prophecy california falling into ocean

Thank you! This is the problem with most of the high, mountainous regions. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Where there is no light, light shall flow. This shall be proof to mankind of our coming. But remember these words, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, for in our Fathers eyes there is no death. For her, remember that God is with thee everywhere. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But fear not. Give bone meal. According to Nostradamus, approximately 70% of his predictions have turned out to be correct. And now you know. The plight that is upon the earth and has hidden and struck the land is but part of the whole. In some ways, this is being done at this time. You shall soon see a great quake in the land of California. It is the same way with other catastrophes. Can "MegaQuakes" really happen? If thy stop to help the beggar in the street only to make thyself a bigger person, then thy have made thyself below the beggar. This in itself is the land unto which the land was known as the Lost Tribe of Israel dwelled, and therefore, became mighty. For as we have seen your earth. Now, the overcoming, as you would call it, of this karma can be done by the helping of others. ], Aka, you had told us what would happen in the San Diego area and in the Yuma area. This is the reason we have suggested the purification of thy drinking water, because to cleanse thy soul and to improve thy body and the body shall be the temple of God through the spirit, through the soul, and through these thy should reach to the temple of God. I would like to know where I and my friends should be at the time and what we should be doing?, We would say unto you, this time shall be in the daytime, so therefore, be in the open land. Your earth is now awake, [and] abundance shall come from the earth. There a new group among you shall be formed.. Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings. Pray to God for the mothers who shall bear child, and pray to God unto those who have not given themselves unto God. [See Matthew 24:1921]. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again. And as the Bird Clan had prepared therefore of summer, for the coming of the other clans, to provide water in greater amounts, as the ceremony had reached its peak, one known as Tokokan saw you standing and looked upon you and said, Oh brother, why do you linger so close?, And you spoke unto him and said unto this one, We know of your problem. And when the final blow if the Sword is struck, many shall die here., They will have a warning though, first?. This should happen soon in a different way than has happened before. If you were to go into a winter storm, would you not place on your warm clothes? We know of your peaceful intent. Your time to let others smell your flowers is now. It had been before. But remember, those thousand years shall not be as your count; they shall be as our Father counts. But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. Do not panic, for as yet these are but warnings., [Editors note: Only one earthquake of significance is listed in the years between 1950 and 2005. This you have record of this is what you should call your cave man state. Now we grow [tired] no, soul Ray grows very, very tired. The land shall rise from the sea and other land shall fall. Then bring these forth unto us. In Bible, does God care about natural disasters? We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. But He should allow thee to do it unto thyselves. This is not a threat. Learn more: USGS Geomagnetism Program, A new fault map of the shelf offshore of San Francisco, California shows that faulting occurs as a distributed shear zone that involves many fault strands with the principal displacement taken up by the San Andreas fault and the eastern strand of the San Gregorio fault zone. The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean, #1John Paul Jackson: There is an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. As we have said before, you can destroy nothing. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another. And as we have told you before, now is the time of the Cherub. When we say unto you that all is in accord, it is because all thy love is in accord with God, and all thy love for thy fellow man is in accord with God. Yes, I do, and thank you very much. This shall soon come into reality. It is impossible to generate an earthquake of magnitude 10 or higher. California is firmly planted on the top of the earths crust in a location where it spans two tectonic plates. The fuse has been lit. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. The Earth was inclined and he was searching for me. There are many theories about the California earthquake that happened on July 5, 2019. As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lords chosen spot for His people. Now, we should say unto the water. Yes, we see a certain amount of minerals there; this would pay in material gain. Here are transcripts of parts of those four readings the spiritual messengers of God asked listeners to hear so they could better understand. There have been dozens of smaller earthquakes in the area since 1906, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred in 2003 and caused some damage in Desert Hot Springs. But hark we say unto thee these words. [See The Revelation, chapter 610, and 1422. Then will be a cooling down period. Then, as man took root upon thy earth, the spirits entered and the souls began. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand. prophecy california falling into ocean prophecy california falling into ocean Rubriky. Hopefully, they will help you too. If thy and my Father shall walk among all men forever, so should He walk with thee now. But remember, your earth is only one of many, and your people are only one of many. If thy should walk on the water as thy did before, have faith; have faith in yourself and in your Father and we should take thee by the hand. The World Economic Forum is als A teacher told a Grade 6 class that their classmate had come out as transgender, but that they "mustn't let slip their classmate's new gen Over the years, many people have been shown that someday a giant earthquake will cause significant portions of California to fall into the ocean. And we should say unto those of the valley below the sea, watch the water.. And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. Now is the time of the Red Horse. [Editors note: In 1988, the year Al Qaeda was formed, Aka said, The Red Horse is Pakistan. Also see The Revelation 6:34.]. Then we say unto you, do not kill this Prophet who comes after us, for if you should try, then Gods wrath shall be upon you, and thee shall dwell in a hell, as thy would think it, far beyond anything in thy wildest imagination, for our Father and we shall protect this one. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. Remember, our Father loves you. Has naturally occurring earthquake activity been increasing? For those who should lose of their souls shall be no more, for they shall wander in nothingness., December 29, 1972: We should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. And so it has been in this manner. And then the earth shall run blood red. Here are the transcribed words of what spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell us. The river shall change it course at this time, or attempt to, and man shall try to stop it. Listen to his counsel, for it shall be wise. There shall be a time of famine yes, we see this. Like many other beach spots, the shoreline is the first to go - and with it, the tourism here. Editors note: Remember that Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 (and in Mark 13:32 and Acts 1:7) that no one knows the exact day or hour not even the angels of heaven nor even the Son but only the Father knows. Then he says, stay awake. Then, if in thy mind before thy sleep at night, thy would think upon us and think of thy word, Aka, relate it with God and His works, thy answer shall come. You taught them much of irrigation, providing food. GET YOUR BOAT READY E-COURSE@ go to STORE PROPHECY NOW PODCAST:Spotify:**GIVE**spiritmoveministry.coPayPal: to give: Text the word GIVE to (888) 250-7018MAIL Checks to: 4540 Corner Brook Ln. We only give the warnings as they are needed. Should I change? These are thoughts of necessity. And for those who shall wear the mark of the God, and who were in the Book of the beginning and who are in the Book of this time, for their descendants, our Father has promised a thousand years of peace upon your earth. We have given thee warnings before. Ask, and we shall ask permission for this to be granted. This way must be prepared within each of our hearts first. Do you have any suggestions or anything to say on this?. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man. Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow. Thy do not understand of which we speak, but thy soon will. I seem to have had a conversation in meditation one time with a friend of mine that passed on in 1962; his name was [52170001]. **EMAIL: Spiritmoveministry@gmail.comPlease forward all dreams and visions to this email. [See Acts 1:1226, 2:139. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. At that time, brother shall attack brother, sister shall hate sister, father shall slay son. February 15, 2022 8:06 AM Julia Carmen A dream my husband approximately two years ago. Once it begins, it shall last for more than one day, for more than one week for months you shall get aftershock and aftershocks again. Learn the warning signs and how to respond when there is an earthquake. Now, there is one among you who asks, Cast aside our demon. Then we should say to you, as has been said before as Jesus, as thy would know him, cast aside the demon in a man named [Moup? We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California. It is written that woe be on man, for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coat or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. This period shall come about in the year, two thousand no, the records show, 2202 2 yes, this is the records show. Pastor Joel (September 22, 2013 (This is an older message by A Pastor Joel. In the positions of the mountains, the worst of this shall go over though. Can thy understand this? Take of our words and study them. Mix your own mixture of food for a while. The US Geological Survey estimates that an earthquake on this part of the San Andreas will occur every 300 years on average, which corresponds to a magnitude 7.8 earthquake every 300 years. But before we go we should say unto you, that of the Mt. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. It will crumble and fall back to the floor and will ultimately break off the east cost of California along the San Andria fault line. And at this time, your bodies must become accustomed to these things. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. Its a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land. Nay. But remember, thy Father does not forget your prayers. And once again, the Messiah shall walk your earth and give blessings. [See The Revelation, chapters 1222. . Among his 2021 predictions is a global famine, as well as the zombie apocalypse some people describe as a potentially deadly global famine. Each of you, in your own way, are Gods children. She has deep concern for her husband, his health, retirement and other change. But remember, what our Father has placed upon your earth, let no man put asunder. Scientists no longer believe that California is going to fall into the ocean. We say unto you, nay. If ye should say, I could destroy thy world with thy right hand and make it again with thy left, in talking to prove or to show a point, would thee do this if thy loved thy people? We shall direct those to these places before this happens., July 22, 1977: The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. For in the mind of the Red Horse, the thought is to attack the Eagle [U.S.A.]. Therefore, he will look for the kingdom of Lucifer. Editors note: The Yuma, Arizona, group watched the water in the Colorado River near where it is routed into the All American Canal. Remember, there are other powers upon your earth at work that are not our Fathers. Then, in front and in back of the carbon, placing, as thy would call, the fiberglass back, wrapping this fiberglass in cloth of a close-knit nature, making a compartment where this fiberglass can be changed at least once a week. And as we have spoken unto thee of this great Sword, the mighty Sword that cuts two ways, therefore, we should speak again of these things. As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. Is this true?, For as, in the beginning, [theyre who, they who, there] are thirteen and as the chain has been broken and built again, so it shall go on and on, through time, through all planes. Let us answer your first question. The golden age of your population, the golden age of your civilizations, have risen and fallen into the dust. He cannot kill thy spirit. Yet you could believe him not. And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. For remember, God has many mansions. There was no significant damage to property.]. ], Yeah, I think so. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open. But yet, thy cherub shall be known to each of you in its own way. Does anyone remember a 'prophecy' (or myth) about California being submerged into the ocean due to wickedness by way of earthquakes and rising tides? But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread. This land mass shall cover an area of 50-by-100 miles. Yes, now that is better; now all souls are in accord. February 19, 1971: Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth. The altar of God is all around you. As I have said before that God shall love those who would shed but one teardrop for God as much as he [who] would shed many, if that teardrop is shed with love. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves. We should say these words Harken unto you, for the Lord is great. Jesus, before he was crucified, talked about, quite a bit about the judgment day, and also, he talked about the terrible things that are to take place before this judgment day. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. And for those who are prepared shall return to Gods many mansions. These, with your own explosions, shall trigger a great earthquake into the same. These, if thy should look thy would find the records if you [looked, we would say], check of the assay. Now is the time of the Cherub. Land shall rise, yet fall again. , May 2, 1971, a question was asked in Yuma, Arizona: Do you have any special messages for us this evening?. Northern Europe shall part. For, as Jesus reached the Christ state, and went to God to dwell in His mansion, so should all man dwell in Gods mansions. Thank you, Aka. Over the years, many people have been shown that someday a giant earthquake will cause significant portions of California to fall into the ocean. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake. You are all His children, except those who belong to Lucifer. Your South American area, great upheavals shall come about. But remember these words. For those who should walk in the light of God, no harm shall come unto those.. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lambs blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. Now, if thy have other questions, ask. [185503Houston, Texas] asks, How long will California be a safe place to live? Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. For the children of God should not fear, for remember, no man may harm the children of God. There are many ways of healing. An earthquake of magnitude 10 or larger can and will occur. And yet, your prayers were that you should live long enough to see this one. Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide? And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many. But beware. Jul 13 2022 27 mins "The Lord gave me Vision of California under water and it had disappeared." . It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth., January 21, 1977: Aka, I have a question from [93572]. Santa Claritas only local radio station is KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220. For now [unto] your three-year period, this danger shall stand. The Lord saw fit to send forth His prophet, Jonah, to the city to warn the people. At this time in which thy should ask, we have said unto you, store of the seed, store of the dry fruits or vegetables. You will call it an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it a disaster. But the tilt shall not come yet. From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information. And by destroying the spirit, is he not but a lost soul? Warnings should be given in advance. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. How many times has your civilization [disappeared]? We have many more questions tonight, Aka. The first question I have is regarding the earthquakes. Now, there are many questions on thy mind. That all may come in accord, we would tell thee that the time of the Messiah is close at hand. [Note: The voice changes again to one with a deep, resounding depth, without a drawl]: Aka is here. [Well, you know, man,] There are many things over here, you know that, fellows like me dont quite understand, but yet, you know, its right pretty here. We are hereto prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. This shall begin in 1998 and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. . There was good fellowship there. Now, Ive talked to you people before, and the Lord willing, Im going to talk to you again. The land you seek shall be part of an island in the later days, when the isles of California shall come forth. August 10, 1970, Globe, Arizona: Now, as we have said before, the time of the Cherub is now. But remember, his reign shall be lean; therefore, he shall cast upon your earth many foul things. Therefore, we have said unto your groups that we should make these things known unto thee before they happen, that the children of God would not be harmed. For the earthquakes that we spoke of, the one that you would only know if you saw the water move, has already happened. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. Give prayer that less should die. New eruptions shall occur. When we tell thee of the time of thy needs, we do not expect thee to run like sheep, but stand firm as the Lamb in the Lambs light. And as it was written, so it shall be. And so therefore, you fled again unto the Snake land. The question has been asked, why we suggested that soul [4670002] check beneath the ground of 40 feet, his mineral rights. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. For that proportion thy know as South America, many proportions of the same should change. If thy should walk with His hand in yours, then happiness and love for all on your earth plane shall dwell for a thousand years. God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man. Now, it is to be suggested at this time that the learning of what thy call hypnosis in thy group, that study classes should be conducted in this. What does it say about the Red Sea in the Bible? Neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Fathers hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. Some shall sink back into the sea, and many shall die. And you ask, How can this be possible? And we say unto you in this manner. There are times when we shall talk as if in riddles. Those that live within 50-mile radius of the fault, you have had our warnings. An event of this nature would almost certainly necessitate the use of a storm to move water. Be known to each of our coming danger shall stand AM Julia Carmen dream! It an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it upon this plane it. To be granted is here U.S.A. ] are true, then the kingdom of,! 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prophecy california falling into ocean