NEW 2020 Books by Jonathan Neville –
A Man that Can Translate Joseph Smith and the Nephite Interpreters
Detailed new discoveries that explain: – How much of the Book of Mormon did Joseph translate before Oliver Cowdery arrived in Harmony? – Why did Joseph and Oliver say Joseph used the Urim and Thummim, while other say he used a seer stone? – What evidence is there that Joseph actually translated the plates?
Infinite Goodness: Joseph Smith, Jonathan Edwards, and the Book of Mormon
RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 13, 2020 Detailed new discoveries that explain: – How Joseph Smith translated the plates using his own language. – How the Book of Mormon fits directly within Christian tradition and fulfills the hopes and dreams of well-known Christian authors and ministers. – How the Book of Mormon is God’s gift to the entire world.
Between these Hills: A Case for the New York Cumorah
RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2020 A comprehensive discussion that explains: – Why Oliver Cowdery declared it was a fact that the final battles of the Jaredites and Nephites occurred in New York. – How the consistent teachings of the prophets about Cumorah has been corroborated by archaeology, anthropology, geography, and geology. – Why the New York Cumorah supports the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
2018 Moroni’s -America Facebook Here
NEW Nov 2017 – Why Mormons Need the Book of Mormon
214 Pages
This is a book for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons or LDS) that discusses how to better understand and use the Book of Mormon. Topics include “getting real,” the establishment of Zion, additional records to come forth, General Conference talks, amnesia, and “Grandmas and Wrestling.”
Whatever Happened to the Golden Plates?
192 Pages
The story of Joseph Smith and the golden plates is one of the best-known and most-recited accounts in Church history. However, new discoveries in Church history indicate that the traditional story has been incomplete. For example, in D&C 10 the Lord tells Joseph to translate the plates of Nephi—but he didn’t have those plates at the time. Nearly 25% of today’s Book of Mormon was translated from plates that Joseph did not get from Moroni’s stone box. The full story explains numerous details that have been ignored as strange and inexplicable. Now we see how they corroborate Joseph’s account and give us greater insights into what actually happened.
Moroni’s America
367 Pages
The debate over Book of Mormon historicity has been dominated in recent decades by an interpretation of the text that puts the “narrow neck of land” in Central America. However, that feature appears in only one isolated verse (Ether 10:20)—and it refers to a feature in western New York. Moroni’s America offers a new interpretation of the Book of Mormon text that is consistent with what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery taught. This chapter-by-chapter analysis places the events squarely in North America, with locations in Tennessee, Iowa, Ohio, and New York. It is a faith-affirming explanation of how Mormon and Moroni described the very promised land where the gospel was restored in the last days.
Moroni’s America-Pocket Edition
106 Pages
The “Pocket Edition” of Moroni’s America summarizes the main points of the full edition for those who want to learn the essentials but don’t need to know all the details. It’s the ideal introduction to the North American setting for the Book of Mormon. The “Pocket Edition” is intended for investigators, missionaries, and anyone interested in a new approach to understanding the Book of Mormon.
Moroni’s America-Maps Edition
140 Full-Color Maps showing the Book of Mormon in North America
Written by Rian Nelson and edited by Jonathan Neville author of Moroni’s America
“This book of maps, art, information and diagrams was inspired by the wonderful book by Jonathan Neville titled “Moroni’s America.” I was first taught and inspired about the Heartland Theory by my great friend Rod Meldrum. I want others to know
that the spiritual messages of the Book of Mormon are far more important than the geography. But I also believe the historical accuracy is critical to my full comprehension of the “most correct book” on the earth. Most agree that the Garden of Eden, Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and Cumorah were located in North America, and we know, “(the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent” AF 10. It “just makes sense” that the Book of Mormon history occurred in these great United States of America.
Follow the detailed journey of maps showing Lehi in Florida, Nephi in Tennessee, Mosiah in Missouri and Iowa, Captain Moroni in Illinois and Indiana, and the Savior’s visit to the Nephites in Ohio. Learn how the River Sidon is the Mississippi River of today. See the final battles of Mormon and Moroni near the Hill Cumorah. This will make your reading of the Book of Mormon come alive as you now can visualize the possible geography of the Nephites in North America.
Example Maps Below:
Letter VII: Oliver Cowdery’s Message to the World about the Hill Cumorah
Oliver Cowdery’s eight letters were the first published accounts of early Church history. Oliver wrote them with the assistance of Joseph Smith, who endorsed them on multiple occasions. These letters were ubiquitous when Joseph was alive, but today, few Church members have even heard of them. Letter VII explains that the Hill Cumorah in New York was the scene of the final battles of the Jaredites and Nephites and that Mormon’s repository (Mormon 6:6) was in that hill. In the 20th Century, LDS scholars have ignored Letter VII because it contradicts the popular theory that the Book of Mormon took place in Central America, but recent research reaffirms what Joseph and Oliver taught back in 1835.
Because of this Theory
349 Pages
This collection of blog posts from 2016-2017 covers a variety of issues related to about Book of Mormon geography and Church history. The title comes from a quotation by Joseph Fielding Smith, who warned the Saints that “because of this theory” of a Mexican Cumorah, members of the Church would become “confused and disturbed in their faith” in the Book of Mormon. The short chapters in this book look at the various ways in which President Smith’s warning has been realized in our day and suggests ways for members of the Church to deal with the repercussions.
Brought to Light
406 Pages
Anonymous editorials in the 1842 Times and Seasons have long been attributed to Joseph Smith, but new historical research indicates Joseph had nothing to do with them. This new analysis impacts important issues including Book of Mormon geography and the role of women in the Church. For example, an 1842 article titled “Try the Spirits” denigrated the standing of women. This book contains a detailed comparison between “Try the Spirits” and Benjamin Winchester’s Synopsis of the Holy Scriptures which shows that Winchester was the primary author of “Try the Spirits.” Joseph’s instructions to the Relief Society in April 1842 repudiate the message about women found in “Try the Spirits” and encourages women to develop and exercise their spiritual gifts.
The Lost City of Zarahemla
362 Pages
Joseph Smith was the nominal editor of the Times and Seasons from February through October 1842, but he actually had little to do with the newspaper. New evidence suggests his brother William Smith, who was publishing the Wasp from the same print shop, had a more active role at the Times and Seasons than previously recognized. Along with W.W. Phelps, William was the acting editor. One of his favorite authors was Benjamin Winchester. Benjamin Winchester’s reputation as a troublemaker in the Nauvoo era is well-known among Church historians, but his role as an unacknowledged author of many influential articles in the Times and Seasons has been largely unknown until now.
The Editors: Joseph, William and Don Carlos Smith
323 Pages
Editing a newspaper is a difficult task. The first few men chosen to edit and publish Church newspapers were excommunicated from the Church: W.W. Phelps, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Warren Cowdery. Recognizing the importance of accurate communications, Joseph named himself or his brothers William and Don Carlos as editors of the Elders’ Journal, the Times and Seasons, the Wasp, and the Prophet. This book re-assesses the role of each of these men at these highly influential publications, revealing surprising discoveries about who was actually editing and publishing the articles that set forth early Church history and doctrines.
116 Pages
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery unequivocally taught that Cumorah was in New York. All of their contemporaries taught the same. Every Church leader who has spoken about the issue in General Conference has reaffirmed the New York setting. Yet LDS scholars and educators developed a theory that the “real” Cumorah was in southern Mexico, that Mesoamerica was the setting for the Book of Mormon events, and that Joseph and Oliver were ignorant speculators who misled the Church about Cumorah being in New York. This book suggests the psychological reasons for the scholarly obsession with Mesoamerica and offers suggestions for how to undo the damage caused by Mesomania.
Before the World Finds Out
243 Pages
In this novel, Paul Rivers is a returned missionary who left the Church. He is dealing with a variety of life challenges when he meets a former missionary companion 25 years after their mission. As they discuss their lives, Paul realizes that many of the difficult and unanswered questions that led him away from the Church had been resolved in the years after he left. These included questions about Church history, Book of Mormon geography and historicity, and science vs. religion that many investigators and members of the Church, active and inactive, continue to struggle with.
Moroni’s America Map Book
New 5th Printing Available Now
140 pages, full color coil bound for easy reference 8″ x 10″
-Just $34.99 $29.95 HERE
The same map book is also available sent to you by email in pdf format
140 Maps of “The Book of Mormon in North America”
(ON CD) Download or Print
Purchase this new CD of maps, art, cartoons, and diagrams of the setting of the Book of Mormon in North America. See many of the territories, lands, cities, events and battles spoken of in the Book of Mormon with specific map detail. These maps follow the details of the amazing book “Moroni’s America” by Jonathan Neville. Just $9,95 HERE
Other Jonathan Neville Books
The Rule of Equity. A smart thriller about Native Americans reclaiming their rights in North America.
“Dan Brown meets Lee Child meets John Grisham… The Da Vinci Code of American history, with a stunning and satisfying ending that leaves readers wanting more!”
After centuries of genocide, relocation, and neglect, Native Americans watch as the government that oppressed them faces financial ruin, environmental catastrophe, and imminent social collapse. Hyrum Cobb, a brilliant Native American lawyer who heads the Bureau of Indian Affairs, devises a plan to reclaim America for his people—and for the benefit of all Americans. He has secretly assembled a coalition of powerful financial interests and friendly foreign allies, but he also has to persuade the American people—and overcome the fierce opposition of the entrenched elite in New York and Washington DC, who have the entire federal government at their disposal. Can he be stopped? Should he be stopped? The outcome will determine the course of American—and world—history.
Hyrum’s complex plan is jeopardized by a shocking murder in the nation’s capital that sends him on the run from the FBI. From deep cover, Hyrum uses a coded message to enlist a trusted, powerful friend to help him—Tom Madison, a continuing character from the series. A desperate race through Washington, D.C., New York City, and the little-known ancient ruins of North America ensues. Astonishing truths about Native Americans, concealed for centuries, are unveiled as the tribes seek to reassert sovereignty and restore the values of justice and equity toward all people and the natural world that allowed them to thrive in the land for thousands of years before the Europeans invaded.
The stunning conclusion satisfies—and leaves readers wanting more.
“A desperate race through Washington, D.C., New York City, and little-known ancient ruins of North America… Astonishing truths about Native Americans, concealed for centuries, are unveiled at last!”
A Perfect Mother. Set in the 1960s, Jane Madison fiercely defends her husband when the police arrest him for drowning a young girl. To protect her children and keep the family together, she’s prepared to lie for him—until she begins to suspect he might be guilty. Her conflicts with her in-laws, her husband’s defense attorney, and her neighbors (who already believe her husband is guilty) are nothing compared to her internal conflicts. She faces life-altering choices about how to best protect her children and preserver her own sanity.
For a list of all of Jonathan Nevilles Books, CLICK HERE
Heartland Humor has been created with the talent of World Famous LDS Cartoonist, Val Chadwick Bagley.
Val Chadwick Bagley is an American cartoonist and illustrator. He has illustrated many Latter-day Saint childrens books as well as regularly contributed cartoons to LDS magazines The New Era and The Friend. Although he is sometimes confused with Pat Bagley, editorial cartoonist for the Salt Lake Tribune, the two are not related.
Although he was raised in Southern California, Val Chadwick Bagley loves to tell people he’s from Wyoming, which is true….. Val was born in Afton, Wyoming where he lived with his parents until he was just 6 weeks old. His father then moved his family to Southern California where Val grew up.
Growing up in California, near Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm, was the perfect environment for Val to develop his artistic skills. With encouragement from his mother, he decorated a bulletin board at home each month. He’s been decorating, drawing, coloring and entertaining people ever since.
The opportunity to share his testimony, love of the Book of Mormon, and his engaging sense of humor has enabled him to use his talents to create several books and card games for the LDS market.
Val’s had many nicknames throughout his life but the one his wife loves the most is Valiant. He loves our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ; has a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon; a deep love and respect or the Prophet Joseph Smith and is grateful for the church and the solid foundation it is in his life. He is valiant in always giving his best and trying to do his best every day.
Sharing his testimony through art has blessed Val and his family as well as Latter-day Saint people worldwide.
If you have an idea that you think would be fun and accepted for the New Era, you can send it to Val at:
I love the imagery and majestic look of Arnold Friberg’s paintings depicting events in the Book of Mormon. They have had a huge impact of how I visualize the stories would have looked, and I’ve used them extensively to create my various children’s books and card games, as well as the many cartoons I’ve drawn for the New Era magazine over the past 35 years.
So when I was asked to draw cartoons that went against that whole line of thinking, I was very conflicted. (It would be like celebrating Christmas, with all of the holiday fun of reindeer and snowmen, on April 6th!). But the more I began researching the information of the Book of Mormon events taking place in North America, and especially from being a fan of NEPHITE EXPLORER, the more IT JUST MADE SENSE!
Now, I am an ardent believer in the Heartland Model and am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of sharing this exciting perspective of the marvelous work and a wonder, which is the Book of Mormon.
Val Chadwick Bagley THE CARTOONIST GUY