LDS mental health and M2C/SITH

In the pursuit of clarity, charity and understanding, let’s look at the real-world impact of M2C and SITH (see definitions of acronyms here).

[See also]

An article in the Deseret News discusses mental health among Latter-day Saints.

The article doesn’t mention cognitive dissonance per se, but we all know it’s a common psychological issue.

Among Latter-day Saints, one area of cognitive dissonance involves the all/some/none approach toward the teachings of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. 

Those who accept all or none of what they taught avoid cognitive dissonance.

But those who accept only some of what they taught exhibit cognitive dissonance, as we see among those promoting SITH and M2C.

We’ve looked at many examples of this M2C/SITH cognitive dissonance on this blog, but the biggest “tell” is how Book of Mormon Central continues to promote M2C exclusively, based on their adamant insistence that Joseph and Oliver (and their contemporaries and successors) were all “wrong” about the New York Cumorah.

Here’s their Spanish-language website promoting M2C:

They wouldn’t dare publish this in English because then all their rich American donors would realize how directly Book of Mormon Central rejects the Church’s position of neutrality about geography.

Think of the degree of cognitive dissonance BMC exhibits when they post things in Spanish that they would never post in English. 

But they did once offer a cruise in support of M2C…

Source: About Central America

One thought on “LDS mental health and M2C/SITH

  1. At their recent conference with FAIR Mormon, they brought in a hitman to do character assassination on Wayne May and those who were believers in the Heartland Geographical Model. This hit man mocked us because we believe in Adam and Eve. I was shaking my head in disbelief. The are organic evolutionist and do not realize that ship is sinking. Many of them believe the Book of Mormon is only metaphorical, which means Moroni is only a fairytale and could not have appears to Joseph Smith, so the church is a hoax by their beliefs. Their day is soon coming when the Lord will deal with their atheistic theories.

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