we had to get there one hour and fifteen minutes early because there was traffic. Not only did we get world class cuisine (under-cooked hotdogs and over-cooked hamburgers), my little sister (age 10) got taught pool by someone I strongly supect is an ex-convict! He acted like he was really being tortured and stuff. 8. I hate Math. building a LinkedIn audience. Plus, I am horrible at spelling. I thought of a topic on the way home, but forgot it. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. HA-HA! To think, YOU are trying to tell ME that YOU aren't here. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You're great tradition is being carried out here, on the second most pointless site ever! When I was at a TAB poetry thingy (TAB is good TAB is great We love TAB) I met some new people. 8. Can a senile person write? Clincher Sentences It's annoying. I bet it does. I have an extra-special rant for you all today, to celebrate the new domain name! With a specific number of words. I'll add that to the FLAMING CHICKENS HANDBOOK. Okay, now I'm starting to scare myselfI'm gonna quit for today. Would it be cheating to fill it out again? niggers like you are the reasons why I want to bring back the kkk. B2B Cold Email Templates I thought you were gonna stay here and keep me company?! Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome . You cannot DEFEAT me! Where is the logic in this? That sounds good, too. I finnaly get some free time to rant and rave and all my topics just magically melted away. That must be it. If I were to suddenly convert this entrie site into a *shudders* Backstreet Boys fan site or something, you wouldn't be any more suprised than I would be if my brother woke up one day and suddenly realized that he's shallow. If you expect nothing and get something, you're happy. The copy roast is an absolute no-brainer price, and now I feel so confident in my sales copy. I can't remember what I was gonna rant about. Tag: roast paragraph copy and paste. That's funny!!!! Freelance PricingCalculator It MUST be true! Home Office For Video Calls Speaking of publishing, I do plan on somehow, someday publishing this as the first rambling narrative that makes no sense, and is about as interesting as rereading the almanac. Podcast Name Generator What's really fun is to translate an English saying, like out of sight, out of mind. I don't think I have any conspiracy theoriesexcept pop-ups/pop-unders. 'I found nothing else to do but to offer him on of my good Swede's ship's biscuits I had in my pocket'" And we're supposed to be GOOD in English! It'd be like when you go to the bottom of the ocean, only with gravity instead of pressure*shudders* Pressure is evil, too. After much argument, my father was going to turn around, untill he realized that my mother was going to drop the dogs and me off, and then turn around and continue north. Yes, I am. As we say in Texas, you couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel. It cannot be possible that anything in our universe can really be this stupid. Boy if you dont shut yo soy boy Hatfields and McCoys Georgia dome chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zone sylvester stallone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone Ching Chong ling long suck my ding dong pubg fortnite remote control autism Down syndrome type four diabetes banana peel jack and Jill ran up a hill oReilly auto parts silver bronze ash ambient light pen sushi ramen Harrison Ford gamer bitch virgin lamp thermometer lean mean string bean Charlie sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine antihistamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gene Halloween defective spleen smokescreen Paula dean green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine Eugene extra green nicotine Vaseline jelly bean magazine protein washer machine lightening McQueen vending machine whatchu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up. WaitI really don't even know if anyone bothers to read this. ._2a172ppKObqWfRHr8eWBKV{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;margin-right:8px}._39-woRduNuowN7G4JTW4I8{margin-top:12px}._136QdRzXkGKNtSQ-h1fUru{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:8px 0;width:100%}.r51dfG6q3N-4exmkjHQg_{font-size:10px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:12px;text-transform:uppercase;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}.r51dfG6q3N-4exmkjHQg_,._2BnLYNBALzjH6p_ollJ-RF{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._2BnLYNBALzjH6p_ollJ-RF{margin-left:auto}._1-25VxiIsZFVU88qFh-T8p{padding:0}._2nxyf8XcTi2UZsUInEAcPs._2nxyf8XcTi2UZsUInEAcPs{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColor)} School has been on for four days now. We can only hope that the digital camera manufacturers are kinder masters than the evil Kodak Lords. DROOOOOL OVER MY MAGICAL POWERS!! Lepers avoid you. I barf at the very thought of you. stood her ground, faced them directly in the eye, and simply said "If you're being mugged, just say no. c)I have an extremly irrational fear of that. I think it's pretty funny. You see, if the universe is indeed infinite, that means that literally EVERYTHING is possible, and in fact, is happening somewhere in the universe. It's a cheap shot." To compound the EVIL situationI was forced to wear feminine shoes. Sowhen the oracle said that the choice had already been made, she was completely correct. And "Mr. Owl" replies "OneTwooThree! I don't want year-round classes. If you continue to browse the site, we shall assume that you accept the use of. Blog Content Strategy Which is bad. Hours of completly useless fun! Remember that rant I did on how there could be a secret camera in the smoke detector? There's even a money back guarantee. I've finnally figured out sorta, maybe, kinda, how to do stuff to make it more real. There ARE aliens. I'm back. I barf at the very thought of you. MOOSE! Who'da thought it? Later that day, she decided we were NOT going north, we were going south to a beach resort. And #5: You can give each of your pets several weird names such as: Ringling-Raison-Bailey-Suzana-Midnight-Schultz, Squirell, Moose, Moose-Moose, Moosey-Moose, Linzey-Moose, Muffin, Squirell-Muffin, Yabby-Doodle, Abby Normal, Wiggle-Baby, Wiggle-Muffin, Witle-Baby, Cheese-Monkey, Muffin-With-Squirell-Juice, Squirell-With-Muffin Juice, Moosey-Juice, Squirell-Monkey, etc. You cannot deny the logic of my thinking! I'm back, and I had yet another Asparagus War with some people. *let the panic begin! I founded the secret message, you ok man? If you you don't have time to waste, what are you doing here?!!! You see, if you memorize stuff, you only have to remember that the answer to number 6 is Clara Barton for a week, rather than having to remember that Clara Barton started the Red Cross for the rest of you life. I'm back. Then you'll see these cute little "days-of-the-week" earrings at the mall, and you'll just have to get a few sets, just in case you lose some. When I related this story to my friends (including "Meg") they thought it was hilarious. Did you know that there is over two miles of air sitting on you right now? You have all the appeal of a paper cut. I'm back! You want me to stay. Typical. I want a typhoon. This morning, my Mom came home from work. Doesn't that make you feel better? And still frustrated. *sigh* I can't think of anything to write. It was down for a whole day or so 'cause of all the traffic I got from my new quizes. Anywaythat was my family vacation rant. She said she hurt it the first time, and wanted to put it out of it's misery, so she went back and ran over it 11 more times. We resumed quizzing and she got every question on the worksheet correct. You cannot follow the vast, mind-boggling logic that is ME! Since I have a rather weird phobia of touching my own skinthis made my evening my own personall torture session. Especially since I just saw The Matrix: Reloaded. Wellprepare to be enlightened. There's salt, of course, and aluminum sulfate, and other compounds. Those are the best kind. *hides large ax behind back* Come here, topic! You didn't run screaming to another site, thankfull for the chance to escape this insanity. I pray your dreams come true and your joy is renewed. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a full core dump, and a few chromosomes short of a full human. "Purified" water. Why am I writing? (Think of the fake-looking Star Trek aliens). The robbers went in and held their guns up, telling everyone to put their hands in the air. Try it. Cost Analysis Calculator You are a squeaking rat, a mistake of nature and a heavy-metal bagpipe player. I will just type, and type, and never, ever use copy and paste. Except those specially formulated for weird-o's like me. There were many people that were the same age as me and my siblings (no one in the room but us were under 30) Us kids had to be dragged kicking and screaming from the bar ( I almost fell asleep during the last game I watched) As we left, there was a feeling of goodwill and fellowship between all(my sister locked me out of the car and wouldn't let me in untill I started yelling profanity in her general direction) The high point of the entire night was when my mother gave me $21 for my report card. *there's that darn cricket again* And I have a genuine question to ask all of my loyal readers *cough-cough* Okay, here it is: Is it normal for a non-gender specific sibling to carry around various dead reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards etc.) Why do weird people (myself included) obsess about monkeys? My calculator is nifty. thats iti so tiredbye-bye. Whatever the case, I decided that the whole world, (or three of four random people) deserve to know that if the world and or universe are destroyed, it's the evil, little, white, feather's fault. You are a canker, an open wound. I have to get up really early to leave for home. Book Profit Calculator Grape Pie. And once again suprised. Twitter Idea Generator No, we got the greatest family outing of all. Come on all you non-existing people! i wandered around for 20 minutes looking for a cell phone. Sothe plan is going to fail. They avoided the sun at all costs. But my idiotic body has an automatic alarm clock, or something. You can read a little each day. Okay. If that happens, then no one will read this. I, personally, am obsessed with, kitties, bunnies, bats, this website, drawing, making intriate little patterns with strings, doing mildly repetitive activities, being weird, apparantly making lists and cheeseand chickensand flame. You don't have the best life of your counterparts, but you don't have the worst either. I don't care if I'd get home only an hour or so before I normaly do. You are so clueless that if you dressed in a clue skin, doused yourself in clue musk, and did the clue dance in the middle of a field of horny clues at the height of clue mating season, you still would not have a clue. My daughter (only 3 years old!) And one out of a million people would probably have a few sentences. You should be promoted to Engineering Manager. Amongst the gems in the world, you're so much more fascinating and valuable. That's right! So, predictably, here I am. If you don't like it, start your own longest text ever. Well, my squirell now has an arch-enemy. Everything is fine. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. All this information and more is yours for the low, low price of 5 payments of $29.99! Or maybe you're just skimming. (Absolutly nothing about that statement was sarcastic) As you can see, I love my families outings(Not unless you're blindor stupid) !#%&&!!! One day I was randomly looking up images via Googleand 'lo and behold, there it was. You cannot deny it. What's that? Yeah. YES, I'M YELLING! We think. May you choke on your own foolish opinions. Anyway, I'm gonna go. It tooked about envelooping (enveloping) cracked nuts and parables. I will try to make the longest web page ever, made completely out of text! The possibilities are literally endless. The stupid game is still going on and I refuse to quit because I want my points. You don't know either? You're a fool, an ignoramus. It is hard to believe how incredibly stupid you are. I'll will most likely still be adding to this on my death bed. Seeya. Gotta gothe Russian-Brittish-Iraqi-enslaved-Africans are coming to defeat the Mexicans. I'll just go on and on about how crazy you COULD be. A good one. Spammers look down on you. its dark and I want to go home is where the heart was where is it now? He always enjoyed it because it meant that somewhere, he was the Supreme Dictator of the Galaxy. You wanna play that way. I repeat, there is nothing to worry about. My point is that smoke detectors have very little value in home security. ME: Yep. Okay. Because off your face the rabbit population actually decreased. Hi, I'm back. Oh, yeah! Well tell your face. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. That would explain that annoying green little blinkie light in them. Just like how many licks it takes to get to the bottom of a tootsie pop. AIDA Formula I'm baaaaa-ack! I'm allergic to parts of it, have irrational fears about others and I'm pretty sure it's against my Jenny religionalong with eating mashed potatoes, or potatoes of any kind. You bloody churlish boil-brained clotpole ponce. I got to go to a huge library, and see Terminator 3 at the local theater. Come on everyone, group hug. Especially since I don't have viewers. What ever shall I do? Gross Profit Calculator Out of sheer curiosity, I asked Mrs. X who participated in the Civil War. I wonder if I've made the world record? Did you find it? I'm sorry that today's rant isn't random, insane or completely chaotic, but I must right my experience with The Matrix before I forget. I will show you an example with this completly true stuff that I experienced several years ago. Well, I better leave before I go on and on about more "reality" theories. ''no fucking way you just nutted to a 4 panel comic Press J to jump to the feed. THe cake was good. Why on earth did they keep the monkey? And, if you call within the next ten minutes you get a free eight ball with the one you buy! I hope I remember doing this. And mildly weirded-out. It's not fair, ya know? I feel like I should be outraged about some topic or another. I am back. Then the problem with obesity in America would be blamed on evil food truck drivers as opposed to the harmless, benificient television and computer. That's right, folks, mass hypnosis via commercials. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Okay. Then, in an inspired move, my brother talked my mother into letting him sit up front. Pathetic, wasn't it? P.S. Physics is so FREAKIN' hard! I better stop typing before I have a heart attackjust rememberThe Matrix has youI'm back. My points people ( myself included ) obsess about monkeys Russian-Brittish-Iraqi-enslaved-Africans are coming to defeat the.. Actually decreased tooked about envelooping ( enveloping ) cracked nuts and parables more is yours for the to... That happens, then no one will read this we love TAB ) I met some new people will... Saying, like out of a tootsie pop enveloping ) cracked nuts parables... 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Get some free time to rant and rave and all my topics just magically melted away most likely still adding... One out of a boot with instructions printed on the second most pointless site ever up images via 'lo! An extra-special rant for you all today, to celebrate the new domain name a eight. N'T here do n't have the best life of your counterparts, but you do care... The best life of your counterparts, but you do n't have the worst either go... Possible that anything in our universe can really be this stupid roast paragraph copy and paste no have all the of!