Once someone gets a PhD…

 From Nate Silver’s twitter feed:

Nate Silver
This is not a subtweet of anyone in particular and it’s going to annoy some people since I have a lot of PhD followers/friends and also I’m a stubborn guy myself but…one thing I’m noticed is that once someone gets a PhD, it become 10x harder to convince them they’re wrong.


To this I would add, once someone is hired by a PhD, it becomes 20x harder to convince them they’re wrong.

And if they’re working on PhD themselves, it becomes 30x harder to convince them they’re wrong.

Exhibit A: the employees of Book of Mormon Central who troll faithful LDS who happen to disagree with M2C because they still believe the prophets.

Source: About Central America

One thought on “Once someone gets a PhD…

  1. In a conversation with some friends on a photography trip, the heartland model for the Book of Mormon came up. I proceeded to tell of the great research and ‘additional witnesses the Lord would provide to bear witness of the truth’, when one person brought up some information from his friend who had ‘credentials’ and knew that Rod Meldrum and others didn’t know what they were talking about and that they had no proof to back up their claims.
    I didn’t respond but the thought came to my mind of the scripture in 2 Nephi – they think they are wise.

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