union pacific drug policy

If you suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19, follow the COVID-19 Notification Process. If Union Pacific has actual knowledge of off-duty use of drugs, or pre-duty use of alcohol (within four hours of work), or if a manager directly observes consumption, use, or possession of In addition, the employee will also submit to required education, counseling, or treatment. The employer or employee remains responsible for compliance. 20.2 If the results of a test are negative or not immediately available, the manager also has an obligation to help employees who exhibit signs and symptoms of drug and/or alcohol abuse and to ensure the safety of our employees and the public. If you are a supplier, contractor or carrier, please visit the, To continue addressing the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, Union Pacific is implementing the following policy changes effective immediately, aligning with the CDCs newly released guidance. Regulations, requirements, rules, and information from the CFR are incorporated throughout this policy and are printed in a "bold italic font. 5.1.2 No employee may report for covered service, or go or remain on duty in covered service while: 5.2.1 Union Pacific policy prohibits any illegal use of a controlled substance, and any possession, use of, or impairment by alcohol when any employee is subject to duty, reporting for duty, on duty, or on Union Pacific property. <>>> WebA union is a state of being united, a combination, as the result of joining two or more things into one: to promote the union between two families; the Union of England and Scotland. ?%:/7we" %&jG#HJ] wqThTVf>T k !! 4I@IXByB>04UxJz!Y)n]^s Employees will be eligible for return to service based upon advice that they have successfully completed the education, counseling and/or treatment determined to be necessary by EAP/SAP, including any drug and alcohol testing requirements of a program or personal program, and they have tested negative for drugs (and alcohol, if appropriate) on the return-to-duty test. (Dm0-gSgyy[qhIoqmc;UvkB#X1X\baGi?|~ScrP%:{$`Z%+%xhWo z5do7yXOQdAfOQz/! What experience do I have. @=EXOBPm|s"F{ nC962 J;/dT~r|NBxyMAszNsw especially : the formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and individual units. x] \UDTPqYS-Zm~iZi"ZY?R n(" " "wsgC=|9s3g hJJs1h5F.Q72(DX%tUBeUYk.Mu)4Hu]J=,>iTUYUUL #='[*Y"q{N{sYPgU^BdgYveB2gUyHNRf2KR*!!Yidk3V,*S6k1ZMV. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa m^w 4.1.1 Any employee who performs covered service for a railroad is deemed to have consented to testing as required . Pursuant to Union Pacific policies, an employee must provide adequate medical documentation to verify the need for a medical leave: Leaves less than 30 days can be approved by the appropriate supervisor without Health and Medical Services review. To ensure the safety of our candidates during the PAT, resting heart rate and resting blood pressure must be within safe limits set by Union Pacific guidelines. Employees will be given no advanced notice of the test. 0 Regulations, Asked March 15, 2021 5 answers Answered June 29, 2021 - Conductor (Current 6.1.2Employees convicted of such misdemeanor or felony must notify their supervisor of that factwithin 48 hours afterreceiving anotice of the conviction. Follow-up tests must be unannounced. <>>>/BBox[ 0 0 4951.1 601.95] /Matrix[ 0.014542 0 0 0.11961 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 92>> WebUnion Public Schools, Independent District #9, Tulsa County, is a premiere Oklahoma school district ahead of the curve on college and career readiness and expanded avenues for individual student success. Union Pacific agreed to settle the lawsuit before filing an answer to the EEOCs complaint. (3/18/20), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Situation Summary, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UP Aligns COVID-19 Policies with New CDC Guidance, Submit COVID-19 Reporting Form Online, Bypass Nurse Helpline, Union PacificUpdates COVID-19 Quarantine Guidance, Employees Still Encouraged to Report Vaccination Status; Vaccine Mandate on Hold, Union Pacific Is Complying With Federal Vaccine Mandate, Union Pacific Employees' Most Frequently Asked Questions, Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response, Field Managers Conducting Hotel Audits, UP Working Closely with Crew Haulers, We All Play A Role Preventing COVID-19 Spread, Prepared to Maintain Critical Infrastructure, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus COVID-19 Site, More Information for Union Pacific Employees, Contact: UP Nurses Line at 402-544-7011, your, Workspace Hygiene: Your supervisor, who may route to the facility manager. Union Pacific provides healthcare coverage to eligible nonagreement retirees and their dependents. I interviewed at Union Pacific (Houston, TX) in Jul 2022 Interview Consistent of a zoom meeting, asked about my work history, work experience, and to make sure I understand the job requirements. Both EAP and CMO can redirect a referral at any time. The principle governing regulations are: 49 CFR Part 219 - Control of Alcohol and Drug Use is available at, 49 CFR Part 40 - Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs is available at, 49 CFR Part 240 - Qualification and Certification of Locomotive Engineers is available at, 49 CFR Part 382 - controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing is available at. 5.4.2 Any use of another persons prescribed medicine is prohibited. If you are a supplier, contractor or carrier, please visit the, UHC High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) for retirees and dependents who are not Medicare eligible, BCBS High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) for retirees and dependents who are not Medicare eligible. (8/16/22), In High Community Level locations, Union Pacific requires all employees and contractors, regardless of vaccination status, to wear appropriate facial coverings or masks while working indoors in public spaces, company vehicles, and locomotives across UPs system. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was developed to assist employees with personal and work related problems. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY. 6.1.5A Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) driver arrested, ticketed, or convicted for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, must notify a supervisor as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the first business day immediately following the day that the employee is arrested, ticketed, or convicted. Test positive for COVID-19? WebHorizon is a unique, forward-thinking cooperative, dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams. Overall it went pretty good, and I'm happy I accepted the position. Follow-up testing can last up to 60 months, or as determined by a SAP, but can be terminated by the SAP any time after one year (if all tests recommended up to that point are completed). A Directly Observed test at least once in years one and two, and will be conducted according to the procedures in 49 CFR part 40.67. Because the assigned jobs, shifts, and work locations of many. If poly-substance use has been indicated, the follow-up testing plan should include testing for drugs as well as alcohol (for the alcohol rule violator) and for alcohol as well as drugs (for the drug rule violator). endstream endobj 2044 0 obj <>stream 7 0 obj It applies to all employees and is applied independently of the terms of any "probationary period" that may be established. 3 0 obj YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. 23.2.3 All other HOS employees and CMV operators who have a federal violation will be tested at least six times for alcohol or at least six times for drugs or at least six times for both drugs and alcohol as determined by the SAP on an individual basis during year one. The instructions may also include a requirement that the employee will be subject to Union Pacific follow-up testing. 5.4.1 Union Pacific requires employees to have a written copy of their treating medical practitioners evaluation/determination (as above) available upon request of their manager or the Medical Review Officer (MRO). Failure to do so will negate that employees right, under this policy, for a one-time return to service, if applicable. Coverage details can be found in the appropriate Retiree Medical Guide. 22.2.1 To return to service and/or remain qualified once an employee has returned to service, the employee must agree to these reinstatement conditions: 22.2.2 Certain Labor organizations have a Companion Agreement that provides for the opportunity to return to service upon the recommendations of EAP/SAP, further provided there has been no proven violation of Rule 1.5 in the preceding ten years. Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy August 1, 2012 e) The employee must cooperate in an evaluation. Drugs listed are restricted due to documented significant impairment that lasts for a prolonged period. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Standard UA, before you start training and random testing throughout your career. 23.2.2 Locomotive engineers and RCOs returning to work from any federal drug and/or alcohol violation will be tested at least six times for alcohol and at least six times for drugs during year one. The employee must test negative on a return-to-duty test. 21.2.2 This probationary period, and the terms thereof, do not preclude Union Pacific from conducting follow-up testing for a minimum 3-year period following reinstatement, as detailed in this Policy (except as prescribed by a SAP) for covered service employees, where Federal tests are involved. Restricted Prescription Medications To further promote safety through Fitness-for-Duty, Union Pacific is publishing a list of restricted prescription drugs for employees in safety related jobs. Under a two-year consent decree, agreed to by the parties and entered by the court, Union Pacific will pay $260,000 to the former employee. endstream endobj 2040 0 obj <>/Metadata 125 0 R/Pages 2037 0 R/StructTreeRoot 167 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2041 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 396 612]/Parent 2037 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 2042 0 obj <>stream Such alleged conduct violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Union Pacific has long recognized that substance abuse is a health problem which can be successfully addressed. Employees must meet all conditions and instructions issued by CMO, EAP and/or the employees manager. However, if this privilege is abused, employees may be referred to EAP and may be subject to disciplinary action. v}`|Gzu;:XB)3|,Qn2hJ&hGAg}DqB`/PlUP+|fUU(l,)};_v(. All DOT certified drivers, including CMV operators, must notify a supervisor when their license has been revoked, suspended or withdrawn for any reason, including drug or alcohol-related revocations, within forty-eight hours. Following reinstatement, the employee must submit to follow-up drug, alcohol, or drug and alcohol testing as required by federal regulations and Union Pacific Railroad's Drug & Alcohol Policy for the time and frequency required by the EAP for at least three (3) years from the date of return to service, unless otherwise specified by a SAP. Theemployee must become drug and/or alcohol free by successfully completing any education, employee counseling or treatment determined by EAP/SAP. Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy August 1, 2012 Page 3 3.0 GENERAL 3.1 Purpose The purpose of the Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy is to ensure compliance with e YH2Lm`]$~` x6 24.1.4 Co-worker means another employee of the railroad, including a working supervisor directly associated with a yard or train crew, such as a conductor or yard foreman, but not including any other railroad supervisor, special agent, or manager. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! View all 221 questions about Union Pacific Does Union Pacific have a drug test policy? Employees in the following groups are covered by this prescription drug restriction: It is the responsibility of all employees to report for work fit for duty to safely perform their job. At this time, employees are not required to report the use of these restricted prescription drugs, but that may change in the future. nk$_E3q ycVi Our Practice: ACCESS, a network of ER/multi-specialty practices located throughout the SoCal area, provides 24/7 ER care to the surrounding communities. 1997. This policy prohibits the illegal use of drugs at any time and any use of alcohol in the workplace, on Company property or within four hours of reporting for duty. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY. 5.1.1 Prohibitions. Union Pacific permits off-duty employees subject to duty, or called for duty, to layoff with an admission that they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs (illegal or legal). Answered June 9, 2022 Answer See 1 answer Please note that all of this content is user-generated and its accuracy is not guaranteed by Indeed or this company. endstream [NO k! Following reinstatement, the employee must submit to follow-up drug, alcohol, or drug and alcohol testing as required by federal regulations and Union Pacific Railroad's Drug & Alcohol Policy Employees can download the MyQHealth - Care Coordinators app, call 855-649-3855 (Monday- Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m CST) or register through the MyQHealth web page. Page 37. Tipster Topic Description Number: 101 Domain: Science and Technology Number: 101 Domain: Science and Technology 2 0 obj PG:1@*aQ]BG bm%9>bDmij,,fVr)$Tb /e|>R Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! From small businesses to sports arenasyou name it you can help build it. For this reason, the Union Pacific and union leadership have committed to the principles of education, self-referral, and co-worker intervention. 6.2.1Any employee driving a motor vehicle owned, leased, or rented by the company, while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, both on or off Union Pacific property and both on or off duty, is prohibited. 6.1.7Employees charged with such an offense, who believe that they may be convicted of the charge, are encouraged to contact an EAP representative for counseling prior to the actual conviction. Therefore, when a manager has credible evidence which supports a finding of impairment or being under the influence, the manager will immediately remove the employee from service and initiate a manager referral for evaluation. Our ER and Critical Care departments have a busy and varied caseload with a high number of referral emergencies. endobj (12/30/21), Given the legal uncertainty caused by this one ruling, UP is complying with the temporary suspension of the federal contractor vaccine mandate. Webunion. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Controlled substances are: 24.1.2 Controlled substances also include: 24.1.3 Covered employee means a person who performs service subject to the hours of service laws (49 USC 211). Union Pacific Railroads (Union Pacific) Drug and Alcohol Policy is based largely upon the requirements of Title 49 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). x+2453W0 B3C#= CBP!9K371=\%_!@!D(X)Zrirj, Employees may be subject to discipline if they fail to follow any instructions issued as a result of this referral. Follow-up testing under this Policy. Are you sure you want to delete your template? endstream 12.1.1 union pacific employees subject to periodic, return-to-work, job transfer, or follow-up physical examinations under management prerogative, existing collective bargaining agreements, or dot requirements, may be required to participate in a drug and/or alcohol tests as part of a physical or mental fitness examination upon general notice Submit a ticket for questions about your healthcare benefit eligibility or to request changes to your benefits. Register to access Secure Tools, Applications and Reports to help simplify your business. If this policy is in conflict with, or inadvertently omits any regulatory requirements, the requirement remains valid. When an employee is referred to EAP under a manager referral, confidentiality will be maintained. *QQP*j*P.Z*"j].|f~>=y{If Qj3IlaQqSFZ"D$:*`Qk1;"z+[O/_=}Dc+"y{v'PyEs p]2F,_H~uoi$roeM$SLt=?~"(rhjM{HKDBWtO;eumSpy1/QB[y7^h`C!KWxd{7w]DFR X7woTS4kD-/"q>b[Q;BoI#-,u:ADAn#z7=u|i/JKZSv,=56h6. <> hbbd```b`` L. Urine drug test. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) an association, alliance, or confederation of individuals or groups for a common purpose, esp political 3. agreement or harmony 4. . English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Emergencies: 1-888-877-7267. No employer having actual knowledge that a driver has used alcohol within four hours will permit a drive to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions. stream This drug-drug interaction may cause you to experience an unexpected side effect. Managers are required by Federal Regulations and Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol policy to conduct a reasonable suspicion test, (Federal authority if covered service, UP authority if non-covered service) for drugs and/or alcohol if signs and symptoms are present. h_k0`[-J I6fP%"1vb)tw:H)&!BEWdWR,)*Rdeb|Z]">]ef|n?lk rB Follow these actions to protect yourself, your family and your co-workers. endstream endobj startxref x]k0 2)OJ#_ .c^rdA$=D ~J= u2 ^HE{3P%)p-8(RB8$${mqi_OxL? :-7@^3hF0gH| \ ^%-pvR:$/ For those interested in more immediate access to information and enrollment assistance, OneExchange provides a website (medicare.oneExchange.com/UP) and toll-free line (800-935-7780) for education, evaluation of options and enrollment information. 12.1.1 union pacific employees subject to periodic, return-to-work, job transfer, or follow-up physical examinations under management prerogative, existing collective bargaining agreements, or dot requirements, may be required to participate in a drug and/or alcohol tests as part of a physical or mental fitness examination upon general notice. Does UNION PACIFIC RR have a drug test policy? The employee must not violate any Union Pacific rule with reference to drugs or alcohol. 20.3 Without credible evidence of drug or alcohol abuse, but with signs and symptoms of such abuse, the manager has an option to make a referral to the Medical Department for a Fitness for Duty (FFD) or EAP for a drug and alcohol evaluation. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 396 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 2058 0 obj <>stream endobj Reporting must be made to their supervisor who will then direct them to the National Employee Assistance Help Line, 800-779-1212, by the end of the next business day following notification of license revocation or suspension, or loss of driving privileges in any state or jurisdiction. Register to access Secure Tools, Applications and Reports to help simplify your business. 23.2.1 Employee follow-up test dates are selected by the Union Pacific following EAP/SAP determination of the number and frequency of testing. ^8~C"x\Aej}S Union Pacific Railroad Employees Health Systems Pharmacy, located in North Platte, NE, distributes medicines and drug compounds for customers with a prescription. Union Pacific will strive to prevent all incidents, accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses through the active participation of all stakeholders. Controlled substances are listed in 21 CFR Part 1308. K bwmDn0 0s005L9Y@h{Bg x.h0W0`tea8y If you are a supplier, contractor or carrier, please visit the, Printable version of the UPRR Restricted Prescription Drug List. If Union Pacific has actual knowledge of off-duty use of drugs, or pre-duty use of alcohol (within four hours of work), or if a manager directly observes consumption, use, or possession of drugs or alcohol, by any on-duty employee, this policy has been violated and the employee is subject to disciplinary action without the necessity of testing. (4/20/22) Submit COVID-19 Reporting Form Online, Bypass Nurse % lnkv2xz=NIjsrh3P'`YWvJMnxJw$6dHD]tY|c@V08;:::@cEG`V 2PQ@PAHku0Zt4Ht0it4 1d 5tt0[t0Ftet0L3 ``hh 9d7 Employees should also be aware that UP may update this list in the future. %PDF-1.5 (4/20/22), The Federal Railroad Administrations (FRA) mask emergency order requiring facial coverings in railroad operations has now expired. New Delhi: A meeting of the Union Cabinet is scheduled to be held in the national capital on Wednesday. Webunion ( junjn) n 1. the condition of being united, the act of uniting, or a conjunction formed by such an act 2. Follow-up drug and/or alcohol testing will be scheduled on dates chosen by Union Pacific when the employee is on duty or subject to duty (i.e., not on vacation or leave of absence). Coverage details can be found in the appropriate Retiree Medical Guide. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY Effective August 1, 2012. If you did not qualify on the PAT you must wait six months from the date you took the test to apply for any position that requires the same testing protocol. All music played at Azusa Pacific University events must be approved based on the following guidelines: No references to sexual acts or innuendo; No references to graphic violence or physical abuse; No references that glorify alcohol/drug use WebSynonyms for UNION: merger, unification, consolidation, merging, coupling, amalgamation, connecting, combining; Antonyms of UNION: division, dissolution, split, schism, breakup, partition, disunion, separation 5 0 obj Prior to reinstatement, the employee will be required to meet with the employees manager to discuss the conditions and understanding of the reinstatement. We emphasize staying current with the best treatment options and techniques. 1. This statement of policy and procedure supersedes all prior statements of policy and procedure governing drug and alcohol use by Union Pacific employees. 4 0 obj ", When elements of this policy differ from the CFR, the Union Pacific policy is shown in a "NOTE" or is shown in a standard font.. Union Pacific's Drug and Alcohol Policy does not prohibit the use of a controlled substance prescribed or authorized by a medical practitioner who has determined (based on the employee's medical condition and assigned duties) that the authorized dosage level is consistent with the safe performance of the employee's duties. 5.2.3 Drugs which are prohibited under this policy include "controlled substances" on Schedules I through V of the Federal Controlled Substances Act, as revised. Page 36, Union Pacific Drug and Alcohol Policy August 1, 2012 20.4 When an employee is referred to EAP by a manager for workrelated problems, confidentiality regarding personal matters will be maintained. These agreements remain in effect and supersede this policy where conflict, if any, exists. 392eFP p0#5N\}>lZq-/6_!q%(@CQLD \ 4Q Q! 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