taiping rebellion quotes

[11], In modern China, the war is often referred to as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, due to the fact that the Taiping espoused a doctrine which was both nationalist and communist, and the Taiping represented a popular ideology which was based on either Han nationalism or protocommunist values. The meaning of man's existence is not to dominate over others, but to better humanity. Enjoy reading and share 15 famous quotes about Taiping Rebellion with everyone. For more than a decade, Taiping armies occupied and fought across much of the mid and lower Yangtze valley, ultimately devolving into total civil war. The massive death toll resulted in a labor shortage that took a generation to recover in certain regions. The imperial system was greatly weakened as a result of the uprising. Taiping Rebellion Ends Hong was found dead in May 1864, believed to have been poisoned, though it's unknown whether it was suicide or assassination. Trending. Menu. [8][4] 30 million people fled the conquered regions to foreign settlements or other parts of China. Translated by C. A. Curwen. Estimates of the overall size of the Taiping army are around 2,000,000 soldiers. Related Topics. That's all. After three years of bloody fighting, the Qing government had retaken most of the rebel areas. Dingling was destroyed during a Qing campaign in 1868. Most of the Taiping princes were executed. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war waged in China over a fourteen-year period in the middle of the nineteenth century. [61], In every area which they captured, the Taiping immediately exterminated the entire Manchu population. In the beginning of the rebellion, the large numbers of women serving in the Taiping army also distinguished it from other 19th-century armies. [9] The war was characterized by extreme brutality on both sides. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom had other policies that put it at odds with Beijing. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's capital at Nanjing fell the following month after hard urban fighting, and the Qing troops executed the rebel leaders. The result was a shortage in labor supply for the first time in centuries, making labor relatively more valuable than land. Rebellion Rebellion Be Yourself Identity Being True To Yourself Pride Freedom Existence Learning Nostalgia Truth Poetry Success Learning Creativity Being Free World God Obedience. Simple . Those genuinely serving humanity always ultimately emerge triumphant. He clashed with Yang Xiuqing, who challenged his often impractical policies, and became suspicious of Yang's ambitions, his extensive network of spies and his claims of authority when "speaking as God". The Taiping rebels can be seen retreating across a . ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like an economist part 2, Unit conversion gizmo h hw h h hw h sh wybywbhwyhwuhuwhw wbwbe s. W w w, CCNA 1 v7.0 Final Exam Answers Full - Introduction to Networks, Chapter 1 - Summary Give Me Liberty! It broke out in 1851, a Han Chinese reaction against the Qing Dynasty, which was ethnically Manchu.The rebellion was sparked by a famine in Guangxi Province, and Qing government repression of the resulting peasant protests. Among the Navy's commanders was the Hang King Tang Zhengcai. : an American History, Leadership and management ATI The leader CASE 1, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. [114] Upon visiting the capital, some members of the expedition wrote that "devastation marked our journey" in reference to the conditions in Taiping territories. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. The Taiping army pressed north into Hunan following the Xiang River, besieging Changsha, occupying Yuezhou, and then capturing Wuchang in December 1852 after reaching the Yangtze River. Although keeping accurate records was something imperial China traditionally did very well, the decentralized nature of the imperial war effort (relying on regional forces) and the fact that the war was a civil war and therefore very chaotic, meant that reliable figures are impossible to find. The Taiping army's main strategy of conquest was to take major cities, consolidate their hold on the cities, then march out into the surrounding countryside to recruit local farmers and battle government forces. [44] Shortly thereafter, the Taiping launched concurrent Northern and Western expeditions, in an effort to relieve pressure on Nanjing and achieve significant territorial gains. Taiping titles echoed Triad usage, whether consciously or not, which made it more attractive for Triads to join the movement. the 1890s, when western-educated bureaucrats and reformers made their Taiping Rebellion. Taiping soldiers carried out widespread massacres of Manchus, the ethnic minority of the ruling Imperial House of Aisin-Gioro. Scholars consider it to be the deadliest civil war in the history of the world. [15] Farmers were heavily overtaxed, rents rose dramatically, and peasants started to desert their lands in droves. The rebels were courageous under fire, erected defensive works quickly, and used mobile pontoon bridges. Taiping forces successfully repulsed an attempted imperial reprisal by the Green Standard Army against the Jintian uprising. Both armies would attempt to push each other off of the battlefield, and though casualties were high, few battles were decisively won. Book details & editions. The other significant ethnic group in the Taiping army was the Zhuang, an indigenous people of Tai origin and China's largest non-Han ethnic minority group. J. Chappell (2018). Many of the southern Taiping troops were former miners, especially those coming from the Zhuang. [106] The Xiang Army used scorched earth tactics, refusing to take prisoners; Anhui, Southern Jiangsu, Northern Zhejiang and Northern Jiangxi were severely depopulated and had to be repopulated with migrants from Henan. The Taiping Rebellion began to fail in 1861when the rebels proved unable to take Shanghai. early , middle , and late. As their name ("guest households") suggests, the Hakka were generally treated as migrant newcomers, and often subjected to hostility and derision from the local majority Han populations. 112 matching entries found. The latter would become a prominent warlord in Upper Tonkin and would later help the Nguyn dynasty to engage against the French during the Sino-French War in the 1880s. Combat was always bloody and extremely brutal, with little artillery but huge forces equipped with small arms. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, thoughtco.com/what-was-the-taiping-rebellion-195606. Zuo Zongtang from Hunan province was another important Qing general who contributed in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion. Taiping Rebellion Quotes & Sayings Happy to read and share the best inspirational Taiping Rebellion quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. "I ain't what I ought to be. [50] Near the end of 1861 the Taipings launched a final Eastern Expedition. Where the armies under the control of dynasty itself were unable to defeat the Taiping, these gentry-led Yong Ying armies were able to succeed.[82]. [35], Soon after Hong began preaching across Guangxi in 1844, his follower Feng Yunshan founded the God Worshipping Society, a movement which followed Hong's fusion of Christianity, Daoism, Confucianism and indigenous millenarianism, which Hong presented as a restoration of the ancient Chinese faith in Shangdi. According to P. Richard Bohr, this is a Woodblock print of an unidentified Taiping leader. The Taiping Rebellion also greatly weakened China's economy. Sarah Ockler, Don't be deceived by the thoughts of obscurity that lingers around your head. The Taiping Rebellion (1851-1864) was a millenarian uprising in southern China that began as a peasant rebellionand turned into an extremely bloody civil war. [77] Munitions partially sourced from Western manufacturers and military stores were smuggled into China, mainly by English and Americans. It initiated the idea of "total war" - every citizen living within the boundaries of the Heavenly Kingdom was trained to fight, thus civilians on either side could expect no mercy from the opposing army. ", "Taipings and Triads: The Role of Religion in Inter-rebel Relations", "The limits of the Shanghai bridgehead: understanding British intervention in the Taiping rebellion 186062", Comparative Studies in Society and History, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Taiping_Rebellion&oldid=1134264430, "Taiping [Great Peace] Heavenly Kingdom Movement". CHINA. Taiping Rebellion. His son Wu Yazhong, also called Wu Kun (), fled to Vietnam but was killed in 1869 in Bc Ninh by a Qing-Vietnamese coalition. In 1850, inspired by Biblical teachings, a group led by Hong Xiujuan aimed [117] Some reports suggested a great deal of indiscriminate slaughter of civilians conducted by the Taiping army in newly controlled areas. [5], Many Western historians refer to the conflict in general as the "Taiping Rebellion". [10], More colloquially, the Chinese called the Taiping some variant of Long-Hairs (), because they did not shave their foreheads and braid their hair into a queue as Qing subjects were obligated to do, allowing their hair to grow long. Historians debate whether these developments foreshadowed the Warlord Era, the loss of central control after the establishment of Republic of China in 1912. interpretation of Christianity and sought to eliminate rampant corruption, As a Han subgroup, the Hakka were frequently marginalised economically and politically, having migrated to the regions which their descendants presently inhabit only after other Han groups were already established there. [69] According to modern researchers,[70] the Dungan rebellion began in 1862, not as a planned uprising but as a coalescence of many local brawls and riots which were triggered by trivial causes, among these causes were false rumors that the Hui Muslims were aiding the Taiping rebels. The Jintian Uprising that started it all has a prominent place on the "Monument to the People's Heroes" that stands today in Tiananmen Square, central Beijing. Robert Kiyosaki [111] In Flashman and the Dragon, the fictional Harry Paget Flashman recounts his adventures during the Second Opium War and the Taiping Rebellion. The 14-year civil war combined with other internal and external wars weakened the dynasty but provided incentive for an initially successful period of reform and self-strengthening. Taiping Rebellion Definition (1850-1864) Massive rebellion against the Qing led by Hong Xiuquan, who claimed to be the youngest brother of Jesus Christ come to earth to create a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace". It is no coincidence that Hong Xiuquan and the other Taiping royals were Hakka. The sixteen million of the First World War, over four million in Vietnam, forty million to the Mongol conquests, three and a half million to the Hundred Years War, the fall of Rome took seven million, the Napoleonic Wars took four million, twenty million to the Taiping Rebellion. Zeng, Zuo, and Li led personally loyal soldiers [52] By early 1864, Qing control in most areas had been reestablished.[53]. Robert Bly, I am in a sorry state, for I do not even know what I do not know. so a lot of things changed during that span. Each army corps consisted of roughly 13,000 men. The rebellion was sparked by a famine in Guangxi Province, and Qing government repression of the resulting peasant protests. Although Hong likely died of his illness, suicide by poison has also been suggested. Oberon "Holy revelations Druidman! Occasionally, the Nian rebels collaborated with Taiping forces, for instance, they collaborated during the Northern Expedition. An April 1862 shipment from an American dealer "well known for their dealings with rebels" included 2,783 (percussion cap) muskets, 66 carbines, 4 rifles, and 895 field artillery guns; the dealer carried passports signed by the Loyal King. All Rights Reserved. [68], The other Muslim rebellion, the Dungan revolt, was the reverse: it was not aiming to overthrow the Qing dynasty because its leader Ma Hualong had accepted an imperial title. Deng, Kent G. (2011) "China's Political Economy in Modern Times: Changes and Economic Consequences, 18002000". The Taiping rebels' early military success made them quite popular with the peasants of Guangxi, but their efforts to attract support from the middle-class landowners and from Europeans failed. The sixty million dead overall of the Second World War, including eleven million murdered in the Holocaust. However, the capture of Nanjing in that year led to a deterioration of relations between the Taiping rebels and the triads. [49] Shi Dakai was given control of five Taiping armies, which were consolidated into one. Teng, Yuah Chung. [10] Other historians such as Jrgen Osterhammel term the conflict "Taiping Revolution" because of the rebels' radical transformational objectives and the social revolution that they initiated. [58] Most of the deaths were attributed to plague and famine. These corps were placed into armies of varying sizes. The rebellion is considered to be one of the most destructive civil wars experienced not only in China but also around the world. Author: Sunday Adelaja. Taiping message and the discipline of their troops made this rebellion a With no reliable census at the time, estimates of the death toll of the rebellion are necessarily based on projections. It abolished private ownership of property, in an interesting foreshadowing of Mao's communist ideology. The domineering air will be joyous for myriads of thousand years. While suffering from a fever, Hong learned from a vision that he was the younger brother of Jesus Christand that he had a mission to rid China of Manchu rule and of Confucian ideas. All Rights Reserved. [106] However, trade in coastal regions, especially in Guangzhou (Canton) and Ningbo was less affected by violence than trade in inland areas was. The Xiang Army captured Jiujiang in May 1858 and then the rest of Jiangxi province by September. Hong Daquan's confession claimed that Hong Xiuquan had made him co-sovereign of the Heavenly Kingdom and given him that title, but was more likely an echo of an earlier but unconnected White Lotus Rebellion. Growing long hair was a capital offense under Qing law. They have adhered to the myth out of self-interest and a zealous desire to put down God. [65][66] Du's forces led many non-Muslim forces, including Han Chinese, Li, Bai, and Hani peoples. London: Ernest Benn, 1962. p. 239. "What Was the Taiping Rebellion?" [73] The Taiping government proved especially welcoming to Western missionaries. History down through the centuries has proved again and again that there can be but one outcome to a struggle for selfish power against forces fighting to protect and advance human rights. In May 1862, the Xiang Army began directly besieging Nanjing and managed to hold firm despite numerous attempts by the numerically superior Taiping Army to dislodge them. During the Dungan revolt, various groups fought against each other without any coherent goal. Over the course of the conflict, around 90% of recruits to the Taiping side would be killed or defect.[83]. On a VERY general level. Among the imperial forces was the elite Ever Victorious Army, consisting of Chinese soldiers led by a Western officer corps (see Frederick Townsend Ward and Charles Gordon) and supplied by European arms companies like Willoughbe & Ponsonby. I ain't what I'm going to be, but I'm not what I was." " Stella Chess (20th century) " A great man quotes bravely, and will not draw on his invention when his memory serves him with a word as good. The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion. [117], In late 1861, Hope made a brief visit to Nanking to come to an agreement with the Taiping rebels not to attack the city of Shanghai, a proposal which was refused by the Taiping government. And so on and so on and so on, all the way back to Kate Atkinson, Fifty-five thousand, five hundred and seventy-three dead from Bomber Command. In Lisa See's novel Snow Flower and the Secret Fan the title character is married to a man who lives in Jintian and the characters get caught up in the action. In 2000 CCTV produced The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a 46-episode series about the Taiping Rebellion. The Taipings began marching north in September 1851 to escape Qing forces closing in on them. [19] The government, commanded by ethnic Manchus, had become increasingly corrupt. | Contact Us Under the Taiping household registration system, one adult male from each household was to be conscripted into the Army. Despite this horrific outcome, and the founder's millennial Christian inspiration, the Taiping Rebellion proved motivational for Mao Zedong's Red Army during the Chinese Civil War the following century. While Taiping forces were preoccupied in Jiangsu, Zeng's forces moved down the Yangtze River. [51] Some of his followers escaped or were released and continued the fight against the Qing. Related Topics Rebellion Rebellion Be Yourself Identity Being True To Yourself Pride Freedom Existence Learning Nostalgia Truth Poetry Success Learning Creativity Being Free World God Obedience Show more QUOTES The scholar Jian Youwen is among those who refer to the rebellion as the "Taiping Revolutionary Movement" on the grounds that it worked towards a complete change in the political and social system, rather than working towards the replacement of one dynasty with another. After two more years, on June 1, 1864, Hong Xiuquan died and Nanking fell barely a month later. Very few Taiping rebels, even in the leadership caste, came from the imperial bureaucracy. Lab Report #11 - I earned an A in this lab class. 720 pages, Hardcover. Opposing the rebellion was an imperial army with over a million regulars and unknown thousands of regional militias and foreign mercenaries operating in support. By 1865, five of the eight viceroys were Hunanese. Author: D.H. Lawrence. Nationalists as well as the Chinese Communists. The Taiping rebellion and the Western powers : a comprehensive survey / by: Teng, Ssu-y, 1906- Published: (1971) The Taiping . I think that that's what we were trying to do with 'Gigi.'. Philip A. Kuhn, "The Taiping Rebellion," in John K. Fairbank, ed., This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 20:29. Kate Atkinson, They don't want to know that you'll never eat birthday cake because you don't want to erase the magical taste of frosting on his lips. Be the first to contribute! Poems and books are evidences that praise Yahweh in front of Him. One major consequence of the Taiping Rebellion was a weakening of the . [67] They were assisted by non-Muslim Shan and Kakhyen and other hill tribes in the revolt. The rebels augmented their modern arsenal with captured equipment. Weakened severely by internal conflict, an attempted coup, and the failure of the siege of Beijing, the Taipings were defeated by decentralized, provincial armies such as the Xiang Army organized and commanded by Zeng Guofan. Many Western officials visited the capital of Taiping between 1863 and 1864, and American commissioner Robert Milligan McLane considered granting official recognition of the Taiping government. And so on and so on and so on, all the way back to the Garden when Cain killed Abel. The Taiping rebels were successful in taking Hangzhou on March 19, 1860, Changzhou on May 26, and Suzhou on June 2 to the east. Custom and user added quotes with pictures. "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion". In 1861, around the time of the death of the Xianfeng Emperor and ascension of the Tongzhi Emperor, Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army captured Anqing with help from a naval blockade imposed by the Royal Navy on the city. Rumi The subjunctive mood is in its death throes, and the best thing to do is to put it out of its misery as soon as possible. aimed at the wholesale redistribution of property in China. [118] According to Clarke, this refusal of cooperation and Taiping's occupation of Ningpo in December led to the limited intervention against the rebellion by the British and French in the following years. Although the fall of Nanjing in 1864 marked the destruction of the Taiping regime, the fight was not yet over. violence. It was so severe that parents and children of the opposite sex could not interact, and even married couples were discouraged from having sex.[75]. Best of 2022 Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. Be the first to contribute! [62], Traditionalist works like those of Confucius were burned and their sellers executed. 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taiping rebellion quotes