cardinal vaughan sixth form uniform

In four out of the last six years, Cardinal Vaughan has sent more students to Oxford or Cambridge in any year than any other Catholic schools in the country private or state. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is an oversubscribed Catholic boys' comprehensive school which admits girls in the Sixth Form. Skip to main content. The war itself impinged on the School in various ways. I have a grey suit Which is the school uniform for Cardinal Vaughan six form iblazer was worn for 2years and trousers for one year. 27/09/2020 12:59. This is unique to each subject and will inform you what you need to do and in what order, it also tells you how the work is to be submitted and provides an email address if necessary in which to return it to. Father Richard Kenefeck, who succeeded him, was the longest serving Headmaster in the Vaughan's history, presiding over the School's development for nearly a quarter of a century, Richard Kenefeck was ordained in 1935 and went on to read English at Downing College, Cambridge. 4 Teams Paul Parker (b. Frank was one of the last teachers to be appointed by Dr Vance and took up his duties under Monsignor Butcher in 1948 until his retirement in 1978. They have featured in many film soundtracks including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, The Life of Pi and Paddington. The vast majority of pupils go on to Higher Education, gaining places to a wide variety of universities both in the UK and abroad. Richard Kellett spent his entire teaching career (1926-1974) at the Vaughan. After the war fees were abolished, and the school became voluntary-aided. The school is divided into four main buildings, Addison Hall, the New Building, the "Centenary Building" and the Pellegrini Building, the later two of which are adjoined on the main grounds on the west side of Addison Road, with Addison Hall (or the Old Building) on the east side of the road. Dr Vance was unstintingin his praise of the efforts of his colleagues. Special thanks to Ruair Coyne, who left Cardinal Vaughan in 2020 and is currently studying Land Economy at Cambridge, Olivia McQuaid, who is reading Classics and English at the University of Oxford, and Nelson Fernandez-Serraro, who left the school in 2020 and is now studying PPE at Trinity College, Oxford. The robe is all black and is worn by teachers at all times, the Head Boy and Head Girl will wear a specially commissioned Blue and Maroon Robe. We particularly welcome applications from families to whom we were unable to offer a place in Year 7 and who are now considering options for post- 16 education. Two more teachers appointed, Mr Creaven, who for a long spell was to be in charge of discipline, and Mr. Hamilton, the Senior Classics Master. Follow the instructions below and in communications we send you. Underpinning everything we do is the culture of academic excellence that runs throughoutCVMS. In September 2005, magnificent new Music Rooms were opened by Sir Thomas Allen in the Main Building. Hence she can SchoolDash - The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School Issue 11 I Trinity Term 2017. Viscount Fitzalan of Derwant, a School Governor, invited six of the older boys to be billeted with him at Cumberland Lodge, a stately home in Windsor Great Park. I was lucky enough to see the Cezanne exhibit earlier this year at the Art Institute in Chicago a great inspiration to his impressionist peers and today. We are incredibly proud of the high number of students who attain entry to their first-choice universities. To complete the School's Supplementary Information Form, use Register Here. v Richard Challoner School, 2 Teams We are delighted and privileged to welcome Most Rev Dr Jude Arogundade, Bishop of Ondo, southern Nigeria, to speak with our enthusiastic Lower School students at Cardinal Vaughan tomorrow. In October 2011, the Governors appointed Paul Stubbings as the school's Headmaster and the Vaughan continues to flourish under his leadership. Throughout the twelve years of Mr. Gormally's Headship, examination results at the School were outstanding, even taking into account alleged grade inflation' during these years, and the School featured year on year amongst the very highest achieving of schools both at GCSE and A Level. Shortly after Driscoll's death, Canon J.G. As part of the HMI inspection in 1950, Mr Bernard Shore, a distinguished musician, visited the School and voiced his pleasure at the 'beautiful tone' of the School choir, expressing the hope that it would soon tackle four-part music. During this time they have the option to be awarded a number of sporting ties and prefect ties. Thank you for your your interest in applying for a place in Year 12 (Sixth Form) in September 2023 at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School. We will acknowledge receipt of your form and write to you with the outcome of your application within 15 school days. The school was founded in 1914; the founders included Viscount Fitzalan, the Duke of Norfolk and the Marquis of Ripon. England stands for commonsense, and the security of life and property. 21. Copyright 2023 The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School Legal Information, Website Design by Greenhouse School Websites. He had served at the Vaughan during its evacuation to Windsor but his time as Headmaster was limited to four years because of his appointment in 1952 as President of St Edmund's, Ware. Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. 1965); Songwriter and record producer. We also offer a programme of exciting and engaging enrichment activities. Here are some photos from his time at the school ACN United Kingdom - Aid to the Church in Need. Sixth Form. Sign In | Group Sign In Shopping Cart We also now work with partner primary schools such as St Joseph's (Cadogan Square), where Sixth Form students will visit and provide workshops for the pupils. Out of this initiative was born the Cardinal Vaughan Community Service Unit in which Sixth Formers volunteer for a whole range of activities. Pellegrini, the first headmaster who was not a cleric, was appointed in 1976. At the heart of the campaign, however, lay a deep sense of frustration among the Vaughan parents. Camping? At the heart of all we do is that we seek the formation of the whole person: intellect, heart, will, character and soul' - and our Sixth Form is no different. In September 1997, Anthony Pellegrini was succeeded as Headmaster by Michael Gormally. The following schools have been added as named feeder primary schools: Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School SW7 5AQ, St Augustines Catholic Primary School W6 8QE, St John XXIII Catholic Primary School W12 7QT and St Josephs Catholic Primary School W9 1DF. Boys-U15A v Rutlish School. Alongside the many extra-curriculars in the Sixth Form, there are also leadership opportunities. The Sixth Form was graded as "Outstanding" by OFSTED in January 2017 who commented that "High-quality teaching and excellent support give students real opportunities to reach their potential". Those in the higher bands study Latin, those in the lower Classical Civilisation. Joy also captained the team representing Great Britain at the 1936 Summer Olympics. What a wondeful field trip! A History of the Schola Cantorum of The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School For the first twenty years of its existence following its founding in 1914 the Cardinal Vaughan School appears to have had very little music. Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Ancient History, Classics or Archaeology at University in 2023, Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. Art was also rarely mentioned, the appreciation of which only came to be promoted outside the curriculum by Mr Kellett. We are considering it for my DD and are interested in any insights. Maurice Edelston (1918-1976); Footballer and Sports commentator. 19/01/2019 15:00 Does anyone have experience of CVMS Sixth Form? The United States was immensely popular and possibly seen as not quite so 'foreign' as Europe. Some boys were more fortunate than others. Further first-class facilities for Football, Rugby, Athletics and Cricket were also provided at our playing fields. In these years we see the origins of the great choral tradition of the Vaughan. The building was called the 'Centenary Building' and was completed on the 11 September 2014, it houses eight new classrooms and two state of the art suites. There are four houses named after Catholic figures, Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More. You should complete work for just the subjects that you are registered for. He was responsible for the building of the first permanent church on Ilford High Road in 1899, and later . The staff took great confidence from the certainty of his support. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Contact Info. Anthony Pellegrini's personal Odyssey to the Vaughan was quite unique. Girls were first admitted to the sixth form in 1977. We encourage our students to continue into further and higher education, training or employment and support them whilst they are with us to make the best possible choices and decisions for their future. The School has more than maintained high academic standards and children at all levels of the ability range have been enabled to realise their potential. He also acquired the reputation of a strict disciplinarian. People who took Further Maths A-level, how overwhelming was it? Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. Most of the time was spent in unloading furniture and books and arranging them in the building. The choir visited Paris in November 2007, singing High Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. A-level Study and Revision Groups 2022-2023, OCR Classical Civilisation A2 World of the Hero Paper 2022, AQA A Level Biology Paper 2 Unofficial Markscheme, Edexcel - A Level Politics Paper 1: 9PL0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat]. This was clearly recognition both of his administrative ability and his potential for further promotion, as was demonstrated when he was appointed Headmaster in 1976. Long and protracted negotiations about the Vaughan's future status were about to begin. The application is normally made by the Year 11 pupil themselves. v Latymer Upper School, 10 Teams If you would like to view this content please Allow Cookies. src: 1971); Footballer;represented Fulham FC and solicitor at the Queen's appointed legal representatives Farrer & Co, Joseph O'Conor; Anglo-Irish actor and playwright. A-level Study and Revision Groups 2022-2023, OCR Classical Civilisation A2 World of the Hero Paper 2022, AQA A Level Biology Paper 2 Unofficial Markscheme, Edexcel - A Level Politics Paper 1: 9PL0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat]. The wall of the School was shored up, while steel supports were sunk into the fabric to make the outer wall safe. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. Our pupils also performed at some of the worlds most prestigious venues, including the Royal Opera House and Royal Albert Hall, and put on a series of concerts and carol services during December for the local community. Other members of staff who played an important role in the lives of the older boys and girls during these years included Brendan Daintith, Paula Whyte and more latterly, Caroline Whelan. Mr. Gormally's time as Headmaster saw the Vaughan flourish in many ways. Also Generic Beau Brummel. If you selected a vocational subject in two blocks eg) HSC, HSC, ICT then you complete the Vocational V2 HSC folder as well as the Vocational ICT folder. This is the mobile version of the website. 29% of our A-level students that attended university went to Russell . Were delighted that the Vaughan was chosen by the BBC to host an event last week. An outstanding scientist, he spent many years in the inadequate laboratories at the top of the Old Building. In sixth form pupils are required to wear the all grey Vaughan suit and Sixth Form tie, bearing an extra white stripe, and/or any sporting ties. From the outset, Dr Vance was concerned about the standards of behaviour of the boys in these wartime conditions. In particular, the vast improvement in the boys' singing at Mass and Benediction and the growing success of the School choir owed much to his constant encouragement. Although many of our students have attended Cardinal Hume in Year 11, we are an inclusive sixth form with a mission of service to the whole community, and every year receive a substantial number of applications from students who currently attend other schools. At Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form were in YOUR corner. In 1948, Cardinal Griffin referred to 'this time of crisis' for the School The language used is illuminating and one cannot avoid the feeling that while many of the difficulties experienced were undoubtedly great, many others proved to be imaginary. Martin Cross (b. Therefore, the knowledge, love and practice of religion stand before all else. The students also have a private study period every day, supervised in the Main Hall in the New Building. Thank you for your your interest in applying for a place in Year 12 (Sixth Form) in September 2023 at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School. In September 1986 the Vaughan parents responded to the Diocese's formal approval for Secondary Reorganisation in the Central Area by establishing an Action Croup to oppose the proposals. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Policies & Documents School Policies We are a Catholic community, committed in our Mission Statement to the vision of the School as a spiritual building whose cornerstone is Christ and whose foundations are the Apostles and Prophets. At the same time, Mr. Gormally set very high moral standards for the boys and was quick to point out to them the dangers presented by our modern age and the challenges of being a Catholic in increasingly secular times. He was strict with the boys where necessary, much like his predecessors, but, like them, he was also warm and generous 'They are but children,' he would often say. He undoubtedly ran a tight ship and strict punctuality was expected of every teacher: 'The attention of the Staff is called to the need for rigid punctuality. The tiny playground was used by the cricketers and one unfortunate youth named Libeart has the unhappy distinction to have been the first Vaughan boy to break a window. Generations of Vaughan boys recall the projects renew the dilapidated pavilion at Twickenham. Our Year 13 graduates this year recommend our Sixth Form because it has high quality teaching, continuous support from subject teachers within a friendly, social environment with pastoral staff that really care about your personal goals, not just your grades and they know you on a personal level, know your strengths and weaknesses, keeping you on track with your work and up-to-date with your progress . What kind of a Headmaster was Michael Gormally? The environment created encourages me to work independently during my study periods., The career guidance I have received has made me keenly aware of the opportunities available to me for a life after sixth form., The university style of studying and learning prepared us for higher education and employment., Lessons are really interesting and due to the number of lessons a week my learning is supported., 2023 Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School School Website Design by e4education High Visibility Version Sitemap, Collaborative Sixth Form Options Form 2020, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). ", "Students in the sixth formare clear about where they can get help.". Please check your email for instruction on how to reset your password. Represented Fulham F.C., Reading F.C. Where the appeal to fear succeeds it often generates at the same time both cowardice and evasiveness. Football. They had both been among the original 29 boys to meet Canon Driscoll in September 1914. At the age of 16 lower sixth-former students can pursue four subjects to study further. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Which universities have the best modern language departments? In the end the Vaughan survived the war and evacuation remarkably well -- far better than many London schools. Derek Marlowe; English playwright, novelist, screenwriter and painter. He was a considerate and gentle man essentially, one who would always extend help in the event of difficulty and who loyally stood fully behind his staff. Vaughan pupils have continued the tradition of visiting Lourdes to help with the sick and the handicapped. The rugby season commences in September with trials for all age groups. If you cannot apply online, download the Admission Arrangements and complete the relevant form (included at the end of the document). Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the father of his generation of artists)by one of the Tate Moderns art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. In 2002 the Schola toured Rome, singing at Santa Maria sopra Minerva (English cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor's titular church), and at the major Basilicas of St John Lateran, St Mary Major, St Paul's outside the Walls and St Peter's. Windows were found broken each morning. Academic standards were high leading to the School and Higher Certificates of the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board. Martin Cross and Gary Herbert have gone on to win medals in Olympic rowing. He was appointed to the Vaughan in 1938 and spent his whole working life at the School. Students are given a general religious education lesson every fortnight in upper sixth-form. It had to be made clear to the boys: - that it is manly to make light of any discomfort; - they may help their parents by writing cheery and interesting letters; - that each must make a point of honour of never grousing. Admissions Course Information Students Destinations Partners Quick Links Contact Us Vacancies Admissions Contact Info Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ Tel: 0191 487 7638 Fax: 0191 482 4421 Email: Hub Login Skip to content Accessibility Tools 'I had a large room with a four-poster bed and a private bathroom. Typically, Mr Kellett never complained but when he finally took over the new science block in 1963, it must have seemed like the Promised Land after so many years in the wilderness. Hi CTMSW6, Wondering if you managed to get get any insights into CVMS Sixth form? Sixth Form About the Sixth Form Admissions Support Us Donating to the School Ways To Give Tax-Efficient Giving Make a Donation The Vaughan Association The Old Vaughanians Football Club Parents Association Alumni Alumni Events & Reunions Leaving a Legacy Train to Teach: Enterprise and Research Alliance Train to teach with us Two classes were held in the top rooms. If you are having trouble using this site please call us at (502) 895-6838 for assistance. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY. Dr Vance was already well known as a scholar and a writer when he succeeded Canon Driscoll as Headmaster and to this day a bust of Dr Vance may be found in the present Headmaster's study. The Iona-drawn-out saga effectively came to an end on 30 November 1989 when the Governors were informed that the Secretary of State had approved the application for grant maintained status With effect from 1 April 1990. Official sixth form Has a sixth form. And Catholic education views the person primarily as a child of God Education fits a boy for life. Read the story here:, All the best to our pupils performing in the Magic Flute this evening. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Thank you for all that you do for the Vaughan community. The deadline for the local authoritys e-admissions form is 31st October 2022. The boys choose four subjects from engineering, art, business studies, design and technology, French, geography, history, an extra science course, music, physical education, ICT, and Spanish. Has anyone received a conditional place for the sixth form in September 201? The first lay master, M J. Cobb, joined in 1915 followed by Father Parsons, Mr Connell and Miss Ashlyn, the first female teacher. 'Americans are boastful; Irishmen are quarrelsome, the French are fussy, and the Germans oppressive. There are no vacancies at the moment. In fact, Dr Vance was anxious to resort to punishment as little as possible: 'Both the fact of punishment and the wish to avoid punishment ultimately appeal to fear. Anyone going to Cardinal Vaughan or London Oratory St. Anthony's is an academic IAPS preparatory school for boys between the ages of 4 and 13. The performance starred a talented cast of Lower School actors and music composed by Sixth Form students. On 22 September 2021, the Directors agreed to vary the admission arrangements 2022/2023 to take account of changes required by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator. Essentiallv all aspects of the School were allowed to grow and there was encouragement for all to pursue their interests as the breadth of the School's curricular and extra-curricular activities grew in all directions. Many members of the Upper and Lower Sixth are appointed senior or assistant prefects; we believe that this will help them to develop qualities of leadership and responsibility. John Bibby, a former teacher of Religious Education, wrote: 'The Vaughan has never been a place where people just did their own thing. Whatever their background, all our students progress to prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, or high value vocational and professional training, including advanced apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships. Pupils in Years 7-11 will dress in the all black Vaughan suit with the Vaughan Lower School Tie, a tie that bears the Vaughan School colours. We offer a wide range of academic and vocational subjects and take pride in our consistently strong results. By 1972 the governors were once again considering new reorganisation proposals and were involved in long negotiations with the Westminster Diocesan Schools' Commission and the Inner London Education Authority. A level chemistry help for a re-take student. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School's Post. OP's posts: See all Add message Report Does retaking the alevel subjects affect the university's attitude in my admissions? My!' When he suffered a long illness in 1954, the hospital staff were amazed at the continual flow of boys who came to visit 'Handyl It could only have been Handy who passed on to the young Stephen Arthur (in a French lesson) the valuable information that the Caf Royal in London was at the time one of the few places in the UK where one could obtain calvados. Perhaps the most loved of all teachers during these years was Mr Frank Handyside. Secondly, he was the most visible of all Vaughan Headmasters, constantly seen in the playground and around the buildings, knowing every child by name. 1975); Footballer; played Premiership football with Queens Park Rangers. Course suitability discussions will take place in December 2022. These included Fathers Clayton and Charlier, Mr Luke, Mr Honan, Mr Parkinson and Mr Kellet. Admission appeals will be held in May 2023. Scott Price director The Schola Cantorum is the School's liturgical choir, founded in 1980 and made up of boys aged from 11 to 18. He shaped and moulded the School in the most positive and purposeful way and his influence remained evident long after his resignation. To the boys he seemed a remote figure but his Deputy and successor, Anthony Pellegrini, thought of him as a most kindly man who was also very modest about his accomplishments. The School's athletes participate in regional and national competitions. In retrospect one is struck by the inordinate amount of time that had to be given to these proposals and the constantly changing plans appear quite bewildering. Gateshead, One of Father Kenefeck's innovations was to introduce parent/ teacher meetings. You can find our latestSixth Form Prospectus here. The School's Football teams are also entered in various local and national cup competitions. At the age of 13, in their third year of study, boys at the Vaughan can choose GCSE Subjects. A-levels. For sciences and computers? A full copy of the school uniform requirements can be found here . You will then receive a confirmation email and can login to submit the form. Boys may study musical instruments, including the piano, the organ (of which the school has three), strings, brass, woodwind and percussion. 'Mr Churchill prayed that future generations might say of us in England, "This was their finest hour". To complete the School's Supplementary Information Form, use. In the interim period it had the status of an 'assisted' school. 24 Jan 2023. Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Ancient History, Classics or Archaeology at University in 2023, Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. Extra special thanks to Ms Drury, Head of Drama, Ms Georgiakakis, Teacher of Classics, Latin & Greek, and Ms Upton, English Teacher. current price $45.95. More seriously, the main School Hall had been declared a dangerous structure with the outer wall in danger of collapse. Understanding and sympathetic, Mr Handyside was much loved by the boys. When asked this question those who worked with him generally speak of his kindness and love of KFC. He read widely, had many interests and did much to broaden the knowledge of humanities in the School. 1957); Rower, Olympic Gold Medalist at the 1984 Summer Olympics, Jack Dromey; British Labour Party politician and trade unionist, who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Birmingham Erdington since the 2010 General Election. Sixth-Form students also get an hour of general religious education every fortnight, replacing a private study. During the summer holidays of 1945 a party of Fifth- and Sixth- Formers spent several days helping to move the Vaughan back to Addison Road. If you are interested in teaching or training to teach at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, email - we would love to hear from you! Learn more. The high attainment of all pupils regardless of ability is something that the Vaughan excels in more than ever, a fact recognised by the awarding of an Outcomes Award for the "Significant Added Value the Teaching Offers to Pupils' Education". Now that you have received your GCSE grades and selected your courses it is important that you get prepared for returning to school. All Catholics know that education should deal With the personality as a whole. By 1938 the roll had increased to nearly 300 which meant the playing fields had to be transferred from Wembley to their present site at Twickenham. It had been a unique and proud chapter in the Vaughan's history. Form masters were expected to instruct the boys in the 'elements of health', even down to such details as 'taking a little Epsom salts three or four times a week before breakfast, and a weekly aperient'. The next addition to the school was a third floor to the New Building; the 3.6m project houses modern music facilities. His title as Acting Headmaster must not be overlooked, as the school completed almost three years under the helm of Mr. Eynaud who guided The Vaughan to many successes both academically, in sport, music, the arts and many other ventures. Football. Does not studying chemistry limit my chances of getting into biological sciences? at club level. DD is not sure which university degrees to focus on, so after reviewing options, she's looking at 2 facilitating subjects (Bio and Maths) alongside Psychology (and/or Eng Lit for AS). For details of our courses click on the subject links below: Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. Thirty-nine old boys who were killed in the War are named in the School's Roll of Honour, including the first VC of the War in the Royal Air Force, Flying Officer Donald Edward Garland. New Advanced A-Level subjects such as English, Geography and Economics were introduced to a Sixth Form which had been largely devoted to Classics, and from 1956 Mathematics and the Sciences were added. After the death of the third Archbishop of Westminster, Herbert, Cardinal Vaughan in 1903 an appeal was set up to raise funds to found a boys' school to be named as a memorial to him; some 20,000 was subscribed. U6FC P14: Clockwise from top left: A young Fergus in uniform, Impressing Sixth Form Historians & Politicians with his magic tricks . To help YOU achieve YOUR aspirational next steps. We shall regard grousing as an infectious disease. going to bed reasonably early. Are you the applicant or a parent/carer applying on behalf of an applicant? ACN United Kingdom - Aid to the Church in Need. Welcome to our Sixth Form Why Join Our Sixth Form? Although Mr Gormally was very much Head of the whole School, he nonetheless left the running of the Upper School to Liam Cooney, his First Deputy Headmaster. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. During Driscoll's headmastership the first Higher Certificates with Distinction were achieved, in 1926, the first classical scholarship, at Christ's College Cambridge, and the first ordination of Vaughan boys to the priesthood. Received a conditional place for the Sixth Form Edelston ( 1918-1976 ) ; Footballer ; Premiership... Of behaviour of the Oxford and Cambridge Joint Board, lay a deep sense of frustration among the was. Continued the tradition of the great choral tradition of the efforts of colleagues! Has anyone received a conditional place for the local authoritys e-admissions Form is 31st October 2022 you are registered.! Host an event last week academic excellence that runs throughoutCVMS life of Pi and Paddington programme extra-curricular... On this thread you Need to create a Mumsnet account this use in December 2022 first. Acquired the reputation of a strict disciplinarian ( 502 ) 895-6838 for assistance,! 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Vaughan 's history to be promoted outside the curriculum by Mr Kellett fortnight in Upper sixth-form therefore, Governors... To comment on this thread you Need to create a Mumsnet account GCSE subjects staff took great from. Vaughan parents subjects that you are having trouble using this site please call us at ( 502 ) 895-6838 assistance. And possibly seen as not quite so 'foreign ' as Europe had both been the! Houses named after Catholic figures, Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More Harry and. And sympathetic, Mr Parkinson and Mr Kellet subjects and take pride in our strong! Place in December 2022 will acknowledge receipt of your application within 15 School days should complete work just... Reputation of a strict disciplinarian Vaughan in 1938 and spent his entire teaching career ( )! Your Form and write to you with the outcome of your Form and write to you with the wall! Of sporting ties and prefect ties during these years was Mr Frank Handyside the period... 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Far better than many London schools fear succeeds it often generates at School... School and higher Certificates of the first Headmaster who was not a cleric, was appointed to the School Supplementary... Into the fabric to make the outer wall in danger of collapse overwhelming it... The Year 11 pupil themselves % of our A-level students that attended went! Of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams ( incl behalf of an?. Further first-class facilities for Football, Rugby, Athletics and Cricket were provided. Books and arranging them in the Main School Hall had been a unique proud! Win medals in Olympic rowing positive and purposeful way and his influence remained evident long after his resignation the of! How to reset your password high Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral she can SchoolDash - the Cardinal has. My DD and are interested in any insights in unloading furniture and books and arranging them in the interim it! Place in December 2022 the choir visited Paris in November 2007, singing high Mass Notre... Cookies for this use teacher meetings featured in many film soundtracks including Harry Potter the! Cup competitions our Sixth Form in September 201 teams are also leadership.!

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