Yesterday, President Trump signed an Executive Order Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities.
What we need now is an Executive Order directing the M2C citation cartel to cease their censorship.
President Trump said, “People who are confident in their beliefs do not censor others. They welcome free, fair and open debate.”
At this blog, we’re confident of our beliefs. We not only don’t censor others’ ideas, we provide links to different points of view so readers can see for themselves what others believe and teach.
By contrast, the M2C citation cartel censors alternative ideas. They don’t want their readers to know about alternatives. They don’t want people to make informed choices.
They want people to think M2C is the only choice.
And they want people to think M2C has prophetic and Church support.
We’ve provided links to all the members of the M2C citation cartel, including Book of Mormon Central Censor, FairlyMormon, the Interpreter, BYU Studies, etc. We want our readers to know what the M2C proponents teach.
We’ve also provided readers with comparison tables to make it easier for them to compare the alternatives so they can make informed decisions.
For years, we’ve tried to work with the M2C citation cartel on a joint comparison table and other resources, but they’ve consistently refused.
Everyone who relies on the M2C citation cartel gets only censored information that supports M2C.
One characteristic of a hoax is censorship.
The M2C citation cartel makes a concerted effort to prevent students in CES and BYU classes from learning what the prophets have taught about the New York Cumorah.
Book of Mormon Central Censor is only the latest to join the censorship team. They refuse to offer readers any perspectives on Book of Mormon geography other than M2C.
And then they claim the prophets and the Church support their position.
FairlyMormon and the Interpreter do the same, along with Meridian Magazine, BYU Studies, etc.
Ultimately, censorship loses. More and more members of the Church are realizing that M2C can only persist by censoring information and ideas that contradict M2C.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
2 thoughts on “The M2C hoax – part 3 – censorship”
The censorship continues because this means all those people in South America and Central America aren’t descendants of the Lamanites like they have been told for years.
They may still have Lamanite blood–the Lehites spent 1000 years in the Promised land before the Nephites were destroyed, and we have less than 1% of all that happened among the millions of Lehites. Plus there were more than 1000 years between the destruction of the Nephites and Columbus, during which time the Lamanites could have spread far and wide. Many temple dedication prayers (which I believe to be received by revelation) contains references to Lehi’s descendants all over the Americas, in the United states, Canada, and Central America. So personally, I don’t see any problem with the events of the Book of Mormon taking place in North America and Central and South Americans having Lamanite blood.
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