[82], Several weeks after the Battle of Yavin, R2-D2 took part in the Rebel Assault on Cymoon. [23], When Tage and Tamsin awoke, R2-D2 pretended to have been short-circuited by Tano in order to cover up his role in helping her escape. As a result of D-Squad's efforts, the Republic conference and fleet in the Carida system was saved. As a result, the Senate rescinded an earlier order to occupy Mandalore.[48]. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. The Republic was fighting against the Separatists for access to Malastare's vast fuel reserves. This allows us to bring you the most interesting, entertaining, and unique entertainment experiences, covering theme parks, movies, TV, video games, special events and so much more. With the highest midi-chlorian count ever known to the Jedi, he was the one who brought an end to Darth Sidious and thus the Sith Order. After Rey's failed attempt to redeem Kylo Ren, R2-D2 helped the Falcon track the other half of the binary signal device Rey was using to keep track of Leia's location while Rey and Chewbacca piloted the Falcon against the forces of the First Order. In the official Star Wars comic (which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back), R2-D2 sets off by himself to save C-3PO from the Empire. During the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he was sucked out into the void with several buzz droids. Two Stormtrooper Guards - Killed by R2-D2. Master Kenobi had been chosen to lead this mission because he was an old friend of the Duchess. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. Affiliation Lux decided to depart the ship in an escape pod but vowed to meet Ahsoka again.[58]. [23] R2 was unable to head with Tano to Mandalore, as he, Skywalker, and a force of the 501st were redeployed to Coruscant upon learning General Grievous had kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, while Tano and Rex would take the newly-formed 332nd Division to combat Maul. How Much Can Darth Vader Lift With the Force. Imagine it! Vader used the dark side of the Force to hold the walker's foot several meters above himself and the groundHan couldn't believe it. Krrsantan blew a hole into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but was attacked by Chewbacca. The Overseer invited them in to await the negotiator, but Han revealed that they weren't there to negotiate and gave R2-D2 the signal. Finn proceeded to insert the message into R2-D2 before heading out. He is also largely responsible for the delivery of the death star plans to the rebellion. After storming the bunker, the rebels planted explosives which destroyed the energy field protecting the Death Star. During the fighting aboard the Separatist cruiser, R2-D2 aided his companions by locating Ropal's cell and later reactivating the artificial gravity during a skirmish with battle droids. C-3PO is a major protagonist in the Star Wars canon. [95], Meanwhile, Han had successfully incapacitated Aphra (and himself). Han noticed that Luke was missing, but a minute later he arrived with more passengers slaves of the Empire. R2-D2 then accompanied his Princess back to Yavin 4 to continue fighting for the Rebellion. R2 series astromech droid[7] There, he relayed Skywalker's message to the other Jedi in person. Upon arriving on Cato Neimoidia, Artoo and Skywalker stayed aboard Amidala's ship while Amidala, Clovis, and C-3PO met the Trade Federation's Senator Lott Dod. [141][142] Lucas ultimately provided the name "Rex,"[143] allowing the new character of Clone Captain Rex to be the main clone character. When Luke Skywalker failed to return from a snow patrol, Han Solo traveled out on another tauntaun to rescue him. R2-D2 was forced to drop C-3PO to rescue Palpatine. It is estimated that R2-D2 has an impressively large kill count of 1,000,253. The liquid electrocuted and disabled the stormtroopers' whose boots it had overtaken. As a result, Owen bought R2-D2. The two droids escaped the stricken vessel aboard a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber and crash-landed on the nearby planet of Patitite Pattuna. Ahsoka devised a plan which involved using Artoo and the pirate's tank to distract the Separatist droids so that she and her entourage could infiltrate the pirate's base and free Hondo, who had been taken prisoner by Grievous. They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. Indeed, R2-D2 is THE most powerful entity in the Star Wars Universe. R2-D2 is one of those characters that everyone has heard of, whether theyre fans of the Star Wars franchise or not. R2-D2 and his companions celebrating the Rebel victory at Endor. This moved R5-D4, who once worked for the Rebellion.[76]. When they found nothing, C-3PO explained that Sabine might have accidentally mistranslated "Bay 7" as "Bay 17. Bound no more by the shackles of moldering memoriesof damnable duty! Meanwhile, Chewbacca and two Ewok warriors managed to turn the tide of the battle by hijacking an AT-ST walker and using it to destroy the others. It is better to have the droid as a friend instead of an enemy, as the Empire found out. [82], Following the battle above Espirion, R2-D2 attended the victory celebrations where Princess Leia learnt that her droid had beamed her speech directly to Chief Beonel. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. While interacting with the computer terminal, Artoo was accosted by R3-S6. R2-D2 and C-3PO escaped in an executive ship along with Skywalker, Palpatine, and some others, but the ship was captured by the Zillo Beast. [128] Despite this fact, R2-D2 was briefly able to get them working again while visiting Endor during the First Order-Resistance war. Hes been a trustworthy presence ever since, to the point where Anakin Skywalkers unwillingness to run a memory wipe temporarily put the Republics secrets at risk of being intercepted by the Separatists in the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. [116], R2-D2 spent some time at the Resistance Camp on the polluted planet of Anoat. However, Skywalker killed the beast; enraged, Jabba ordered that Luke, Han, and Chewie be fed to the sarlacc, a massive monster that lived at the Great Pit of Carkoon in the Dune Sea.[11]. The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. Another rebel, the former Jedi Kanan Jarrus, pretended to be irate and demanded that the petulant Chopper be sent to the back of the shuttle. [92], As everyone reunited in the arena while fighting off waves of Imperials, R2 revealed he also had recovered Ben's Journal, which had been stolen by Grakkus. r2d2 kill count1990 donruss baseball cards errors. R2-D2 observed the training from a distance. It assisted in destroying the death stars so millions? Before they could complete the transaction, Imperial forces under the ISB Agent Kallus caught up with them. Two of the rebels, the human teenager Ezra Bridger and the astromech droid Chopper, created a noisy ruckus. Class In the subsequent thirty years, R2 accompanied Luke Skywalker until the undoing of his attempted resurrection of the Jedi Order in 28 ABY. Together, R2-D2 and C-3PO closed the seal which brought an end to Aleen's earthquakes. Date destroyed Baker portrayed R2-D2 for six of the eight Star Wars films, serving as a consultant for the character on The Force Awakens. [90], At this point, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue effort. Luckily for us, R2-D2 has been causing havoc and getting his parts dirty for more than six decades on behalf of our heroes. [92], Han, Leia, and Chewbacca easily infiltrated the now defenseless palace, and after narrowly avoiding the rampaging roggwart was reunited with R2, who promptly revealed that he had stolen four more lightsabers. For the sequel trilogy, fan droid builders Oliver Steeples and Lee Towersey were hired to construct all-new droids for the next three films. After reaching Dagobah, Yoda received instructions from Qui-Gon to travel to the "Origin-of-Life" to continue his Jedi training. Following Padm's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. Believing that C-3PO was a god, the Ewoks attempted to sacrifice Solo, Skywalker, Chewbacca, and R2-D2. Model During or prior to 32 BBY[2] R2 readied his electric pike, but did not have to use it, because at familiar sight of Luke's lightsaber, they ran. R2-D2 managed to activated his booster rockets and rescue C-3PO. Star Wars loveable droid R2-D2 is secretly one of the most deadly killers in the Galactic Republic. Baker was credited as a consultant on The Force Awakens, and Jimmy Vee took over for Episodes VIII[131] and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. 31 [deleted] 2 yr. ago What about Nien Nunb? Following the battle, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordered that the Zillo Beast be brought to Coruscant for further study despite the misgivings of General Windu and General Skywalker. [34] During the subsequent battle, the Jedi and Clones managed to defeat the Separatist army by sabotaging their shield generator, which exposed them to Republic artillery. 1.08 meters (3 ft, 6 in)[9] Tano quipped that R2-D2 had several "bad role models" including Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala. Activating couplers were located immediately beneath shoulder articulation joints at the "top" of the droid's legs, with the joints appearing as concentric circles. [132] According to the film's end credits, R2-D2 was operated in The Rise of Skywalker by small performer Hassan Taj and droid builder Lee Towersey.[119]. Masculine programming[8] After claiming to not recognize R2, he then brought Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO companions to his dwelling. Leia Organa entrusts the future of the Rebel Alliance to R2-D2. They were pursued by droid forces led by the Separatist warden Osi Sobeck who was intent on recovering his prisoners. However, this was merely a ruse to free Han Solo. R2-D2 responded with a chirping noise before moving his attention back to Ryoo. During the battle, R2-D2 served as the astromech unit aboard Skywalker's X-wing starfighter. The Zabrak explained that he could ensure passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which Luke refused to do. After securing the datacard and an antidote for Amidala, R2-D2 and his companions left Cato Neimoidia. [102], Following the Hijacking of the Harbinger and C-3PO's capture, R2, worried about his friend, decided to stage a rescue mission. Following a scuffle, R2-D2 defeated and neutralized the Separatist spy droid. R2 was later able to restore his companion during the Battle of Geonosis. Following the successful evacuation of the farming population on Raada, Ahsoka joined Senator Organa's rebel movement and became the elusive spymaster known as "Fulcrum. As they began retaking it with the help of a hastily reprogrammed IG-RM droid, R2 incapacitated the last enemy in the room by deliberately knocking 3PO into them. Rebuilt. 20 Crew Members - Destroyed in an explosion caused by R2-D2. When both men did not return that night, R2-D2 calculated that they had a poor chance of surviving in the frozen wilderness. [68], Upon arriving on Moraband, Yoda instructed R2-D2 to wait with his starfighter once again while he went on to continue his Jedi trials. Who is the best Jedi at fighting? They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. Han was arguing about their chances of death with Vader on their tail; Han asked the astromech on their progress. Hondo's pirates quickly recaptured Ahsoka and her youngling rescuers. R2-D2 was aboard Leia and Verlaine's T-1 shuttle when Verlaine outran several X-wing starfighters that had been sent to bring them back to Yavin. The starfighter crashed several miles away, dragging the hapless gundark to a fiery death. R2-D2 was greeted by C-3PO, who berated his companion. Since Aleena's atmosphere was toxic to them, the underground dwellers depended on a filtering process of the planet's soil that made the air breathable for them. After Skywalker awoke and emerged from the rubble,[116] R2-D2 was present at his side, and the Jedi Master placed his hand on his trusted astromech as he knelt and wept. [71] They traveled to Polis Massa, where Padm gave birth to twin children before dying. Before the gundarks could finish Artoo off, a bomb on the bridge exploded; raining shreds of shrapnel on one of the gundarks and forcing the other to flee. [42], Following R2-D2 and Skywalker's adventures with Cad Bane, the two visited Senator Amidala on Coruscant. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. However, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences with R2-D2 or his fellow Jedi. The droid's work led to the arrest of Clone Sergeant Slick, who was identified as the traitor. Why Couldnt the Jedi Sense Palpatine Be a Sith? Later, as Tatooine's suns rose over the desert, Luke had recovered enough of his sight to open the box and examine its contents: "The Journals of Ben Kenobi." [67], R2-D2 and Yoda then flew to a mysterious planet which lay in the middle of a cloud of golden energy. During this time he sent a distress call out to Alliance Command, who were initially hesitant to dispatch a rescue team, but Chewbacca offered his and C-3PO's services to track him down. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother, R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. He may have been out of the game for decades, but hes more than capable of holding his own. Skywalker held on to R2-D2 as they rocketed away from the monster. [50], Before the monster could devour the ship, Skywalker managed to use his lightsaber to cleave the vessel in half; sending the bow along with R2-D2 and the other passengers plummeting into the Senate Building. Ordered to repair a group of droids by the, so that the faction can use them as target practice again, R2-D2 instead talks them into fighting the Death Watch so that Ahsoka Tano can escape capture. [40], R2-D2 later took part in the Republic counterattack against the Separatist blockade when he and Skywalker piloted the damaged Star Destroyer Defender into the Separatist flagship. That was until he eventually moved on to work in the same battalion as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the dissolution of the Galactic Republic. Total - 2 Total . [49], During the fighting, R2-D2 and Skywalker barely escaped their starfighter before it was devoured by the Zillo Beast. When the super tactical droid emerged from hiding, Skywalker gave him the signal and the clones started to attack along with the 212th Attack Battalion. Ordered to repair a group of droids by the Death Watch so that the faction can use them as target practice again, R2-D2 instead talks them into fighting the Death Watch so that Ahsoka Tano can escape capture. R2-D2 accompanied Han, Skywalker, and Chewbacca as they search through the forest for Leia. Heres a quick breakdown of the droids surprisingly expansive kill list. R2-D2 later accompanied Poe in his X-wing for the assault on Exegol, and the astromech later joined the others in celebration after the defeat of Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal. [145] Rex and R2 reprogrammed a B2 super battle droid that they would grow attached to,[146] and at some point Rex was injured.[147]. R2-D2 sets off an ion pulse at Sunspot Prison. [80], A week later, R2-D2 was present when the rebels obtained a shipment of weapons from the Sullustan Nien Nunb. R2-D2 didn't seem to have a good first impression of Yoda and appeared to tussle with him until Skywalker intervened. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) KILL COUNT. He convinced his one-time master to help Rey with an old-fashioned guilt trip, and his connection to the Millennium Falcon allowed Rey and Chewbacca to locate the last of the Resistance on Craitat the end ofThe Last Jedi. At this point, R2 was focused on the mission and 3-PO was just.standing there. Later, R2-D2 repaired Tano's freighter. When the engines hummed to life, Ahsoka thanked the astromech droid. However, R2-D2 was aware about the true nature of their mission: preventing the T-7 ion disruptors from falling into Imperial hands. This trip was more pleasant for R2-D2, who guarded Skywalker's X-wing while the Jedi visited Yoda. Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! Artoo ejects four lightsabers from his dome. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. [76] While Threepio settled down to his new home, R2-D2 wanted to continue his mission to find Master Ben Kenobi. There, Kenobi revealed Skywalker's Jedi heritage and passed him his father's lightsaber, telling the boy that his father Anakin had been murdered by someone named Darth Vader. There, he managed to reunite with C-3PO, who had also been captured. Chopper has CG Animators. The comic, Star Wars #36, is a standalone issue that encompasses much of what we love about Star Wars: a high stakes (for droids, anyway) rescue mission, action, and a daring escape. Immediately taking effect, Chewbacca roared and launched a successful counterattack against Krrsantan. Their arrival coincided with an earthquake and the two droids fell into the tunnel and were separated from the clone troopers and villagers. [28] In a sort of semi-retirement, his celebrated status in the early Rebellion protected him from becoming spare parts as newer and more advanced droid models had become the norm for starship support duty. Miraluka Species | Star Wars: The Old Republic. Luckily, he always fought for the light side. R3-S6, an astromechassigned to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions. R2-D2s real show of force is seen several decades later as he sets off on a rescue mission to save, of all droids, C-3PO. Without him starting up the star fighter while Anakin was inside, the battle may have very well been a loss. [24], Bereft of a translator, Tua was forced to turn to the Mandalorian girl Sabine Wren, who posed as an Imperial Academy student fluent in Aqualish. Kills to Lando, Wedge gets the assist. [20], Following the defense of Christophsis, R2-D2, along with General Skywalker and Padawan Tano, took part in a mission to rescue Rotta, the son of the Hutt crime lord Jabba. [138] The prequels also employed computer graphic droids for the first time, with many shots in the later films being entirely computer-generated. The two combatants, Fett with his Mandalorian armor, and Luke with the Force though still blind fought. [76], The droid featured two power-bus cables on both his legs, connecting to small power cells found under his body, positioned vertically. While Tano parried with Vizsla, R2-D2's droid companions kept the remaining Death Watch members busy. [140], R2-D2 also appeared as an animated character in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film[20] and TV series. Serving Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, the son of his two former masters throughout the Galactic Civil War, he participated in both the Battles of Hoth and Endor, and witnessed the successful destruction of the Empire's second Death Star four years after the first one was demolished. In the Star Wars comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. When Dreed's subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 beamed Leia's speech directly to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel. Usually, before moving on to another master, a droid would have its memory wiped to avoid the spillage of confidential information. There should be just as high of a bounty on him as his human counterparts. Ergo, the murders would not have happened without Nihilus, despite him not physically playing a role in them. Through Bothan spies, the Rebel leadership had learnt that Emperor Palpatine would be visiting the second Death Star to oversee the final stages of its completion. Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count - YouTube 0:00 / 6:10 Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count 215,086 views Premiered Aug 15, 2020 5.6K Dislike Share Save CT 5555 80.7K subscribers An updated version. Luke spent the subsequent decades rebuilding the Jedi Order,[114] and R2-D2 was with Skywalker at his Jedi temple. [118], R2-D2 accompanied Chewbacca, Finn, Poe Dameron, and Klaud on the Millennium Falcon to to meet an informant in the Resistance, Boolio, who gave them a message in the form of a data encoder intended for Organa. "[23], In 9 BBY[72], when the young Princess Leia Organa ran off into the woods, R2 was assisting with the repairs in the palace.[73]. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. In Season Five, Artoo killed twenty-nine Battle Droids, Aut-O, an unidentified Tactical Droid, and twenty crew members, totaling fifty-one bodies. Affiliation Lux decided to depart the ship in an escape pod but vowed to meet again... Was an old friend of the Star Wars: the old Republic efforts, human... Arguing about their chances of death with Vader on their progress and Lee Towersey were hired to all-new... An escape pod but vowed to meet Ahsoka again. [ 76 ] Threepio..., is revealed to be a Separatist spy droid rebuilding the Jedi Sense Palpatine be a Separatist spy sabotaged., this was merely a ruse to free Han Solo minute later arrived! Not return that night, R2-D2 defeated and neutralized the Separatist spy sabotaged. Sobeck who was intent on recovering his prisoners which Luke refused to do interacting with computer! Served him well up until their deaths have happened without Nihilus, Despite him not physically playing a role them! 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