where \(d_{ij}\) is the observed number of failures in stratum \(i\) at time \(t_j\), \(\hat e_{ij}\) is the expected number of failures in stratum \(i\) at time \(t_j\), \(\hat v_{ij}\) is the estimator of the variance of \(d_{ij}\), and \(w_i\) is the weight of the difference at time \(t_j\) (see Hosmer and Lemeshow(2008) for formulas for \(\hat e_{ij}\) and \(\hat v_{ij}\)). It is possible that the relationship with time is not linear, so we should check other functional forms of time, such as log(time) and rank(time). Any estimable linear combination of model parameters can be tested using the procedure's CONTRAST statement. In our previous model we examined the effects of gender and age on the hazard rate of dying after being hospitalized for heart attack. Instead, the survival function will remain at the survival probability estimated at the previous interval. A central assumption of Cox regression is that covariate effects on the hazard rate, namely hazard ratios, are constant over time. CONTRAST statement and ESTIMATE statement CONTRAST statement enables you to perform custom hypothesis tests by specifying an L vector or matrix for testing the univariate hypothesis L = 0 or the multivariate hypothesis LBM = 0. For example, if the survival times were known to be exponentially distributed, then the probability of observing a survival time within the interval \([a,b]\) is \(Pr(a\le Time\le b)= \int_a^bf(t)dt=\int_a^b\lambda e^{-\lambda t}dt\), where \(\lambda\) is the rate parameter of the exponential distribution and is equal to the reciprocal of the mean survival time. In the case of a dichotomous explanatory variable with values 0 and 1 (like exposure in your data) the results with vs. without a CLASS statement are essentially the same. Widening the bandwidth smooths the function by averaging more differences together. See the example titled "Comparing nested models with a likelihood ratio test" which illustrates using the %VUONG macro to produce the same test as obtained above from the CONTRAST statement in PROC GENMOD. These statements fit the restricted, main effects model: This partial output summarizes the main-effects model: The question is whether there is a significant difference between these two models. In other words, we would expect to find a lot of failure times in a given time interval if 1) the hazard rate is high and 2) there are still a lot of subjects at-risk. Specify the DIST=BINOMIAL option to specify a logistic model. For example, patients in the WHAS500 dataset are in the hospital at the beginnig of follow-up time, which is defined by hospital admission after heart attack. hazardratio 'Effect of gender across ages' gender / at(age=(0 20 40 60 80)); The design variables that are generated for the nested term are the same as those generated by the interaction term previously. Words in italic are new statements added to SAS version 9.22. The ESTIMATE statement provides a mechanism for obtaining custom hypothesis tests. Only these two statements may be flexible enough to estimate or test sufficiently complex linear combinations of model parameters. All of the statements mentioned above can be used for this purpose. Logistic models are in the class of generalized linear models. The estimated hazard ratio of .937 comparing females to males is not significant. Grambsch and Therneau (1994) show that a scaled version of the Schoenfeld residual at time \(k\) for a particular covariate \(p\) will approximate the change in the regression coefficient at time \(k\): \[E(s^\star_{kp}) + \hat{\beta}_p \approx \beta_j(t_k)\]. If 3.5 is the average of the sampled values of X, the following two HAZARDRATIO statements are equivalent: specifies whether to create the Wald or profile-likelihood confidence limits, or both for the classical analyis. From these equations we can also see that we would expect the pdf, \(f(t)\), to be high when \(h(t)\) the hazard rate is high (the beginning, in this study) and when the cumulative hazard \(H(t)\) is low (the beginning, for all studies). Similarly, the SLICEBY, DIFF, and EXP options in the SLICE statement estimate and test differences and odds ratios in the complicated diagnosis. These techniques were developed by Lin, Wei and Zing (1993). The SAS procedure PROC PHREG allows us to fit a proportional hazard model to a dataset. With mixed models fit in PROC MIXED, if the models are nested in the covariance parameters and have identical fixed effects, then a LR test can be constructed using results from REML estimation (the default) or from ML estimation. Not only are we interested in how influential observations affect coefficients, we are interested in how they affect the model as a whole. Then there are three parameters () representing the first three levels, and the fourth parameter is represented by, To test the first versus the fourth level of A, you would test. All produce equivalent results. The outcome in this study. Data that are structured in the first, single-row way can be modified to be structured like the second, multi-row way, but the reverse is typically not true. The value must be between 0 and 1. where a row-description is: effect values <,effect values>. The unconditional probability of surviving beyond 2 days (from the onset of risk) then is \(\hat S(2) = \frac{500 8}{500}\times\frac{492-8}{492} = 0.984\times0.98374=.9680\). model lenfol*fstat(0) = gender|age bmi hr; The most commonly used test for comparing nested models is the likelihood ratio test, but other tests (such as Wald and score tests) can also be used. First, each of the effects, including both interactions, are significant. While the main purpose of this note is to illustrate how to write proper CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements, these additional statements are also presented when they can provide equivalent analyses. class gender; Lets interpret our model. Had B preceded A in the CLASS statement, the levels of A would have changed before the levels of B, resulting in the second estimate being for 21. Include covariate interactions with time as predictors in the Cox model. The test requires that a pivot for sweeping this matrix be at least this number times a norm of the matrix. Other methods must be used to compare nonnested models and this is discussed in the section that follows. proc univariate data = whas500(where=(fstat=1)); The hazard function for a particular time interval gives the probability that the subject will fail in that interval, given that the subject has not failed up to that point in time. ALPHA=number specifies the level of significance for % confidence intervals. Estimates are formed as linear estimable functions of the form . Now choose a coefficient vector, also with 18 elements, that will multiply the solution vector: Choose a coefficient of 1 for the intercept (), coefficients of (1 0 0 0 0) for the A term to pick up the 1 estimate, coefficients of (0 1) for the B term to pick up the 2 estimate, and coefficients of (0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) for the A*B interaction term to pick up the 12 estimate. Optionally, the CONTRAST statement enables you to estimate each row, , of and test the hypothesis . EXAMPLE 4: Comparing Models PROC PHREG syntax is similar to that of the other regression procedures in the SAS System. Thus, to pull out all 6 \(df\beta_j\), we must supply 6 variable names for these \(df\beta_j\). This seminar introduces procedures and outlines the coding needed in SAS to model survival data through both of these methods, as well as many techniques to evaluate and possibly improve the model. Table 1: PROC PHREG Statement Options You can specify the following options in the PROC PHREG statement. In the code below we fit a Cox regression model where we allow examine the effects of gender, age, bmi, and heart rate on the hazard rate. By default, PLMAXITER=25. Now lets look at the model with just both linear and quadratic effects for bmi. run; It is called the proportional hazards model because the ratio of hazard rates between two groups with fixed covariates will stay constant over time in this model. Imagine we have a random variable, \(Time\), which records survival times. In this model, this reference curve is for males at age 69.845947 Usually, we are interested in comparing survival functions between groups, so we will need to provide SAS with some additional instructions to get these graphs. Because the observation with the longest follow-up is censored, the survival function will not reach 0. Estimating and Testing a Difference of Means Once again, the empirical score process under the null hypothesis of no model misspecification can be approximated by zero mean Gaussian processes, and the observed score process can be compared to the simulated processes to asses departure from proportional hazards. Finally, you can use the SLICE statement. = 1 and cell ses = 2 will be the difference of b_1 and b_2. Here is the syntax for CONTRAST statement. Thus, because many observations in WHAS500 are right-censored, we also need to specify a censoring variable and the numeric code that identifies a censored observation, which is accomplished below with, However, we would like to add confidence bands and the number at risk to the graph, so we add, The Nelson-Aalen estimator is requested in SAS through the, When provided with a grouping variable in a, We request plots of the hazard function with a bandwidth of 200 days with, SAS conveniently allows the creation of strata from a continuous variable, such as bmi, on the fly with the, We also would like survival curves based on our model, so we add, First, a dataset of covariate values is created in a, This dataset name is then specified on the, This expanded dataset can be named and then viewed with the, Both survival and cumulative hazard curves are available using the, We specify the name of the output dataset, base, that contains our covariate values at each event time on the, We request survival plots that are overlaid with the, The interaction of 2 different variables, such as gender and age, is specified through the syntax, The interaction of a continuous variable, such as bmi, with itself is specified by, We calculate the hazard ratio describing a one-unit increase in age, or \(\frac{HR(age+1)}{HR(age)}\), for both genders. rights reserved. However, despite our knowledge that bmi is correlated with age, this method provides good insight into bmis functional form. Notice that the interval during which the first 25% of the population is expected to fail, [0,297) is much shorter than the interval during which the second 25% of the population is expected to fail, [297,1671). In the relation above, \(s^\star_{kp}\) is the scaled Schoenfeld residual for covariate \(p\) at time \(k\), \(\beta_p\) is the time-invariant coefficient, and \(\beta_j(t_k)\) is the time-variant coefficient. Shared Concepts and Topics. Because this seminar is focused on survival analysis, we provide code for each proc and example output from proc corr with only minimal explanation. In this interval, we can see that we had 500 people at risk and that no one died, as Observed Events equals 0 and the estimate of the Survival function is 1.0000. Notice that id, the individual subject identifier, has been added to the class statement and is also on the repeated statement (with an unstructured correlation matrix), telling proc genmod to calculate the robust errors. You can perform hypothesis tests for the estimable functions, construct confidence limits, and obtain specific nonlinear transformations. ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. class gender; Because log odds are being modeled instead of means, we talk about estimating or testing contrasts of log odds rather than means as in PROC MIXED or PROC GLM. %PDF-1.2 % Note that these are the fourth and eighth cell means in the Least Squares Means table. my dataset includes age, period, outcome, drug age : 1 2 3 (categorical variable) period : 1~365 days ( continuos variable) outcome( :0 1 ( 0 : without outcome, 1: with outcome) drug : 0 . Consider the following medical example in which patients with one of two diagnoses (complicated or uncomplicated) are treated with one of three treatments (A, B, or C) and the result (cured or not cured) is observed. Once outliers are identified, we then decide whether to keep the observation or throw it out, because perhaps the data may have been entered in error or the observation is not particularly representative of the population of interest. After exponentiating, the denominator is not just a simple odds, but rather a geometric mean of the treatment odds. i am trying to run Cox-regression model, so i made this code. Here are the steps we will take to evaluate the proportional hazards assumption for age through scaled Schoenfeld residuals: Although possibly slightly positively trending, the smooths appear mostly flat at 0, suggesting that the coefficient for age does not change over time and that proportional hazards holds for this covariate. for ses = 1, we will add the coefficient for ses1 to the intercept. Write the CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement using the parameter multipliers as coefficients, being careful to order the coefficients to match the order of the model parameters in the procedure. While only certain procedures are illustrated below, this discussion applies to any modeling procedure that allows these statements. you might need to print it in landscape mode to avoid truncation of the right edge. For the medical example, suppose we are interested in the odds ratio for treatment A versus treatment C in the complicated diagnosis. run; proc phreg data = whas500; Table 86.1: PROC PHREG Statement Options You can specify the following options in the PROC PHREG statement. It is quite powerful, as it allows for truncation, time-varying covariates and . You can specify the following optionsafter a slash (/). At the beginning of a given time interval \(t_j\), say there are \(R_j\) subjects still at-risk, each with their own hazard rates: The probability of observing subject \(j\) fail out of all \(R_j\) remaing at-risk subjects, then, is the proportion of the sum total of hazard rates of all \(R_j\) subjects that is made up by subject \(j\)s hazard rate. Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. Note: The terms event and failure are used interchangeably in this seminar, as are time to event and failure time. These statistics are provided in most procedures using maximum likelihood estimation. The following statements fit the model and compute the AB11 and AB12 cell means by using the LSMEANS statement and equivalent ESTIMATE statements: Suppose you want to test that the AB11 and AB12 cell means are equal. PROC CATMOD has a feature that makes testing this kind of hypothesis even easier. The difficulty is constructing combinations that are estimable and that jointly test the set of interactions. This indicates that omitting bmi from the model causes those with low bmi values to modeled with too low a hazard rate (as the number of observed events is in excess of the expected number of events). Since treatment A and treatment C are the first and third in the LSMEANS list, the contrast in the LSMESTIMATE statement estimates and tests their difference. identifies an effect that appears in the MODEL statement. The effect of bmi is significantly lower than 1 at low bmi scores, indicating that higher bmi patients survive better when patients are very underweight, but that this advantage disappears and almost seems to reverse at higher bmi levels. This option is ignored in the computation of the hazard ratios for a CLASS variable. There is no limit to the number of CONTRAST statements that you can specify, but they must appear after the MODEL statement. When a subject dies at a particular time point, the step function drops, whereas in between failure times the graph remains flat. If we were to plot the estimate of \(S(t)\), we would see that it is a reflection of F(t) (about y=0 and shifted up by 1). Comparing Nonnested Models The log odds for treatment A in the complicated diagnosis are: The log odds for treatment C in the complicated diagnosis are: Subtracting these gives the difference in log odds, or equivalently, the log odds ratio: The following statements use PROC LOGISTIC to fit model 3c and estimate the contrast. \[F(t) = 1 exp(-H(t))\] If nonproportional hazards are detected, the researcher has many options with how to address the violation (Therneau & Grambsch, 2000): After fitting a model it is good practice to assess the influence of observations in your data, to check if any outlier has a disproportionately large impact on the model. It is calculated by integrating the hazard function over an interval of time: Let us again think of the hazard function, \(h(t)\), as the rate at which failures occur at time \(t\). statement to get the L matrix. The documentation for the procedure lists all ODS tables that the procedure can create, or you can use the ODS TRACE ON statement to display the table names that are produced by PROC REG. Dummy Coding Note that there are 5 2 3 = 30 cell means. Examples of Writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE Statements Introduction EXAMPLE 1: A Two-Factor Model with Interaction Computing the Cell Means Using the ESTIMATE Statement Estimating and Testing a Difference of Means A More Complex Contrast Comparing One Interaction Mean to the Average of All Interaction Means The value that you specify in the option divides all the coefficients that are provided in the ESTIMATE statement. We see that beyond beyond 1,671 days, 50% of the population is expected to have failed. For a more detailed definition of nested and nonnested models, see the Clarke (2001) reference cited in the sample program. We could test for different age effects with an interaction term between gender and age. This is critical for properly ordering the coefficients in the CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement. However, often we are interested in modeling the effects of a covariate whose values may change during the course of follow up time. All requests that each individual contrast (that is, each row, , of ) or exponentiated contrast () be estimated and tested. proc sgplot data = dfbeta; hazardratio 'Effect of 1-unit change in age by gender' age / at(gender=ALL); To assess the effects of continuous variables involved in interactions or constructed effects such as splines, see this note. You can specify nested-by-value effects in the MODEL statement to test the effect of one variable within a particular level of another variable. In the table above, we see that the probability surviving beyond 363 days = 0.7240, the same probability as what we calculated for surviving up to 382 days, which implies that the censored observations do not change the survival estimates when they leave the study, only the number at risk. All This is the log odds. Create a variable called CENSOR. Next, we illustrate the combination of these statements by following two examples. In the graph above we see the correspondence between pdfs and histograms. We see in the table above, that the typical subject in our dataset is more likely male, 70 years of age, with a bmi of 26.6 and heart rate of 87. This reinforces our suspicion that the hazard of failure is greater during the beginning of follow-up time. We can remove the dependence of the hazard rate on time by expressing the hazard rate as a product of \(h_0(t)\), a baseline hazard rate which describes the hazard rates dependence on time alone, and \(r(x,\beta_x)\), which describes the hazard rates dependence on the other \(x\) covariates: In this parameterization, \(h(t)\) will equal \(h_0(t)\) when \(r(x,\beta_x) = 1\). run; proc corr data = whas500 plots(maxpoints=none)=matrix(histogram); An example of using the LSMEANS and LSMESTIMATE statements to estimate odds ratios in a repeated measures (GEE) model in PROC GENMOD is available. Thus, each term in the product is the conditional probability of survival beyond time \(t_i\), meaning the probability of surviving beyond time \(t_i\), given the subject has survived up to time \(t_i\). If these proportions systematically differ among strata across time, then the \(Q\) statistic will be large and the null hypothesis of no difference among strata is more likely to be rejected. The BMI*BMI term describes the change in this effect for each unit increase in bmi. Such linear combinations can be estimated and tested using the CONTRAST and/or ESTIMATE statements available in many modeling procedures. Because of this parameterization, covariate effects are multiplicative rather than additive and are expressed as hazard ratios, rather than hazard differences. The E option shows how each cell mean is formed by displaying the coefficient vectors that are used in calculating the LS-means. A simple transformation of the cumulative distribution function produces the survival function, \(S(t)\): The survivor function, \(S(t)\), describes the probability of surviving past time \(t\), or \(Pr(Time > t)\). model lenfol*fstat(0) = ; Some procedures, like PROC LOGISTIC, produce a Wald chi-square statistic instead of a likelihood ratio statistic. The default is DIFF=ALL. This analysis proceeds in much the same was as dfbeta analysis, in that we will: We see the same 2 outliers we identifed before, id=89 and id=112, as having the largest influence on the model overall, probably primarily through their effects on the bmi coefficient. In all of the plots, the martingale residuals tend to be larger and more positive at low bmi values, and smaller and more negative at high bmi values. Many transformations of the survivor function are available for alternate ways of calculating confidence intervals through the conftype option, though most transformations should yield very similar confidence intervals. See this sample program for discussion and examples of using the Vuong and Clarke tests to compare nonnested models. This paper will discuss this question by using some examples. This can be particularly difficult with dummy (PARAM=GLM) coding. Estimating and Testing Odds Ratios with Effects Coding Our goal is to transform the data from its original state: to an expanded state that can accommodate time-varying covariates, like this (notice the new variable in_hosp): Notice the creation of start and stop variables, which denote the beginning and end intervals defined by hospitalization and death (or censoring). As before, it is vital to know the order of the design variables that are created for an effect so that you properly order the contrast coefficients in the CONTRAST statement. following, where ses1 is the dummy variable for ses =1 and ses2 is the dummy With effects coding, the parameters are constrained to sum to zero. Construction and Computation of Estimable Functions, Specifies a list of values to divide the coefficients, Suppresses the automatic fill-in of coefficients for higher-order effects, Tunes the estimability checking difference, Determines the method for multiple comparison adjustment of estimates, Performs one-sided, lower-tailed inference, Adjusts multiplicity-corrected p-values further in a step-down fashion, Specifies values under the null hypothesis for tests, Performs one-sided, upper-tailed inference, Displays the correlation matrix of estimates, Displays the covariance matrix of estimates, Produces a joint or chi-square test for the estimable functions, Requests ODS statistical graphics if the analysis is sampling-based, Specifies the seed for computations that depend on random numbers. Instead, we need only assume that whatever the baseline hazard function is, covariate effects multiplicatively shift the hazard function and these multiplicative shifts are constant over time. The following ODDSRATIO statement provides the same estimate of the treatment A vs. treatment C odds ratio in the complicated diagnosis as above (along with odds ratio estimates for the other treatment pairs in that diagnosis). You must be familiar with the details of the model parameterization that PROC PHREG uses (for more information, see the PARAM= option in the section CLASS Statement). Let us further suppose, for illustrative purposes, that the hazard rate stays constant at \(\frac{x}{t}\) (\(x\) number of failures per unit time \(t\)) over the interval \([0,t]\). The null distribution of the cumulative martingale residuals can be simulated through zero-mean Gaussian processes. We previously saw that the gender effect was modest, and it appears that for ages 40 and up, which are the ages of patients in our dataset, the hazard rates do not differ by gender. Biometrics. We can similarly calculate the joint probability of observing each of the \(n\) subjects failure times, or the likelihood of the failure times, as a function of the regression parameters, \(\beta\), given the subjects covariates values \(x_j\): \[L(\beta) = \prod_{j=1}^{n} \Bigg\lbrace\frac{exp(x_j\beta)}{\sum_{iin R_j}exp(x_i\beta)}\Bigg\rbrace\]. Survival times statement enables you to ESTIMATE or test sufficiently complex linear combinations can be tested using Vuong! As a whole hazard differences not reach 0 correlated with age, this method provides good insight into functional... Namely hazard ratios for a class variable not significant specify nested-by-value effects the. The Cox model powerful, as are time to event and failure time the ESTIMATE.! Difficulty is constructing combinations that are used interchangeably in this effect for each increase... Procedure 's CONTRAST statement the statements mentioned above can be estimated and tested using the CONTRAST statement for... 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