Today at breakfast (we’re in Fiji) we sat next to two Australian college students. We had a long conversation about lots of things. Although they now live in Sydney, one was born in South Africa and the other to Russian parents who emigrated to Australia about 20 years ago.
The South African commented that it seems like the world is collapsing with all the problems of the war in Ukraine, the disintegration of South Africa, covid, climate change, etc.
I told her that the world is much better than when I was her age. We had Vietnam, the Cold War, apartheid, the 1973 war in Israel, the oil embargo, etc. The Russian agreed that things had improved substantially in Russia (until the Ukraine war). She’s been to Russia many times to visit family, etc. She’s studying communications and psychology and several times pointed out how what we think is driven by what we’re told.
Her grandmother also emigrated to Australia but she doesn’t speak English well, so they set her up to watch Russian TV over the Internet. Now she strongly favors Putin and the war in Ukraine as a result of decades of Russian propaganda. The student and her parents hate Putin and the war. Her father’s friends in Russia are all having to fight in the war.
They said around 90% of the students at their university are Chinese, because Chinese pay full tuition and basically finance the Australian universities. The Russian had to do a presentation to her classmates, none of whom spoke English well enough to understand her. During covid, the universities lowered admission standards because the Chinese couldn’t come, etc.
Hopefully they left with more optimism for the future. College students (and students at all levels, apparently) are being fed an unending stream of doomsday fears (climate change), woke ideology, and despair for the future.
This all reminds me of conversations I’ve had with young missionaries. Few if any of them believe Joseph Smith used a seer stone in a hat to produce the Book of Mormon, despite the efforts of LDS intellectuals and apologists to mainstream SITH. Most of them don’t even realize that the whole Mesoamerican setting is based on the “Two Cumorahs” theory, which they think is ridiculous.
Hopefully at some point the Church History Department will stop misleading the Latter-day Saints for their ideological purposes. All Latter-day Saints would benefit by learning what Joseph and Oliver actually taught, along with the evidence that corroborates and supports their teachings.
Time will tell…
Source: Book of Mormon Concensus
One thought on “world is not collapsing”
Great points made!
Yes, the first page of the BOM states clearly that Brother Joseph thought that the BOM took place in North America. Then when you look at the facts laid out by Brother Wayne May, and it’s not just compelling evidence, but so much points to the same conclusions: it must have taken place here in the Midwest of the United States and parts of southeastern Canada! Even DNA confirms this! (There are those out there trying their hardest to debunk the DNA findings, bit they’re just pushing lies to try and refute the evidence at hand that the Eastern American Indians did in fact come from Israel. No where else, even including the “intellects sacred cow” of the Alaskan ice bridge, shows up in these Eastern American Indians. Their language is also a dialect of Hebrew. Written and spoken. Among other things like: (my favorite!) The fact that any alter found in the USA in the East, only has a ramp, keeping the Law Of Moses, which does not occur anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere amongst any ancient civilizations, like in the Eastern part of North America! In other words, they kept their covenants with God regarding the building of their alters by using ramps, not stairs. Plus, these alters are made of unhewn stones, unlike the hewn stone “temples” found in Central and South America. This also was in keeping with the Law Of Moses, as they were a God fearing peoples! So, watch Brother Wayne May’s videos on YouTube and see for yourself. It’s overwhelmingly true that the BOM peoples were in the Eastern half of the USA and Canada, and NOT in Central America, or anywhere else! Another factoid: “we followed the big migrating animals…” Could only mean the Bison/Buffalo 🦬 of North America, or the Elk of the same place. South America has no large animal that migrates like our Bison/Buffalo or Elk do, here in the USA. NONE! That alone is impossible to place the location of the BOM occuring in Central or South America! Again, go check out Brother May’s videos on YouTube and be prepared to be blown away!
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