My wife and I, and the members of our Messianic congregation are a part of the remnant, chosen by grace. If you disagree, then you will need to conclude that Jesus also did what he just said was WRONG. 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Gal 3:2-5. Wake up and read the Word with the TRUE discernment of the Holy Spirit!! Peter was warning against what your perception of the new covenant is. Here is a question to the Authors of this page: What are you defending? What were Yeshua and the Apostles and their assemblies reading and practicing? in detail. I am not comparing anything or anyone. So 119 Ministries is following the commandments, as do other branches within the Hebrew Roots movement. Leah, stay strong! Scholars have proven this. Frankly, in this view, there is nothing *new* that comes with Jesus (who simply affirms Torah-keeping and becomes the sacrifice for those who break Torah). BUT 119, like many others, are NEEDLESSLY hostile, most even WORSE than they are. There just is no room for love in the 119 teachings. That is what fulfilling it means. Ask the Lord to reveal the lies so you arent swayed. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. It behooves you to give THIS JESUS your heart sou and mind. If of course you follow (understood) Pauline doctrine. Sean, what do you think? Sin, being defined as lawlessness, (literally meaning, sin is breaking Gods law/Torah) shows us that we need to be saved from breaking the Law. They talk about sin, but dont know what it is. Yet, its also hypocritical for you to condemn people who worship on Saturday. But many in Christendom have bought that lie that they do and the lie that Jews earn salvation that way also. I had to know for myself why I believed what I believed and not because that was what I was taught by the pastors and teachers in my life. We arent required to keep 613 laws. This is common knowledge but you are free to believe however you want bro. Frankly, I find Christianity totally confusing. How, then, did Jacob escape death for marrying two women, sisters at that, AND their concubines? Have you not read that a man can cancel his womans vow, but no such corollary exists? 10 Warn a divisive person once, then a second time; and after that, have nothing more to do with him. Our team is spread throughout the country. Im currently reading Tovia Singer and other Jewish authors. Its not worth it. It is my belief that they are presenting a different gospel. David asked if he should be stoned if he has taken the Lords name in vain. Why not re-name them The Nine Commandments if we have such authority? Does the grace given to us by our Savior Jesus also allow for us to do away with commands, change His Holy day of worship, allow for pagan days of worship, etc. the list of questions grew and grew and I knew that I was not going to be the same from this point on.. I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . It supported them, along with some of the sacrifices that were made. The Jews are correct in their rejection of Jesus and I challenge anyone to read Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Singer and show me how his scripturally based reasoning is flawed. But the Holy Spirit can instruct *my heart* & others in the moment, at a heart level Torah cannot ever reach, because Jesus came to make this part of how the new covenant works. We are all saved by grace through faith in Jesus i.e., God incarnate. Psalm 119 Ministries - WELS Psalm 119 Ministries I have a nephew wrapped up with "Psalm 119 Ministries," which is a cult, following the Torah and observing the Sabbath on Saturday and "obeying" other practices and commands of Moses. Christians really need to read how HE reacted to the very same thing in the book of 1 Kings. You can laugh, make snide remarks, dismiss with stupid little slams, but it is evident your millennial, woke, pandering self has sold the farm for a few fawning voices that will OWN you. The term Covenant was added in certain places where it does not exist in the Greek and Aramaic which has led to incorrect doctrine. As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. If thats what they hold to be truly the Sabbath, then they break it every weak. Well, thats simply not true, as can be seen in the Acts of the Apostles, especially since all of them were clearly aware of the Torah command that forbids us from worshiping our Creator in the exact same manner as the pagans worshiped their false gods. The author makes a case that if you observe anything Hebrew like the sabbath, which scripture does NOT say, then you are making a false claim. and if a few things changed no real substantial guideline as to the foundation of these changes. This cup which is poured out for you IS the new covenant IN MY BLOOD. ( Luke 22:20) Hebrews and 2 Cor. Revelation 20:7-8 There are 15 times in the New Testament alone with the word deceive in the scripture, look them up yourself, it is a good study. When you say the truth is Torah, what do you mean? 1. to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim Hallelujah is not even a word it is compounded by two Hebrew words Hallel and Yah. And I can say that since my former neighbor went to Seminary and became a pastor himself. He was a tent maker. This cannot be since my claim is all must come to the father through faith in his son Yeshua. a network of Satan-worshiping cults 24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. 119 gives these two examples because the first is the accusation the 2nd is defense. 18:18 is a FAR cry from how Gideon, David, Joash, and Jehoida the High Priest understood it. In the Gospel of John (Yochanan in Hebrew), chapter one states: 1 In the beginning was the Word, In this respect, 119 Ministries still has a leg to stand on while youre kicking them in the shin. The teachings are disseminated by the 119 Ministries website, youtube, vimeo, and podomatic through internet streaming. Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? To have HIM in your heart REQUIRES having Torah in your heart Sin is violation OF THE LAW (1 John). Do not add to it or subtract from it. Thank you Erik for stopping by & taking the time to comment. If I think only my Church has the truth and all others are going to hell and you think the same then obviously one or both of us are deluding ourselves. And for the record, many of the leaders or teachers in that movement are former Baptist and Pentecostal pastors (some leading Christian churches anywhere from 20-45 years) who found that church doctrine just didnt line up with Scripture in its original context. ..It is great to understand the meaning of hebrew words , etc. My prayer is that the God of my ancestors (Avraham, Yitzakh and Yaakov) will heal those emotional wounds so that you dont have to continually suffer from such a terrible tragedy. The Law was given to reveal sin. Jesus/Yeshua Himself called God, Our Father you call your dad by his name ? We are saved by grace and God gives grace to the humble . Does any of you truly have room to judge when you are all adhering to beliefs that began not with Jesus and His Apostles, but 1500 years later by people who removed books from the Bible, dispensed with the sacraments Jesus established, and taught things that had never been allowed in the Church from New Testament times forward. Also by Jesus saying He came for the lost sheep, hes fulfilling the messianic prophecy you spoke of from Jeremiah. After all of that this is what Ive found to be true (that I believe)..There is only 1 God. I would be very interested in your (or anyone elses) logical, page by page rebuttal of Rabbi Singers book. Like sin, once youve bought in you are miles down the road before you realize the mistakes made. Jesus taught Gods law as intended. And as he states in Malachi, He HATES divorce! We are instructed not to bite and devour one another so if I have done that I ask forgiveness . Love one another, love Jesus. Ill go back to ignoring you now. I guess that when Yeshua said in the Gospel of John chapter 17, Father, you word is truth, he must have been lying. And neither are we left to figure out right and wrong by ourselves. What people dont realize is the fact that his Torah/law was given so we would know what sin is! Til then, youre just another feminized waster of what warriors created. From there, they conclude that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are to obey the law of Moses. I started my own journey of the scriptures and apologetics and landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides. Were dead to it and alive to a Person, Jesus our Messiah. I challenge you to read Lets Get Biblical by Tovia Singer. Recently made aware of 911 Ministries. Nowhere in this definition do I find the words abrogate, do away with, eliminate, replace, etc. The LORD is patience he doest not want to loose one soul.but there will come a time the door will shut..I say to all pray ,pray,pray for the knowledge of is right there in the cant miss it. It is our desire to receive no attention or notoriety. I will say this , Paul in his letter to the galatians knew very well where the attempt of reaching perfection through the keeping of the mosaic law would lead to the killing of the spirit the keeping of the outward at the cost of the inward I have seen it written by a founder of the movement ( Hebrew Roots) that sacrifices are not done because there is no temple in Jerusalem and no priest and this because of mans disobedience ..this is not true. It is this last centurys experiment of allowing women to teach and preach that opens the same door into liberal theology that suffrage and no fault divorce opens into economic and familial collapse. Do what is right for you and your family. (2Pe 3:18) but grow in the favour and knowledge of our Master and Saviour ????? We believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. Now that we know what scripture actually says, answer these questions. For they have no business in the countryside what I hear and see most Christians act on or quote is that somehow this was a special thing only revealed to the Israelites, and therefore mistakenly conclude that somehow this LAW is now abolished. He did it for His reasons. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.. I only found 119 ministries about a year or so AFTER the Holy Spirit lifted the veil off my eyes and they are RIGHT ON!!!! How do I know that? You are right Leah, we do have the freedom to chose to obey or not, and God will still love us. If so pastor why do you ask for tithing when in fact it is the law of the old testament.. YHWH is the one true GOD, and He has not, will not change. (Renewed because the Greek is kainos not neos. Ministries like Passion for Truth and 119 Ministries are Christ-Like in the humble approach and is evident and can be seen in the fruit they bare. So there are many more examples but you get the point that Gods law/torah/instruction has been present from the beginning to the end of time & continues into eternity. We live in relationship with God and seek to become like Jesus. Jews have ALWAYS been part of Israel! I have found that depending on who you talk to, different people make alliances for not keeping every aspect of Torah so excuses are made. This is found the OT, the NT and in the age to come. BTW do NOT blindly follow any ministry you must test everything. Read it 10 times and God will grant you true Biblical revelation. Are you choosing to follow the law given to Moses by God for the Israelites to follow as they entered the Promised Land and became a sovereign nation unto the Lord? Once the sin was revealed by the Law, it shows/proves our need for a Savior. Another commenter yesterday respectfully asked me to read a certain book and refute it if I could. Typical example. SECOND, What do you think 119 Ministries is teaching regarding the law? I would like to go on record that this is a new study for me ( I am into the study about 1 and a half years) and I still have much to learn. We also need to be careful when we make sweeping statements implying that all people involved are wrong. So loving God iss by keeping the Torah. Dont follow the words of a man. I hold no bad feelings toward them nor toward any other protestant, but I think it bad enough for christians to be fighting each other in the protestant/Catholic debate, but now protestants have fractured into more than 10,000 denominations with most of them fighting each other as well. 3 explains the timing of how Gentiles are brought in. Not surprisingly, based on just a little searching, my family decided to fully keep the Torah (within reason, of course) BEST DECISION WE HAVE EVER MADE! Simplest example being the parable of the mustard seed had NOTHING to do with size but rather the character of it being able to survive and grow through the worst of (soil) conditions because mustard seed is an invasive weed in Israel. The blessings are real; they are nothing less than awesome. He has ALREADY bought us a better hope with better promises due to His New Covenant blood offered in heaven for our eternal redemption! Now many confuse the scriptures saying our righteousness is as of filthy rags and that we are made righteous by Him, so we are under no obligation to obey the sabbath, feasts, etc. I dont think so. The driving force behind trade reforms of the 1980s/90s was not Washington DC or Geneva. Centuries of anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish false doctrines, doing everything in their power to keep my people as far away as possible from accepting the truth of Yeshua as being the living Torah, in flesh and blood. I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Its wrong, SIN, for me to willingly participate in watching it. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. The relationship between a parent and child is always the parents responsibility. Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; he will turn away ungodliness from Yaakov (Jacob) 27 and this will be my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.[h] But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom from heaven. 34 No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, Know ADONAI ; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more., As a matter of fact, Yeshua recognized that the religious leaders of the day sat in Moshes (Moses in English) seat in the synagogue and said the following: Isaiah 53! Wednesday, 18 January 2023 12:46 pm - Posted in Headlines. Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness? If you aren't a Jew, then you were considered a Gentile. Do they teach Jesus is not the Messiah?, do they teach that Salvation is not through Jesus the Messiah? So lets get back to something to think on.. I find this funny because the disobedience of the JEWS is exactly what the christian world practices. Make sure that you truly know exactly what your saying? I have Read Tovia Singer and follow him and his current opinions, It is too bad you reject Yeshua and Tovia as well. Therefore you are either of the house of Judah, the house of Israel, or a sojourner. Tammuz is a Babylonian mighty one.. How can the so called Hebrew calender then be the correct one if it uses Babylonian deities as its months? All the nations will come to the mountain of the Lord. The Fall feasts and the other prophesies have not happened yet. Three issues were presented for you to think on, yet you responded to only one. Not until all is fulfilled? Do the married couple ditch their promises after their marriage has taken place? It wasnt until the last apostle John died that all these hereitical doctrines became mainstream. Mary came on Sunday morning because the Sabbath had ended. I found many all thru scriptures, Gods speech very Descriptive! yes of course. I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website I did know the origins of the proto phonecian and the lineage of Hebrew cousin Aramaic/Arabic. 3. To him be the glory, both now and forever! No thanks. Lets not forget the Aramaic as well. We are all defending what we believe to be truth *as we understand it* and to suggest that any one person or entity has it 110% correct is fallacy. However, let me preface my observations with the following comments. Teaching strict obedience to the law of Moses according to the New Covenant of Jesus Christ is where my inner spirit becomes troubled! What right does any religious group or person to tell the Nation of Yisrael what their Torah means and that its done away with? The Bible teaches that there is only 1 Word of God and He was in the beginning, became flesh and whose robe is dipped in New Covenant blood. For others, they are family, friends, or acquaintances. This is how you are to rid your community of this wickedness. Tovia is incorrect in his beliefs of the Messiah and you have been misled. (Sorry, Im sure you know this profoundly.) To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. -Colossians 3:3-4. As Peter said in Acts 2:36, God has made him (Jesus) both Lord and Christ If you do not believe Yahusha to be God, then why do you follow him? But first yes of course I forgive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. I believe under the law means under condemnation that the law demands in breaking the commandments of God. It would help you to know that the Bible wasnt originally written in English. Every one of you is part of the schismatic Protestant movement! However, if the Hebrew Roots Movement is truly from God, neither you nor anyone else will be able to stop it. He also said the student is not greater than the teacher. still apply? She was serving us, taking care of our needs. All we wanted to do was find the TRUTH. I will pray for your husband. Thats just what I interpreted from your post. And if Jesus lied in Matthew 5:17-19 then that disqualifies him as Messiah. Even once they moved here, I still have not had the chance (as of 2013. If the old covenant Torah worked there would be no need for Jesus as he fulfilled the Torah and lives inside of those who are in Him. One my children obeys my rules far more than the other. In Matthew 15:7-9, Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13, These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. I choose to follow Messiahs instructions as recorded in scripture and not what others assume Messiah taught. If my study of history is correct it is the dominate church who has been the persecutor of anyone who has come to a new understanding. Dear Leah, I am a Pastor and have been almost 30 years and I have a couple of friends who have gotten involved in Sabbath worship and this movement of 119 ministries. Were you being sincere, or sarcastic? "DAVIDA MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART, WHO WILL DO ALL MY WILL". They simply teach the truth which is sadly not being taught in traditional churches. 3 expounds upon the idea that were not brought into Israel and made Jews of a sort; were brought into Jesus and made into a whole new people group where our identities are lost, save for being identified as in Christ. THEIR. I believe the use of Pleroo here is to fully teach or rightly teach because this is exactly what Jesus continually did, and we have countless examples of him doing this. Otherwise, you too will be cut off! Since you opened your mouth. Its a very thorough examination of Scripture, context and translation. Remember, the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) moved upon the face of the waters (KJV). What is happening today has been prophesied in his word. The JEWS however, (and I am NOT anti-Semitic in any sense) DID and still DO follow Kabbalah, Hassidism and many other distorted teachings. I think too many have forgotten what it means TO love. The Brit Hadashah (New Covenant or New Testament Scriptures) hadnt even been codified until long after the apostles death. These are consecration issues, matters of the heart. Stop the carnal focus on the things of the world you want to partake of and let Holy Spirit fill you with the desire to please the Gift Giver out of love, adoration and appreciation for His tremendous gift. In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our Messiah. Paul didnt die for you. Its not the same old Laws; its something NEW. Not a word. Faith without works is dead. Then other times they change their mind and say, oh we think its not like we thought it was at first; now, after searching more, we believe its like this. What they fail to realize is that we didnt create the separation between Israelites and gentiles (goyim, in Hebrew). the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? Obviously not but nobodys attacking them anymore. He is a jew who is one inwardly , Whos praise is of God and not of man ..whos circumcision is of the heart and not of the flesh . I know you are familiar with the word, as many are. It sounds very cultic to me. Leah, you seem to disagree with 119s teaching primarily for 2 reasons (from what I tell by your responses, correct me if Im wrong): 1.) Countless references and even rebuked a synagogue from the book of Isaiah and rebuked the pharisees and Sadducees while referencing Exodus and Leviticus. The Holy Spirit is the one who gets to teach us from Scripture personally what we are to do and not do; not the externally prescribed Torah which could never address the position of a mans heart toward God. And in Rav Shauls spirit-filled efforts to effectively deal with the various issues that plagued the Messianic Community, Protestant Christians mistakenly see this as a sign that the Tanakh (Old Testament) is no longer valid. I think most of the issue people have with them is that they are challenging you to walk away from the spoon fed teachings your pastor gives you, and to break out a concordance to do some digging and studying on your own. (paraphrased). That person is just ignorant and/or deceived in their biblical understandings? This Teaching has not changed through the ages, God requires us to live a certain way and to seek after his righteousness. There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . the only rebuttal you need is Dr Michael Browns continuous rebuttals to Tovia who refuses to debate Dr Brown since the last open debate. He mentions this: The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. (vs 10). Or, you can just start tearing pages out of your Bible, regarding everything you disagree with or dont particularly like, until there is nothing left. It would be lovely to have you come take part in the Feast of Trumpets (relates to when Jesus returns at the last trump), Day of Atonement (the scapegoat story ties in there with Jesus and Barabas) and the Feast of Tabernacles >> you could see how it is a physical representation of the spiritual realm of Jesus tabernacling on the earth with us at the actual time frame of his birth (autumn like that Christian documentary Star of Bethlehem points out), as well how it relates to when he returns for his Bride. I havent been on my computer yet all day so Im not sure if it is different. But 119 Ministries doesnt directly say that WHY? Yahweh is who He has always been and He loves obedience and hates when we deviate from loving and obeying Him according to His commands. Although the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. It appears your entire belief system is based upon the idea that the Torah is this system of laws that has somehow been abolished after Jesus died on the cross then resurrected and presented himself as the sacrificial lamb. The NIV has done one great thing, they have great footnotes. But from what I read, they moved here to be able to take advantage of the lower cost of living and quit their jobs to do their ministry full time. But I can say that that teaching on the rapture is truly in line with the full context of scripture! I have tried to see if HR Will stand and Act on the Very Instruction of Savior- master- King Jesus. 119 Ministries desires to be only focused on the truth of His Word, and not on any person or any organization. Praise God! Read the early church fathers, read the didache. It is spreading like wildfire in the North Georgia and Atlanta area. It details the return of the temple, the Levitical priesthood, and the return of sin offerings and the like. I interpreted that as debunking the validity of the Hebrew Calendar. It has the Greek and Hebrew word references with each explanation of scriptural topics.. Yes Sean ..I do not know ..I believe . It is NOTHING MORE than a WORLD-PEACE stunt! Now in this new Covenant he has made available This same Law (Torah) he has written in our hearts. The NC fulfills the promise to Abraham, father of many nations. The NC fulfills the promise to David, you shall never lack a man to sit in the throne through the bloodline of Judah! Our paper also pointed out problems with your other three arguments. Heres what it says: religion in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in mans obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in mans accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. Why do you think that Yeshua told the woman from Shomron (Samaria) that we have to worship God in spirit and in truth? complete to the bring to an end, abolish, end this is just not acceptable reasoning. and so on. Unfortunately, upon leaving the premises of the local synagogue, they refused to act on what they had just preached. I bet you believe the laws are not for us either??? Pray! . . beginning. 17 But you, dear friends, since you know this in advance, guard yourselves; so that you will not be led away by the errors of the wicked and fall from your own secure position. Walking in the Spirit means following the Torah. Are you also saying that the certain aspects of the Torah only applied to Israel at the time? The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus; whose new covenant blood was offered in heavens Holy of holies for our eternal redemption, is very active, presently. Do you understand?. Anyone can take the worst examples of a group to mislead others about them. Theres no denying that with over 30,000 Christian denominations. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you . If only more seminary schools and Bible colleges would invest in having scholars well studied in Torah and the Prophets (like Dr. Michael Rydelnik at MBI is just one example) to teach the students accurately as to how to properly interpret the prophecies about Jesus and the actual intention and timing of the New Covenant there would not be such confusion as to what it was Jesus actually came to do (its MORE than what Christianity typically teaches.) So, Leah, how long have you been secretly working for the Roman Catholic Church. Is poured out for you to read a certain way and to seek after his righteousness from.! Landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides from God our... Take the worst examples of a group to mislead others about them you say, to those walk! 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Is teaching regarding the law ( Torah ) he has written in....
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