When we were there, La Reunion was mostly shut down by protesters blocking the roads. I took these photos so you can see the large trucks and equipment blocking the freeways. The protesters wore the yellow jackets worn by police.
The protesters would let a few cars through every now and then. We had to drive slowly and carefully to negotiate the narrow passages they created through the parked trucks.
It is total anarchy. These protesters do whatever they want. They seemed to get a kick out of directing traffic as though they were the police.
On the smaller roads, the Yellow Jackets allowed their friends and family through, but everyone else had to wait until they got around to letting a car through. At one blockage, they let one car through every 4 minutes.
I took this picture when I was at the front of the line, waiting for the protester to open the gate so I could get through.
At one “blockage” I spoke with the protester in French. I asked why he was blocking me. He said he wasn’t blocking me, but Macron was. It was a fascinating conversation about his perception of reality.
The blockage was so disruptive that we couldn’t get to our hotel in the mountains. We ended up at an airbnb, which was fun anyway, but the entire island is basically shut down. Fortunately, the airport operated with only a few flights canceled so we were able to leave. We got to the airport early in the morning, before the “manifestations” started for the day, but we saw people hauling their luggage to and fro on foot because one of the biggest blockages was at the airport exits from the freeway.
What does this have to do with M2C*?
M2C represents anarchy in the Church.
Thanks to M2C, we have BYU and CES teachers telling students that the prophets are wrong when they disagree with the intellectuals.
We have one of the most influential BYU professors teaching his readers in Mormon’s Codex that the teachings of the prophets and apostles about the New York Cumorah are “manifestly absurd.”
And we have a Gospel Topics Essay, written by M2C intellectuals, that links specifically to that book.
It’s pretty easy to understand how chaotic it is for students to have their BYU and CES teachers telling them the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah. When these intellectuals repudiate the consistent and persistent teachings of the prophets and apostles, we have anarchy.
On this blog, I focus on the issue of the New York Cumorah, but that’s just one example. The principle of intellectuals asserting superiority over the prophets is far more widespread.
The M2C intellectuals are the Yellow Jackets of the Church.
They have appointed themselves the gatekeepers of the Book of Mormon.
They created the citation cartel to enforce their views and make sure members of the Church learn only what they, the Yellow Jackets, deem is consistent with M2C.
They claim the “dead prophets,” including Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, and every prophet and apostle who has ever addressed the issue, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference, was wrong about the New York Cumorah,
They claim the living prophets have hired them, the Yellow Jackets, to guide the Church.
They created Book of Mormon Central Censor as a repository and resource for all things M2C.
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BYU Fantasy map that teaches students the prophets and apostles are wrong about the New York Cumorah |
(Lately some have taken exception to my observations here, but you can see this for yourself. I’m not naming any individuals; this is a question of what people are teaching. You can try it yourself. Ask a BYU or CES teacher about the New York Cumorah. He or she will tell you the prophets were wrong. Otherwise, they wouldn’t use the fantasy map. Look at BYU Studies, FairlyMormon, the Interpreter, Book of Mormon Central Censor, or any of the other members of the M2C citation cartel. They all say the prophets were wrong. They have to. Otherwise, they’d have to accept the New York Cumorah instead of M2C.)
I think the Yellow Jackets of the Church–the M2C enforcers and their followers, including the censors at Book of Mormon Central Censor–are blocking the progress of the Church just as much as these protesters blocked the roads in La Reunion (and France).
We’ll look at specific examples in upcoming posts.
*M2C is the acronym for the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory that teaches the prophets were wrong about the New York Cumorah. Instead, according to M2C, the “real” Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is somewhere in Southern Mexico. If you read their work, they tell each other that Cumorah is really a mountain, not a hill, and it’s on the east coast of southern Mexico near the “hourglass” shape of the “narrow neck.” This is how they portray it on the fantasy maps, too.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
One thought on “M2C, Anarchy, and the Church’s future”
I have been studying President Joseph Fielding Smith’s teachings on the Hill Cumorah and the geography of the Book of Mormon. I sounds like to me up until the day of this wonderful prophet that the church did indeed teach that the Book of Mormon took place in the current boundaries of the United States of America. The following is a quote from Volume III of Doctrines of Salvation page 233 under the heading LOCALE OF CUMORAH, RAMAH, AND RIPLIANCUM – For those who have not seen this book, it is a compilation of writings of President Joseph Fielding Smith and compiled by Bruce R. McConkie.
“This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these placed could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case.”
President Smith was very certain that the Church’s stand, its teachings, certainly indicated that the Book of Mormon took place within the boundaries of the United States. So why suddenly are being told that the Church is neutral?
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