If it is still relatively on point, I switch to the hunting ammo and adjust it to where it needs to be. You can calculate this ballistics data and more for your favorite 308 loads by downloading Shoot! If the muzzle is at an angle higher than 90 the bullet will travel for some time; how long depends on the angle. Energy Numbers from Hornady Ballistic Calculator.6.5 CM vs .308 Accuracy. No clue what youre talking about. Zero Distance for 308 Zero at 100 yards and everything you will need to dial will be up. Many have noted the 308 Win's shortcomings, often attributing a great deal of its popularity to mere tradition. One of Americas favorite deer hunting rounds, and suitable for a host of other medium and large game as well. Sighted at 100, after 100, it starts coming down fast. Sighting-in a hunting rifle to hit a certain number of inches high at 100 yards (or 100 meters) maximizes the point blank range of the rifle and cartridge and is superior to zeroing at a fixed distance like 200 yards. You should always remember that having both accuracyand precision at any distance is key for your hunting success. That may be different if , of course, you commonly shoot at 300 yards or 25 yards. At 250 yards, it will impact 6 inches below the point of aim, (three inches out of the vital zone.) For hunting purposes it may be "close enough," but it's not "dead on" for most calibers. Its called point-blank range, and to maximize it you should alter your sight-in range for a particular load, rather than letting your traditional sight-in distance dictate your rifles zero. Everybody has a different version of their estimation for long range. But if you are inexperienced or its a bit gusty on the range then the shot may be extremely inaccurate at that range, certainly for shot placement.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_15',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_16',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. You must continually monitor your targets after every round you take. Once you have the zero, then practice at every opportunity. The graph shows that your .270 Win. That is still pretty good. I did some searching and found an app for my phone called BulletDrop. The .308 Winchester having been around for a while has developed its popularity in the field. Although it may seem like a pointless exercise, having a properly zeroed scope will be advantageous when you are actually hunting. The Ballistic Background: First we have to understand the concept of zero. It is important to zero your .308 Winchester so that you can consistently hit your intended targets at the distance you desire. If you are used to taking into account 400 inches of bullet drop then its effective at 1000 yards. This must occur on a regular basis at 100 yards with the .308. The 308 Wins .308 bullet is commonly available in 150, 165, and 180 grain weights, which are substantial enough to make short work of a great variety of game. The Volunteer XV Pro features is built on a mid-length gas system with a 16-inch threaded barrel and chambered in 6mm ARC to make it a high-speed deer hunter made in the USA. C Ray I have lean with Tim an Joseph Bs thoughts on this one. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator out there. Point blank range defined is the range of distances at which you can hold your rifle on the bullseye and never fall in or out of your targets kill zone. The 308 Wins .308 bullet has an innately high ballistic coefficient but its power is often inadequate to stay on course very far downrange. This is the wrong way to think about it. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. as a smokeless powder rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge. Depending on scope/reticle a 100 yard zero should get you to about 600 without dialing, but unless you're shooting lasers you'll have to still hold over anything past your zero. . With the .308 rifle, I like the zero to be about 1.5-inch high at 100 yards, giving me a sure chance of hitting the game animal in the vitals at 200 yards, since the point of impact will be just a couple of inches low. Ive listened to some pretty amazing ballistic theories over the years but this one is probably the most common. . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Thanks for posting. A short-action cartridge permits a more compact rifle, an invaluable perk during long hunts or treks through the brush. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It will hit its highest point about 60-65 yards out and then be falling from there on. From 650 yards onwards, the shooter has to be capable of accurate shot placement whilst dealing with a further 240 inches (20ft) of bullet drop out to 1000 yards. ground at the same time. Although it may seem like a pointless exercise, having a properly zeroed scope will be advantageous when you are actually hunting. Zero Distance: 25 Yards: 25 Yards: Ballistic Coefficient.625.552: Altitude: 0 ft. 0ft. By adding trajectories to the panel on the right you may produce charts and graphs that show the different trajectories side by side. The inclination of the barrel is required to bring the trajectory of the bullet up to intersect with the line-of-sight. Wow, C Ray doesnt know what its talking about at all does it? Dont let the traditional 100-yard zero set your goals, judge the zero you need by the likely chore to be performed. $Yj]43$2D$ 2D2ES/p~&^K|o~??^U [Ix{2D)z~;/:U!M4pZ]Nnbp#K UYL8N?LH}|cEps&D,I-U#?&rn8DA0Kv9tPI*RX`a)T,WrGM"=^(;;\Wz_to3EhJW-yV1/B,Fo87m$sU#]#sbm~XF9pI>"@vIAs0#W{Y/`P. Whatever anyone says, the .308 Winchester is a formidable cartridge and with plenty of life left in it yet. You wrote They rise above the muzzle, then they drop at longer distances. The drop part I understand, but the only reason a bullet will rise out of the muzzle is if the muzzle is pointed at an incline. SHOOTERSCALCULATOR.COM. The perfect starting distance is at around 25 yards. Download Shoot! CVA has released a new model of the Paramount Pro for 2023, termed the Paramount Pro V2. You will set your new target to 50 yards. Ballistically, it falls in line with a whole class of moderately fast calibers. Whilst there are more powerful rounds out there, certainly more useable at a range of 1000 yards, the 308 is a time tested round that has proven it has the ability to deliver at range. As an example, the Ruger .22 Magnum rifle I use for small game is best sighted for 25 yards. They rise above the muzzle, then they drop at longer distances.. The Conclusion: A 25-yard zero will put your bullet around 2.5 to 3 inches high at 100 yards depending on caliber, but it's not "dead on.". I dont like using my good ammo for sighting in. You enter the data for your particular round and hit calculate and then you can set the maximum distance and the range increments. Where to Buy. Just the same, this is a generous kill zone within perhaps 200 yards of possible shots. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-leader-1','ezslot_14',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}From 650 yards onwards, the shooter has to be capable of accurate shot placement whilst dealing with a further 240 inches (20ft) of bullet drop out to 1000 yards. His comment at the end about hitting at the same time is common physics. If you choose to employ this 26-yard technique, beware that when zeroing at close range, you must strive for perfection. All of these sights sit approximately 2.5 inches above the bore of an AR-15 rifle. Then you need to check the target. Of course, this is an on-paper estimate, and until you actually shoot your rifle at those distances, you cant be sure, but Ive found it to be pretty close. to calculate 308 ballistics. 500 yards away, that round is still moving. If you are not sure which mount you need, it is perfectly ok to ask for help. I just got a core 30 ar10. Having come from a military background its no surprise to find it packs quite a punch. No rifle cartridge is a laser beam. The next step is to move the target out to 100 yards. I mean C Ray shouldnt be allowed to comment on anything gun related because its obviously a moron! I prefer to err on the side of caution and hold closer. This system maximizes the distance in which no "hold over" is necessary. It first crosses the line of sight at about 30 feet or so. Revolvers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Mossberg Patriot LR Tactical | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Savage Stevens 334 Bolt-Action Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt CBX Precision Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Trijicon SRO | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Holosun 510C | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video: Winchester Big Bore Ammo | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Browning Ammunition SUB22 Subsonic Rimfire | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, New: Baschieri & Pellagri Helice Shotshells | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Preview: SnapSafe GlideVault | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Building the Perfect Duck Hunt | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Hunt Late-Season Whitetails on the Plains | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Create Coyote Fight Sounds | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Duck Commander: 50 Years of Faith, Family and Ducks | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. The 300-yard zero looks like a decent solution for combat, assuming you can always aim center mass. For simple target practice or competition shooting, 100 yards should be plenty. Before beginning the process of zeroing your scope, just know that you will be taking a lot of shots. (Thats missing the 6-inch circle, 3 inches below the center, or point of aim.) We must understand the rifle and its accuracy potential and our own limitations. The 6.5 PRC was created with the design goal of shooting a high BC bullet at 3,200fps from a short-action rifle. endobj Set your paper targets at 100 yards. Now adjust your scopes elevation turret up 2.61 inches (e.g. An elks vital zone is larger of coursewell say 8 inches. Using the following calculator, you can calculate the approximate height above your 25 yard impact so that you can shoot out to whatever range is practical for your weapon. The same goes for 55 and 69-grain .223. most were at 20-30 yds. The ballistic program is just a rough guide. The email address you entered is not valid. 's blog. Opening/connecting with just a quarter-twist and offering an extremely simple breakdown, the latest addition to Savages A Series lineup is the outdoor enthusiasts new go-anywhere rifle. New 25+1 Capacity Shotgun! I zero to common but usually 100 And KNOW the ballistics. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. Just zero it at a certain figure and really learn its UPS and DOWNS pun intended. Now, move the paper targets to 200 yards and repeat the whole process. This is a .223 ballistics chart (external) generated using our ballistic trajectory calculator. Just be aware that all external forces (temperature,altitude,barometric pressure, wind etc.) Zeroing starts to become fun at this point. <>>> In other words, if the bullet strikes the line of sight at 25 yards and then rises relative to the line of sight before falling and intersecting the line of sight again at 100 yards, we have a 100 yard zero. Please be respectful of others. Indoor ranges and shorter 25-yard ranges are much easier to find. In order to consistently hit deer-sized targets at 300 yards and beyond, or determine the best sight settings for long range target shooting, use Shoot! If you do not have a Shooting Chronograph, I strongly suggest you purchase one. I usually zero at 50 which puts me a couple inches high at 100 and on at 200 (if I remember correctly!). Set targets out to 200 yards Now, move the paper targets to 200 yards and repeat the whole process. Make any adjustments that are needed. The charting shows the range, drop (based off a 1.5" scope mount), current velocity, energy . As a safety precaution, make sure the area is all clear before retrieving a target. You can find an email form and contact information here. Are they too high? In spite of its inferior ballistics to most modern hunting cartridges, the 308 Wins massive popularity and still perfectly serviceable accuracy and terminal performance mean its not going away any time soon. No. A factor that isnt part of the equation is the zero. I dont zero anything other then zero. CVA has released a new model of the Paramount Pro for 2023, termed the Paramount Pro V2. The point blank range for a deer, for example, is generally regarded as six inches. I have been utilizing this practice for decades. But with the technique mentioned above, you can simply aim for an animals vitals out to 300 yards and concentrate on a smooth trigger pull. (Any cartridge that sees widespread use in wartime is necessarily going to remain popular with those hunt in peacetime.) Bullets will NOT NOT NOT rise unless the rifle end is raised above true level. If your shots are off, it is crucial that you make the needed adjustments. The theory is that, with common big game cartridges, a zero at 25 yards will correlate to a second zero at 100 yards. The ballistics you get from this program is as accurate as the information you input. At 1000 yards a .308 Winchester will have dropped around 400 inches (30 feet) where it has lost 55% of its velocity. You will need to rezero your scope for the weather conditions you are shooting in. .308 Winchester (7.62mm NATO), A 100-yard range sometimes requires considerable travel from the home. If you are consistently hitting the bullseye, or close to it, you are ready to increase the distance. (Given a modern relatively flat-shooting cartridge.) It is essential for .308 Winchester owners to know how to properly zero a scope. Sub 200 yard shots will require little adjustment. You can see why it grew in popularity as the default battlesight zero when everyone was running around with fixed iron sights. NE New Mexico fireworks w red military surplus tracers 147 grn. 25 Degrees .25" 1.0" 2.5" 4.7" 7.8" 12" 17" 24" 33" 43" 30 Degrees .30" 1.5" 3.5" 6.7" 11" 17" 25" 34" 47" 62" . If I start at 25 yds, I am walking a much shorter distance to the target to check my groups and change the targets. At 250 yds, dead on and just shy of 3 low at 300 yds. You can find more articles from him on Scopesman.com and Rangefindertoday.com. http://www.shooterscalculator.com/ballistic-trajectory-chart.php?pl=%5BPreset+Name%5D&presets=&df=G1&bc=0.198&bw=270&vi=1441&zr=25&sh=1.5&sa=0&ws=0&wa=0&ssb=on&cr=200&ss=10&chartColumns=Range%7Eyd%3BElevation%7Ein%3BElevation%7EMOA%7EFBFFF5%3BElevation%7EMIL%3BWindage%7Ein%3BWindage%7EMOA%7EFBFFF5%3BWindage%7EMIL%3BTime%7Es%3BEnergy%7Eft.lbf%3BVel%5Bx%2By%5D%7Eft%2Fs&lbl=&submitst=+Create+Chart+. C Ray youre a total clown. The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. Rifle Trajectory Table. Winchester Firearms. even if you zero for just 100 yards, you should know the exact bullet trajectory so . Fact is,most common big game loads would be about 3 inches high at 100 yards. Sighting-in a hunting rifle to hit a certain number of inches high at 100 yards (or 100 meters) maximizes the point blank range of the . <> Did they go off to the left? influence the impact. Check your results and see how close you to the center. Can Coolers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, First Look: Bullseye's Spotting Scope Camera | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Meopta MeoSight IV Red-Dot Sight | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Long-Range Shooting for Beginners: 6 Things I Learned | NRA Family, Preview: Long Range Arms Send iT MV3 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Generally, we consider the rifles zero to be the point at which the bullets path intersects the line of sight for the second time. While some disparage the 308 Wins low power, others uphold its lower recoil as its primary benefit. I did learn something from this article and will definitely start at 25 yards going forward. Dont worry-it isnt hard and actually, it can be fun to do. The muzzleloader utilizes the same VariFlame Breech Plug adapter as its predecessors, allowing it to use large-rifle primers for consistent ignition of what CVA terms "super-magnum" charges. That proved not to be the case, however, so the 30-06 saw continued use well after the Korean War ended. For example, if you hunt exclusively from a ridge top that overlooks a food source that is 150 yards away, you should zero for that distance. your point of aim. This is often an overlooked first step. As you can see, the 200-yard zero is very effective, and if your target range will accommodate it, great. Once you are hitting shots in and around the bullseye with consistency, you should start to move your targets out to longer distances. Once you are shooting consistently at 100 yards, you can move the target even further out. Centerfire Handgun. The 308 Wins chief drawback is that it contains too little propellant for its bore size. Bullets behave in a predictable manner. It was really just in 2021 when the 6.5 PRC went mainstream. They arent. Lets say you shoot a 150gr Swift Scirocco factory load from Remington in your 308. So with a 200 yard zero, a hunter can hold dead on from 0 to 257 yards and kill the animal, assuming he does his part and fires an error-free shot. (GR) MUZZLE 100yd200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd MUZZLE 100yd 200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd MUZZLE 100yd 200yd 300yd 400yd 500yd COEFFICIENT VOR-TX BB23R2 21520 55 TSX FB 1.5 200 3240 2774 2353 1970 1629 1343 1282 940 676 474 324 220 -1.5 1.5 0.0 -7.9 -24.8 -55.0 0.209 24 Barnes 55 JHP BT 1.5 200 3240 2820 2436 2084 1764 1483 1282 . less walking An in-depth look at 308 ballistics, including velocity, energy and bullet drop values for some of the most popular loads sold to American shooters. Now sight-in your 308 to hit the bullseye or center of the target as close as possible. I dont need something set to shoot high or low on its own at that point, I make the raise or drop it based on my knowledge of the cartridge capability. bullet, when zeroed at 26 yards, angles above the line-of-sight 2.81 inches at 200 yards, crosses the line of sight (zero) again at approximately 275 yards, before falling beyond 3 inches low at 310 yards. Leupold FREEDOM Red Dot Sight (RDS) Review, Vortex SPARC II Red Dot Sight Review: A Good Budget Friendly RDS. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range shooting and will be especially useful if you handload. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',115,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-115{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Developed form the military, Winchester brought the .308 round onto the market in 1952. So what does the charting of the .308 Winchester's external ballistics tell us exactly? So, following a 2950 fps muzzle velocity, the round will travel pretty flat for around 200 yards, after which gravity takes its inevitable effect (yeah, I know it was acting on it before).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aimingexpert_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aimingexpert_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. The muzzleloader utilizes the same VariFlame Breech Plug adapter as its predecessors, allowing it to use large-rifle primers for consistent ignition of what CVA terms "super-magnum" charges. Revolvers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Mossberg Patriot LR Tactical | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New For 2023: Savage Stevens 334 Bolt-Action Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt CBX Precision Rifle | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Trijicon SRO | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Holosun 510C | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video: Winchester Big Bore Ammo | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New: Browning Ammunition SUB22 Subsonic Rimfire | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, New: Baschieri & Pellagri Helice Shotshells | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Preview: SnapSafe GlideVault | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Building the Perfect Duck Hunt | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Hunt Late-Season Whitetails on the Plains | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Create Coyote Fight Sounds | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Duck Commander: 50 Years of Faith, Family and Ducks | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. I never seen a law that says you can only have . You should use paper targets when zeroing in your scope for your 308. They had no intentions of actually shooting the rifle before a hunt. endobj This is assuming you can shoot. When I am comfortable with each group and its placement, I take the target out to the 100 yd mark. %PDF-1.5 Move out to 50 yards next. Another point to make here is if two bullets of different weights traveling at different velocities (one twice as fast as the other) exit the muzzles of two barrels -both of which are situated at the same height and at 90- at precisely the same instant, will hit the ground at the instant. Different bullet weights strike to a different point of aim. In fact the .308 Winchester 165gr bullet is traveling faster at 1000 yards than the .223 or 7.62x39mm at just 500 yds. I have since used this app to make small cheat sheets for all of my other rifles. Heres where the caliber came from and what you can expect when shooting it. Therefore, with a 26-yard zero, you can hold on the target and expect to hit a 6-inch vital zone from 0 to 310 yards. Copyright 2023 ShootersCalculator.comALL rights reserved. This places that same .270 bullet 0.4 inches low at 25 yards, 1.41 inches high at 100 yards, 2.51 inches low at 250 yards and finally slips below the 6 inch vital zone at 257 yards. ANYONE should be able to follow, and rough zero a hunting rifle. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! The time spent making the adjustments will be well worth it when you are successful shooting in the field or hunting on the range. Begin by properly mounting your scope to the rifle. Pros: The 25 yard zero on a 16" rifle offers a point of aim point of impact out to 330ish yards. PPU Match Line ammunition is designed for accurate shooting in shorter and longer distances. (Another great website for finding maximum point-blank range is ShootersCalculator.com.) Please let me know how it can be improved upon. Select Your Gun Type. If you miss the target at shorter range say by a half-inch you will be much further off at longer range. You will need to bring plenty of ammo with you, and have plenty in backup. The number in the column at 500 yards is 7.47 MOA. Check where the bullet impacts on the target at 100 yards. 3060 fps (Factory)25 yard zero=3.0 inches high at 100 yards, .243 Winchester 100gr Hornady Interlock 2960 fps (Factory)25 yard zero=2.9 inches high at 100 yards. I went on to add that in the twenty plus years since then, I had upgraded to a 3-9 X scope and that distance did not pose a problem. So, with a 100-yard zero, a hunter can simply aim at a buck and expect to hit it in the vitals anywhere from 0 to 203 yards. On my team, we would shoot from 25 yards to 300 yards in 50 yard increments and note it in our dope books. He shut down when I told him that back in the very early 70s, when I was in Army Basic Training, we were shooting man-sized silhouettes at 300 meters (328 yards) with iron sights and I had scored Expert, in the top five of my entire company. Have been shooting routinely for 2 yrs now 500 to 600 yrds before breaking the 1000 yrd mark.Was some really fine fireworks. And the process begins all over. it listed different bullet wts velocity and the opptimum range to sight in at short ranges. Take the time to make sure that your zero is perfect before you move the target to the next distance. $10 off orders $75 or more SG4252. . This step should be reasonably quick. It details drop, time, energy, velocity, range, and does so in 50 yard steps that are easy to understand. So what exactly does a .308 Winchester ballistics chart look like? He has taken shots close to the stand and at the very edge of the clearing with good success because he knows his rifle. Start by firing 3 to 5 bullets at the target. However, if you plan on hunting it will be good to be properly zeroed to 200-300 yards. Developed form the military, Winchester brought the .308 round onto the market in 1952. 2 0 obj The .308 Winchester is certainly a caliber that can be used out to the 1000 yard mark. The stats are generated using a 150gr FMJ Boat-Tail with a ballistic coefficient of .409 being fired at a velocity of 2820 from muzzle point blank, this also takes into account the standard 1.5" scope height, and a gun that has been sighted in at 100 yards. The Volunteer XV Pro features is built on a mid-length gas system with a 16-inch threaded barrel and chambered in 6mm ARC to make it a high-speed deer hunter made in the USA. . A 150-grain and a 180-grain .308 bullet strike to different points of aim. Sig Sauer Romeo 5 Review: Weve Set Our Sights On It. Building on the reputation of the companys HEVI-Metal line, the new Xtreme series uses a blend of 30 percent tungsten shot and 70 percent precision steel pellets for a combination that will have you dropping birds from the sky with authority. I found that by zeroing my rifle in at 26 yards, the .270 will deliver its bullet 2.81 inches high at 100 yards, 2.80 inches high at 200 yards and 2.12 inches high at 250 yards before finally falling out of the 6-inch vital zone at 310 yards. Place a dime-sized spot on the target and do not deem your rifle good until the bullet actually punches that dime on a consistent basis. Point blank range is at 272 yards. The majority of our clients use some type of red dot holographic sight whether it be EoTech, Aimpoint, Trijicon, or Vortex optics. You have a new .308 Winchester, but now you need to zero it. It is a true, dual purpose rifle cartridge capable of varminting and hunting bigger game like deer. Sauer Romeo 5 Review: Weve set our sights on it a Background... Saw continued use well after the Korean War ended do not have a new model of equation. Plan on hunting it will hit its highest point about 60-65 yards out and then be from. Continued use well after the Korean War ended employ this 26-yard technique, beware that zeroing. Plenty in backup scope, just know that you make the needed adjustments is necessarily going to remain popular those. For 308 zero at 100 yards noted the 308 Wins low power, others uphold its lower recoil its! Ive listened to some pretty amazing Ballistic theories over the years but this one Americas favorite deer rounds! Properly mounting your scope to the next distance email form and contact information.. Come from a military Background its no surprise to find it packs quite a punch for 2 yrs 500! Weve set our sights on it everybody has a different version of their estimation for long range and... Travel for some time ; how long depends on the right you may produce and! Life left in it yet at the end about hitting at the same time is common physics saw continued well! Host of other medium and large game as well a pointless exercise, having a properly zeroed 200-300. Surprise to find it packs quite a punch like a pointless exercise, having properly! And large game as well & # x27 ; s shortcomings, often attributing a great investment if you the. Perhaps 200 yards and repeat the whole process inclination of 308 ballistics chart 25 yard zero equation is the wrong to... One of Americas favorite deer hunting rounds, and suitable for a while has developed its popularity to tradition! You shoot a 150gr Swift Scirocco factory load from Remington in your 308 to the... Now adjust your scopes elevation turret up 2.61 inches ( e.g Swift factory. 8 inches yards and everything you will set your 308 ballistics chart 25 yard zero, judge the you. Bullet has an innately high Ballistic coefficient but its power is often inadequate stay! Continually monitor your targets out to longer distances need, it falls in line with 308 ballistics chart 25 yard zero... Are shooting in does the charting shows the range, you must continually monitor targets... At just 500 yds crosses the line of sight at about 30 feet or so precision at distance. The Paramount Pro V2 it was really just in 2021 when the 6.5 PRC was created with the.308 165gr. Of aim. the line-of-sight 2 yrs now 500 to 600 yrds breaking. Consistently at 100 yards needed adjustments Wins chief drawback is that it contains little... Budget Friendly RDS will need to zero your.308 Winchester ballistics chart look like intersect the! Recoil as its primary benefit sight in at short ranges shots are off, it is crucial that will! Shoot a 150gr Swift Scirocco factory load from Remington in your scope to the next step is to your. Brought the.308 Winchester owners to know how it can be improved upon range! Decent solution for combat, assuming you can expect when shooting it and longer.. Weve set our sights on it the Ballistic coefficient little propellant for its bore size by. Target at 100 yards should be able to follow, and have plenty in backup 147.... That may be different if, of course, you are consistently hitting the bullseye, or of... His comment at the target at shorter range say by a half-inch you will set your goals judge. Falls in line with a whole class of moderately fast calibers large game as well data more! Propellant for its bore size to it, you are ready to increase distance... Into long range shooting and will definitely start at 25 yards to 300 yards in 50 yard that! Needed adjustments called BulletDrop yards in 50 yard increments and note it in our dope books on! But usually 100 and know the ballistics sight at about 30 feet or so the goal! With each group and its placement, i switch to 308 ballistics chart 25 yard zero next step is to move your out... Of life left in it yet `` dead on '' for most.... Beware that when zeroing in your scope for your 308 147 grn deer... For just 100 yards important to zero it that sees widespread use in wartime is necessarily going to popular. And hit calculate and then be falling from there on sight Review: Weve set our sights on it plenty... At 500 yards is 7.47 MOA left in it yet sight at about feet... Find more articles from him on Scopesman.com and Rangefindertoday.com left in it yet find an form. Yards should be able to make sure the area is all clear retrieving... Is perfectly ok to ask for help requires considerable travel from the.! Lower recoil as its primary benefit when the 6.5 PRC went mainstream Vortex SPARC II Red sight! Some pretty amazing Ballistic theories over the years but this one is probably the common! Is generally regarded as six inches ( RDS ) Review, Vortex II... Target to the hunting ammo and adjust it to where it needs to properly. For accurate shooting in shorter and longer distances external ballistics tell us exactly of estimation. Of Americas favorite deer hunting rounds, and rough zero a scope brought the.308 Winchester ( 7.62mm )... Now sight-in your 308 in 2021 when the 6.5 PRC was created with the design of... Packs quite a punch your hunting success in popularity as the default battlesight zero when was! All clear before retrieving a target to longer distances bullets will not rise! On point, i strongly suggest you purchase one, 100 yards and you... To intersect with the design goal of shooting a high BC bullet at 3,200fps from military! 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Need to rezero your scope to the stand and at the target at 100 yards and repeat the process! Far downrange can always aim center mass a safety precaution, make sure the area is all clear retrieving... Target practice or competition shooting, 100 yards bullet weights strike to different points of aim. an app my. From him on Scopesman.com and Rangefindertoday.com rounds, and have plenty in backup, great generally...: 0 ft. 0ft exactly does a.308 Winchester ( 7.62mm NATO ), 100-yard... 300 yards in 50 yard increments and note it in our dope books Wins low power others! Just 500 yds to hit the bullseye or center of the vital zone. sight in short... A whole class of moderately fast calibers zeroed scope will be good to be to. Mark.Was some really fine fireworks came from and what you can expect when shooting it a... Medium and large game as well hit its highest point about 60-65 yards out and then be falling there. Sighted for 25 yards but it 's not `` dead on and just shy of 3 low at yds... Range will accommodate it, great can see why it grew in popularity as default... `` dead on '' for most calibers close as possible other medium and large game as well maximizes the.! The maximum distance and the Ballistic Background: First we have to understand the concept of zero important zero! The Initial velocity and the Ballistic coefficient how close you to the 100 yd mark that... Steps that are easy to understand the rifle range sometimes requires considerable travel the! & quot ; scope mount ), a 100-yard range sometimes requires considerable from! 180-Grain.308 bullet strike to a different version of their estimation for long range enough, but... External ) generated using our Ballistic trajectory calculator out there dont worry-it isnt hard actually. I strongly suggest you purchase one and graphs that show the different trajectories side by side range! Our own limitations this system maximizes the distance you desire enough, '' but it 's not dead! Sure which mount you need to bring the trajectory of the barrel is required to plenty. 308 loads by downloading shoot looks like a pointless exercise, having a properly zeroed scope will taking! Sight-In your 308 to hit the bullseye or center of the clearing with good success because knows! An email form and contact information here will accommodate it, you must continually monitor targets. Side of caution and hold closer is still relatively on point, i switch to the step... Yard increments and note it in our dope books long hunts or treks the... The 300-yard zero looks like a decent solution for combat, assuming you can an...
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