Estimate of the quantities of the principal items to be removed. All detail views shall be placed on the drawings with adequate space between them, and drawn large enough to be easily read when reduced 50% photographically. It also ranked #5 by National University Rankings for "Best Universities in Czech Republic" in 2018-2019. The applicable Standards are referenced on the cover sheet of the plans. The respective SDG(s) will review the Comment Resolution and/or meet with the Project Manager, the QA Unit, and the Designer to assist in resolving any outstanding issues. Right of Way information and Design Traffic Data. Are the ROW availability dates included in the project (Special Provisions)? Estimated quantities of the items incorporated in the pier. E-07 HIGHMAST LIGHTING STANDARD DETAILS - 2. Business First Steps, Phone Directory Oversize Permits Required Driving Resistance for Determination of the Bearing Value using PDA and CAPWAP** Preliminary Design Submission____ Final Design Submission _____ PS&E _______. of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or Have at least 2 benchmarks per plan sheet been provided on locations which will not be disturbed by construction? Factored Uplift Resistance reason. FAQs An earthwork chart should be provided only when the project is a large earth moving project and complex enough to warrant a graphic picture of available embankment sites. information, services and/or content from other we bsites operated by third All items of work must be covered by either the approved Specifications or by the Special Provisions. The Specifications prepared for items of work should include, as applicable, the following sections: Prior to developing any non-standard items, the Designer should ensure that no standard items and specifications are applicable for the intended work under the project. These show proposed profile lines, vertical curve information, tangent grades, original ground line, stationing, and proposed fineshed grade elevation. When it is difficult to enter the required lettering size on certain views because of space restrictions, the characters should be drawn as close as possible to the required size, and arrows should be used to show where they belong. Has existing curve data been re-established in the field? The EP sheets will be checked by the E-Team for accuracy/ consistency with commitments, constraints and permit conditions during the plan development stages and especially during the Environmental Reevaluation (for Federal projects) prior to requests for FHWA authorization for ROW and construction. parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Have SHPO, hazardous and 4(f) concerns been addressed? A detailed review of all available resources on scour countermeasure design, including HEC 11, 18, 20 and 23, CIRIA Manual (2002), NCHRP 24-07 report, scour countermeasure drawings by Maryland State Highway Administration and numerous research articles on scour This manual has been prepared to provide Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) bridge design engineers with a guide to the design criteria, analysis methods, and detailing procedures for the preparation of highway bridge and structure construction plans, specifications, and estimates. Many of the standard items have sufficient variability in the specifications to allow for most construction requirements. Have existing utilities that will affect major items of work such as proposed footing locations or major drainage structures been located in the field? parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Modifications of railroad electrification facilities, Protective shield over electrified railroad tracks. The Standard Construction Details files are indexed by year and provided in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf). A separate virus-free disk with the electronic files for each discipline of all revised and new inserts shall also be provided to the respective SDG(s). Louis Berger. Division 04 - Major Structures. Files for 2009 forward are also presented in MicroStation (dgn) format. Hydraulic and hydrologic data are shown for waterway structures. The Designers Certified DPS&E submission to Quality Assurance (or any other submission to SDG(s)) shall include two copies of the following in addition to other DPS&E requirements (transmittal forms will be as provided by the Project Manager, see sample forms): The Project Specific SI with any revisions and additions, marked in the appropriate location, so that the plans, estimate/proposal, schedules and other applicable documents will match the Special Provisions. The NJDOT e-STIP reports financial information, tracks and archives amendment and modification actions, and promotes interagency collaboration. Minimum Pile Tip Elevation (only specified if necessary)**** If access to or from an adjoining project is needed for work on this project, do the multiple project schedules agree? The South Bohemian Region (Czech: Jihoesk kraj; German: Sdbhmische Region, pronounced [zytbm eion]) is an administrative unit of the Czech Republic, located mostly in the southern part of its historical land of Bohemia, with a small part in southwestern Moravia.The western part of the South Bohemian Region is former Prachens (Prchesko), a huge archaic region . Have underground storage tanks been investigated? The user is on notice that neither the State All designers are required to comply with and submit this checklist to Quality Assurance and the appropriate Project Manager as part of the Final Design Submission. Conditions of the Stream Encroachment Permit have been incorporated in the plans, if applicable. -Read Full Dislaimer. Gas Transmission Lines can not be shut down in winter months. silt fence, hay bales, turbidity barriers, temporary detention basins, etc.). Has the designer properly incorporated the recommendations of the Pavement Design Report into the plans and specifications? Have the detours been checked for structural adequacy, geometrics, and safety? The State of NJ site may contain optional links, Have utility agreement plans been submitted and approved? Further instructions on the various types of items are included in the respective BDC on Pay Items. All pay items are indicated; contract quantities are shown on plans, All updated and revised non-standard and standard electrical details are included, Show and label all lighting appurtenances, Finalize according to the initial design review comments, All pay items are indicated, contract quantities are shown on plans and estimate sheets and specified in the standard or Special Provisions, Show roads and ramps with locations for signs, Show roadway striping, including dimensions and direction of traffic, All pay items are indicated; contract quantities are shown, Show dimensions including minimum height for signals, Show proposed planting and landscape architectural work, Label trees by type and label wildflower seeding areas, Show ROW line, easements, no access areas, signs, guide rail, curbs, sidewalks, The information and expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice, and the posting of information on this website does not imply that there has been no change in the affairs of NJTA since the Dated Date. This is usually a section taken through the plan view. Small scale diagram showing concrete placing sequence for continuous spans. The University was ranked 5th place and was globally placed 801-1000 by (THE) World . All certificates and permits required shall be obtained during the design phases. In order to ascertain the most current revision of the Standard Specifications, . Jun 2002 - Sep 202018 years 4 months. Have provisions been made to protect or replace existing NJ Geodetic Survey and US Army Corps of Engineers monuments? of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or a. Utilities - Lead Time and Relocation, c. Right of Way availability, d. Environmental - Permit Conditions/Restrictions. Number of piles in each footing unit and total estimated length of piles in each footing unit all on the same sheet, should be avoided. These must match the plans and proposal. Structure numbers shall also be shown in the index. The project limits are shown on the plans. 2021 2020 2018 Has non-vegetative surface been included under guiderail? When the full verification has been completed, including resolution of any comments during the verification process, Quality Assurance will advise the Project Manager that completion of the Master Special Provisions can proceed. Specifications - Special Provisions Do contractors and utility companies have access to the work site - Construction easements or access roads? Location of subsurface and above ground utilities. Navigate to District Specific Standards to view specific drawings that pertain to IDOT districts. The user is on notice that neither the State Are there adequate traffic control items in the project for the maintenance and protection of traffic during all stages? Elected Officials Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a General Assembly "New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Electrical Details," 2007 edition, incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented, available from the Department's Engineering Documents Unit at 609-530-5587 or on the . Jan 2015 - May 20161 year 5 months. Have time frames for the utilities been broken down for each portion/stage of the project (breakdown into removal, temporary, relocation and new)? If links are made available on the Investor Page to other websites, they are provided only as a convenience to allow you independent access to other internal resources or external resources whose information may be of interest to you as an educational or reference tool. E-10 LIGHTING STANDARD ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS. The use of the above, together with other standard drawings, will be permitted for use with bridge plans; however, the following guidelines shall be observed: The sheets for overhead, cantilever and bridge mounted sign supports, are usually located at the end of the bridge plans. One set of full-scale 22 by 36 inch (841 by 594 millimeters) CADD plans. 15M) December 2019 Edition: Initial Release (PDF); Annotated Version** (PDF) [Effective for projects with T.S & L. Approval after June 30, 2020.] April 2015 Edition: Initial Release (PDF); Annotated Version ** Quality Assurance Checklists (12/19) (PDF) Have ties to the control line been provided outside the area of disturbance? Are necessary items included in the project to accommodate permit requirements - (i.e. This information is used by the Review Engineer and Designer to determine if adverse geometrics precludes the use of machine finishing of the bridge deck. If required, have temporary traffic signals been designed and shown on the contract plans? Notes which reference applicable permits, their expiration dates and, if relevant, time or seasonal constraints to any construction activities. Have impacts due to community events such as parades, conventions and sporting events been accounted for on the construction schedule, if applicable? Privacy Policy Standard Details BDC Announcements Toll Free: (800) 652 5600 It includes: Franchise Tax If required, the following permits/ approvals have been acquired and are on file with the Designer and the design is consistent with the conditions noted in the permit. The Investor Page is provided for the users convenience, but may not provide all information that may be of interest or material to investors. For contracts that contain more than one bridge, applicable standard detail sheets shall be provided with each structure. If the STATE determines that the CONSULTANT has not performed the required quality assurance tasks as stated therein and is in substantial noncompliance, the CONSULTANT shall have its prequalified status rescinded. All designers are cautioned not to commit to any project design cost or schedule which will prevent the designer from performing the necessary quality control and quality assurance requirements in producing accurate plans and other contract documents. This view usually indicates: Side views of the different girders. Have all existing and proposed utilities been accommodated? Structural Plan Development for which Utilities and Right of Way must be notified in writing.(. Environmental Plan -Read Full Dislaimer. -Read Full Dislaimer. Finalize according to the initial design review comments. E-05 TYPE V POLE-TOP LUMINAIRE MOUNTING ASSEMBLIES. Divisions Finalize according to the initial design review comments, if any, and the pre-final review comments. General Submittal Procedures and Requirements, Overhead and Cantilever Sign Structure Details, All previous review comments have been addressed including comments from Preliminary Specification/ Estimate submission and a comment resolution summary (CRS) document has been approved, All changes since the Initial Design Submission are in compliance with the QA Checklist for Initial Design Submission, The plans have been checked in the field within the last two months to verify existing topography and earth work, All non-standard details have been included, Applicable standard details released since the Standard Detail Book was issued have been included with the plans, Are all standard details that require data or that have been modified by the designer and/or by Baseline Document Change Announcements included in the plans, All non-standard items and specifications, including proprietary items, have been approved through the respective SME & PM, and FHWA as required, All applicable BDC's, ADU's, CAN's or QIA's have been complied with, Enter the most recent document and its issue date that was checked. Please read the Terms of Use below and indicate your acknowledgment before accessing the rest of the Investor Page. Pile splice details Has maintaining or protection of utilities during staging that requires temporary supports or extra care been addressed? A north arrow symbol shall be placed on the General Plan and on any plan whenever it is important for orientation. (For details on EP Sheets, refer to the discussion on EP Sheets - Development and Content which follows below.). Google Do the plans, specifications and bar chart indicate the required consolidation/stabilization time and associated construction sequence for the roadway and foundation construction/ pile driving? (Roadway Excavation, Rock or Roadway Excavation, Earth are not recommended), All non-standard items and specifications have been approved by the Project Manager, All non-standard proprietary items have been approved by the FHWA, Revisions and additions have been marked on the Project Specific SI's and/or additional Special Provision inserts provided (with electronic files to each respective Specifications Development Group), Specifications/details have been included for all non-standard work items, Additional estimate documentation has been provided where additions or revisions made to a standard item could substantially revise the cost, The specifications for a Lump Sum item clearly spell out the work which will be included in the payment for the item and additional estimate documentation has been provided, Non-standard item numbers have been approved by Quality Assurance, including revisions to existing standard items, A final Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate has been submitted, Requirements of the Initial Design Submission QA Checklist have been satisfied. Under no circumstances shall the information on the Investor Page constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities and should not be relied upon to provide specific offering information in connection with any issuance, sale, resale, or remarketing of bonds, notes, or other obligations. Standard Plans drawings. For structures over waterways, is the information on the structural plans consistent with the Scour report? This checklist is a comprehensive tool designed to assist the designer in ensuring that the contract documents are developed in accordance with applicable standards and guidelines. Any single revision and addition that contains more than thirty-five words shall be submitted with an electronic file on a virus-free disk. The Designer must refer to the respective BDC Announcement that has issued the most current SI(s), other issued BDC(s), Corrective Action Notices (CAN(s)), Quality Improvement Advisories (QIA(s)) and other detailed instructions on completing the specifications. With any new non-standard item, a complete specification electronic file, hard copy and a set of the associated plans and details covering that item shall be submitted directly to the respective SDG(s) associated with that item. All proposed and existing roadside safety treatments conform to current NJDOT standards (guiderail, guiderail end treatments, crash cushions, sign supports, etc. It supports policy makers in making better informed decisions and promotes the use of electronic Government services. Applicable details which apply to the structure should be indicated or the plan sheet should be marked "OMIT" for the non applicable details. This is a plan view of footings and piles. Corporations Bidders shall visit the site before submitting bids to ascertain the extent of the work. Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a Includes the pay item nomenclature and pay unit. Finalize typical sections according to initial design review comments. Are utility time frames compatible and construction time integrated with staging and type of work to be performed (relocation of poles, resetting, etc.)? Have survey controls for utilities been addressed? Details of foundation and bridge excavation pay limits. Include this in the transmittal memo or separate document. Has sufficient work zone area been provided for construction of bridge decks, work requiring large machinery, etc.? Weather & Travel, Contact Us e. Material Availability - Is lead time required for steel, electrical, fabrication, micro tunnel equipment, etc. A scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' is desirable. Are restrictions included in project documents for seasonal, wetlands, fish spawning, etc.? Voting & Elections 4. 2014 Standard Specifications (Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1, 2016) 2014 Standard Specifications (Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1, 2015) Manual and Publication Sales Order Printed Specification Manuals Resources Notice of Disclaimer Contact Staff Phone: 701-328-2590 Route and Section number under which the bridge was built. Have all commitments contained in the ROW agreements with property owners been included in the Plans and Specifications? Preferably, plans, sections, and elevations should be drawn to a scale not less than 1/4 inch per foot and details to a scale not less than 3/8 inch per foot, except on the General Plan and Elevation Sheet. The user is on notice that neither the State Has the proper allocation of jurisdictional apportionment been provided and is it correctly shown on the jurisdiction map and complete? Preparation of the Special Provisions by the Designer will begin prior to the Preliminary Design Submission since the design and preparation of the plans, estimate and schedule must be consistent with specifications. content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any Quality Assurance or in house Production Team will then provide one Master Special Provisions to the Project Manager for submission with the PS&E package. Public Meetings The firms project manager and a principal of the firm must sign this certification. information, services and/or content from other we bsites operated by third New Site Builds Black & Veatch Aug 2018 - Oct 20191 year 3 months Greater New York City Area Our Division delivers. Examples of Standard Drawings can be found in Section 2 of the Bridges and Structures Design. Has the existing baseline been tied to the traverse or construction baseline?. The following note shall be indicated on this sheet: Project specific special provisions submitted on CD, with one hard copy. information, services and/or content from other we bsites operated by third No inference should be made that the operations of NJTA and/or other economic or financial conditions have remained the same since the Dated Date. Department of Transportation Overview In conceiving, scoping and designing projects, the NJDOT will consider the needs of all road users and neighbors. Notes that indicate any other specific Department commitment to local authorities (e.g., no work during a towns Shad Festival, no night work adjacent to a hospital, etc.). Mobile Apps i.e. Community Relations 302.760.2080 800.652.5600. Have any load, width or height restrictions on structures/ roads in the area that will affect the project been properly addressed? The following shall be included with the Final Plan submission: Relative location of new bridges, culverts, retaining walls, overhead sign structures and bridge mounted signs. Help Center Do the electrical plans conform to Sections 11 and 12 of the NJDOT Design Manual - Roadway, the Sample Plans and the Standard Electrical Details? Have Federal wildflower planting requirements been met? Locations Directory Language should not be duplicated in the Special Provisions if it is contained in the notes on the plans. I have read the foregoing Terms of Use and expressly agree to each of the terms; I also understand that, as indicated above, official forms of disclosure documents are available elsewhere and that material information important to the making of informed investment decisions may have been posted elsewhere. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, The specifics of a project may require modifying a standard specification to create a non-standard item. Extent of removal and staging Generally, the scales should be large enough to show clearly all dimensions and details necessary for construction of the structure. Division 05 - Subgrade, Bases and Shoulders. Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a For questions, call the Bureau of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. Have municipality requirements - special castings, construction criteria, facility specifications, etc. in addition to names, is required. Have railroad schedules, flagmen requirements and a contact person for approval of working drawings been provided and included in the specifications? List of all new and revised items incorporated into the project since the previous submission. FOIA Requests The NJDOT e-STIP serves as an excellent reference for the general public as well. However, the resistance for the WEAP could be higher if a hard layer is required to be driven through. Welcome to the Monmouth County Rumson-Sea Bright . Location of piles (if not shown on the footing and pile location plan), Reinforcement steel location, cover and spacing in footings, Reinforcement steel location, cover and spacing, Back of wall drainage and flow line elevations, Detail of foundation excavation pay limits, Control data for horizontal and vertical alignment, Design parameters; such as, allowable bearing capacity. Have specific construction activities to be performed at night (such as nighttime paving) been clearly indicated on the Traffic Control plans? Have Effects of Workers Level of Protection and Special Equipment Cost been included in the estimate? parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. This sheet may also include: A top view of the centerlines of the steel girders. Reference to the Standard Drawings should be included in the Index of Drawings shown on the General Plan and Elevation Sheet. The above list is included in the projects CED file, or if the project is covered by a different environmental document, then the list is inserted into the appropriate main file. The Contractor shall submit a completed Pile and Driving Equipment Data Form and wave equation analysis using WEAP to demonstrate that piles can be driven with reasonable effort as indicated in the Specifications to the ordered lengths without damage Tax Center Are the ultimate capacity, maximum driving capacity and estimated and/or minimum tip elevation of piles correctly shown on the plans? Do the plans indicate the relocation of affected existing ITS facilities? If you do not accept these Terms of Use, please do not access the information provided here. Estimated quantities of structural steel and shear connectors. -Read Full Dislaimer. Have the shoulder widths, cross slopes and pavements, and location of utilities (poles, etc.) Are full shifts available to the contractor? Archaeology, Online Services water quality-oil water separator, turbidity barrier)? Doing Business Lengths of spans from center to center of bearings, Locations of subsurface and above ground utilities and complete information, General appearances of the completed structure, Approximate original ground line and assumed rock line, Minimum vertical clearance (actual and required), Locations of fixed and expansion bearings, Approximate clearances (actual and required), Transverse dimensions of the superstructure, Location, spacing and clearances of horizontal reinforcement steel in the footing, Typical reinforcement steel locations, spacing and clearances, Locations of horizontal construction joints, Relative pile locations in completed foundation, Typical reinforcement steel locations, spacing, cover and clearances, Relative pile locations in completed foundations. Permit Conditions/Restrictions Czech Republic & quot ; Best Universities in Czech Republic & quot ; Best in... 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