Ramps vs steps

According to the law of Moses, altars are supposed to have ramps, not stairs.

26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. (Exodus 20:26)

Recently, the discovery of an ancient Hebrew inscription, written on a lead plate and dating to the 14c BC, was published. This video discusses the significance of the find because it corroborates the Biblical account of Joshua.


One key to the discovery was the presence of a ramp, not stairs, leading to the altar.

This shows it was an Israelite site.

The divine name YHV from Mount Ebal, written in proto-alphabetic script.


remember in the torah it prescribed that this you could not have steps going up to the altar right it had to be a ramp

right and so a kosher altar had to be a ramp not steps now pagan

altars were always steps right so this is huge it’s huge it’s a ramp up to and

you have ash piles of only kosher animals i mean how much on the nose could you be and then for

so so that was you know it’s it’s a huge discovery but people know people here and i grew up in israel people didn’t talk about this

people didn’t know i mean this is probably one of the biggest discoveries in the land and people don’t

know about it why why people won’t know about this because

there’s so much politics and so much oppression to this and he he speaks about this in his book

first of all uh it was with archaeologists if the if the whole

science of archaeology and and biblical history say that joshua never existed


One reason scholars are skeptical that Nephites ever lived in Mesoamerica is that Mayan culture used steps, not ramps, for their altars. In North America, at least in Book of Mormon times, the ancient people built ramps.

Source: About Central America

3 thoughts on “Ramps vs steps

  1. https://archive.org/details/ancientmonuments00squi/page/n169/mode/2up depicts beautiful 50-foot long ramps on a 9-foot tall platform pyramid in Marietta, OH (Mound Builders). Two other platform pyramids are 8 and 6 feet tall with earthen ramps. A library is built on the 8-foot tall platform pyramid. This building style matches Exodus 20:24-26.

    24 ¶ An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt asacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.

    25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn astone: for if thou lift up thy btool upon it, thou hast polluted it.

    26 Neither shalt thou go up by asteps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not bdiscovered thereon.

    Now, fasten your seatbelt. I’m going to tell you something that you’ve never heard before. I first mentioned it at the April 2022 conference. We know there were over a million mounds or mound sites in ancient America. I believe that some of these mounds were created when the Law of Moses ended.

     I really believe the people at the time of Christ in America buried their Law of Moses altars and created a mound(s).
    1. It distanced them from the sacrificial altars
    2. Reduced any chance they would attempt the old practice,
    3. Served as a token reminder that the Law of Moses was over.

    Did Anti-Nephi-Lehies bury their weapons under a mound(s) as a token that they would not take up arms again?

    1. I’ve taken photos of that mound in Marietta, OH.

      Your idea of covering the altars makes sense.

  2. The large, oblong mound. A, had no stone graves in its upper layer, but a shaft sunk into its center, through its entire depth, revealed, near the bottom and close to the original surface of the earth, a hard, red, burned surface or altar, with ashes and charcoal resting on it. It appears that the mass of earth composing the mound had been erected upon the altar. P37

    See https://archive.org/details/antiquitiesoften00thru/page/36/mode/2up

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