The Scholars are right

There has been a bit of discussion around the Internet about this Letter VII (7) nonsense and it’s connection to the Hill Cumorah.

We here at BookofMormonCentralAmerica know Cumorah is not in New York.

To clarify our position, we put together this table of authorities to help explain whom you should trust.

People who perpetuate a false tradition about Cumorah being in New York
People who teach the truth
Joseph Smith
LDS scholars who promote a Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon
Oliver Cowdery
LDS scholars who promote a Baja Californian setting for the Book of Mormon
David Whitmer
LDS scholars who promote a Panamanian setting for the Book of Mormon
Lucy Mack Smith
LDS scholars who promote a Peruvian setting for the Book of Mormon
Brigham Young
LDS scholars who promote a Chilean setting for the Book of Mormon
John Taylor 
Heber C. Kimball
Wilford Woodruff
Orson Pratt
Parley P. Pratt
Joseph F. Smith
Heber J. Grant
George Albert Smith
Joseph Fielding Smith
Marion G. Romney
Mark E. Peterson

True, there are some disagreements among LDS scholars in the right column, but they all agree on one thing: The Hill Cumorah cannot be in New York!

The best way for you to steer clear of the people in the left column is to stick with Book of Mormon Central. They run a wonderful website that frequently reinforces the non-New York Cumorah. Here’s the link:

Be sure to read the Interpreter, Meridian Magazine,, FairMormon, the Maxwell Institute, BYU Studies, and other web pages affiliated with Book of Mormon Central. Don’t read anything that contradicts or challenges the consensus of LDS scholars and educators who have been properly trained in the Mesoamerican ministry.

Source: About Central America

One thought on “The Scholars are right

  1. I just can’t understand why the Meso Scholars have it so wrong. How can Letter VII be denied? It is impossible. The Book of Mormon main events happened in the United States and Cumorah is in New York.

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