“I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put right: but only by going back til you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.”
For decades now, LDS intellectuals have been traveling down the road of the M2C hoax. Continuing along that road will lead only to further confusion and doubt.
The solution is to go back until we find the error; i.e., return to the origins of M2C among RLDS intellectuals who invented the two-Cumorahs theory in opposition to Joseph F. Smith and the other LDS prophets who reaffirmed the New York Cumorah.
These RLDS scholars rejected Letter VII and the teachings of the LDS prophets. Some LDS scholars in the early 1900s embraced the RLDS position over the objection of the LDS prophets. In the ensuing decades, through the academic cycle, these M2C intellectuals have persuaded generations of LDS members that the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah.
If, as Lewis suggests, we go back to this error and “work it afresh,” we will see that:
1. The prophets have consistently and persistently taught that Cumorah is in New York.
2. We don’t know for sure where other events in the Book of Mormon took place.
We can be sure that if people continue to repudiate the teachings of the prophets, and continue to conflate these two distinct teachings, confusion and doubt will continue to plague the Latter-day Saints–just as President Joseph Fielding Smith warned long ago.
But if we go back to the error and work it afresh, we will see that there is abundant physical and scientific evidence that supports the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. Confusion and doubt will evaporate.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
4 thoughts on “Starting over – C.S. Lewis”
Your introductory paragraph identifies a serious problem, “For decades now, the intellectuals have been traveling down the road of the M2C hoax. Continuing down that road will only lead to further confusion and doubt.” Seeing intellectuals embrace a model that is apostate to the teaching received by personal experience and revelation through Joseph Smith, the Prophet chosen to lead this dispensation, is incomprehensible. These are good people and members, but they rejected Joseph’s teaching and discounted his knowledge and understanding and moved to the ideas of the RLDS intellectuals that had no respect for Joseph. They rebelled against and became apostate to his understanding of the Book of Mormon geography.
How do eat an elephant? The weight of the M2C influence within the Church’s administrative offices is massive and is controlling the discussion and they don’t think they’re wrong. They don’t want the geography of the Book of Mormon to be discussed in any Church setting. With a new policy in place, they gain an advantage of limiting any discussion that may lead others to recognize what Joseph actually taught. You have brought the evidence of their censoring and telling partial truths to distort facts many times. There is no error in their minds. They are trying to strengthen their position. They are history revisionists and moving the story in their direction. They want to exist within the M2C bubble taught at BYU. How do you communicate that to them? Are there PhD’s that are meek and humble enough to go back and revisit their work considering the totality of the evidences that now exist?
Joseph knew of and gave and many wonderful evidences of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. If these members, intellectuals and employees, would acknowledge all of Joseph’s words and reject the M2C Hoax, how much growth in covert baptisms would we expect? I believe massive growth!! Since that growth has been prophesied, the changes will have to come soon.
I totally agree except to say M2C is a fallacy not a hoax. A hoax is “falsehood deliberately fabricated” and those who follow the M2C fallacy are sincere, as you rightfully point out, and not intending to deceive.
M2C Scholars who come up with arguments in publicly published articles to denounce early leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as being wrong about the Hill Cumorah being in New York, is not a scenario of sincerity. It’s a premeditated deliberate fraud.
I agree that M2C is a fallacy, but your last statement “and not intending to deceive” is up for discussion. Since the M2C cartel members are not willing to include historical discussion of Cumorah in a product such as “Saints”, I believe that there is an attempt at deception.
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