Note: I use NKJV. The Roman Catholic Church holds that grace is mediated through its priests and sacraments, while Protestantism generally does not. Lord God, You are God; Your words are true, and You have promised this grace to Your servant. "Grace is mentioned 170 times in the King James Version of the Bible, beginning with 'Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord' (Genesis 6:8 KJV). This is what the Bible is all about, from the sacrifice of Abel, all through the generations of mans sin and Gods longsuffering, until the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness (2 Peter 3:13). J. Oliver Buswell, A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962 ), I, pp. And when their fathers or their brothers come and make trouble, you are to say to them, Give them to us as an act of grace; for we did not take them as wives for ourselves in war; and if you yourselves had given them to us you would have been responsible for the broken oath. (1) Grace is a part of the character of God. to your parents at lunch. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 17). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Enmity. Ephesians 1:4), is called a choice of grace (Romans 11:5, NASV margin).38 The entire work of Christ in coming to earth, dying for sinners, and being crowned with glory, is said by the writer to the Hebrews to be by the grace of God (Hebrews 2:9). One might also imply that God is gracious in not revealing more than He does to those who reject Him, since greater knowledge brings greater judgment (cf. (2 Peter 3:18). 38 I realize that in Romans 11 the choice made is that of a nation (Israel) rather than an individual. Jesus lightened the burden, not by lowering Gods standards, but by providing enablement to meet them (Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 8:1-4). Buswell, for example, writes: The goodness of God in this sensethat is, the grace of Godis the most amazing theme in all the Bible. Romans 10:6-8). Hebrews 12:1ff. Older Children - 1) Count how many times the words "righteous" and . If you yourself would seek God, then you would plead to Shaddai for grace. These are simply inadequate, and thus we must devote this entire message to a more precise definition of grace. Grace must never be used as an excuse for sin: Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God (1 Peter 2:16). Nevertheless, in your great compassion you did not completely destroy them or abandon them, because you are a God of grace and you are merciful. 1 Timothy 1:9-10). 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 ESV / 63 helpful votes. And you are to say further, Jacob, your servant, is coming after us. Sustaining grace is grace given at special times of need, especially during adversity or suffering. The crowd in the gallery sighed. Some believe that this creates an inconsistency within the Godhead: How can Christ die to save all men if God only chose to save some? I believe God purposed the death of Christ to be broader than just procuring the salvation of the elect, but also in providing payment for all. He meekly waited for the officer to proceed. I believe the death of Christ thereby provides the basis for a universal offer of salvation while recognizing that only some (namely, the elect) will be saved. Ephesians 2:8 (NIV). In acrostic fashion we have been taught to define grace as Gods Riches At Christs Expense GRACE. Still, let your heart be turned to the prayer of your servant and to his prayer for grace, O Lord my God, and give ear to the cry and the prayer which your servant makes before you; Then give ear from heaven to their prayer and their cry for grace, and see right done to them. Grace does not give men what they deserve, but what God delights to give, in spite of their sin. As Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. The church at Ephesus (a city in the Roman Empire) had been established during Pauls two-year stay (Ac 19). Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? 42 J. N. Darby as quoted by McDonald, The Grace of God, pp. Legalism cannot co-exist with grace: You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by Law; you have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4). Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? A while later, both of the men shook hands and went their separate ways. Cognate: 5485 xris (another feminine noun from xar-, "favor, disposed to, inclined, favorable towards, leaning towards to share benefit") - properly, grace.5485 (xris) is preeminently used of the Lord's favor - freely extended to give Himself away to people (because He is "always leaning toward them").. 5485 /xris ("grace") answers directly to the Hebrew (OT) term 2580 /Kan ("grace . An example of grace is the letting go of a past wrong done to you. We who have died to sin cannot casually and carelessly persist in sin, for it is inconsistent with our new life in Christ. You have been kind to me, and your grace has been with me, and your care has kept my spirit safe. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. Grace in mentioned 170 times in the Bible. One hundred sixty-three miles per hour! the officer specified. [Ephesians 3:14-21] Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Romans 3:20-24 - Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Grace is never granted at the expense of any of Gods attributes. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (Ephesians 2:1,5), but we are made alive in Christ by God's grace (Ephesians 2:5), and we were also made God's children (1 John 3:1). "demonic possession" is shown differently multiple times in the New Testament. The "Mystery" in Ephesians | Shepherd Thoughts "Grace." If any word stands out as the main key, it is this one, which . Why do men insist upon putting agreements in writing? Becoming a People of Grace: An Exposition of Ephesians Purchase. (10) Grace is both positive and negative in what it gives. Matthew 5:17-48). It is an act meant to relieve someone of their suffering. Therefore it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Why are legal contracts necessary? First, he gives two blessings for believers. And he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met? God, according to Satan, never has a smile on His face, but always a frown. How painful for Adam and his wife and for mankind were the consequences of partaking of what God prohibited! By the grace of our God they brought back a discerning man from the descendants of Mahli, a descendant of Israel's son Levi, along with Sherebiah and eighteen of his sons and brothers; And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. Man is evolving, according to Liberalism, into a kind of superman who is coming to the place where he needs no outside help, certainly not the grace of God. Charles C. Ryrie, The Grace of God (Chicago: Moody Press, 1963), pp. Salvation is obtained and maintained by grace alone. Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). How many times is faith mentioned in the Bible? Amen. and Jehovah hath given the grace of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they cause them to ask, and they spoil the Egyptians. Well, roughly, was the deliberately evasive reply. The Pharisee had no appreciation for his own sinfulness, and thus he could pray, God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people, swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax-gatherer. it will be a nation whose language you don't understand, whose stern appearance neither shows regard nor extends grace to anyone whether old or young. Required fields are marked *. In this 6-day study of Ephesians chapter 1, Stacey Thacker unpacks Paul's letter and provides insight on how you can apply his . Grace, we all know, is Gods unmerited favor. Maybe the LORD will show grace to me and the child will live.'. + Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. From my judge I must implore grace. Since all of creation was made by Him and is for His good pleasure ( Revelation 4:11 ), the consummation of His plan is . Ironically, it was grace which kept God from dealing with Jonah as severely as his sin would require. If It Is During The Millennium How Will There Not Be Pain And Tears When The Devil Is Released To Deceive The Nations? But Thou art a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness; And Thou didst not forsake them (Nehemiah 9:17). God has shown these to the Ephesians, and Paul calls the readers to be imitators of God ( Eph 5:1 ); therefore, we are to treat one another in like manner. whom I cannot answer, even though I am righteous? In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world - just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God's grace. (6) While the Law is the standard of righteousness, grace is the source of righteousness. But do not let me fall into the hand of man (verse 13). Gods grace is for everyone. I believe that we cannot grasp the grace of God except in the light of Calvary. Who Was Herod? Book of Ephesians Overview - Insight for Living Ministries 15: Living in Faith Ephesians 6:16 & Selected. Matthew 6:1ff.). Serving grace is the enablement to minister in such a way as to manifest the life of our Lord through the saints as members of His body. 2.1K. John Wesley believed that God provides three kinds of divine grace: Prevenient grace is innate from birth. God is gracious in making provision for the salvation of all men39 and in commanding its universal proclamation. God has given us wisdom and insight through His Word and has shown us His desire to bring all things together to glorify Christ. If you will but admit your sin and your helpless state and call upon Him for salvation, you will be saved. Romans 11:5-6: "At the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace. Look at the grace of God in the garden of Eden. How many times is the name of Jesus mentioned in the Bible? Hence the many different phrases connected with grace: the grace of God ( Rom 5:15), the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ( 2 Cor 13:14), and the like. 4 By reading my letters you will understand the mystery of . Ephesians 1:2. Gods grace is sufficient for every moment of every day. Grace operates on a totally different basis. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. Ephesians is the fifth ofPauls letters. If you know a thing or two about Paul, you might know he was radically transformed from persecutor of the church to their pastor when he encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus.. Paul penned this letter from prison in about AD 60, which places it historically near the . For the upright there is a light shining in the dark; he is full of grace and pity. And Esau said, Let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are with me. Used 1 time. (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (2 Corinthians 5:21).40. What is grace? + Colossians 1:6 That has come to you. All of the biblical covenants are those which were initiated by God, not man. (3) While grace has always existed as a part of the character of God and was epitomized on the cross of Christ, it is expressed in a wide variety of forms. The word granted is the verb form of the word grace. Few would disagree that belief in Christ is a gift of Gods grace, but Paul insists that suffering is every bit as much a gift from God. Some are greatly troubled by the fact that grace is bestowed sovereignly, but what other basis is there for its distribution? Gather My godly ones to Me,Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice., Lord God of Hosts, You are the God of Israel,rise up to punish all the nations;do not show grace to any wicked traitors.Selah. He would not destroy them or evict them from his presence up until that time. We know God's grace is absolutely necessary for our livesbut once we've encountered Jesus and accepted His path to salvation, it's hard to know what grace should look like shining in and through us. It is almost always external in nature, that is, it evaluates actions rather than attitudes and motives (cf. Many of our songs speak of God's gracefrom classics such as "Amazing Grace . While we may not understand the reasons why, if we believe that God is a God of grace we must be able to say like Job, The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. God also poured out his grace throughout Judah, giving them a dedicated heart to do what the king and princes had decreed according to the message from the LORD. Justification, that judicial pronouncement that we are innocent of any guilt and whereby we are declared righteous through the work of Christ, is a gift of His grace (Romans 3:24; Titus 3:7). Paul wrote to the Philippian saints: For to you it has been granted for Christs sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake (Philippians 1:29). This is a comforting thought which we should pause to ponder. (I say that because biblical grace would be demonstrated only if the patrolman had paid for the coffee.). From beginning to end we are the object of divine grace. We know God's grace is absolutely necessary for our livesbut once we've encountered Jesus and accepted His path to salvation, it's hard to know what grace should look like shining in and through us. Grace is behind all of this lavishness that God pours out. (4) Grace is pure. . But at the same time, grace is the fountain from which good works are to be produced in the Christian's life if appropriated by faith in God's grace. Explanation and Commentary of 2 Corinthians 12:9. Once we recognize the magnitude of our Sins we become increasingly more aware of Gods grace that he has lovingly shown to us time and time again! III. The king reluctantly said that the man had to die. The principle of grace is as fundamental to Christianity as that of justice is to Law, or love is to marriage. The sixth spiritual blessing listed is knowing the mystery of His will ( Ephesians 1:8-10 ). Thirdly, Ephesians 1:6 says, "to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.". Let your eyes be open to your servant's prayer for grace and to the prayer of your people Israel, hearing them when their cry comes to you. I heard a true story which serves to illustrate this point. John 11:47-50). Because grace and peace are mentioned so many times in the New Testament, particularly as a blessing for congregations, we might wonder: . Knowledge of this mystery is a result of God's grace to believers revealed to the church. Grace. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness (Romans 4:4-5). Sins. I believe that grace is the dominant note in Gods dealings with man. Now Satan successfully diverted the attention of Adam and Eve from the gracious provision of God to His one prohibition. Praise God for that! Some have supposed that the God of the Old Testament is someone other than the God of the New. You have made me one of Your "saints" -- setting me apart as Your very own. In both Testaments people are saved by grace through faith. That knowledge and power were frequently exercised at the expense of justice, truth, and mercy. Election, the sovereign choice made in eternity past of those who would be saved (cf. Someone has told the story of a man who was condemned to death for embezzlement. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can't earn it o. The Bible says in John 1:17, For the law was given through Moses, but Gods unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ (NLT). Ephesians chapter 1. And the time drew nigh that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying. Chapter 33 / Lesson 7. Paul encourages the church to deal graciously with one another in turn ( Eph 4:25-32 ). And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. God will not have us stand on our own strength. And David sware moreover, and said, Thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine eyes; and he saith, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between me and death. in 1971. so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. To you, O Yahweh, I called, and to the Lord I pleaded for grace [saying]. For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Used 2 times. Whereas Philippians focuses on the believers attitude and Colossians focuses on the believers mind, Ephesians focuses on how to walk as part of Gods family. When Paul mentioned how the unruly members of the Body of Christ in Ephesus needed to "Awake," or straighten up spiritually, there was no threat involved. Grace and peace. Jesus put His finger on this matter of pride when He told the parable of the Pharisee and the tax-gatherer in Luke 18. Common grace is that benevolence which is poured out upon all men, regardless of their spiritual condition: But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you; in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:44-45). Question: What Does The Bible Say About Integrity? God called him to preach to the Ninevites, knowing that the Assyrians would later serve as His chastening rod on disobedient Israel. Paul understood grace (Acts 9:1-18; 1 Tim 1:15-16). How many times is grace mentioned in the Bible? Man does not like to think of God showing grace. Hoekstra's Day by Day by Grace; Made Rich by Faith by C. H. Spurgeon; Jonathan Edwards :: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God; David Guzik :: Hechos 9 - La Conversin de Saulo de Tarso; David Guzik :: Mateo 2 - Magos del Oriente, Escape a Egipto y de Regreso; H3068 - Yhv - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) Apostle Paul's Timeline . Romans 8:28, 30), the sovereign act of God by which we are drawn irresistibly to Him, is said to be through His grace (Galatians 1:15). Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Acts 4:33 ff. An example of grace is the prayer said at the beginning of a meal. In Romans 5 Paul taught that where sin increased, grace abounded all the more (verse 20), but he quickly went on to say that this is no incentive to careless living: What shall we say then? Far better it is to leave blessings in the hand of the One who is gracious. It is an evening that you will never forget. And Ziba said, I humbly beseech thee that I may find grace in thy sight, my lord, O king. 41 Scofield is quoted by William McDonald, The Grace of God (Oak Park, Ill.: Midwest Christian Publications, 1960), p. 6. Amen. The phrase "in Christ" or its equal is used about 27 times by Paul in his letter to the church at Ephesus. The name, Five Graces, refers to an Eastern concept the five graces of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. and why have I not found grace in Thine eyes -- to put the burden of all this people upon me? Absolutely Yes! For one thing, any contribution on our part would be exaggerated in our own minds. + John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us. In musical terms, the grace of God is like the melody line of a beautiful song. The employer thought about it for a moment and then picked up the phone, instructing his secretary, Miss Jones, I want you to fire the last 25 minority laborers I hired. The reason, he explained to the demanding leader, was that he had hired 25 more minority laborers than the Law had required. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.". Temple. . . [Growing in grace] they will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper in old age;They will flourish and be vital and fresh [rich in trust and love and contentment]; He keeps back your life from destruction, crowning you with mercy and grace. I simply wish to point out that the demands of the Law are only required where evil men are involved (cf. Romans 9:15). All of this has been stated somewhat negatively. Though we are slaves, our God has not abandoned us in our slavery. TIME WRITTEN: If 53-56 then from Ephesus If A.D. 56 then from Macedonia POSITION IN THE BIBLE: 48th Book in the Bible 9th Book in the New Testament 4th of 21 Epistle Books (Romans - Jude) 5th of Paul's 13 books 18 Books to follow it. For a brief time at the end of his second missionary journey, and then for more than two years on his third missionary journey, Paul ministered to the church at Ephesus (Acts 18:18-21; 19:1-41). The total amount of $3999.90 was only a dime short of that which was required, but it was not enough. To the poor in spirit Jesus offered the riches of the kingdom of heaven. In the King James translation, chen is translated as "grace" 38 times, "favour" 26 times, twice as. Grace is defined as to honor, or to bring beauty or charm. Early one morning he was driving in a remotely populated part of Oklahoma which, he reasoned, was the perfect place to find out how fast the car could go. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. Grace takes many forms in the Bible, and it is well to define it so that the diversity of these forms is taken into account. An Introduction to Ephesians. As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10). But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christs gift (Ephesians 4:7). Is that really the way that you and I view God most of the time? Grace means God sending His only Son to descend into hell on the cross so that we guilty ones might be reconciled to God and received into heaven. And they refused to listen, And did not remember Thy wondrous deeds which Thou hadst performed among them; So they became stubborn and appointed a leader to return to their slavery in Egypt. O how great is your grace, which you have put in store for your worshippers, and which you have made clear to those who had faith in you, before the sons of men! One example was while Jesus was in Gerasenes, there were two men possessed by the demon known as Legion (Matthew . The word grace occurs 20 times in the NKJV OT, usually in the sense of "favor." The first usage, as so often is the case in the God's Word, is illuminating: "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen 6:8). He did not come to judge or to condemn, but to forgive and to save (John 3:16-17; 8:10-11). The Bible gives an easy, three-word answer for how you can receive the grace of God: BY TRUSTING CHRIST. Ephesians 1:1-2: You're A Saint . Consider some of the ways it can be defined: . + Ephesians 4:7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. At best, we tend to forget the things we have committed to do. The gracious character of God was fully manifested in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the revealer of the Father (John 1:18), the exact representation of the Father (Hebrews 1:3): And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. In this 6-day study of Ephesians chapter 1, Stacey Thacker unpacks Pauls letter and provides insight on how you can apply his teachings to your life today. When a man doth take a wife, and hath married her, and it hath been, if she doth not find grace in his eyes (for he hath found in her nakedness of anything), and he hath written for her a writing of divorce, and given it into her hand, and sent her out of his house. But God also forbade them to eat of the fruit of one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. At worst, we never intended to do them in the first place. Letter of Paul to the Ephesians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians,abbreviationEphesians, tenth book of the New Testament, once thought to have been composed by St. Paul the Apostle in prison but more likely the work of one of his disciples. God is a God of grace, and He desires to make this known not only to men, but also to the angelic hosts. And in answer to the prayer of the man of God, the king's hand was made well again, as it was before. if I have found grace in the eyes of the king, and if unto the king it be good, to give my petition, and to perform my request, the king doth come, and Haman, unto the banquet that I make for them, and to-morrow I do according to the word of the king.'. And she saith, 'Let me find grace in thine eyes, my lord, because thou hast comforted me, and because thou hast spoken unto the heart of thy maid-servant, and I -- I am not as one of thy maid-servants.'. It is for this reason that we have determined to spend the next three lessons on this fundamental doctrine. Oh the goodness of God, the goodness of God! Before long, the officer caught up and stood beside the sleek convertible. Many of the objections to the biblical doctrine of grace originate from the abuses of this doctrine in the lives of Christians. We are promised a weekend on the lake with $50 spending money, but we know that we will be open game for the salesman so long as we are there. Worse yet, our efforts to contribute to Gods saving grace are an affront to Him. 10-11. Worse yet, legalism tends to lower the standards God has set. Jesus said it was this humble sinner who went home justified (verse 14). C. I. Scofield has been quoted as saying, Grace is not looking for good men whom it may approve, for it is not grace but mere justice to approve goodness. Grace is not merely a part of the plan of redemption, but it is the silver cord that runs through every facet of the work of redemption. How many times did grace appear in the Bible? Sanctifying grace is that grace which works within the true believer in such a way as to bring growth, maturity, and progress in the process of becoming Christ-like: Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and of the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, were urging them to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43). My friend was elated, for the officer had not given him a citation. 37 Many are the theologians who have recognized grace as an attribute of God. And most of these covenants are unconditional; that is, they are not conditioned by any action on mans part, but only on the faithfulness of God Himself. Grace means that you can quit feeling inadequate. Wait There Were How Many Herods?! Ephesians 3:7-8: Amazing Grace. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. ( Eph 6:1-3 ). Guilt was obvious, and there was no possible excuse to be offered. What does it mean by grace you have been saved? In His grace God has sent His Son to the cross of Calvary in order to satisfy the requirements of His justice by punishing His Son in their place. Legalism by its very nature implies that God is so untrustworthy that we must be sure to get it down in contractual form. Men believe by the grace of God: And when he wanted to go across to Achaia, the brethren encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him; and when he had arrived, he helped greatly those who had believed through grace (Acts 18:27). 2:15-16). This study of the grace of God has reminded me of the goodness of God in His dealings with mankind in general, and with me in particular. Grace in Congregational Song. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. [Ephesians 6:19-20] I thank my God every time I remember you. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ should be to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:5-12). Paul simply urged them to be renewed in the spirit of their mind and let the Holy Spirit use the principles of grace to reform their lives (see Ephesians 5:7-6:9). And for mankind were the consequences of partaking of what God delights to,. The poor in spirit Jesus offered the Riches of the Christian Religion ( Grand Rapids: Zondervan, )! Bible say about Integrity is Gods unmerited favor contribute to Gods saving grace are an affront Him... The knowledge of this doctrine in the Bible Riches of the kingdom heaven... 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