Just to be clear… Of course the M2C intellectual are misleading the Saints.
If they weren’t trying to mislead the Saints, why would they engage in censorship?
The very purpose for censorship and citation cartels is to mislead people by withholding information from them so they cannot make informed choices.
Censorship arises when people and organizations know their ideas cannot withstand scrutiny and comparison to alternatives.
Book of Mormon Central Censor, for example, will never allow a side-by-side comparison of M2C and the North American setting (Heartland, Moroni’s America, etc.) because they know most Church member would reject M2C.
Naturally, everyone who works at Book of Mormon Central Censor supports this censorship.
Some use social media to promote M2C, thereby further misleading members of the Church.
M2C intellectuals and their followers want members of the Church to believe their M2C-inspired interpretation of the text is the only interpretation that is “plausible” because it represents the consensus of the intellectuals in the citation cartel. It’s absurd circular reasoning, and it’s no wonder people outside the M2C bubble don’t find it persuasive in the least, but people inside the M2C bubble love M2C because it confirms their M2C bias.
M2C intellectuals and their followers want members of the Church to believe the sciences (archaeology, anthropology, geology, geography, etc.) support only M2C. In reality, every theory of Book of Mormon geography relies on these sciences. That’s why the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah are essential.
And that’s why M2C intellectuals and their followers want members of the Church to believe the prophets have never taught the New York Cumorah. They don’t want anyone to read (let alone believe) Letter VII and the other consistent and persistent teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.
Hence, we get a carefully edited, M2C-compliant book such as Saints that censors the teachings of the prophets about Cumorah.
The only way they can maintain M2C is by censoring information that every member of the Church should know.
Manual that misleads English-reading LDS |
The classic example of misleading the Saints was the lesson manual titled Teachings of the Presidents of the Church–Joseph Smith.
The editing of the Wentworth letter in that manual is the best example of Orwellian tactics I can think of.
Manual that misleads French-reading LDS |
Here we have Joseph Smith himself, specifically requesting that his article be published “entire, ungarnished, and without misrepresentation,” but the Correlation Department specifically ignored Joseph’s directions.
No one can look at the Joseph Smith manual and not realize that whoever edited it misled the Latter-day Saints.
Manual that misleads German-reading LDS |
For millions of members of the Church around the world–especially those who do not read English–this manual is the main source of Joseph’s teachings. Consequently, millions of Latter-day Saints have been misled by that manual.
Manual that misleads Tagalog-reading LDS |
Now, millions of members of the Church will learn a revised version of Church history in the book Saints.
These unsuspecting members of the Church will never learn what the prophets have actually taught, just as they will never learn the key passages from the Wentworth letter that Joseph wanted everyone in the world–including every Church member–to know.
I favor using actual historical accounts instead of paraphrasing them to mislead members of the Church.
Manual that misleads Spanish-reading LDS |
Based on what comes out through the Correlation Department, I suspect we’ll see more and more censorship as the M2C intellectuals and their followers throughout the Church continue to mislead members of the Church to promote their M2C theories.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
One thought on “Misleading the Saints”
Thanks so very much for giving us this info. So very sad that we have ‘fault prophets’ in the church. BUT, we all have been warmed over and over again in all the standard works that these latter day will be corrupted with such ‘fault prophets’.
With that said, why cannot we copy and paste your articles such as this one be completed so we can have a copy? You do such a worthwhile undertaking for us and we need to be able to copy these articles for our family benefit and for those others who will listen.
Please give permission to copy you articles.
And thanks for ‘all’ you work and determination to ‘follow the prophet’. The most of all that is important. Look what happen after the last of Christ’ apostles was murdered — no longer prophets, revelation and the priesthood.
Carole Atkinson – a committed member of this church who will not allow fault prophets to led astray. Why we need individual warriors to help us weed through their corruption as well as finding the ‘follow the prophet, Joseph Smith’s revelation, etc’.
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