rights reserved.Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Money Saving Health Insurance Tips for Spouses. You have the choice of two . Be sure to have your account number, paperwork and any important information such as dates ordoctor references handy when you call. We have received claims for BlueEssentials members who did not indicate tobacco usage at enrollment, but have been given a diagnosis showing tobacco use and/or nicotine addiction. The Commonwealth Fund. More employers are considering a premium surcharge on employees participating in the company's health plan who are not vaccinated. Older people are charged more than younger people, with a cap of three times the rates that apply to a 21-year-old, and smaller premiums for people under the age of 21. By Louise Norris If you answered yes, you may be paying a 20 percent surcharge. return 'medicare'; The total premium difference must not exceed 50% of the total cost of employee-only coverage under the plan (or, if an employees family can participate in the cessation program, the premium difference must not exceed 50% of the total cost of coverage in which an employee and any dependents are enrolled). rights reserved.BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and UnitedHealthcare Active Employee Tobacco Surcharge Policy, and UnitedHealthcare Active Employee Non-Tobacco Surcharge Policy, Permanente Active Employee Tobacco Cessation Policy, Permanente Active Employee Non-Tobacco Cessation Policy, and UnitedHealthcare Retiree Tobacco Surcharge Policy, and UnitedHealthcare Retiree Non-Tobacco Surcharge Policy, Permanente Retiree Tobacco Cessation Policy, Permanente Retiree Non-Tobacco Cessation Policy, Summary Plan Description and Evidence of Coverage. If you are eligible, you must complete steps 1-3 to have the opportunity to earn up to $300 in rewards and to avoid an $80/month tobacco surcharge if you test negative on the tobacco/nicotine test. 0000005095 00000 n You wont have to pay any out-of-pocket costs for most smoking cessation programs, which can include counseling, a prescription cessation medication, and replacement therapies. Tobacco use surcharge A $50 monthly surcharge will be applied to employees and spouses who use tobacco products. This material must include contact information for obtaining a reasonable alternative standard and a statement that recommendations of an individuals personal physician will be accommodated. An employee may feel forced to participate in a biometric screen if the incentive to participate is so large that they feel like they have no choice but to participate. Market-leading rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers for Cartel in United States If youre not honest about tobacco, you risk being charged with insurance fraud. This includes over-the-counter medications with a prescription from the provider. Menu Home; Rankings. 29 0 obj <> endobj 0 Tobacco Surcharge If you use tobacco products, there will be an extra charge on your PAC. Tobacco use includes these products: Chewing tobacco Cigarettes Cigars Pipes Hookah Snuff BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Although premium subsidies (premium tax credits) are used by the majority of individual market enrollees, the subsidies cannot be used to cover the tobacco surcharge. Select Blue Cross Blue Shield Global or GeoBlue if you have international coverage and need to find care outside the United States. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. DHEC offers a free program called the SouthCarolinaTobaccoQuitline. %PDF-1.4 % HealthCare.gov. Complementary Content $ . } else { Non-Discrimination Statement and Foreign Language AccessCopyright {{ new Date().getFullYear() }} All Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. A physician or other medical professional who serves as a group member's first contact with a company's health care system. This website serves as an invitation for you, the customer, to inquire about further information regarding health insurance, and submission of your contact information constitutes permission for an agent from to contact you with further information, including complete details on cost and coverage of health insurance marketed by Healthcare.com Insurance Services, LLC or HealthCare, Inc. subsidiary Pivot Health Holdings, LLC. State laws may also be implicated, but this blog post focuses on federal laws only. Nearly half of small employers using tobacco surcharges do not provide tobacco cessation wellness programs. Employer-sponsored health plans can incorporate tobacco surcharges, which can also be up to 50% of the standard premium unless a state has a lower limit (the ACA allows up to a 50% tobacco surcharge for small-group coverage, and Department of Labor rules also allow up to a 50% tobacco surcharge for large employer plans). Some states have taken action to prohibit or modify the tobacco surcharge, reducing its impact within those states. xb```ce`a }yF@1i=)[7CR`b/_{8KX/au. In addition, he has testified twice before the U.S. Congress as an expert witness. The cessation program must be reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. In such circumstances, the plan may provide a retroactive payment of the reward for that year within a reasonable time after the end of the year, but may not provide pro rata payments over the following year (a year after the year to which the reward corresponds). "There's a very clear line we can draw . 0000002022 00000 n U.S. Department of Labor obtains consent order and judgment providing restitution to employees charged higher medical premiums. Employers who financially penalize tobacco users miss an opportunity to help them, which is why the ACA reasonable alternative and reasonable design requirements are so crucial in a successful tobacco cessation program. Will Unvaccinated People Have to Pay More for Health Insurance? return 'health'; State specific rating variations, Overview: Final rule for health insurance market reforms, Big tobacco and anti-cancer activists agree: Health provision goes too far, Cigarette smoking and tobacco use among people of low socioeconomic status, Insurance premium surcharges for smokers may jeopardize access to coverage, Incentives for nondiscriminatory wellness programs in group health plans, Nearly half of small employers using tobacco surcharges do not provide tobacco cessation wellness programs, Health insurance surcharges for tobacco use declined among small employers In 2018, Recent DOL lawsuits demonstrate increased enforcement of HIPAA wellness rules, U.S. Department of Labor obtains consent order and judgment providing restitution to employees charged higher medical premiums. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. CT, Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CT For Blue Plus members: Call 1-844-421-5661. Not to be cheeky, but youll pay through the nose. Complete the Tobacco Usage Form. Asia Pacific; EMEA; Latin America; UK Solicitors; UK Bar; United States Tobacco Surcharge: 5: Tobacco Surcharge Removal: 6 . 0000005629 00000 n Did you purchase an annual individual or family plan directly from us or through the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM)? Please allow 7-10 days after you set your goal before visiting your pharmacy. Insurance companies can no longer base premium on an applicant's medical history (or a small group's overall medical history), and cannot reject an applicant based on their pre-existing conditions or overall health history. That is, it must have a reasonable chance of improving the health of, or preventing disease in, participating individuals, and it should not be overly burdensome. return 'health'; For plans available to you, use ourMedicare guide. If your company aims to reduce tobacco use among employees, one way it may consider doing this is by charging tobacco users more for their health insurance premiums. Also, an individual must be given the opportunity to comply with the recommendations of the individuals personal physician as a second reasonable alternative standard to meeting the reasonable alternative standard defined by the plan, but only if the physician joins in the request. - Thurs. Blue Cross Blue Shield members, pleasecontact your BCBS companyif you have specific questions about your plan, coverage and more. } else { What you need to know about the disease and our commitment to ensuring you have access to the right care at the right time. Have you decided to kick your smoking or tobacco habit? You must enroll in or complete a quit tobacco program. 0000004589 00000 n Note that we cannot remove it retroactively. In some cases, plans that were running afoul of this rule have been required to pay restitution in addition to changing their rules going forward to comply with the federal requirements. How you know. To achieve this, health-contingent tobacco cessation programs must allow a reasonable alternative standard (or a waiver for not meeting the initial requirement of not being a tobacco user) for obtaining the lower premium for any individual for whom, for that period, it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition or medically inadvisable to satisfy the initial standard. Health insurance premiums vary from one zip code to another. 97 0 obj <> endobj If that is how employees feel, they may be compelled to complain to the EEOC that the companys wellness program violates the ADA. In addition, the smoking surcharge does not qualify for ACA premium subsidies; you pay the premium entirely out of your pocket. Because inhaler products lack tobacco, e-cigarette users may wonder whether they must identify themselves as smokers when signing up for health insurance. Don't have your card? Anthem Blue Cross Blue and Shield (Anthem) and UnitedHealthcare Member 2023 Anthem and UnitedHealthcare Active Employee Tobacco Surcharge Policy 2023 Anthem and UnitedHealthcare Active Employee Non-Tobacco Surcharge Policy Kaiser Permanente (KP) Members 2023 Kaiser Permanente Active Employee Tobacco Cessation Policy Of course, it is always wise to engage legal counsel to help craft such programs. The EEOC does not consider tobacco cessation programs that merely ask employees whether they use tobacco and whether they ceased using tobacco upon completion of the program to be making disability-related inquiries or medical examinations.. For more information, visit our COVID-19 information page. First step: set a goal to quit with the Online Health Coach by selecting a quit date within the benefit year and completing all seven quit plan questions. The subscriber will pay one surcharge, regardless of the number of tobacco users covered under his insurance. Guidance regarding age curves and state reporting, Market rating reforms. So although employers can and do require employees (and their family members) who use tobacco to pay higher health insurance premiums, they also have to offer a tobacco cessation program if they do so, and allow employees the opportunity to avoid the surcharge by completing the tobacco cessation program. The Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plan rates will increase by 5% and the High . Tobacco Surcharge The surcharge for subscribers who have certified they use tobacco or who have not certified at all is: $40 per month for subscriber-only coverage.$60 per month for a subscriber with dependent coverage. But ACA allows individual and small group health insurers to adjust premiums based on just four factorsgeographic location, age, family size, and tobacco use. Market rating reforms. - The 15% premium tobacco surcharge may apply to you if you, your spouse or your children use tobacco. 0000001252 00000 n if (document.getElementById('inArticle_hc-radio1').checked == true){ If you have questions about how the health reform law will affect you and your insurance options, please go to HealthCare.gov, or contact their Help Center at 1-800-318-2596 if you have questions . Readers are encouraged to seek legal counsel for any advice or compliance determinations needed on specific situations. Family size: Each person has their own premiums. Lower-income Americans are more likely than higher-income Americans to use tobacco products. Therefore, regulations require employers to offer a reasonable alternative standard to earn the reward. By continuing to use this website, you consent to these cookies. Even such soft fraud is considered a misdemeanor and can result in sentences of probation, community service or even time in jail. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association FHV6-2111 Tobacco-Free Tool Kit Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama offers the Tobacco-Free Tool Kit as a program guide to help educate your employees about the dangers of tobacco. *You must meet age requirements for prescribed tobacco cessation drugs to receive this benefit. But a subsequent rule issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services defines tobacco use as the use of any tobacco product within the past six months with a frequency of at least four times per week. A: A tobacco penalty (also known as a surcharge) is considered a health-contingent wellness program because individuals are required to satisfy a standard related to a health factor in order to obtain the reward. The program must give individuals eligible for the tobacco cessation program the opportunity to qualify for the lower premium at least once per year. The ACA specifically includes an allowable 1.5-to-1 ratio for tobacco use, meaning that individual and small group health insurers can charge tobacco users up to 50% more than non-tobacco users. return 'health'; To access specific information about your coverage and claims related to your individual or group health insurance, please contact the customer service number on the back of your member card. Our editorial staff is comprised of industry professionals and experts on the ACA, private health insurance markets, and government policy. The lower premium must be available to all similarly situated individuals (similarly situated employees in a bona fide employment classification, such as all full-time employees or all employees at a certain location of the company). Heres What to Do Next, Health Insurance After Divorce: Your Options, Turning 26: Health Insurance Guide for Those Aging Off Their Parents Plan, How to Keep Your Doctor When Your Health Insurance Changes, Health Insurance After the Death of a Spouse, Parent or Other Plan Member. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), group health plans (and self-insured employers) can charge tobacco users up to 50% more for their health insurance premiums than non-tobacco users, and when they do this it is called a tobacco surcharge. This decision was controversial: Some believe that it's only fair for tobacco users to pay more for their health coverage, given the toll that tobacco use takes on a person's health and the added costs to treat tobacco-related health conditions. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi members with the Be Tobacco-free benefit can get started right away by logging into myBlue and signing up for Be Tobacco-free on your member portal. Tobacco Cessation Incentive Program - Blue Cross and Blue Shield's Federal Employee Program Tobacco Cessation Tools and resources to help you quit tobacco. Free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges to eligible enrollees, Free one-on-one coaching session with a Quit Coach. If you use tobacco and are shopping for health coverage, don't assume you'll be charged 50% extra; check to see what's availableyou may find that it's more affordable than you expected, despite the tobacco rating rules. Discrimination under the ADA includes requiring medical examinations and making disability-related inquiries, including medical history inquiries, unless 1 of 2 exceptions applies: (1) such exam or inquiry is job-related and consistent with business necessity; or (2) the medical exam is voluntary and part of an employee health program available at the worksite. 29 32 return 'medicare'; For more information about legal considerations with tobacco surcharges, please connect with me at Center for Health and Wellness Law, LLC. According to a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 9% of employers that offer health coverage impose a surcharge for tobacco use (this is across employers of all sizes). And in California, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont, insurers are not allowed to charge tobacco users higher premiums. You can find out by typing yourhome or work ZIP code in our Plan Finder. Health Insurance Alabama | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama During the Public Health Emergency (PHE), over-the-counter (OTC) COVID-19 FDA-authorized test kits are covered for eligible members and will be reimbursed with no member cost share based on the federal guidance. If youre ready to quit smoking or vaping or using tobacco, we can help you every step of the way. This is likely tied to the fact that the Department of Labor became more strict in recent years about enforcing the provision that requires tobacco cessation programs to be offered in conjunction with tobacco surcharges, with an opportunity to avoid the surcharge by participating in the cessation program. Health insurers took in more than $1.25 trillion to cover policies for function isChecked(){ 1348222 (05/21) You are only eligible for one reimbursement per program, per calendar year. Verywell Health content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. } With that ruling, you can say the old tobacco policies went up in smoke. Do you still have to pay the surcharge if you quit? If a member received a waiver of the tobacco surcharge based on their answer and the member fails to notify the SHBP that he/she or an enrolled family member begins using tobacco, SHBP considers this intentional misrepresentation. But it dropped to just 4% as of 2018. If they were eligible for the average premium subsidy, their after-subsidy cost would be $372 per month, as opposed to $84 per month if there was no tobacco surcharge (note that these numbers are simply based on national averages; in reality, they vary considerably depending on the person's age and location). 0000001727 00000 n The ADA prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals based on disability or perceived disability. Still, they are allowed to use the Tobacco Rating to boost premiums by up to 50%. 0 In addition, the smoking surcharge does not qualify for ACA premium subsidies; you pay the premium entirely out of your pocket. Insurance companies and some experts justify the large surcharge acts as an incentive to convince smokers to quit. Some regular smokers facing a steep premium increase may be tempted to avoid telling the truth. This surcharge doesn't add to or enhance coverage, but is designed as an incentive to encourage a tobacco-free lifestyle. 0000006154 00000 n Therefore, if a tobacco cessation program is offered through a group health plan, the ACA incentive maximum of 50% of the total cost of employee coverage applies to those programs. However, to charge that extra amount legally to tobacco users, the group health plan must meet certain legal requirements. James Lacy, MLS, is a fact-checker and researcher. During enrollment, you answered questions about tobacco usage. Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Period Snapshot Survey Key Findings 44% of We do not sell insurance products, but there may be forms that will connect you with partners of healthcare.com who do sell insurance products. <<9d6d943e3a33a749be68bd45bcf2c1c9>]>> 0000013935 00000 n Earn Rewards and Avoid the $80 Monthly Tobacco Surcharge on Your Medical Insurance Team members with the Baptist BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) insurance plan can earn up to $300 in rewards for working toward a healthier lifestyle and avoid an $80 monthly tobacco surcharge on their medical insurance plan. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. %%EOF The extra money being saved by participation is impossible to pass up given their financial situation. Can Medical Bills Go on Your Credit Report? If the reasonable alternative standard is a digital tobacco cessation program, the plan must make the program available, and may not require the individual to pay for the cost of the program. Contact your local Blue Cross and Blue Shield companyfor details regarding billing. This tobacco surcharge will increase your monthly PAC contribution by 50%. Substance Use Treatment & ResourcesLearn more about substance use disorders and find a treatment provider that meets your needs. Dental Expense Claim. Arkansas limits it to 20%, and Kentucky limits it to 40%. Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. 0000004717 00000 n } You may also find more information about insurance for individuals and familiesandMedicare. While rates of cigarette use continue to decline in Minnesota, rates of e-cigarette and smokeless tobacco products use remain steady, particularly amongst youth and young adults.As the general public has become more aware of the deadly effects of cigarettes and public health officials and communities have championed anti commercial tobacco policies, the tobacco industry has found new and . But do not expect your insurer to be sympathetic to that argument for lower costs. Should smokers pay more for health insurance? The facts on the FDA's new tobacco rule. After Frank Lalli, the former editor of Money and George magazines, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a potentially deadly blood cancer, he turned his experiences with our health care system into becoming The Health Care Detective and the author of Simon & Schusters Your Best Health Care Now. We adhere to strict editorial standards to provide the most accurate and unbiased information. Obviously, being honest when you answer enrollment questions is in your best interest. function isChecked(){ The indigent care surcharge is a levy based on a state-determined percentage rate of payments for . The surcharge ($80 per month) applies if the member or any of the . Member Discounts Take advantage of member-only discounts on health-related products and services. and Blue Shield Association. It takes 6 to 8 weeks to complete the Tobacco Surcharge Removal Requirements. The restriction on asking questions about an employees medical status or conducting medical screenings applies regardless of whether the employee is disabled. You can also find your local BCBS company on BCBS.com. HealthcareInsider.com is a website domain of Healthcare.com Insurance Services, LLC, a subsidiary of HealthCare, Inc., a privately-owned non-government website, not to be confused with HealthCare.gov. Use our frequently asked questions to find answers. US Department of Health and Human Services. However, if the tobacco cessation program includes a biometric screen or other medical exam that tests for the presence of nicotine or tobacco, such program would be subject to ADA compliance, including the ADAs voluntary requirement. But if a person with an average premium is subject to a 50% tobacco surcharge, their premium would increase to $864 per month, while their premium subsidy would not change at all. Three other states allow a surcharge of less than 50% : Arkansas - 20% Colorado - 15% Kentucky - 40% In the other 40 states, smokers can be charged 50% more for monthly premiums compared to non-smokers. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) offers a free program called the. 2023 Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. outlined on page 2. 0000001332 00000 n Deductible (per person) Individual . Plan who are not vaccinated t have your card standards to provide the most accurate and unbiased information smokers quit. 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