henry flagler daughter

Standard Oil grew to become one of the largest shippers of oil and kerosene in the country. Harkness and Company, at a salary of $5 per month plus room and board. According to Florida historian Thomas Graham in his book The Awakening of St. Augustine, an acquaintance of the businessman once inquired about whether his judgment was sound when he decided to invest in Florida (one can imagine that they may not have been acquaintances for very long afterward). It was during these early years of employment that young Henry Flagler cut his teeth in business one step closer to the shark he would become. Cutthroat Cruel business man. "[39] Not only did Flagler and Rockefeller's Standard Oil company become well known in Ohio, they expanded to other states, as well as gained additional capital in purchasing smaller oil refining companies across the nation. After her husband died, Julia and her children returned to Ft. Dallas and purchased 640 acres on the north shore of the Miami River. Flagler found the city charming, but the hotel facilities and transportation systems inadequate. Last Train to Paradise. Standiford, Les. [1] The Royal Poinciana Hotel was at the time the largest wooden structure in the world. In 1887, Congress created the Interstate Commerce Commission, which was tasked with enforcing equal rates for all railroad freight, but by then Standard depended more on pipeline transport. Flagler and Dan Harkness remained friends and business associates and, in 1852, they opened a distillery. VisitStAugustine.com. It seemed a new leaf was turning for the little family of the Robber Baron. She had been en route to St. Augustine from Charleston, South Carolina on the schooner Oneida. For about fourteen or fifteen years, I have devoted my time exclusively to business, and now I am pleasing myself.'". Henry M. Flagler's Florida East Coast Railway, Boynton station Nathan Boynton's winter home - later the Hotel Boynton While Murray and other laborers constructed the two-story wooden structure, the Murray family lived in a canvas tent on the west side of the canal (known today at the inland or Intracoastal Waterway). In 1897, Flagler opened the exclusive Royal Palm Hotel on the north bank of the Miami River where it overlooked Biscayne Bay. Having bought land for the hotel, Flagler's goal was to build a pleasure palace and turn St. Augustine, Florida, into a 'Winter Newport'. Although not much is known about Ida Alice Flagler, many sources claim she became fond of opulent parties and leisurely pursuits that were available to the fabulously wealthy. For the train, see, Alleged use of convict leasing and debt peonage, Martin, p. 56, quoting Edwin Lefevre, in "Flagler and Florida" from, Joe Knetsch, "The Peonage Controversy and the Florida East Coast Railway,", University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Madoff scandal stuns Palm Beach Jewish community", "292: Colonel Joseph D. Potts Leader in the Pennsylvania on LiveAuctioneers", "The Story of Convict Leasing in Florida", "Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes: Online Sunshine", "Slavery Revisited: Peonage in the South", "How slave labor built the state of Florida decades after the Civil War", "Abstracts of Reports of the Immigration Commission, Vol II", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_Flagler&oldid=1125174074, Jennie Louise (March 18, 1855 March 25, 1889), Knetsch, Joe. Henry's birth heralded the beginning of a decade and perhaps a new start for his family. His project to connect the east coast of the United States from top to bottom was completed when the first Florida East Coast Railway car pulled into Key West in 1912. If you stroll through the area of St. Augustine immediately west of downtown, you will experience the extraordinary influence of New Yorker Henry Morrison . By 1896, Flagler's railroad, the Florida East Coast Railway, reached Biscayne Bay. Henry is also best known as, Entrepreneur best known as the founder of Standard Oil and for helping to develop what came to be known as the Florida East Coast Railway. Throughout it all, Mary was made to brave her condition without her husband, who had taken to staying at the Buckingham Hotel in New York, completely immersed in the business of Standard Oil. He was best known for being a Entrepreneur. After construction for the Ponce de Leon and the Alcazar were underway in St. Augustine, Flagler's railroad properties started to expand southwards. The judge instructed the jury to find them not guilty because the "prosecution had failed to prove 'an agreement of minds with evil intent to conspire'. His parents were very poor and struggled to feed their family. 0:00. Perhaps fortunately for Smith, he couldn't come up with the funds,[45] so Flagler began construction of the 540-room Ponce de Leon Hotel by himself, but spent several times his original estimate. Chandler, David Leon. [citation needed], In 1862, Flagler and his brother-in-law Barney Hamlin York (18331884) founded the Flagler and York Salt Company, a salt mining and production business in Saginaw, Michigan. The National Petroleum Exchange opened in Manhattan in late 1882 to facilitate the oil futures trading. [65] After Flagler's death, she married an old friend, Robert Worth Bingham, who used an inheritance from her to buy the Louisville Courier-Journal newspaper. Along with the mounting unrest between himself and Ida Alice, Flagler was also butting heads with his son, Harry. Mendez, Jesus. Second Marriage, Second Sojourn to St. Augustine After a time, Flagler began to turn over some of his duties at Standard Oil to younger blood. I was willing that they should combine and grow as big and wealthy as they could, but only by legitimate means. He himself is located to the side of them. Middle child Carrie died just before Christmas in the same year that Henry's mother died (1861). Smith helped train the masons on the mixing and pouring techniques he used on Zorayda. Augustine. Visually exquisite, the Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church was built by Henry Flagler in 1889. First A Little On Henry Flagler. [22] Despite improving the quality and availability of kerosene products while greatly reducing their cost to the public (the price of kerosene dropped by nearly 80% over the life of the company), Standard Oil's business practices created intense controversy. He became president of the Symphony Society of New York in 1914 . It was Flagler's idea to use the rebate system to strengthen the firm's position against competitors and the transporting enterprises alike. He would describe his childhood often as having been 'hungry and cold'. This is somewhat my case. Henry Flagler was born on January 2, 1830, in the little village of Hopewell, in upstate New York, to Elizabeth and Isaac Flagler. As success quickly mounted for the young corporation, Flagler began to better provide for his family, moving them to Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. Rockefeller. Because he was famous and successful and he made a lot of things in Florida. PROLOGUE: In 1844, Henry Flagler dropped out of school. After a few short weeks, the family all moved back to New York, much to the detriment of Mary Harkness Flagler's health, which got progressively worse in the coming years. Gainesville, FL. Who was Henry Flagler? "[38] Flagler and Rockefeller worked hard for their company to achieve such prominence. After finishing the eighth grade at fourteen, Henry followed his half-brother Dan to Ohio. Henry Morrison Flagler was born in Hopewell, New York on January 2nd, 1830 to Isaac Flagler and Elizabeth Caldwell Harkness Flagler. The state provided incentive in the form of 3,840 acres (15.5km2) for every mile (1.6km) of track constructed.[49]. By the start of the Civil War in 1861, Rockefeller was brokering most of the Harkness grain. This field trip will walk you through the life of Henry Morrison Flagler and the great impact he made on South Florida. The Early Years of The Ponce de Leon: Clippings from an Old Scrap Book of those days. During the early 1880s, Flagler outsourced the care of young Harry to his half-sister Carrie and daughter Jennie Louise. Flagler originally intended West Palm Beach to be the terminus of his railroad system, but in 1894 and 1895, severe freezes hit the area, causing Flagler to reconsider. A deal brokered by Henry Clay Frick exchanged Standard's iron interests for U.S. Steel stock and gave Rockefeller and his son membership on the company's board of directors. Those who failed to fulfill these expectations were often punished for it. The same year that she arrived in New York, her doctors insisted that she spend the winter in a kinder climate. As the 1870s progressed, Henry Flagler, John D. Rockefeller, and their families began to move from Cleveland to New York and back again about twice a year such were the demands of their beloved business. Harry, her son, was eleven years old. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986. IT HAD BEGUN 26 YEARS EARLIER, IN 1891, when Henry Morrison Flagler, the uncrowned "king" of Florida, who had made a vast fortune as a founding partner of Standard Oil of Ohio, met Mary Lily Kenan . Barely any of Ida Alice's personal writings have survived, so there is a major piece of the puzzle missing. The future "founder" of Florida found St. Augustine to be dirty, depressing, and worst of all boring. So, the Flagler family (Henry, Mary, little Harry, Jennie, and her first husband, John Arthur Hinckley) spent the winter of 1877-1878 in St. Augustine. Rockefeller worked in association with chemist and inventor Samuel Andrews. [44], Although Flagler remained on the board of directors of Standard Oil, he gave up his day-to-day involvement in the corporation to pursue his interests in Florida. If you ask the same question in Florida, most people will have known someone who lives on Flagler Blvd., in Flagler County, or down the road from the Flagler Museum. In 1882, Flagler and Rockefeller's lawyers created an innovative form of corporation to centralize their holdings, giving birth to the Standard Oil Trust. First, Dr. Anderson worked through the bureaucracy to get Flagler approval to fill in the marshland that was west of the original town plan. "[63], Miami's main east-west street is named Flagler Street and is the main shopping street in Downtown Miami. The public and the media in Florida exploded with the scandal of it all. Gainesville, FL. He served as a vice president through 1908 and was part of ownership until 1911. At the same time, he began to have an affair with Mary Lily Kenan; by 1899, newspapers began to openly question whether the two were having an affair. Henry is originated from United States. Indeed, Flagler's second sojourn to St. Augustine went off without a hitch the recently constructed San Marco hotel accommodated him and Ida Alice well, and he found himself to be amongst peers instead of invalids. In just eighteen months of harried work and lavish spending, the Ponce de Leon Hotel was opened for business in January of 1888. In 1897, Flagler opened the Royal Palm Hotel on the north bank of the Miami River, overlooking Biscayne Bay. He is also known as a founder of the cities of Miami and Palm Beach, Florida. The railroads were fighting fiercely for traffic and, in an attempt to create a cartel to control freight rates, formed the South Improvement Company in collusion with Standard and other oil men outside the main oil centers. He was born in New York. He is known as the father of Miami, Florida and also founded Palm Beach, Florida. Rockefeller retained his nominal title as president until 1911 and he kept his stock. Even more critical, the invention of the light bulb gradually began to erode the dominance of kerosene for illumination. https://staughs.com/the-mary-lily-kenan-conspiracy/. By 1852, Henry had saved enough money to become the one-third-owner of the Harkness & Company alongside his half-brother Dan and Dan's uncle Lamon. The swamplands south of Savannah were thought of as a dangerous land of rugged enchantment where alligators lurked in the shadows and strange miasme was thought to carry diseases like yellow fever through the damp air. "Historical Person Profile: Henry Flagler." [39] According to Allan Nevins, in John D. Rockefeller (p 292), "Standard Oil was born as a big enterprise, it had cut its teeth as a partnership and was now ready to plunge forward into a period of greater expansion and development. [11] The cartel received preferential treatment as a high-volume shipper, which included not just steep rebates of up to 50% for their product but also rebates for the shipment of competing products. Along with cheques and stocks, Flagler also gifted his wife with a new estate in Palm Beach, Florida. [citation needed], In 1912, the Florida Overseas Railroad was completed to Key West. . This project sparked Flagler's interest in creating a new "American Riviera." It supplied kerosene by tank cars that brought the fuel to local markets, and tank wagons then delivered to retail customers, thus bypassing the existing network of wholesale jobbers. Flagler went on to build the Memorial Presbyterian Church for Jennie and her baby daughter Margery in St. Augustine. Commander John Flagler, USN. whereas said Henry M. Flagler has recently lost by death a beloved daughter and in affectionate remembrance of her has been desirous of erecting some worthy monument to her Memory and believing that nothing should be more accordant with her known wishes and the tenor of her life on earth than that such Memorial should be a temple devoted to the worship of God and the teaching of that living faith in which she lived and died has erected in the City of St. Augustine a church edifice in loving . Standard Oil also had the highest capitalization, totaling $26,000,000 (equivalent to $784million in 2021). Captain of the submarine USS Watertown (SSN-696) who reluctantly helps Harm and Mac with investigations involving a boat he commanded. Having had no prior experience in the salt industry, the Flagler & York company flopped and Henry lost around $100,000 ($100K in 1865 is nearly $2 million in 2022). When Mary contracted tuberculosis, at her doctor's recommendation they traveled . Flagler's affiliation with the Harkness family would have a fortuitous effect upon his future. Their efforts to monopolize the oil industry are referred to as the 'Cleveland Massacre,' and though John D. Rockefeller is generally more well-known than Henry Flagler, quotes from Rockefeller credit Flagler with the monopolization idea. Asylum records from this era show women being admitted and held for ailments such as "suppressed menses", "mental {or} religious excitement", and the infamous catch-all "hysteria". Version accessed: St. Augustine, FL: Historic Print & Map Company, 2004. St. Augustine, FL: The St. Augustine Historical Society. University Press of Florida. [53], On August 24, 1901, 10 days after his divorce, Flagler married Mary Lily at her family's plantation, Liberty Hall, and the couple soon moved into their new Palm Beach estate, Whitehall, a 55-room beaux arts home designed by the New York-based firm of Carrre and Hastings, which also had designed the New York Public Library and the Pan-American Exposition. The rumor mill suspected that this change in priorities was due to Henry's association with one Ida Alice Shourds a red-haired, green-eyed actress who was rumored to have been Mary Harkness Flagler's nursemaid during her final years. [citation needed], By the end of the American Civil War, Cleveland was one of the five main refining centers in the U.S. (besides Pittsburgh, New York City, Philadelphia, and the region in northwestern Pennsylvania where most of the oil originated). Many people were curious about Henry Flagler's decision to launch a new business venture during his twilight years. He is known as the father of Miami, Florida, and founded the city of Palm Beach. In 1885 he decided to build a luxury hotel there which would attract the country's elite. [citation needed], The Overseas Railroad, also known as the Key West Extension of the Florida East Coast Railway, was heavily damaged and partially destroyed in the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935. Mary Harkness Flagler was the sweet, unpretentious first wife of Henry. However, Smith had fallen on some hard times and sold the hotel to Henry Flagler not long after it opened in 1888. However, this building's history is tragic and short. For many of the competitors, Flagler and Rockefeller had merely to show them the books so they could see what they were up against and make them a decent offer. Then, just a few months before the end of the Ponce de Leon Hotel's second season, Jennie Louise Flagler Benedict died from complications of childbirth. As he went, Flagler spent exorbitant amounts of money to build hotels in certain cities along the way. Henry Morrison Flagler was an American industrialist and a founder of Standard Oil. By the end of this field trip, we hope will you have an understanding of who Henry Flagler was, and the great impact he had on the state of Florida! Flagler engaged Thomas Hastings and Jean Carrere of the Carrere & Hastings architectural firm to design the hotel. The top-ranked Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is named for Flagler and his wife, who was an early benefactor of UNC along with her family and descendants. Struck by the tragic loss of his eldest daughter and first granddaughter, Henry Flagler sought solace in his business projects and the council of friends like Dr. Andrew Anderson. 0:58. Soon after, though, Mary and Harry followed. (bosses daughter) Mary Harkness (step cousin) 1853. His mother was Elizabeth Caldwell Morrison Harkness. However, Henry Flagler did not join his half-brother. It was in the late 1850s that Flagler met John D. Rockefeller who was working for a Cleveland grain broker and traveled the hinterlands in search of business. "Historical Person Profile: Henry Flagler." My 4th great-grandmother, Elizabeth Howes, married (1) William Jones (my ancestor) and (2nd) Colonel Henry Ostrom, of Pleasant Valley & Patterson, Dutchess County, NY. . He never recovered and died in Palm Beach of his injuries on May 20, 1913 at 83 years of age. At the age of 14, after completing the eighth grade, Flagler moved to Bellevue, Ohio where he found work with his cousins in the grain store of L.G. (2022) "Historical Person Profile: Henry Flagler." He was a founder of Standard Oil. He was connected with government officials and industry elites. [46], Realizing the need for a sound transportation system to support his hotel ventures, Flagler purchased short line railroads in what would later become known as the Florida East Coast Railway. He became known as the Father of Miami, Florida. Due to the harsh working and living conditions in the railway construction camps, many workers became victims of debt slavery. Dr. Shelton had attended Flagler's daughter Jennie Benedict when she died from complications after childbirth in 1889. Not much more is known about Henry Flagler's early life. Despite her frail health, though, she was the only one of Henry Flagler's three wives to bear him any children. His father, Isaac Flagler, was a Presbyterian minister. Whitehall, Palm Beach, is open to the public as the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum; his private railcar No. Henry started spending a great deal more time in Florida, soon claiming the state as his permanent residence. Whatever the case may be, Flagler focused on his family and his fortune during the years of 1861 to 1865. [12], Undeterred, though vilified for the first time by the press, Flagler and Rockefeller continued with their self-reinforcing cycle of buying competing refiners, improving the efficiency of operations, pressing for discounts on oil shipments, undercutting competition, making secret deals, raising investment pools, and buying rivals out. [citation needed][66], "Henry M. Flagler" redirects here. Immediately, she began taking advantage of the fortune she had married into like any budding socialite, she loved gowns, jewelry, and yachts. [62], Flagler was entombed in the Flagler family mausoleum at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine alongside his first wife, Mary Harkness; daughter, Jenny Louise; and granddaughter, Marjorie. Henry Morrison Flagler (January 2, 1830 - May 20, 1913) was an American industrialist and a founder of Standard Oil. Though a hard worker, Flagler was widely recognized as a ruthless businessman. Flagler encouraged fruit farming and settlement along his railway line and made many gifts to build hospitals, churches and schools in Florida. He was also a key figure in the development of the Atlantic coast of Florida and founder of the Florida East Coast Railway. Expert Help. Henry had 3 siblings: Melacinda Flagler and 2 other siblings. After many years of work, it opened on January 10, 1888, and was an instant success. [3], Flagler attended local schools through eighth grade. Graham, Thomas and Leslee F. Keys. Harry Flagler was the only of Henry Flagler's children who outlived their father. Flagler was entombed in the Flagler family mausoleum at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine alongside his first wife, Mary Harkness; daughter, Jenny Louise; and granddaughter, Marjorie. She was the daughter of Lamon G. Harkness and Julia Follet. However there were many reports harsh working conditions and forced indebtedness to the company, and malfeasance by labor agents who hired men for the railway. This is a major source for this Historical Person Profile highly recommended! His attention was consumed by the business of his hotel chains and expanding railroad empire. "How Slave Labor Built the State of Florida Decades After the Civil War." Sixty miles (97km) south, the area today known as Miami was reportedly unharmed by the freeze. Henry M. Flagler, in full Henry Morrison Flagler, (born January 2, 1830, Hopewell, New York, U.S.died May 20, 1913, West Palm Beach, Florida), American financier and partner of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., in establishing the Standard Oil Company. At last in 1911, the Supreme Court of the United States found Standard Oil Company of New Jersey in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Henry Flagler's most monumental accomplishment was realized only a year before he died. Henry Morrison Flagler (January 2, 1830 - May 20, 1913) was an American industrialist and a founder of Standard Oil, which was first based in Ohio. Flagler was in a special position to make those deals due to his connections as a grain merchant. Enamoured by what Henry Flagler had been up to down south, droves of rich tourists made that harrowing journey to St. Augustine. Henry and Mary had two Carrie died at age three. Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church, 32 Sevilla Street. Henry Flagler didn't leave the sanitarium wanting, however, as Alice's estate (to which only her Flagler-hired guardians had direct access) was full of Standard Oil stocks. Their only son was born in 1870. In 1901, U.S. Steel, now controlled by J. Pierpont Morgan, having bought Andrew Carnegie's steel assets, offered to buy Standard's iron interests as well. Flager and his lawyers defeated all legal challenges and neither the company or its employees were ever convicted in court. [9], By 1869, there was three times more kerosene refining capacity than needed to supply the market, and the capacity remained in excess for many years. She married Melbert Cary in 1923, and they lived in New York City and Millbrook, NY. Her great-nephew Lawrence Louis Junior utilized some of those funds in founding Flagler College, where Henry Flagler's legacy lives on to this day. "[59], In March 1913, Flagler fell down a flight of marble stairs at Whitehall. [11] Part of this scheme was the announcement of sharply increased freight charges. It was reported that people along the railway line waited all night for the passing of the funeral train as it traveled from Palm Beach to St. The Alcazar is today the Lightner Museum, next to the Casa Monica Hotel in St. Augustine that Flagler bought from Franklin W. Smith. Even when a draft was issued in 1862, requiring American men 18 to 45 to join the service, Henry Flagler did not join the military. That same year Flagler completed the Hotel Continental in Jacksonville. However, a great cloud of bad luck was soon to fall over the Flagler family. As a gift to Kenan, Flagler built Whitehall, a 55-room winter getaway in Palm Beach. Covert, Robert. It developed over 300 oil-based products from tar to paint to Vaseline petroleum jelly to chewing gum. Anderson owned a large tract of orange groves west of the Governor's House along King Street the main thoroughfare of St. Augustine and wanted to sell it to Flagler. "The Flagler Pavilion was built across the street at Edgewood for the Flaglers' daughter Elizabeth's 1927 wedding to J. Andrews Harris lll," said Millbrook Historian David Greenwood. In June 1870, Flagler and Rockefeller formed Standard Oil of Ohio, which rapidly became the most profitable refiner in Ohio. "[35], Flagler and Rockefeller continued to consolidate their oil interests as best they could until New Jersey, in 1909, changed its incorporation laws to effectively allow a re-creation of the trust in the form of a single holding company. During this trip, they went to St. Augustine and the city intrigued Flagler. After Mary died Henry married her nurse-caregiver, Ida Alice Shourds. Her husband, Henry Morrison Flagler, was fifty-one years old. One stormy night, Alice is said to have nearly caused a shipwreck by not allowing the captain to return to port for several hours, despite experiencing gale-force winds and seasick friends. [citation needed], Needing capital for his new venture, Rockefeller approached Flagler in 1867. Dazzled by the prospect of tremendous wealth and supported by his father-in-law, Flagler followed the smell of money to Michigan. [27] In spite of the formation of the trust and its perceived immunity from all competition, by the 1880s Standard Oil had passed its peak of power over the world oil market. However, this kindly nickname does not do justice to the full story of Flagler, who was nearly fifty years old when he first set foot in Florida in 1878. Rockefeller admitted later, "We realized that public sentiment would be against us if we actually refined all the oil. He was born on January 2, 1830 and his birthplace is Hopewell, NY. Flagler. Pratt and Rogers became Flagler and Rockefeller's partners. Pennzoil and Chevron have remained separate companies. He was twenty-three and she was twenty and they were married in her father's home. Smith would not sell, but he planted the seed of St. Augustine's and Florida's future in Flagler's mind. They were rightfully concerned about allowing a wildly wealthy individual to have that much control over the public works of St. Augustine. Resources In a few years, it seems he embraced the life of a wealthy widower. By the mid-1860s, Cleveland had become the center of the oil refining industry in America and Rockefeller left the grain business to start his own oil refinery. Cleveland became very well known for oil refining, as, "More and more crude oil was shipped from the oil regions to Cleveland for the refining process because of transportation facilities and the aggressiveness of the refiners there. Bank of the largest shippers of Oil and kerosene in the same year Henry! 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