Brother John W. (Jack) Welch is the Chairman of Book of Mormon Central. He’s also a lawyer, so he’d be the natural one to make this explanation. But there are plenty of other lawyers who promote M2C.
Come to think of it, Book of Mormon Central is only one part of the citation cartel. The entire cartel is going to need a platoon of lawyers to explain to the prophets how they were wrong.
Here’s how I envision that happening.
“But you were all ignorant speculators who misled the Church,” the lawyer insists. |
This graphic shows the lawyer arguing the M2C case to a panel of the prophets, sitting as Supreme Court judges.
I could only fit a few of the prophets who have taught the New York Cumorah, but there’s no need to show all of them. They have consistently and persistently taught that Cumorah is in New York. No prophet has disagreed or even questioned their teaching.
Only the M2C intellectuals have.
I wouldn’t want to be the lawyer who has to try to persuade the prophets they were wrong.
Especially since the M2C case is based on illusory correspondences and strained interpretations of the text.
I don’t think these judges will rule in favor of Book of Mormon Central, but apparently a lot of employees at BYU/CES/COB do. The citation cartel is so confident that they censor any contrary views, especially the views of those who believe the prophets.
Book of Mormon Central will also answer to the thousands of youth in the Church whom they have taught to disbelieve the prophets, but that crowd is much, much too large to depict on the bench.
Evidence: fantasy map used to repudiate the prophets, taught by BYU/CES |
Evidence: fantasy map used to repudiate the prophets, taught by BYU Studies, edited by Jack Welch |
Take a look at all the members of the M2C citation cartel who are collaborating to teach the youth in the Church that the prophets are wrong:
This isn’t even a full list of the citation cartel. You can see more of them here:
and here:
The M2C lawyer is going to be quite busy, no doubt.
Source: Book of Mormon Wars
2 thoughts on “Jack Welch tells the prophets they are wrong”
Joseph and Oliver’s testimony is surely enough for me- added to by the words of Brigham Young, Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith and other prophets. But one I think few can MISUNDERSTAND was given by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson: “Many great events have transpired in this land of destiny. This was the place where Adam dwealt; this was the place where the Garden of Eden was located. It was here that Adam met with a body of great High Priests at Adam-ondi-Ahmen shortly before his death and gave them his final blessing. and the place to which he will return to meet with the leaders of his people. This was the place of three former civilizations: Adams, the Jaredite and the Nephite.. This was also the place where our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph Smith, inaugurating this great and last dispensation.
“The Lord has also decreed that this land should be ‘the place of the New Jerusalem..which should come down out of heaven.. . .the holy sanctuary of the Lord’ (Ether 13:3). Here is our nation’s destiny! To serve God’s eternal purposes and to prepare this land and people for America’s eventual destiny, he ‘ established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men, whom [he] raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood’ (D&C 101:80).
“No man, however brilliant and perceptive, shall have a complete perspective of our nation’s history without this understanding and conviction. He must be persuaded by God’s truth if he is to obtain a true and complete picture of our nation’s origin and destiny. Secular scholarship, though useful, provides an incomplete and sometimes inaccurate view of our history. The real story of America is one which shows the hand of God in our nation’s beginning.”
Wonderful, Thanks Leslie.
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