“Mike Parker” has asked me to remove, or at least modify, the observations I made last week after watching a youtube video produced by Bill Reel about his “Peter Pan” pseudonym. It’s a reasonable request that I’m honoring here, complete with his input that he asked me to address.
In one sense, I agree with Mike’s claim that Bill’s video is opportunistic and makes a mountain out of a molehill. Had Mike and his friends simply made one small (albeit childish) mistake within a larger context of honorable, above-board, cordial and scholarly discussion of issues, I would have ignored Bill’s video. Bill himself probably wouldn’t have bothered making the video in the first place.
But that is not the context in which Mike and his friends acted.
Instead, the activities Bill displays in his video are part of a long pattern of this brand of apologetics, egged on and promoted by Dan Peterson and others who should (and at some level surely do) know better. I assume Bill, as a former participant in these apologetic games, knows this all too well and thus made the decision to call out the behavior.
Because I hope Latter-day Saints generally, and those associated with the Interpreter specifically, will spurn the tactics and antics of the apologists documented in Bill’s video, I found it important to call attention to this persisting problem. Nothing in Mike’s response alters that decision. To the contrary, as you’ll see, Mike’s response demonstrates more of the same counterproductive brand of argument and accusation that is the rotten core of current LDS apologetics.
But fairness requires that his voice be heard, so here it is.
Background. The video explained the saga of “Peter Pan,” including the fraudulent, racist persona that a group of “Interpreters” (shorthand for people affiliated with the Interpreter) created as a subterfuge to hide the actual identity of the infamous “Peter Pan.”
Here’s the link: https://www.bookofmormoncentralamerica.com/2023/04/clown-world-m2c-citation-cartel-and.html
I had been aware of this “Peter Pan” but I didn’t know the full extent of the chicanery these clowns fine young scholars had concocted. And no less than Dan Peterson not only promoted the Peter Pan persona, but he perpetrated the fraud right in the pages of the Interpreter.
I still find it incredible, even for the Interpreter.
Before the video was released, I had received emails and text messages claiming that the identity of “Peter Pan” had been exposed, and it was Mike Parker. Over the years, several people have emailed me about their suspicions of the “real” identity of Peter Pan. I usually reply that I don’t care because (i) the pseudonym is apt since, like the blogger(s), Peter Pan is a boy who never grows up and (ii) I don’t read the blog anyway because the one time I did, it was so ridiculous I didn’t think any sentient reader would take it seriously.
Plus, I didn’t think then, and still don’t think now, that “Peter Pan” was only one person, although Mike Parker is now taking the fall for the charade.
During my podcast with Kerry Shirts, by which time the Mike Parker connection was widely known, someone asked if I would have lunch with Mike Parker and be friends. I said I would. I remembered that “Peter Pan” had once emailed me years earlier, so I emailed “Peter Pan” and suggested we have lunch when I was in Utah. “Peter Pan” declined.
After I posted my observations about the Bill Reel video, an individual emailed me from the “Peter Pan” account, claimed he was “Mike Parker,” and asked that I remove my blog post about Bill’s video. A series of emails ensued.
At this point, I don’t know who is emailing me as “Mike Parker.” As I mentioned, when I suggested we have lunch when I was in Utah, he refused. I suggested a phone call or zoom conference, but he refused. All I have to go by is an email address for “Peter Pan” and a series of emails by someone claiming to be “Mike Parker.”
I have good reason to question the identity of this individual(s). A couple of years ago, I received similarly aggressive and antagonistic emails from an individual who was using an obvious pseudonym (but not “Peter Pan”). We exchanged several messages as I explained my positions on various issues. I also explained that my responses would be the same regardless of who the person was. Eventually the individual identified himself as a well-known General Authority who has spoken in General Conference. He even gave me a link to his talk. I verified his identity through a mutual acquaintance. Fortunately, he is now emeritus so no one sustains him, but this is some of the history I’ve had with LDS pseudonyms.
At any rate, the “Mike Parker” who has been emailing me wants me to remove my blog post. I told him I’d be happy to correct any errors I made. Instead of working together on this, he posted another aggressively antagonistic criticism on his blog and expected me to read it. When I explained I don’t read his blog, he emailed me his post directly.
Because I agree that the real Mike Parker in Bill Reel’s video deserves to have his side considered, I’ll assume for purposes of this discussion that the “Mike Parker” who has been emailing me is the same Mike Parker featured in the video. But if the real Mike Parker someday surfaces and claims he had been impersonated by whomever wrote the “Peter Pan” emails, I won’t be surprised.
I’m posting the “Mike Parker” material here with a few comments for context. Readers can judge for themselves.
It’s long and tedious, but if I don’t address every point, my critics accuse me of “ignoring” their criticisms, so here goes.
Comments from “Mike Parker,” aka “Peter Pan.”
Bill Reel’s podcast
On April 14, 2023, ex-Mormon podcaster Bill Reel hosted a 2 hour and 46 minute (!) YouTube livestream with the intent to (from the video’s description) “expose the shocking story of how a group of 5 white LDS apologists fabricated and perpetuated a fictional black apologist, Richard Nygren, to provide cover for one of their own. Through detailed investigation and interviews with key players, we reveal the disturbing truth behind this deceitful act and its coverup as well as the impact it has on those involved and on the Mormon apologetic community.”
The truth behind Reel’s breathless hyperbole is not nearly as interesting or dramatic as he tried to make it, and none of the supposed “key players” responded to his requests for information (unless Reel was referring to Jonathan Neville, in which case I’m not surprised).
That didn’t stop Reel from “grinning ear to ear” when he found a story he could spin to attack and defame a few Latter-day Saints. And his lackeys naturally ate up everything he said, making equally reprehensible comments in the live chat, including some loathsome attempts to dox me by posting my home address.
Normally, I would just ignore Reel’s video—“don’t feed the trolls,” and so forth. These deranged lunatics are obsessed with destroying people who believe in the restored gospel, and they experience no twinge of conscience when they distort the truth.
But then Jonathan Neville jumped on Bill Reel’s bandwagon.
Jonathan Neville promotes Bill Reel’s video
Jonathan Neville—who refuses to read anything I’ve written or to watch my interview with Robert Boylan—was apparently more than happy to watch Bill Reel’s podcast, because he posted about it on his blog.
In his blog post, Neville asserted:
Prominent members of the citation cartel concocted, promoted and perpetuated a fake blogger persona named ‘Peter Pan’ to attack me on an ad hominem blog that ridicules my family name.
Just about every word of that sentence is false.
- There were no “prominent members” of anything involved with the creation and maintaining of this blog; it was solely my idea, and I alone am responsible for it.
- By “promoted,” Neville is referring to Daniel Peterson sharing links to this blog on his own site from time to time. He did this not because he’s been involved in the creation or operation of this blog, but because Jonathan Neville has attacked him and other scholars with weird claims that they’re part of some conspiracy to promulgate “M2C” within the Church.
- If Neville wants to call writing a blog under a pseudonym using “a fake blogger persona,” then I’m afraid to tell him that many blogs are pseudonymous, many famous authors have written under pseudonyms, and even many early American Founders wrote pseudonymously. (I certainly don’t consider this blog to be on the level of Thomas Paine’s anonymously published Common Sense, of course.) As I’ve stated before, I used a pseudonym to protect myself from unstable people—a decision that has now proven itself to be prophetic, as I’ll explain in a moment.
- To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never “attacked” Jonathan Neville on this blog. I’ve at times been sarcastic or snarky, but I’ve always tried to focus on his claims and assertions, not on his person. If anyone can give me examples of where I’ve “attacked” him, please let me know in the comments below; if there are legitimate examples, I’ll gladly remove them and apologize.
- The name of this blog is not “ad hominem,” because that’s not what ad hominem means.
- This is the first time that Neville has alleged that the name Neville-Neville Land “ridicules [his] family name.” It’s strange that he’s waited this long to make an issue about it; this blog has existed for over four years, and only now he’s bringing this up? It seems to me that he’s desperately seeking some opportunity to criticize me.
Amid his many other claims, Neville also asserted in his blog post:
For years, these guys have been falsely accusing Heartlanders of racist motives when it is they themselves who used a phony and racist persona to mislead their own readers and followers (and donors, in the case of Dan Peterson).
This is a rather audacious claim, considering that Rian Nelson on the FIRM Foundation’s blog has made repeated antisemitic statements, statements that Neville himself has shrugged off by writing, “Lots of people think crazy things, and normally that doesn’t matter because we recognize that none of us is perfect.”
Neither Jonathan Neville nor Bill Reel cared when the FIRM Foundation was posting vile, racist antisemitism on a regular basis.
One could reasonably accuse Reel and Neville of being nothing more than deplorable opportunists.
And, as I’ve already stated, I’ve never used a “racist persona” in any way on any platform. Claims that I or anyone I know has done so are absolutely false.
My personal request to Jonathan Neville
After I saw Neville’s blog post, I sent him the following email on April 18, 2023. I asked him to not share this message online out of respect for my family’s privacy, but unfortunately I’m now forced to post it publicly to provide context for Neville’s response. (I’ve made a few slight changes to my email to remove some sensitive, personal information about my family. The message and intent of the email has not been altered. You can read a screenshot of my email, with redactions.)
Brother Neville,
I notice that you have blogged approvingly about Bill Reel’s video about me.
Setting Reel’s egregiously false spin on these events aside for the moment, his video invades my privacy by discussing in general terms where I live and work. (He lives in the same part of Southern Utah that I do.) Several comments in his YouTube video have tried to dox me by providing my home address and links to information about me on my employer’s website.
I have already received several harassing messages from people who have seen the video. These I can deal with, but they have troubled my family members. They have been terrified by what sound like threats and worried about disturbed individuals showing up at our home uninvited.
I’ve already reported Reel’s YouTube video as harassing me, but it seems unlikely that they’ll do anything about it.
I’m asking you, as a fellow Latter-day Saint and on behalf of my family, to please remove your blog posts linking to Reel’s video. The less advertisement his salacious trash can get, the better.
Kind regards,
Mike Parker
Jonathan Neville’s response and attempt to blackmail me
Neville so far responded to my email three times. The first reply came on the afternoon of April 18th. (I’ve made two slight changes to his email to remove some sensitive, personal information about my family. The message and intent of the email has not been altered. You can read a screenshot of his email, with redactions.)
I certainly won’t say anything about your email here (although you felt free to publicize my private email to you), but I can’t tell if you’re serious in your request about deleting my post.
I’m sorry for your family members’ distress, but you didn’t care about the impact of your blog on my family, did you? For years, you and Dan have been ridiculing my family name. None of my children, extended family, friends, ward members, or anyone outside of your Interpreters pals thought you were funny, cute or clever (or honorable, Christian, etc.).
If you completely delete your blog, and ask Dan (and the rest of the Interpreters) to do the same with his (their) links to it, I would gladly remove my blog post because then I would have no reason to leave up my posts and links to Bill’s video that explains your blog and alter ego (Peter Pan). I could unwind my observations about Dan as well.
Then, if you’re willing, we could have a cordial and brotherly exchange of views on a neutral site. I would welcome that. And I’m sure our Church leaders would be relieved, as well.
What do you think?
Thirteen minutes letter, he followed up with another short message. (This has not been edited in any way. You can read a screenshot of his email.)
BTW, your email was timely. I was about to upload a follow-up post on all of this. I’ll defer that, pending your response.
Jonathan Neville does not seemingly recognize any distinctive difference between a pun that he finds personally offensive and a video that distorts the truth and exposes me and my family to unbalanced individuals who may wish to harm us. Got it.
But it gets worse. On the morning of April 19, 2023, he emailed me again with the subject “Decision time”. (This has not been edited, except to redact his personal phone number. You can read a screenshot of his email, with phone number redacated.)
Hi Mike. I postponed my follow-up in post light of your request, but I have to assume your silence means you don’t want to work through this.
You may think this is all about your southern Utah dispute with Bill Reel, but thanks to Dan Peterson’s promotion of your blog, I’ve heard about Peter Pan from as far away as Europe and Australia. People deserve to know the background as Bill explained it. Unfortunately, the critics are having a field day with it. Your Peter Pan stunt has managed to give Bill a lot of credibility by reinforcing the stereotypes of LDS apologists, while making Dan and the rest of the Interpreters look like racist fools. Bill has had over 8,000 views in just 4 days, which makes it one of his biggest videos so far, and John Dehlin will undoubtedly do an episode.
This can go two ways, your choice.
One, I can accept the invites I’ve already had and do more podcasts, blogs, etc. From my perspective, the whole “Peter Pan” fiasco epitomizes the problems with the Dan Peterson approach to apologetics, so I’m happy to discuss the topic until that changes.
Two, we can use this situation as a path to reconciliation, eliminate the contention, and discuss the issues in a reasonable, friendly, cordial way that models the “unity in diversity” approach I’ve been seeking all along. That would defuse the critics and demonstrate a new, healthy, noncontentious form of apologetics.
Your choice.
What do you want to do?
Call me any time. 801-███-████.
“This can go two ways, your choice.”
Jonathan Neville has explicitly threatened me that, unless I delete my entire blog, he’ll go on anti-Mormon podcasts and attack me and my character. Not to rebut my arguments or refute my claims, but to promote the false narrative about me “as Bill [Reel] explained it.”
For years, Neville and his associates have misrepresented and abused fellow Latter-day Saints. He’s been dishonest and stabbed people in the back whenever they have tried to open a dialog with him. Now he’s allowing himself to be used as a tool by anti-Mormon critics who want to destroy everything he supposedly believes just to get back at me for supposedly hurting his feelings. This tells me everything I need to know about his moral character.
Jonathan Neville and Bill Reel accuse me of being a racist because of a joke that I myself didn’t make, didn’t repeat, and didn’t do anything to disseminate. Meanwhile, Neville has hand-waved away explicit and repeated antisemitic statements made by one of his own friends and associates with the excuse that “people are complicated.” His hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Mr. Neville: Please go ahead and ally yourself with anti-Mormons; this will help people like me warn the Saints about what kind of person you really are.
Another non-attack, apparently…. This is typical of the other “non attacks” Mike has made in the excerpts people have sent me over the years.
The blog stays up.
Mike Parker [“Peter Pan”]
Source: About Central America
2 thoughts on “"Mike Parker" responds to Bill Reel”
Thanks Johnathan
EZ to Fallow and understand, Masterfully crafted..
By there fruits you shall know what they are..
Jonathan, thank you for taking this on. I am so thankful that you are will to do this. My the Lord bless you that we may find a way to discuss the issues and not have disputation among us
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