Mexico City temple dedication

The M2C citation cartel made a point recently about the original dedication of the Mexico City temple, in which President Hinckley referred to the children of Lehi.

Of course, the modern locations of descendants of Lehi has little to do with where Book of Mormon events took place thousands of years ago. Hundreds of years after Moroni buried the plates in New York, the Mayan civilization collapsed. Some of them came north, intermarried with Lamanites in North America for several hundred years, then returned to Central America.

I blogged about this topic a while ago:

If you’re interested in seeing what the M2C citation cartel is trying to say, go here:

Source: Book of Mormon Wars

2 thoughts on “Mexico City temple dedication

  1. So I guess that the nephite mayans went all the way to cardston alberta canada, for the descendants of lehi were also mentioned in that temple dedication. Or Lehi is just as interested in this work as I am, for I too go and visit temple dedication in areas that I am not from,JUST SAYING!!!!!

  2. I’ve had very good reason to believe my ancestors from Sweden and the British Isles have been present at times in special family gatherings held in the temple. Some of them never set foot in this country while in mortality. Obviously that didn’t stop their love for or concern over their descendants that now live here.

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