The June 2018 Ensign has a wonderful short article titled “United in Doing Good.” It fits well with the “summer of love theme.”
The article includes excerpts from Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845, and the Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, including Emma Smith’s observation about “the necessity of being united among ourselves.” The article notes that “President E. Smith … rose and said that measures to promote union in this society must be carefully attended to.”
The summer of love is an ideal time to contemplate unity. Church members seek complete unity and harmony as we minister to one another and to the world at large.
But, as Emma also said, we need to “deal frankly with each other.”
And, frankly, there is an ongoing obstacle to unity in the Church, found right in this Ensign.
It concerns the Book of Mormon, and the ongoing efforts by the Church History Department (CHD) to revise Church history to promote M2C.* CHD appears to be colluding with the efforts of BYU/CES to teach the Saints that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah.
This is part of a pattern of conduct, enforced by the Correlation Department, to censor references in Church history that contradict the prevailing M2C narrative. We’ve seen it in lesson manuals (e.g., here, where they edited the Wentworth letter), artwork, media, and visitors centers.
Now we have the Ensign itself censoring a key reference to the hill Cumorah in New York.
How can we achieve unity when employees at BYU/CES/COB are teaching the youth, and the world at large, that the prophets are wrong?
The same June 2018 Ensign that contains Emma’s comments about unity also contains a chapter from the new Church history book Saints that misleads the Saints about an important event in the life of Joseph Smith.
Much of what we discuss on this blog can be chalked up to ignorance about what the prophets have taught, which is understandable because LDS intellectuals have done everything possible to suppress Letter VII and the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah.
But today we’re going to look at what appears to be a deliberate effort by the Church History Department to mislead members of the Church by (i) inaccurately paraphrasing an important account in Church history and (ii) omitting critical information from that account.
NOTE: new readers who are not familiar with the M2C academic cycle that has caused this problem can read the background in the last section of this post.
Now, we ask, how is the Church History Department misleading the Saints about Cumorah, and why are they doing it?
One would think the Church History Department would be neutral on the topic of Book of Mormon geography, but the employees there are close colleagues of the M2C promoters at BYU/CES and they are doing what they can to enable their colleagues to promote M2C.
I showed an example from the April Ensign, but the June Ensign is the most egregious (so far).
This chapter, titled “Be Watchful,” covers the events leading up to the time when Joseph obtained the plates. At one point, the chapter relates an account of Joseph being chastised.
The notes to Lucy’s History explain that this 1844 version was a rough draft:
, the mother of Joseph Smith, dictated a rough draft version of her history to Martha Jane Knowlton Coray (with some additional scribal help from Martha’s husband,
) beginning in 1844 and concluding in 1845. In 1845, the Corays inscribed this fair copy of the history under Lucy’s direction.
Naturally, you wonder, why doesn’t the Church History Department cite the revised version, the one in which Lucy corrected the early draft?
She provides more details and instead of having Moroni tell Joseph he is “negligent,” she quotes Joseph as saying the angel told him he “had not been engaged enough in the work of the Lord.”
Significantly, she also quotes him saying this happened “as I passed by the hill of Cumorah, where the plates are.”
The basic premise for M2C is that the “hill in New York” was not really Cumorah. Instead, the M2C intellectuals claim, the hill in New York was mistakenly labeled Cumorah by early Saints, and Joseph passively adopted this false tradition, thereby misleading the Saints. All the prophets who have affirmed the New York Cumorah were also wrong, according to these intellectuals.
But here, Lucy recalled that Joseph referred to Cumorah, by name, before he even obtained the plates. He could only have learned this from Moroni.
Here is the later, corrected version from 1845:
Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845 The revision that quotes Joseph referring to Cumorah before he even got the plates is not mentioned, quoted or cited in Saints. |
Presently he smiled, and said in a very calm tone, “I have taken the severest chastisement, that I have ever had in my life”.
The employees in the Church History Department know full well how significant Lucy’s revised history is. They know that their colleagues at BYU/CES/COB, especially the Correlation Department, are insisting that Cumorah cannot be in New York. That’s why we have the M2C display in the Visitors Center on Temple Square.
But they also know that Lucy’s revised statement completely contradicts M2C.
They don’t want members of the Church to even know about it.
Even people fairly familiar with Church history would have passed this by unawares. The millions of Church members around the world, in all languages, plus future generations, have no hope of learning the truth when the Church History Department is deliberately suppressing and changing Church history this way.
It’s possible Lucy knew what Oliver was teaching, but she didn’t get it from Pratt’s autobiography because it was not published until many years after this 1845 version of Lucy’s account was written.
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The academic cycle: how students learn to repudiate the prophets |
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Mormon abridging a Mayan codex |
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
2 thoughts on “June 2018 Ensign – Unity, but why is Church History Department misleading the Saints about Cumorah?”
Thank you for this. I hear people say that Joseph never used the term cumorah and I know this is not true, so it is nice to see a sited case of it. Would you be willing to send more examples of Joseph using or stating the Cumorah. I like it be able to quote this when I am having a conversation about what the prophets have taught about the geography of the B.O.M.
The most common one is D&C 128:20, of course. But Joseph also helped write President Cowdery’s letters, including Letter VII. And, when the messenger told David Whitmer he was taking the Harmony plates to Cumorah (this was the first time David ever heard that word), Joseph told David it was the messenger who had the plates.
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