Another contributor to M2C has been History of the Church.
Here’s one example:
25 June 1842 – The Prophet Joseph “sat for a drawing of my profile to be placed on a lithograph of the map of the city of Nauvoo.” He also mentions the work of “Messrs. Stephens and Catherwood” who have “succeeded in collecting in the interior of America a large amount of relics of the Nephites, or the ancient inhabitants of America treated of in the Book of Mormon” (History of the Church, 5:44).
This entry suggests Joseph actually read the Stephens book and approved it, but the entry is false. Our M2C scholars know this but they don’t tell people about it because it supports their M2C theory.
When your theory relies on a premise you know is false, I think it’s time to revisit the theory.
Here’s the explanation:
. & set for the drawing of
his profile. for Lithographing on city chart.<25> Saturday 25 Transacted business with Brother Hunter, and Mr. Babbitt and sat for a drawing of
my profile to be placed on a lithograph of the Map of the City of — Messrs. Stephens and Catherwood have succeeded in collecting in the Interior of, a large amount of relics of the Nephites, or the Ancient Inhabitants of
, treated of in the Book of Mormon, which have recently been landed in
Source: Book of Mormon Wars