangle Mod is Critical Damage, with 82% of top players preferring it. GAC omicron makes this work better, though it seems good enough in normal circumstances. Overall Ranking (best to worst, according to ranking by hundreds of SWGOH reddit users): Take note that some of them I havent really farmed (most of them are at the bottom). It could defeat a pre-ult SEE team even on defense. GAC 3v3 is a different beast offering some flexibility and variations. All info here: https://www.peempo.com Hera leads her team to victory against the powerful Snowtroopers on Hoth. Reviews of The 7 Best Jedi Team Swgoh . Maybe better in. Health Circle, Offense or speed arrow, Crit Damage triangle, and Offense cross. Both pathways have their pros and cons. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. In lead you'll want Boba Fett or any character who boosts the teams damage output (i.e. This is the results. But I didnt say CAT is an early-game team. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ), which doesnt help you in Conquest, TB, TW, Galactic Challenges or GAC (maybe in raids if you aim for SLKR, and for fleet and squad arena, tbh you pretty much just need one team). The teams ranked at the bottom that I advised you to go for at the start would be First Order (for SLKR, which is a more accessible GL and a raid champion), Phoenix (impt for Thrawn and Palp) and maybe Ewoks (just for 3Po, which is a key character in many good teams like Padme and CLS). The text below is my opinion of these teams. Not really an early-game team or the focus of many though. This is the way worse version of Mauls Mandos. There is a lot of new stuff coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, including new content and mechanics, so make sure to stay tuned for more SWGOH content! I don't like to move mods much so is there a best all around Arena/GAC team for him and a modding approach for that team? CLS (early-game team) Also expected to be the top. IIDownload: https://furyweekend.bandcamp.com/track/the-vanishing-pt-ii-2 Scandroid - Aphelion (Battlejuice Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/track/aphelion-battlejuice-remix Scandroid - The Veil (Synthatiger Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/album/the-veil-synthatiger-remix-singleStar Wars Imperial March Synth Cover (Outro Song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWahJqEncyIAhnaldT101 Merch! JKL (mid-game team) A team I havent seen much or wasnt really talked about much, though its viable. Early-game: teams that you could usually get quite early on Mid-game (look at ur 2M+ journey guide characters or Conquest toons): teams you usually get later on Late-game: more end-game stuff, like GLs or maybe Executor. This set provides a bonus of 10% Health and 10% Speed. SWGOH.GG SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Squads Based on 333,683 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Sign in or register to get started. Even with all the Galactic Legends releases, There is a lot of new stuff coming to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, including new content and mechanics, so make sure to stay tuned for, Warframe Void Trader item list Jan. 13, 2023, CES 2023 wrap-up All the cool gaming tech you should be excited about, CES 2023 is proving that game controllers still have room to evolve, Gaming immersion dominates CES 2023s gaming tech, The best SWGOH attack out of turn characters and teams, How to level up the Mages Guild in ESO | The Elder Scrolls Online Guide, The best order to save the wisps in | Ori and the Will of the Wisps Guide, Best SWGOH teams for each phase of Challenge Tier Rancor raid, The 6 best ways to make silver in Albion Online, GTFO overview Everything you need to know about the new horror co-op shooter, Nightblues Ridiculous Damage Kindred build | League of Legends Guide, The Unbeatable Rakan build | League of Legends Guide, The Full AP Burst Sylas | League of Legends Guide. The Galactic Legend events in SWGoH have been building up for months, and finally on March 25, 2020 players were allowed to start working toward opening the new Galactic Legend versions of Rey and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Empire (Palp, MJ) (early-game) Mara Jade really boosts this team a lot. Could be used to get 3-star or max banners for GAC. Generally though, it is a great team, though the team composition is a bit weirder than most. But if you want to go for a GL first just for the fun of it, I respect your choice. IIDownload: https://furyweekend.bandcamp.com/track/the-vanishing-pt-ii-2 Scandroid - Aphelion (Battlejuice Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/track/aphelion-battlejuice-remix Scandroid - The Veil (Synthatiger Remix)Download: https://scandroid.bandcamp.com/album/the-veil-synthatiger-remix-singleStar Wars Imperial March Synth Cover (Outro Song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWahJqEncyILink to my Discord server - https://discord.gg/77BDNszAhnaldT101 Merch! 17. Best Arrow Mod (Receiver) for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Only the 3 FO survive. Its never too early to start farming First Order characters as theyre some of the most accessible characters in SWGOH. Kylo Ren Unmasked (L), First Order Stormtrooper, Sith Trooper. Lets get the layup out of the way. Best all-around First Order squad: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (L), Kylo Ren Unmasked, General Hux, Sith Trooper, First Order Stormtrooper. Turn order (order may vary even with same squad): Tips: By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Bossk Lead is superior though. Nute Gunray Lead (early-game) I personally never had used this team, though Nute Gunray could be annoying due to the revive he gets. Also better in phase 2-3 than in 4, except maybe CLS and Jango with Separatist lead. Check out Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's in-depth mod analysis or dig in to another unit's mods on the Best Mods for SWGOH Characters page. Making a purchase decision, we strongly suggest reading the features of each of the following Best Jedi Team Swgoh and choose the right one that fulfills your demands: Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy Vitamins (1 Pack, 60 Count, Gelatin-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan & Non-GMO Made with Essential . 2 9 9 comments Best Add a Comment With Ult: SLKR (L) Hux SiT KRU FOST. I dont have Hermit yet, thinking about putting masked Ren in his place for his AOE ability. Deals decent damage in Hoth TB for some reason. Also, unlikely for F2Ps to get Starkiller anyway until all characters have shard rates accelerated, Padme (JKA, GK, 3PO, Ahsoka) (early-game), Again, GK is very annoying. Padme (CAT) (mid-game team) CAT really boosts this team. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (L), Kylo Ren Unmasked, General Hux, Sith Trooper, First Order Stormtrooper. He offers a full account remod service! Phoenix Squadron: Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper, Hera Syndulla, "Zeb" Orrelios. Geos (early-game) This is one of the teams most would farm first, for Padme and Wat. It it is definitely harder. Best solo squad. Speed (4) Good in HSTR. Best run: 3,570,422 (?) Late-game: more end-game stuff, like GLs or maybe Executor. Best run: 934,925 - great death order, with Sith Trooper dying last! Phasma lead may be better! Captain Phasma recently received a rework with the addition of an Omicron tier ability. Phase 3: only did 391K, but that was without Chewpio, R2 instead - and c3p0, so may phase 3 not so good. Any suggestions ? You could pair him with Ewoks are hed still probably field an effective squad. SLKR Thrawn Hux Dakka Zombie Video: SWGOH: Challenge Rancor "The Pit": Phase 2/3 SLKR Sisters 15-30% Tips: - Fracture increases TM of boss, so avoid using it unless boss' TM is nearly full, or while toppled SLKR/Hux/KRU/Sith Trooper/Thrawn[ edit] SWGOH: Challenge Rancor "The Pit": Phase 2/3 20+% SLKR Thrawn First Order - Feb 2021 Modding: I use SLKR (lead), kru, darth vader, hux, and sith trooper. Again, a team I never really prioritised. Need two rexillates for a worthwhile run, restart if you can't get them. Today we made history ladies and gentlemen! Sith Empire (more mid game team than JKR, cause of Malak) I enjoy using this team a lot. I dont know what I expected, but it wasnt this STILL Grand Arena is slowly becoming my least favorite game Why doesn't the Rebel faction have a GL. Mods at end, Stress Free 5% with Shaak Clones Run in P2 - Challenge Tier Rancor, (Preliminary) Challenge Tier Rancor Teams, SWGOH: Challenge Pit 2.0 Best Full Lineup April, SWGOH: Challenge Rancor "The Pit": Top Teams February, How to damage the Rancor in the final 20%, ULTIMATE CHALLENGE RANCOR GUIDE! Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. First Order (KRU Lead) (early-game) Never really farmed. A relatively new team, with a lot of revives, though very restricted by its no-leadership requirement to be good. Bounty Hunter (Bossk Lead) (early-game) Quite an annoying team to go against, with tanky Bossk and the healing (a reliced Bossk can survive a QGJ omi R7 JKA, which is like 100,000 damage at the very least). SWGOH: Challenge Rancor "The Pit": Phase 1 Darth Vader 20-24%. Then you'll throw in a couple of attackers with General Kenobi and Darth Maul. Im using speed/health and its helpful for mirror matches for sure. Used tenacity down on Malak before Drain. Speed secondary, offense secondary, and offense cross. https://teespring.com/stores/ahnaldt101Follow me on Twitter and Facebook! - https://www.youtube.com/ahnaldt101/joinSupport the Music Artists Fury Weekend - Black to the FutureDownload: https://furyweekend.bandcamp.com/track/black-to-the-future-2 Fury Weekend - The Vanishing Pt. 35. 32. I have Rey and can easily beat Luke teams but struggle against slkrs damage output. Of all the Its safe to say my GAC opponent is libertarian. One of the cheaper teams one could afford in the grand scheme of things (no relics required to unlock CLS, Han, Chewie or C3PO, though the events for the last two are very painful) and continues to remain as a top-tier team despite being an older one. Also do note that the gap between early-game, mid-game and late-game material is narrowing. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Territory Battles | Geonosis DS Geo TB is a game mode of attrition, and few squads do attrition better than those led by Kylo Ren Unmasked. The best leader for a Rebels team is Mon Mothma, who is able to summon a Rebel Fighter who steadily becomes more powerful. 2; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos Best First Order TW squad: Captain Phasma (L), First Order Executioner, First Order TIE Pilot, First Order SF TIE Pilot, First Order Stormtrooper. With any comp you want the following death order - otherwise consider restarting: Just focus the boss. Signing up for GAC after you just went 3-0. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 989 characters. Without Ult: Hux (L) SLKR FOO SiT KRU. Empire (Thrawn Lead) (early-game) Same as above, 38. Used to use in SWGOH harder to come by players in SWGOH that playable. Mid-Game team ) CAT really boosts this team, Hera Syndulla, & quot Orrelios! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part conversations... Couple of attackers with General Kenobi and Darth Maul always see him Why!, Chopper, Hera Syndulla, & quot ; Orrelios ; doesnt matter because hit! Or wasnt really talked about much, though its viable % health and 10 speed... Take very long as you just went 3-0 a better time to check out top... Quot ; Zeb & quot ; Zeb & quot ; Zeb & ;! Harder to come by seems good enough in normal circumstances in DS TB! 3 FO survive tried to farm Resistance First, for padme and Wat,! Composition is a different beast offering some flexibility and variations show the galaxy your POWER! Marauder, DR and BSF speed Arrow, Crit damage triangle, and collect Kyber to... 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