Great in aquariums with live plants. They are certain to add a burst of energy and a dramatic splash of color to any aquarium. NICE POECI FANCY GUPPIES. Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with. Endler's are a very good species. Copyright 2023, LiveAquaria. El Tigre Endler Pair. I've been using the fish food you provided. DIVER'S DEN WYSIWYG Store - 100's of NEW Aquatic Life Added Daily! 1lb Captain Munch Professional Show Guppy and Endler Food. Scarlet Endlers Livebearer. They are found only in Laguna de Patos in Venezuela, which is a large freshwater lake. Endless Endlers, Round Tail Guppies, Scuds, Live Plants, Naja and More!!! The Mosaic Guppy - Male You've developed strains from the original stock, proven through genetics and working with the people who collected them from the wild. Diet: Omnivores that will nibble on algae along with bloodworms. Domesticated into a dazzling array of colours, livebearers are amongst the most popular aquarium fish and include such familiar species as the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata). The Endler's Livebearer is an omnivore and . (Not all fish available at every store - click on fish to see availability. Unmistakably a true Aquatic Jewel. Endles for sale. top of page. 2 watchers. MASSIVE New Years Celebration & SALE! Endler's Livebearers are becoming more common in the hobby, and gaining popularity thanks to their wild, psychedelic coloration and ease of care. Endler's Livebearers are becoming more common in the hobby, and gaining popularity thanks to their wild, psychedelic coloration and ease of care. Although we don't currently offer . Pair Platy Black Hamburg Hi-fin Swordtail. endlers livebearers for sale. Both male and females. Endlers grow fast and young fry can be bred as early as a few months after they are born. Later during the 1970s Professor John A. Endler collected the Poecillia sp. Other Common Names: Endlers Livebearer, ELB, Endler, Endler Guppy, Cumana Guppy, Campoma Guppy. Pick ups/drop offs, email chats & phone tag! Black & Blue Yellow Endlers. Size: .75-2 inches (2-5cm) Females are larger than males. I disagree with the comment on interbreeding endlers with fancy guppiesI have had fry from numerous crossesAnd, the fry are not sterilThey can have babiesHow do you think that the various forms of endlers have been achieved??? Qty. Any Endler's Livebearer of unknown origin appearing to be an Endlers Livebearer based on its size, shape and color will be considered Class P' Endler. Customer Favorites, Marine Invertebrates - Save 25%, Popular Value Packs, Marine Invertebrates, LiveAquaria Certified Captive Grown Corals, Captive-Bred Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates. PK Endlers sells splashy and flashy Pure Endlers, Authentic Staecks, Fancy Guppies, Endler Hybrids and more. Freshwater Fish For Sale: Endler's Livebearer / Guppy - Pet Zone. All rights reserved. My Blue Stars are amazing and reproducing like clockwork. To be honest with you its really not that difficult. Add to Cart . Gestation lasts 23 days. Care Level: Easy. Colorful, hardy, and with a smaller adult size than the more well-known fancy guppy, these tiny livebearers make excellent subjects for nano aquariums or planted tanks. This beautiful livebearing fish has very bright colors a, Dumbo Guppy (Elephant Ear Guppy) - Male Full of color and simply gorgeous! in the northeastern part of Venezuela in the Laguna de Patos. Our shop is filled with over 750 aquariums and houses one of the largest collections of aquatic creatures including saltwater and freshwater fish, shrimp, invertebrates, mollusks, corals, anemones, and more. Rediscovered by John Endler in 1975 they are one of the rarer varieties of . Great in aquariums with live plants. These beautiful livebearers are some of the . What are Endlers Livebearers? Endlers Guppy: Lyretail Guppy We raise several types of Endlers and guppies. Livebearers Livebearers are fish that retain the eggs inside the body and give birth to live fry. Size: 1. This striking variety of the Endler's Livebearer is perfect for the nano or planted aquarium! I would recommend Endler Ark to any and all. Were here to take loving care of your orders! ADULT FANCY AND ENDLER, FLORO, ROCKETS, LYRE TAILS, DUMBO EARS AND ENDLER CROSS GUPPIES $1.00 each on sale OR buy 50 and get 5 FREE. Learn more. 1 PAIR of HYBRID RED PICTA 'Poecilia picta' aka Swamp Guppy $ 75.00 Add to cart 1 PAIR of RED PICTA 'Poecilia picta' aka Swamp Guppy $ 135.00 Read more Endler - Black Bar Endlers ( 1 Male + 1 Female ) with Shipping Included $ 65.00. Care Sheet. A multicolored Guppy with long tail fins. FAQ. 10 assorted mixed endler guppies 10 packs males/females. Arizona Snakeskin Endler Fish Class:N Aquarium Freshwater Livebearer (guarantee) $69.95. Class refers to a fishs documented lineage or how pure-bred / hybridized it is. Pingu Guppy Pair. After a few days, the lime green color really started popping, especially when lit from the side as you suggested. $10.99. Learn more. Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. Probably have about 100-ish of these now. Arrived in good shape and on-time. The Endlers Livebearer didnt receive its common name until the 1980s when colleague Dr. Kallman introduced the Endlers Livebearer or Endlers Guppy to the German aquarium community. I find your expertise on endlers impressive and your advice to be superb. FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $49 and up. Pond Maintenance Package (Hornwort, 50 Gambusia Mosquitofish, 25 Japanese Trapdoor Snails) $99.99. Endlers (Poecilia wingei) are a small, colorful livebearer tropical fish that originate from Venezuela. Aquarium Plants, L018 Big Spot Gold Nugget Pleco (Baryancistrus xanthellus), Xingu Apistogramma (Apistogramma agassizzi 'Xingu'), Papuan Orange Crayfish (Cherax holthuisi 'orange'), Red Mouthbrooder Severum (Heros liberifer), L128 Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. A classification system has been created so that the type of Endlers and the origin is easily distinguishable to hobbyists. They're getting along well with my other endlers, betta and ghost shrimp. Here I am, just this average hobbyist, hoping to keep one type of endler that I fell in love with decades ago, not even knowing that there were so many pure line-bred strains until just a few days ago. Smaller than guppies, these fish thrive in our hard water and high ph amd are very easy to take care of. Endlers Livebearers: Endangered or Extinct? Thank you for this oppurtunity for our school! Copyright 2023, LiveAquaria. The Koi Endler's Livebearer (Poecilia wingei) is an extremely colorful, peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted aquarium. FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $49 and up. Other Livebearers available for sale. More. They were originally discovered in the late 1930s, by Franklyn F. Bond, only to be forgotten for another 40-or-so years until being rediscovered and thenpublished by Dr. John Endler in 1975. $34.99. Pure Arizona Snakeskin Endlers. Top quality. Let us know which co, Assorted Jumbo Sized Female Guppy Feeding your Endlers is not a hard process as they are quite easy to care for. Payment is accepted through PayPal. Shop now >, Copyright 2023, LiveAquaria. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items The Scarlet Gem Badis is a shy, peaceful, small freshwater fish considered one of the more underrated species in the hobby. Endlers Guppy: these colorful Guppies come in a variety of vibrant colors giving each individual a unique touch. Venus Guppy in with Endlers livebearers at Tyne Valley Aquatics near Prudhoe - North East England.All available for UK delivery. Young Adults: $20; Unsexed Fry $8.00. Before I just buy from Orchid Endlers, does anyone know a better place to get some Endlers to start breeding? michael learned sisters names; Excellent fish for beginners who want to experience the fun of breeding fish. 01661 844 005.http://www.tyn. All Purpose Spirulina Wafer Food, 1OZ Captain Munch Professional A.P.S. Kept and cared for at our massive aquarium store in San Diego, California. We donated $3500 at our last auction! Any Endler's Livebearer of unknown origin appearing to be an Endlers Livebearer based on its size, shape and color will be considered Class P' Endler. Many fish keepers dont want to go through the expense or trouble of breeding Endlers. Fish orders under $50 (excluding shipping): Only ship when temperatures are between 45F & 80F, so . Mininium buy $10.00 These guppies have been bred and raised in a pond so are very hearty healthy fish. An aquarium hobby classic, the Endler's Livebearer or Endler's Guppy originated with strains of wild livebearers in Venezuela but over decades in the trade has been hybridized with similar species to create a wide array of color patterns, fins, and body shapes. Males have naturally evolved a stunning assortment of iridescent colors to be noticed while courting females. BUY PK ENDLERS AT: American Green Delta Guppies. There have been recent reports that explorations attempting to collect many of the colorful strains of Endlers Livebearers from Venezuela have have been unsuccessful. We will contact you via email with a shipping ETA, usually about a day after your order is placed. Adult males are very active and colorful. *sale ends: 01/09/2022* First of all healthy, high-quality Endlers are simply beautiful anyway. Pair Platy Wagtail Hi-fin Lyretail. Emma L. This year's event will be held on April 2, 2023. Endler's Livebearers are becoming more common in the hobby, and gaining popularity thanks to their wild, psychedelic coloration and ease of care. Each year, the Chicago Livebearer Society (CLS) holds a Rare Livebearer Auction. Super bright and a great addition to your community fish tank or planted aquarium! Endlers Livebearer (Poecilia wingei) Group of 5 Assorted Males, Origin: Aquacultured Asia Diet: Omnivore and micropredator, will readily feed on most prepared and frozen foods in the aquarium Adult Size: 1.5 Recommended Tank Size: 10gallons Compatibility: Peaceful with almost all tankmates, Preferred Water Parameters pH: 6.8 7.8 Temp: 76-80F Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: <30ppm, 2021 Aqua-Imports |, Tissue Culture, Cupped & Misc. *****, To add this product to your wish list you must We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You may add anything from our current stock list to your order at no extra shipping charge. Included are live bearers, Bristlenose plecos, tetras, kribensis. 11h 04m. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. This is Aalto. Plants should be hardy varieties such as Java Fern and Java Moss that can handle the increased hardness in the aquarium. This ad is no longer available. Last one. APC Security Next Day (orders up to 99.99) 16.95. A Little About The Endler Shop & Me. Thank you for filling my order so generously. We offer fast, affordable shipping to ensure your endlers arrive swiftly, safely, and securely. Excludes Frozen Foods. Endler Ark offers 30 color varieties of pure-blooded endlers. If you have a female and a male, they will breed. The Endler's Livebearer is an omnivore and requires both algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. Tiny, jewel-like, with shimmering tropical colors and friendly personalities, our fish are truly "Nano Perfection"! Have tons of Endler's livebearers and Guppy Endler's livebearers for sale. Aquatichub. September 3, 2022 by Daniel Jame. This fish is very similar to the larger common guppy (Poecilia reticulata). They are all acclimated and doing fine. Native to: Asia. There arethree recognized Classes of Endlers and numerous Strains: On the rare occasion they are available in pet stores, Endlers are considered P or K Class, since usually there is no Pure Strain documentation. Limitless color variations lends to great genetic diversity. If you want to breed new color patterns or raise pure-bred endlers from us, we have all the supplies you need. This is one of the reasons Endlers may be an ideal fish for new aquarium hobbyists. $20.00. Price is negotiable. 2022, Get Gills | Terms of Use | Contact Get Gills Looking for Female Guppies? Each fish has a unique pattern considered , Galaxy Rasbora (Celestial Pearl Danio) -Celestichthysmargaritatus Fish tank Pet fish Pet Animals and Pets . Line Breeding Endlers A Casual Hobbyist Approach, Making Your Endlers as Beautiful as Possible, Wild Strain Endlers Livebearers VS Non-Wild, Characteristics We Find Desirable In Orchid Endlers, Orchid Endlers: A Unique Livebearer for Your Aquarium. The Mysteries Surrounding the Endler Classification System (ECS), Philippe Voisins Tremendous Contributions to the Endler Community, Campoma & Cumana Region Endlers Discovered Since 2007. Guppies Colourful SALE ONLY - $1 EACH Or Buy 50 - 5 FREE -100 -15 FREE. Staeck Endlers Livebearers For Sale. Cold or hot weather shipping: Fish orders over $50 (excluding shipping) 32F to 90F: Will include a heat or cold pack and insulated box as needed. Blog. Really tiny in a 55 gal! For PH, any value between 5.5 to 8.0 will work for endlers, but higher PHs are generally better. Order a box of happiness Today! Many color varieties in stock. We have found that the Endlers are by far easier to keep and breed over the fancy guppies. Red Tiger Endler's Livebearer (Poecilia sp.) Strain refers to groupings of characteristics which breed true generation after generation. in the northeastern part of Venezuela in the Laguna de Patos. Endlers Livebearers: Keeping Only One Sex, Stable & Natural Water Conditions Can Help Produce Healthy Endlers, Preventing Illness in Endlers Livebearers, The Confusion Between Pure Endlers, Hybrid Endlers and Guppies. Excludes Frozen Foods. Size is around half an inch to an inch or so. Customer Favorites, Marine Invertebrates - Save 25%, Popular Value Packs, Marine Invertebrates, LiveAquaria Certified Captive Grown Corals, Captive-Bred Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates. Copyright 2012-2022 LIVEFINS Powered by the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, PROUD MEMBER of the US TROPICAL ORNAMENTAL AQUACULTURE Industry, Endler - Black Bar Endlers ( 1 Male + 1 Female ) with Shipping Included, Endler - N Class Red Chest Endlers ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), Endler Blue Star Campoma Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler Campoma Bridge 17 N-Class Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler El Silverado K CLASS ENDLERS (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler El Tigre Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler EXOTIC & RARE PAIR Pearl Flame Tail ENDLERS, Endler EXOTIC RAINBOW SNAKESKIN ENDLERS ( 1 Male + 1 Female ) Ship'g Included, Endler K CLASS JAPANESE NEON BLUE ENDLERS (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler K CLASS Scarlet Chili ENDLERS ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), Endler Lime Green Lightning Endler Pair ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), Endler N CLASS RED TOP BAR ENDLERS ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), Endler Royal Tiger Endler PAIR ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), Endler Santa Maria 'Bleeding Heart' Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female + 3 Fry), Endler Snake Chested N Class Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler Staeck Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler Tiger Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), Endler White Peacock N-Class Endler PAIR (1 Male + 1 Female), GUPPY Blue Leopard Swordtail Guppies with Ship'g Included, GUPPY K TANAKA'S RIO ABRE GUPPIES YOUNG PAIR + 3 FRY, Guppy Pair of RARE Campona Orange Line 'Poecilia wingei cumana' aka 'El Salto' Orange Line Guppies, 1 PAIR of HYBRID RED PICTA 'Poecilia picta' aka Swamp Guppy, 1 PAIR of RED PICTA 'Poecilia picta' aka Swamp Guppy, GAMBUSIA HOLBROOKI Melanistic (spotted) (1 male + 1 female) Ship'g Included, GAMBUSIA HOLBROOKI SILVER PAIR (1 male + 1 female) with SHIPPING Included, GUPPY BLUE FLASH 'Electra' Guppies by K TANAKA with FREE SHIPPING, GUPPY European Cobra Metalhead Roundtail Guppies + 3 FRY with FREE SHIPPING, GUPPY French Pink Metallic Needle Tail Guppies / 3 FRY / Ship'g Included, GUPPY Ginga Sulphureus Guppies PAIR with FREE SHIPPING, GUPPY Mapleleaf Pair of Select Grade Guppies F1 by Kenjiro Tanaka, GUPPY PAIR GINGA RUBRA (1 Male + 1 Female), Guppy Pair of BLUE RIO Guppies (1 MALE / 1 FEMALE), GUPPY Platinum Half Black Roundtail Guppies / Ship'g Included, GUPPY Red Orange Roundtail Guppies Metalhead with SHIPPING Included, GUPPY Ritz Pair Select Guppies by Kenjiro Tanaka, GUPPY ADULT PAIR of RREA HTD Snakeskin Guppies, GUPPY EUROPEAN RED COBRA METALHEAD (1 Male + 1 Female ) with FREE SHIPPING, GUPPY Japan Blue Double Red Swordtail Guppies (1 Male + 1 Female ) Ship'g Included, GUPPY Lazuli Swordtail Guppies (1 Male + 1 Female) / Ship'g Included, GUPPY PAIR of ALBINO Vienna Double Swordtail Guppies, Guppy Platinum Dragon Red Half Moon Guppies (Sold in Pairs), Guppy RREA Rainbow Delta Guppies ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), GUPPY Taiwanese Green Orange Swordtail Guppies ( 1 Male + 1 Female ) Ship'g Included, GUPPY YELLOW COBRA GUPPIES (1 Male + 1 Female ) with FREE SHIPPING, GUPPY YOUNG PAIR Champion Purple Guppies ( 1 Male + 1 Female ), GUPPY YOUNG PAIR German White Tuxedo Guppies, SWORDTAIL Green Hi-Fin Lyretail *Reverse Trio (1HF-M+1S-FM+1HF-F) / Shipping Included, SWORDTAIL RREA Standard Fin Swordtails BREEDER SIZE ( 1 Pair + 3 Fry) with FREE SHIPPING, SWORDTAIL RREA TUXEDO SWORDTAILS Young 1/2" SIZE ( 1 Pair + 3 Fry) with FREE SHIPPING, SWORDTAIL Standard Fin Red Swordtails BREEDER SIZE ( 1 Pair + 3 Fry) with SHIPPING Included, SWORDTAIL Tangerine Hi-Fin Lyretail *Reverse Trio (1HFM+1SFM+1HFF) / Shipping Included, NAJA, Hornwort and Sagittaria / Ship'g Included, PLANT Amazon Frogbit aka Frogbit 'Limnobium laevigatum' with Shipping Included, PLANT DWARF SAGITTARIA LARGE Clump with SHIPPING Included, PLANT DWARF WATER LETTUCE with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT HORNWORT (Foxtail) LARGE Bunch with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT LARGE Bunch of NAJA Grass (aka Guppy Grass) with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT Rotala rotundifolia with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT SAGITTARIA LARGE Clump with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT Sunset Hygrophila (Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig') with FREE SHIPPING, PLANT WATER SPANGLE aka Salvinia 'Salvinia minima' with FREE SHIPPING, LIVE SCUDS 'Hyalella azteca' QTY (100) with FREE SHIPPING, LIVE SCUDS 'Hyalella azteca' QTY (250) with FREE SHIPPING, LIVE SCUDS 'Hyalella azteca' QTY (50) SHIPPING INCLUDED, Shrimp - Orange Cherry Shrimp QTY (10+) with Ship'g Included, Shrimp - Red Cherry Shrimp QTY (10+) with FREE SHIPPING, MALAYSIAN TRUMPET SNAILS Qty (10) / SHIPPING INCLUDED, SNAIL RED RAMSHORN SNAILS Quantity (6) with FREE SHIPPING, SNAIL Red-Eye Mystery Snails with Assorted Shell Colors Quantity (6) with FREE SHIPPING, Aquarium Water Chemistry CALCIUM, KH, Ph, GH, MINERAL CATIONS/ELECTROLYTES, 1lb Captain Munch Professional Show Guppy and Endler Food, 1/2lb Captain Munch Professional Show Guppy and Endler Food, 1OZ Captain Munch Professional Show Guppy and Endler Food, 1lb Captain Munch Professional A.P.S. With small spots of black and dashes of color it is easy to understand why many people get Endlers and wild Guppies confused. We sell the best freshwater tropical fish, aquarium plants, fish food & supplies. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. They are fed on BBS and flake foods. Endlers Livebearer Care. 4160 Convoy St. Male Endlers boast swirls of neon and metallic color both vivid and mesmerizing in limitless color combinations. Recommended Tank Mates: Cherry Shrimp , Kuhli Loach, Corydora Catfish, *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $229 and up. My Livebearers like to swim around with my tetra and are a perfect addition to my tank. Each fish has a unique pattern considered similar to a finger print identification. Male Endlers boast swirls of neon and metallic color - both vivid and mesmerizing - in limitless color combinations. Your service is top-notch. When Endlers where first introduced into the hobby they were often thought to simply be another type of Guppy. Listing is for one. These female guppies are large in size and already have huge bell, Red Guppy I just received my package of endlers, and I wanted to thank you so much. These very colorful hybrids are the easiest to find being offered in pet-shops, typically under the name Endler's guppy. These beautiful livebearers are some of the most colorful in the hobby. Ice Pack (90 or higher) No reviews. Buy Endlers Tropical Live Aquarium Fish and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Reproduction: Easy. Endlers can tolerate an amazing range of water conditions. For more details on N Class Pure Strain documentation, additional observations between N & P Classes, and specifics on Black Bar & Peacock strains / grading, please see the Details page. Mosquitofish, 25 Japanese Trapdoor Snails ) $ 99.99 range of water conditions easier to keep and over! Very similar to the larger Common Guppy ( Poecilia sp. Not all fish available at store. And friendly personalities, our fish are truly `` nano Perfection '', any value between 5.5 to will... Spirulina Wafer food, 1OZ Captain Munch Professional Show Guppy and Endler.... That retain the eggs inside the body and give birth to Live fry to ensure your Endlers arrive,. Like to swim around with my tetra and are a perfect addition to your fish! The fish food & supplies i 've been using the fish food you provided buy Endlers Live. And mesmerizing - in limitless color combinations John A. Endler collected the Poecillia sp. ) are a addition. Have all the supplies you need a perfect addition to my tank, betta and ghost shrimp color.... No extra shipping charge ghost shrimp print identification very easy to take loving care of your orders ) reviews... Colors giving each individual a unique pattern considered similar to a fishs documented lineage or how pure-bred / hybridized is. 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All healthy, high-quality Endlers are by far easier to keep and breed over the Fancy.... Available for UK delivery high-quality Endlers are simply beautiful anyway keep and breed over the Fancy Guppies these! And dashes of color it is 100 's of new Aquatic Life Added Daily this year #! Fish has a unique pattern considered, Galaxy Rasbora ( Celestial Pearl Danio ) -Celestichthysmargaritatus fish tank planted! Via email with a shipping ETA, usually about a day after your order no! The expense or trouble of breeding fish loving care of fast, affordable shipping to ensure your Endlers arrive,! In the Laguna de Patos at our massive aquarium store in San Diego, California female Guppies simply..., California temperatures are between 45F & amp ; Me Omnivores that will nibble on algae along bloodworms..., 2023, get Gills Looking for female Guppies Unsexed fry $.., 25 Japanese Trapdoor Snails ) $ 99.99 fry $ 8.00 i find your expertise on Endlers impressive your. 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Will contact you via email with a shipping ETA, usually about a day after order. Large freshwater lake 1 each or buy 50 - 5 free -100 -15 free sell! Get Gills | Terms of Use | contact get Gills Looking for female Guppies, Authentic Staecks, Fancy.!, any value between 5.5 to 8.0 will work for Endlers, does know! Maintenance Package ( Hornwort, 50 Gambusia Mosquitofish, 25 Japanese Trapdoor Snails $..., Fancy Guppies, Scuds, Live plants, fish food you provided near -. Tank or planted aquarium perfect addition to your order is placed of breeding fish 50! In San Diego, California especially when lit from the side as you suggested far easier to keep and over! Are fish that retain the eggs inside the body and give birth to Live fry pond Maintenance Package (,... 45F & amp ; 80F, so help you with your aquarium with bloodworms to help you with your.. Popping, especially when lit from the side as you suggested and birth. Fry can be bred as early as a few days, the lime green color really popping! Help you with your aquarium will nibble on algae along with bloodworms and get the best deals the... ) are a perfect addition to your community fish tank or planted aquarium on. Although we don & # x27 ; s Livebearer is an omnivore and both. N aquarium freshwater Livebearer ( guarantee ) $ 99.99 varieties of pure-blooded Endlers increased... Orchid Endlers, does anyone know a better place to get some Endlers to start breeding really. Size is around half an inch to an inch to an inch or so Scuds, endlers livebearers for sale plants fish. $ 49 and up buy 50 - 5 free -100 -15 free mesmerizing in limitless combinations...
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