the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction

Meadhbh wanted to keep Talon but Myron assured her people would talk and that someone wanted her race dead for a reason. I just finished watching Season 2 Episode 2 of The Outpost. He presses that he's been gone from the Capital for too long and it's only a matter of time before the Three realizes he has failed and sends an army. They shared a kiss before he had to leave. She reminds him that they have to do this so they can leave together in peace. She sleeps peacefully with her crown on a few feet away. Garret agrees that it isn't good but necessary, calling it an ingenious plan. After it comes out that she is a blackblood however, she is less conscious about her ears and even wears her hair to show them. Garret pleads with Janzo to give it to him, but Janzo instead sniffs the vial then tastes it. Talon and her horse enter the fort. Her clothing becomes more form-fitting and flattering, as opposed to the baggy attire she wore before. That she is no Queen and that hse and Calkussar lied to Garret and everyone. The rider who refused to enter witnessed the impalement and fled back to Gallwood Outpost. Garret faces a bitter enemy while Talon fights off the Prime Order. When Garret begins spouting about the false Queen and evil Blackbloods, Wythers smacks him and demands he stop spouting such nonsense. Hybrids in the Outpost Chapter 1, a Dynasty Warriors + Outpost Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Summary: Talon meets a traveler on her way to the outpost and saves him from dehydration. Later, Garret was believed to have been murdered by Everit Dred, Talon, along with everyone else, believed Garret had been killed by Dred. Garret calls Janzo's name but he doesn't wake up. Talon almost always has a plan or tricks up her sleeve. His refusal to do so almost cost him his life. The two worked together to destroy Yavalla and The Hive, which ended in Gwynn and Yavalla's mutual deaths. After the Outpost was attacked, Garret and Wythers sat down and shared le, seemingly putting their differences aside. Loyal. prendre rdv hpital jossigny; deanna che; le mdecin malgr lui acte 1 scne 5 analyse; no man's sky teyug spiyskovods madygeys; grotte portugal benagil; He collapses and Sana guides him back to the bed. Even after his death, Talon moves into his old home and relies on his texts to aid her. Talon (Jessica Green), at the end of the previous season, summoned Zed (Reece Ritchie) and his Blackblood comrades to save the Outpost as a last, desperate hope to save things. The first thing Talon thinks when she sees Gwynn is: I cut off my ears for someone like you, once. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 - Ultimativer Test Beliebteste Modelle Beste Angebote Smtliche Vergleichssieger JETZT direkt ansehen. He accepts Sana's offer to move on and be with her instead. It was his sword that inspired her to seemingly complete the prophecy when the Prime Order attacked the Outpost for the second time. After the death of Falista, and the final defeat of the The Seven, Talon married Garret Spears and became Queen of the Realm. Yavalla prophesies a paradise for Blackbloods, and an. He quickly apologizes and punches her but she laughs saying that the punch is weak. He yells over his shoulder that he'll be back. When Garret returned to the Outpost, their relationship remained strained and they rarely spoke. A fresh and budding relationship with Talon seems to lie ahead, intertwining his fate to hers, as well as Janzo. He frantically states that he can't stay in the Outpost and tries to get up but the guards shove him back down. "How about he's honest? Garret claims they don't have much time and mounts his horse. She reminded Talon that their whole village could have been exposed by her fight and that they dont ever fight. He knows that after everything he's done she can't possibly still have feelings for him and mentions Baron Aegisford. To save her beloved Garret (Jake Stormoen), Talon is forced to summon a Blackblood Priestess named Yavalla (Jaye Griffiths) into the world. Talon is protective of Janzo and protects him when she can. He confessed his true feelings to her and she found it flattering but admitted that she didn't feel the same way. HE cuts her ties and the guard charges at them and they begin to fight. Garret expresses his sympathies for her loss. However, she still cared deeply for them and summoned Yavalla through the portal to save his life, as he had tried to escape Gallwood alongside Tobin and Gwynn. When Garret's mother was murdered, the gap between the remaining family deepened. He realized he was wrong and understood her reasons. Garret claims that he is ready. With all that excitement out of the way, one might think there is no time for the ferocious Talon to get in on the action, but that is far from the truth. This shows that despite the awful person Garret was to Janzo back in the past, Janzo is more than willing to help his friend escape death. He admitted his guilt and apologized for his past transgressions. Her hairstyle is simple and covers her scared ears, as no one is supposed to know of her true race. He swears to never stray from this path again. A month after the final defeat of The Seven, the two end up getting married and become the rulers of the Realm. Garret reasons that they were a peaceful people. Garret falls backward in the cell. But the fight was enough for Sana to see her oil-black blood. Sai-vek was Talon's father. Wyther's last words were, "Garret" before he fell to the floor. He saved her life and brought her into the Outpost. He is the son of former Gate Marshal Wythers. When she approached him he stabbed her and fulfilled his mission to ignite an explosive device and save the Outpost. They played Octor, drink, and brought out the light-heartedness in one another. He then follows his savior to the outpost where he wants to test his strength against humanities enemies. Garret slumps in his cell, clearly affected by his actions. Wythers stands and Garret hesitates for a moment before drawing his sword. Wyhters used the identifying marker of black blood to search for suspects and eventually found Talon. He now sees her as an imposter but she tells him he sounds insane. Garret wants the belt and begs Janzo to give it to him, and Janzo takes out the vial inside. He usually has some form of facial hair that is carefully kept. She saved him from the Tormentor's wrath and freed him from the prisons. Sana knows that one remains. Including working with her nemesis Two and killing Gwynn. Dred tells Garret of his visions of a realm full of Lu-Qiri and people dying while the Blackbloods ruled over everyone. Garret's initial resistance to the abuse, combined with the mental manipulation from Sana, was a testament to his love for Gwynn. Lomack continues to sleep to which Garret insults him, calling him a pig face. A collection of one shots featuring various characters from The Outpost. Facebook . In "This Is One Strange Town", Gwynn, Talon, and Janzo grieve Garret and try to find a new way to cope at the Outpost. Garret refuses to believe that this is true. She doesn't understand as Garret came here to kill her. When the effects wore off, Garret explained coming off nyassa as a "fog pouring out" of his mind. In "A Crown For The Queen", Garret and Gwynn ride through the woods until they stop. For her mother to sound frantic was unthinkable, and yet, that was the undeniable tone in the Vulcan woman's voice. He doesn't think he'll ever be the same again especially if he can't face the Prime Order again. Janzo places the drug as Nyssa and asks if they gave it to him in large doses and if he slept for a long time. Once in the chambers of The Three, Garret kneels while Sana addresses them. They hug for a moment. She instead went to fetch water for dinner. Wythers finds Garret looking over The Capital ground. When Garret and Talon were married, Zed was the one of the groom's men and the one to crown Talon. A group of mercenaries, known as the Bones, attacked Talon's village under orders to ensure that every Blackblood died. He wants her to sell that he's cutting her as he starts sawing at her ropes. Gwynn and Talon were close friends whose relationship started off rather rocky. He is bilingual, able to speak English and an unknown language that is spoken by Capital residents. She gives him a look to which he responds that he's supposed to be interrogating her not hacking her apart. Janzo begins to examine Garret with a magnifying glass which triggers Garret to rant about Gwynn. Talon about Garret. Their desire to protect one another outweighs the grievances they've held in the past. She then buried Varley in an unmarked grave near a tree. He went to grab her, but she grabbed her mothers dagger first and threw it at the man. She tried to run away but Varlek tripped her. He's been so confused. She slams her hand against the bars in anger. She doesn't trust easily, needing time to completely trust someone. Garret tries to tell her that there aren't any Blackbloods left, most likely to protect Talon's identity. They fought together against the Prime Order but were overwhelmed so she summoned the Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri through the portal to help them. Ever since then Talon has been acting like a mentor to her, in the same sense that The Smith was towards Talon. A being known as a Lu-Qiri stuck its arm through the portal. Tobin meets with Gwynn and Elinor, only for Garret to appear. No Copyright.Nothing Belongs To Me.Rights Go To CW And Anybody Else Who Has Rights To The Clips I've always been stronger than I appear, faster than I seem. A month after the Seven were defeated, Luna became one of the bridesmaid to Talon, with the other being Warlita. She knew they wouldn't survive the war but was glad he could be with her in the end. He usually has bruises or cuts on his body from his time with The Tormentor. Garret tells Janzo to go do that instead, as he is fine - he only knows the truth while Janzo doesn't. He was placed in Sana's care due to his extensive injuries. She brought him back to the Outpost where he underwent treatment by Janzo, which cured him, but not until after he called her a filthy blackblood among several other slurs. Garret and Janzo both have feelings for Talon and compete for her attention in their way. "Natsuki? He dressed in black and was also a Blackblood. They begin kissing again once he does. Season 2 We Only Kill to Survive Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Jul 11, 2019 Talon summons a new threat, recalling the ghosts of her childhood. After Gwynn was infected by Yavalla and left, Talon did everything she could to save her friend from the clutches of The Hive. Gwynn notices Garret leading a horse to the gates and asks if he's leaving already. Before abandoning the place, she buried her adoptive family and marked their graves. Garret looks to Talon clearly surprised, but she only glares back at him fighting against her restraints. In "Regarding the Matter of Garret Spears", Dred and Garret are in neighboring cells. When he was attacked in the water by a Terrpock she dove in and saved his life. He explained that they only kill to survive. This is shown most prominently when she lied about never having played Octor before, all while hustling men out of their money. She also wears more revealing tops that show her bust. He isn't trying to hurt her but she has to help him make it look good, as he's supposed to be interrogating her. It was hidden deep within a vast and dark forest. He cries as he admits that he killed his father, much to Gwynn's shock. He claims that he's new and calls Garret a Commander. Meanwhile, the Prime Order army marches toward the Outpost. Another revelation about Blackbloods is made. During the Prime Order's attempted siege on Gallwood Outpost, Garret snuck into Sana's commanders tent and pretended he was still in love with her. Garret also maintained a secret affair with Gwynn. More then anything, Talon wants to protect herself and those she cares for. I loved how Janzo-centric it was, but I felt myself wanting more. His painful past has left him harboring guilt, anger, and an air of distrust for newcomers. Crimson Star. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Talon (The Outpost 2018)/Original Male Character(s) (1), Cornelius Calkussar & Gwynn Calkussar (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Mistress|Eleanor (The Outpost) (Mentioned), A Study In Summoning Demons and Overthrowing Governments, Talon (The Outpost)/Gwynn | Rosmund (The Outpost), Talon (The Outpost/Gwynn | Rosmund/Garret Spears/Janzo, This can be read platonically or romantically, i had thought this was gonna be smut but I Guess Not. The captain doesn't believe Garret's claims and asks him to finish a saying, in which Garret does effortlessly. They fought and she survived, later taking him on again when she was healed and winning. He admits that he was hoping he would get to see more of The Capital, but she tells him he's still healing. She asks why he has to leave, to which he emotionally tells her that after everything he's done he can't stay. But Sana says she does and kisses him. Garret never forgave Wythers for sending Jaelon to his death. They first met when she arrived outside the outpost and was attacked by Plaguelings. One day, Jaelon stole a case of wine from the quartermasters to share with Garret but was caught right away. Talon's clothing and even boots, which have become more refined, resemble that of a higher-class woman. Back in their village, her mother cleaned Talon's bloody nose and scolded her about fighting. She began to trust Zed and allow herself to care about him, even having sex with him. Talon is an orphaned survivor of genocide. Garret is soon sent to the infirmary to recover in the hands of their healer. He gifted her with a sword engraved with the Blackblood prophecy, and died in her arms. His inability to properly warn Janzo of his potential murder caused a rift between them, with Janzo calling him a traitorous backstabber. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She turns her bow to the rider. Over time, they became allies, but they didn't fully trust one another until both their secrets were revealed. Garret tries to do what he can to support Talon in her new role as leader. He tells her to attack him after he cuts her wrists, determining that she wants the sword. Talon's search to avenge her slain family leads her to a tavern, where she learns the name of the people responsible for the slaughter of her village - The Bones. Garret is saddened that he spent his entire life devoted to Calkussar and Gwynn. Another odd occurrence was when the Prime Order soldiers entered Withers' hiding room that hid the exit, Withers told the soldiers that they might be infected, the soldiers then ran away instead of just killing them. He recognizes the taste but can't place it. She also reads The Smith scroll, and inadvertently summons a portal that releases a demon. Now bonded to Gwynn both legally and personally, Talon begins to form a friendship with the young lady. Later on in her life, she developed a hatred for him. Now that Wren is High Priestess and a soon to be mother, it is Talon's turn to give advice and help Wren through these difficult changes. As she begins to open up around Janzo, Talon is seen to be a kind woman who is curious about the world and where she comes from. After The Hive outbreak happens, Garret reveals himself to be alive. Before she can finish he grabs her by the throat pulling her to the bars. Season 4 2020 Colony [9RFMLN] How financial reporter jobs antique square. She left the place and never returned, instead staying to herself and becoming a traveler as she searched for vengeance. Sana returns and warns Garret that the message will only cause him pain. The next day, Sana and Garret are walking around her room. He kneels to the ground, ready to impale himself in the chest with the sword. He informs Janzo that he's been freed, but Janzo finds it ironic that the man who tried to kill the Queen is free yet he is still under arrest. The guards clamor to Gwynn's rescue and hit Garret on the head causing him to release the Queen. : hopefully this has to be the last change in the story to adapt it to the lore. Despite the boy shooting early and scaring off the Remmick, Talon was able to shoot and kill even from a long distance. The Outpost Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. james sanders georgia in Almere. In "Not In My Kingdom", an exhausted Everit Dred is brought before The Three in The Capital. Sana explains that Brion was a diplomat sent by The Three to the East Quarter to inquire about the village that had been sacked and burned. She asks what he's talking about but he doesn't answer and the horse picks up speed as they ride into the woods. He hopes she knows that it wasn't really him that tried to kill her as the Prime Order completely altered his mind. Talon then took it upon herself to bury him. Talon wanted to know why everyone hated them, but her mother told her she hoped not everyone did. Garret is an attractive young man with short brown hair, green eyes, and an extremely athletic physique. Garret was recruited by Gwynn's adoptive father, Cornelius Calkussar, to watch over her. Garret shows no emotion as his father dies. She drops her sword and stops fighting back. She admitted that she was pretending to be on Zed's side since Zed was the only thing keeping Gwynn alive. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, AU set during the s2 finale "This is our outpost", taking place from Garret finding Janzo unconscious in the tunnel up to Gwynn deciding to greet the Blackbloods. He mutters your majesty, gathers his sword, and leaves. She vowed revenge for her slain family and villagers, and sought to avenge their deaths by killing the men responsible. Despite popular demand, makers of the show had kept the two apart. He sees now that something is wrong with him and Talon approaches the cell. The Smith told her that she was the only good thing he did in his life. Luna then feels like she owes a debt to Talon for avenging her sister. Talon jumped the oldest boy and they fought, despite her brother's protest. They developed romantic feelings for one another but didn't act on them out of respect for Gwynn, Garret's girlfriend, and Talon's close friend. Janzo examines her throat asking if she is alright. Just as Talon is like towards Janzo, Talon is the same with Wren during The Hive outbreak. He asks what's going on and Sana tells him that he's at The Capital and under her care and The Three's protection. He fired an arrow at her but the magic her mother passed onto her glowed and a portal appeared. And yet, there was something about the boy A series of one shots exploring the complicated relationship between Elinor and Janzo. She became a key member in Rosmund's quest to overthrow the oppressive Prime Order, and served as a trusted confidante and warrior to the aspiring Queen. He came to the Outpost to try and kill Gwynn, he tried to kill Talon, and then emotionally remembers what he did to Wythers. When investigating or fighting, he opts for a brown leather jacket over a lightweight shirt and a simple holster for his swords. He yells at her that she can scream but no one is going to save her. She vowed revenge for her slain family and villagers, and sought to avenge their deaths by killing the men responsible. His hair is longer and his general appearance is disheveled. She wears leather or black pants made out of a material that allows her to move easily. However, his protectiveness over Gwynn and often drove them apart. best restaurants in turkey; what to do with sourdough bread; yeti rambler 30 oz tumbler ice pink; hello fresh discount code 2021; england v pakistan t20 2020; florida adjusters license requirements; ikea st louis chamber of commerce; collectiveness synonym; why did canada declare war on germany . Janzo asks if it was one moon or two, but Garret doesn't answer, which leads Janzo to write that Garret has no sense of the passage of time. She bitterly tells him he's no good with a knife. At the gates, one of the men refuses to enter but Garret and the other men continue inside. He then steal s the keys and uses them to escape, remarking that Lomack is always so angry making it easy for him to taunt Lomack. She prefers to be a warrior over being a leader, despite often questioning the orders that come above. Home/pseudo de loup/ the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. He calls her selfish just as Janzo enters. Garret is loyal to those he cares for and will do anything for his selected circle of friends. When he strikes his spear at Garret, he dodges it and grabs the spear. Janzo notes several changes in Garret's physicality returning. They started a romantic relationship, and spent much time together while Garret was in hiding. When they were gone, Dred is transferred into Garret's cell. Now angrier, Janzo blows out the candle and tells Garret to rot in the cage. After he was freed from her manipulation he realized his feelings toward her weren't real and wanted revenge. He'd die for me without a second thought. Talon has bested several elite fighters who prided themselves on their fighting skills, including highly-trained soldiers such as Garret Spears and the mercenaries known as The Bones. After settling in at the Outpost, Talon begins wearing her green jacket underneath a tight leather vest instead of over a loose shirt. This could be due to him no longer have responsibilities at Gallwood and being free to enact his revenge. He cries out that he needs it but Janzo tells him that's the last thing he needs. She found her way to The Outpost and tried to kill Talon twice. A smart move and something a Queen would do. After becoming Queen of the Realm, Zed would become one of her advisor for the Blackbloods and the other being Wren. She couldnt understand why Talon cut them off, but Talon refused to explain. river cafe braised fennel; rachel nkontieu biographie; the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. Wythers calls out to Garret who is surprised to see the man. They fought together against the Prime Order during the siege on Gallwood, but were overwhelmed so she summoned the Blackbloods and Lu-Qiri through the portal to help them. Garret calls Janzo's name but he doesn't wake up.For Whumptober 2019 prompt 10 Unconscious and the 100fandoms prompt "dust". He solemnly tells Garret to drink it, and once the Nyassa root is out of his system, Garret might remember who his real friends are. Garret also maintained a secret affair with Gwynn. She was taken with the creature and approached it when it was shot by a group of young boys. He begins frantically tearing the boards down revealing each member of the royal family. Lomack reminds Garret that he isn't a base commander anymore, so he doesn't have to put up with his shit. P.S. He emotionally asks what he's done as she watches him from the bed. He remarks that he has a job to finish, grabs his belt and sword, and sneaks out of the lab. He lives by a code of honor, duty, and morality that has been with him since he was a child. This creates an inferiority complex on Janzo's part. 05/21/2022. Upon arriving at Dun-Ebdin, Wythers didn't find Garret's body, only blood, and his sword. She also begins carrying an additional dagger in her boot. Elinor proceeds to open the gates and let out all the live Plaugelings, who swarm the camps where many soldiers are taking colipsum. In return, Two heals Garret for the brink of death but leaves him weakened. He is quick with tall tales and flirtations, playful embellishments, and is often curious. The Outpost Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. His hair is initially longer, though during the interlude of faking hid death, he cut his hair to a shorter and more stylish cut. Janzo often blindly follows Talon into battles and situations that he normally wouldn't be involved in and vice versa. She doesn't have a choice but to fight him. Garret and Talon walk through the woods, leading their horses by their reins. Upon believing the false truth that Gwynn had been lying to him, Garret's facial expressions are blank and ghastly. He drops the portrait onto the bed emotionally. . Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Ultimativer Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt lesen. They lit the camp on fire and slaughtered the entire village. He believes that he was fooled by them. Yavalla seems reasonable enough. Garret had Wythers arrested in the hopes The Three could "fix" Wythers as they "fixed" him. Garret is getting antsy, pale, and sweaty in the cell. Garret stumbles to his feet and burns the letter using the flame from a candle. Tobin stands up and pats Garret on the should as he leaves. Their relationship was frowned upon by Calkussar, which is why they had to hide their relationship. Naya is imprisoned for her crimes as Janzo continues to come to her defense. In response, Janzo's intellect and peculiar conduction of things annoy Garret. Language: English Words: 28,440 by ; in salvadoran facial features; on May 23, 2022 . Garret and Talon have a complex relationship. He continues to insult Lomack, pressing that if he were still commander of this Outpost, Lomack would be flogged for dereliction of duty. Garret was entrusted with Gwynn's secret and kept it with his life. Gwynn found Talon fascinating when she first arrived at the Outpost, and thought they were kindred spirits due to their mutual enemies. The first thing Talon thinks when she sees Gwynn is: I cut off my ears for someone like you, once. 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the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction