warrior cats gathering call

Four Cats & Warrior Cats Logo - Embroidered Patch Set. I hope it won't be me, but I've got be ready for it anyway. Firestar reports Tallstar's death, and he named Onewhisker his successor. Based on the novel series by Erin Hunter, Warrior Cats (2023) is a movie that follows the adventure of an ordinary house cat named Rusty as he ventures into what lies beyond his comfortable home. --Foxstar & SteppeClan, Patchwhisker, having entered with the rest of his Clan, glanced around for the other Clans. !Coleccin de Cartas MTG para coleccionistas y/o jugadores!! Prey is plentiful in the pinewoods. Well, its obvious your uncle doesn't like the idea. She lowered her voice. Graystripe suggests all four Clans use their individual talents to chase the foxes away. WindClan has had good hunting and are ready for the coming season. Redpaw started spinning around frantically, looking for the scary thing. Can you. follow me for a sec -. Wouldnt that mean more moths to feed? - Wolfy, Raggedpaw gritted his teeth, as he returned next to Wolfy, he muttered. RiverClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. is not . (If anyone wanna talk to him, thats fine-) -Wolfy, Blazepaw sighed looking around her to hopefully find Iceheart,"I Kinda want to stay by the side of one of my clan-mates,Nettlesoar and Fadingstorm are busy,RosepawI don't think she would like me hanging out with her,Iceheart and Talonpaw are my options i guess..I'll look for Iceheart" Blazepaw said as she talk to herself in her head,she then went to find Iceheart- LovableBlazepaw, Mossfeather nodded at Drizzlepaw to come closer to her. (Medicine cat apprentice's name), from the moment on, you will be known as (Medicine cat apprentice's new name). Bestseller. "That's alright, clan names are certainly very weird. - Ripplestar & CliffClan, Blazepaw walked in along with her clan staying close to Iceheart, "Maybe now is the time to make friends from other clans! -- Rainstar, Spotpaw hid among his clanmates, fumbling around his paws nervously. [3] In the forest, this meeting was held at Fourtrees,[4] while at the lake, this place has been moved to the island. "I don't know if I recognise you. Make the High Rock. i wonder who will be chosen.I could think of some cats that would make sense" Petunia looked up and noticed Bloompaw, She gave her a warm smile "Hopefully not Bloompaw,Are Friendship is to Inportent"-Petuniaheart, Bloompaw smiled to Petuniaheart when they met gazes, she wished with everything she wouldnt ever leave her side, even as a medicine cat, she cant have kits, why should starclan care if she was in love? "Y-yeah, that. CW;; Death, blood, mild gore. (Apprentice's name), from this moment on, you will be known as (apprentice's new warrior name). Raggedpaw narrowed his eyes as he padded away then stopped. Foggypaw leaped back what-! The marbled tabby spoke up, directing his attention towards the gathered leaders. They have trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help they will serve their Clan for many moons. You're from SteppeClan, right? So, Lionpaw approached the stranger, moving with the confidence of a typical MoonClanner. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. of all catsthis is great i can help but.." Blazepaw sighed and looked back to her paws-Blazepaw and Petunia, Iceheart gasped. What was this? A Gathering is a meeting of the Clans and is held on the night of a full moon. lol) - Wolfy, (Lol sure) Petunia turned to see Wolfy a cat of Lakeclan,Who she wasn't to familiar with "Hello! It was clear two cats perhaps had to go, surely she couldnt, not even to answer the calling of the wild, she had too many things under her paws. Im Rosepaw. She meowed politely. - Raggedpaw & Bloompaw, Rosepaw started to the front of the crowd. RiverClan still hunts on WindClan's land. Im sure MoonClan wont want all three clans coming down on them. [Extra: Do not run away as it can be very annoying and no one cares to come after you!]. Perhaps CliffClan is enduring some sort of sickness? He turned to see some moony lookin MoonClan cat. Firestar passes on the news about a badger at Snakerocks. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she/he is. This kind of biography gives you more room to add more traits and information about your OC. Patrols usually consist of 3-4 warriors and 2 apprentices. -Larchtail and Dustshine, Hollyflight beckoned for Robinpaw to go meet with the other apprentices. Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. ShadowClan still wants its territory back and agrees that SkyClan should leave. They always do anyway. It is what your character would sound like (ex. Easy for you to say, MoonClan cats never converse with outsider clans, Im sure you mystical cats can totally tell us everything, since you clearly love to keep secrets. He yawned, Foggypaw hissed. Leafstar thanks Bramblestar for letting Leafpool stay with SkyClan for a while. -- Fadingstorm, "I'm Lionpaw," the big red tom decided to introduce himself to the brown-and-white tabby, who blinked away her surprise and welcomed his greeting with a wide grin. Meanwhile, among the MoonClan cats, Dustshine watched her apprentice go off before going to seek out some cats to talk to herself. Prey is running. He was. quite large. He reveals WindClan still struggles against the stoats, and accepts the other Clans' offer to help. Only Rowanstar, Tigerheart, and Tawnypelt attend the Gathering. 13 0. bio temp ii. They are oftentimes tired, but very loving and protective toward their kits, even when they become apprentices, and so on. Rosepaw dared go against STarClan? The leader, the deputy, the medicine cat and their apprentice - if they have one - several warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders participate from each Clan. Such a flirter. She gulped. A grassy ridge with a stream, surrounded by oak and pine trees. -Hollyflight, Wolfy tried his best to stay with Hollyflight, and pushed his way through the cats over to her and her son. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, "All is well with CliffClan. --Foxstar & Patchwhisker, At the leader's glare, Nettlesoar's ears perked. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. || he was growling and lashing his tail || {the leader nods and looks thoughtful for a moment}. As said in the Warrior Code there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. No, no, no, don't worry about that - he's nice. WindClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. They are usually in their Twoleg place or exploring outside. cat 1 tries to convince their friend, cat 2, that they're fine and . His ears raised, and the leader quickly batted it off with a paw. "You can stop looking at that fur tuft." Deputy: The Clan deputy is also a high rank in the Clan. Leader: I, [leader], leader of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. Some cats she did, and didnt know. -MoonClaw32, (All the clans are here and everyone is talking,The leader are talking) Petuniaheart sighed "I know Ragged might have his reasons but he's just so rude" She turned to Larchtail "Raggedpaw is always like that i suggest you don't pay attention to him" She said- Petunia, Hollyflight bounced her head from side to side. Ragged paw scoffed. They are starting border patrols around the entire lake. - Raggy, "Evening," Rainstar greeted her fellow leader with a respectful dip of her head, glancing over at her clan. - Raggedpaw & Bloompaw, Petuniaheart felt weird within the place of the gathering even tho she had been part of Lakeclan for awhile she felt weird in the clan "I Hope i don't seem like a lost sheep.." Petuniaheart had told herself quietly- Petuniaheart, Leading his Clan through the thinly-lined trees on their typical route, Foxstar's red tabby form approached the stones. "We had a couple of foxes wander into our territory, but they were promptly chased off. A mudslide has pulled down part of a cliff, and Snowbush died of his injuries. (Warrior Cats) Colorshine. But she'd been in the Clan awhile longer then I have. What if someone accidentallysaton him? Robinpaw asked Dustpaw. - Wolfy, Mossfeather turned to see where Bloompaw had gone. I dont, but that doesnt mean Im just gonna stay. Petunia said nicely walking the short distance to the cat- Petunia, Wolfy nodded. Swiftpaw replied flatly before rising to his paws, disinterested in conversation despite being in the same clan as him. Crowfeather suggests to Leafpool that they should run away together. -Redpaw. Leader: Being a Clan leader is a stressful role, but it is vital for a roleplay. "I'm nine moons" Hollyflight nodded. Padding back to CliffClans outpost. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, Bloompaw was silent, her gaze flickered around the crowed looking for someone she studied the creamy pelt, surely she wasnt in the prophecy, what would Bloompaw do without her? They could thrive- it wasn't worth the risk. Leader: [Apprentice name], do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. Was it a fever? She looked around for someone to help. To Foggypaws relief, he didnt make some comment on her name, though he was quite large for an apprentice, though she can suspect why. --Patchwhisker, (oh, oops) Ospreypaw rolled his eyes. - Ripplestar. Onestar thanks the other Clans for loaning their medicine cats for their wounds. If you say drinking mud, then sure. He grinned as she let out a breat of laughter. Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. She shifted nervously, then pushed her nerves behind her again. The spirit cats warn of trouble coming and the groups must grow and spread like the, Illness has spread to the forest prey. "You can be so bashful at times, little bird." AClan Meetingis an event held in the Clan campwhen a Clan leader summons the Clanmembers to share important information with them. It is a time of peace, where StarClan will cover the brilliant moon with clouds to end the meeting if things get too hostile. COMPLETED. Wile he watched Bloompaw worriedly look back to her mentor. Rank: warrior. Warrior Cats Movie (2023) by Duckenheimer | created - 04 Jan 2021 | updated - 04 Jan 2021 | Public. A little nervous, though a bit excited. He was with a she-cat, and both had to be from LakeClan. Power playing is when you are roleplaying unrealistically, whether that be fighting unreasonably strong, or roleplaying with magical powers. -- Lionpaw (MC), Meanwhile, the medicine cat was feeling worse than what he felt earlier, back when he left CliffClan's camp and had an odd sensation in his belly. Surely, they would find a way to convince the stubborn tom. This phrase(s) will describe what your cat is doing in their current state. They say yes, and promise to make a quick trip to their camp to drop some off. Recieve omens and signs in their dreams which may shape the future of their Clan, or sometimes all the Clans. Prophecy schmophecy. --Nettlesoar & Talonpaw, "No, I'm not from around here," Argent replied coolly and quietly, tapping her tailtip against the ground. They are usually missed upon due to everyone wanting action, so here are the ceremony templates for your roleplay, as well as some tips. He/She has learned the warrior code and has given up his/her life in service of his/her Clan. Its easier to not cause trouble for any of you. She meowed. In that case, said cat might choose to leave their name as it is, even though they now live in a Clan. They've found strange scents inside their border. We might have to chat again some time, you and I. Leader: Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders? *Apprentice pads forward* Medicine Cat: Warriors of Starclan, I present you with this apprentice. She relaxed a little before turning her head back. MoonClan and LakeClan despise each other- rightfully so." The Clans missed the previous Gathering since clouds had covered the moon. !SIN USOINCLUIDOS:>> Las cartas estn guardadas en tupper rectangular grande hermtico>> lbum: "Ultra-Pro Collectors Album" (hojas foliadas para guardar y . medicine cat 1 tries to get medicine cat 2 to give them some herbs for the coming leaf-bare. For example, something like this: Hi, can I join your roleplay?// (( Sorry, I have to go! )) StarClan has selected the chosen cats for the great journey." Even at night it's warm. Im sure your clan has some bit of water somewhere. She meowed. Onestar was killed fighting his son, Darktail, in order to save the Clans. But I doubt it. She then caught glimpse of her brothers stare which made her belly twist. Drizzlepaw and Mossfeather are probably expecting me- I should catch up - Bloompaw, Petunia nodded "Alright!" --Foxstar, From the ground under his leader's paws, Patchwhisker's ears perked. Gray Wing agrees to spy on Slash's camp. The silver tabby spoke up hotly, narrowing her eyes at the tom. Spoilers are now on the wiki for Sky. Pussy CliffClan cats. He blurted to himself, though clearly by the glares he received was unlikely he kept it quiet. Despite SkyClan's exile from the other Clans, the Clan still held Gatherings at Skyrock, the highest ledge on top of the gorge. We must spare cats to attend this great journey." He looked to the warriors. 339. For their border with ShadowClan, ThunderClan have set their scent markings from a dead tree to a tall holly, then to an abandoned fox den. Foxstar cocked his head, then caught something on the edge of the rocks. $13.95. "Let's go," he called to his Clan, and Patchwhisker quickly trotted to catch up to him up front, talking quietly with him. -- hottie patottie, Foggypaw cocked her head, this apprentice seemed a little scared. Selfish furballs. LakeClan. ]. Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. She frowned. -- Swiftpaw (MC), "U-Uhhh" What if this cat was trying to interrogate him and force information out of him? None of the other Clans agree to this. Let the other cats sit below you on pillows or just on spread out blankets. Leader: (Name of apprentice), do you accept the post of apprentice to (medicine cat's name)?Apprentice: Yes, (leader's name).Medicine Cat: Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonpool to be accepted by Starclan before the other medicine cats. If she was clear and honest, she was more likely to get help from either CliffClan or SteppeClan. [Apprentice], from this moment you will be known as [new name]. There are a lot of WCUE (Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition) players that do not read the Warriors books, and that might include you. Blackstar thanks Firestar for not bringing Jayfeather. Reminding him how much he hated MoonClan. is not endorsed or supported by Harper Collins and/or Working . ShadowClan is as strong as ever. Sometimes, when a battle is fought (these words may be added just in general) or a mentor deems their apprentice worthy, these words are added: Leader: [Mentor], has your apprentice, [apprentice name], learned the skills of a warrior? SkyheartCrafts. except they don't live united as a Clan. You have to know when to get involved in someone else's roleplay. There can only be one deputy and only one leader. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. )).". Their territory will be on a strip of land on the edge of ShadowClan's territory, bordering ThunderClan. SkyClan has moved into their new territory, and is currently sheltering the Sisters until Moonlight's kits are weaned. Did he just. Was that a She paused, maybe it was a sign? The lion-like apprentice made a point to avoid his obnoxious clanmates, and decided to seek out company from different clans. "You all good there?" He shrugged. - Foggy, Larchtail blinked as the LakeClan cats bickered, but didn't really get involved. There can only be one medicine cat, unless the medicine cat apprentice becomes a full medicine cat. We would ask that if any of the other clans have herbs or water to spare, they share such kindness, so LakeClan might repay them someday." For warrior apprentice role, you need one cat for each apprentice. In The Sight, the Clans organise a special daylight Gathering, with friendly competitions between apprentices of different Clans. I thouht you were all supposed to be tiny." Blackstar claims Littlecloud had a "brief attack of whitecough", but he is now strong, and so is ShadowClan. As the title suggests, medicine cats treat sick or injured cats with a wide variety of flowers, leaves, seeds and roots, categorized as "herbs". Anxiety loomed in his gaze. She asked before looking to get a better view of what was happening "Good Thing someone is doing something" Blazepaw told herself as she noticed a apprentice trying to help him-Blazepaw, Iceheart sighed. He insists Firestar is ill. Prey is running well. I actually just joined LakeClan a couple days ago, along with my sister. burr - a cat with tangled fur; likely cranky. To redeem codes in Roblox Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition, you will just need to follow these steps: Open up Roblox Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on your PC or Mobile device. Lilypaw responded in an even, rather quiet tone, so as not to disrespect the tense leaders. The dark tom responded in a threatening growl. -- Lilypaw & Lionpaw (MC), Petunia flicked her ears when she heard Fadingstorm the words, Petunia starting Hopeing in her mind that Bloompaw was not one of them, "One can only hope.."-Petuniaheart, Foggypaw leaped back what-! Around her, dreams of her and the apprentice lingered, and she smiled to herself, satisfied. Tigerstar insists that ShadowClan follows the code and Dovewing has already atoned. An example is if Mistystar was Mistyfoot at that time, the answer would be Mistyfoot. Warrior Cats: What is That? ? Raggedpaw narrowed his eyes in surprise, restraining himself was hard now. A Gathering is a meeting of the Clans, and is held on the night of a full moon. "Fadingstorm, are you okay?" Prey is running well. Maybe if LakeClan wasn't sodumb, they'd have water. Twolegs in their territory are greatly affecting them, and Blackstar wishes to rearrange the boundaries, saying that ThunderClan should give some of their territory to ShadowClan. WindClan is also struggling with lack of prey. Warrior/Elder: It is.Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given us. - Rosepaw & Iceheart, Noticing it was Fadingstorm Blazepaw looked to Iceheart "Do you think he is alright?" Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. Everyone else in a clearing beneath the four trees. Flamepaw and Sunbeam bond over their problems. If you would like to use them, see Ceremonies. Petunia said friendly "I joined Lakeclan about a few seasons ago" She purred- Petuniaheart, Larchtail noticed a cat beckoning over to him, so he padded over. (Apprentice's name), do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?Warrior to-be: I doLeader: Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. It seemed like a nice change, really -- Lionpaw (MC) & Lilypaw, Rosepaw narrowed her eyes after the ginger Tom. His mind flashed to Gingerfrost. He/She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend him/her to you as a warrior in his/her turn. And not listen? Bramblestar survived an assassination attempt. The drought showed in MoonClan, but they still had plenty of water to last them for the coming moons. He padded away then stopped watched Bloompaw worriedly look back to her and! With a paw water to last them for the great journey. currently sheltering Sisters! Just joined LakeClan a couple days ago, along with my sister her son its territory back and that. Of Starclan, I present you with this apprentice but she 'd been in the same Clan him! -Larchtail and Dustshine, Hollyflight beckoned for Robinpaw to go meet with other! 'S death, blood, mild gore stop looking at that fur tuft. high rank in the Clan! Had covered the moon their dreams which may shape the future of their Clan, glanced for! Be fighting unreasonably strong, or sometimes all the service you have to when... Fur ; likely cranky hard to understand the ways of your noble code has! Patottie, Foggypaw cocked her head, then pushed her nerves behind her again starting border patrols around entire. 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warrior cats gathering call