104. In Tutuila people knew how to catch sea birds with- - 162 out a decoy (No. When the middle post is broken, the side posts cannot withstand (the weight of the roof). O le pa ua sala le fausaga. A fisherman who has lost his hooks may approach another canoe, take hold of a fish line and remove the fish-hook. The tutu is a crab with big, strong legs. The competition had not been conducted according to the rules, but it was a fait accompli. The Maoris have a similar proverb: Those who avoid the sea-god will be killed by those on shore. (2) Howsoever cleverly a thing may be concealed, it will come to light at last. Thus says a person who has not been invited to express his opinion at a council meeting. It came not when the yam plant withered; it came not when it sprouted again; it came when the plant was once more in leaf. Upu fa'amaulalo: respect and courtesy in the form of self-abasement. Upu fa'amafanafana or vivi'i: A strong village that has been defeated in battle will fight again. When the members of a family are fishing with their net another person will, perhaps, put to sea and join them in the hope that he will get his share of the catch after having assisted them. When the hook is badly bound, the fish will not take it. O le a gase manu vao, 'ae ola manu fanua. The tautai must pay for his sins. By manu vale is meant any bird other than a pigeon. Let each one smooth his part of the boat. (The fable evidently owes its origin to the fact that the sea cucumber's anus may easily be mistaken for a mouth.). The tulavae are afterwards joined together. 147. In the war between the birds and the fishes (No. Samoan A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. The Banner of Freedom (O Le Fua o Le Saolotoga o Samoa) is the national anthem of Samoa.(Video). Those who heeded not his summons, he henceforth refused to recognize as members of his family. Fatu'ulu. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} Jesus Death, Resurrection & Return. When the fisherman has caught a crab, he pulls out its leg and with it pierces the animal. Thus, there is a lou for every harvest. 22. Upu faifai. Ala mutiaan old road. Words of encouragement: Let us die together. The offspring of birds are fed with flower nectar, but the children of men are nurtured with words. One day chief Pepe, a visitor, was catching pigeons there. 50. Upu fa'aaloalo used to introduce some complimentary remarks about the previous speaker, if the latter was a high chief or an orator of rank. 45. Proverbial Sayings of the Samoans. E pata le tutu i ona vae. If you are grieving, give yourself time. However, a second aitu, much revered by the other woman's family, approached her and said Run away quick and I will conceal your flight; that is not your friend but an aitu. While she was running away, he changed himself into her form and went fishing with the first aitu. To lend aid in the undertaking. The independent state of Samoa goes as far as having the Christian cross on its flag. Both perished at low tide. Every shark must be paid for. Troy Polamalu. The numerous muagagana (proverbial expressions) relating to pigeon catching prove how popular the sport was with the Samoans. 10. 112. In Aana the expression refers to an aitu incorporated in a white tropic bird that lived on Mount Tafua. The Samoans compare this state of repose to grief and mourning and maintain that the matulau is then often seen in company of the gatala. Upu vivi'i to commend the energy and perseverance with which a person strives towards his goal. (See below.). Since the spread of Christianity the saying refers to the repose of the soul after death. Tafi le va i ti. She did not let on. 188. (No. One of the hunters tries to catch all the pigeons without considering those who have caught few or none. Ua fa'alua'i talo Asau. It flies where it will and the others follow. It is also used as an upu fa'amaulalo: Fa'amolemole, ai a'u nei ua ou le seu fa'aalo. Upu taofiofi. Ua aliali le va'ava'a o le tava'e. Upu fa'amafanafana. The more formal ways to say this are: Hello (polite). 122. Two tia (cleared spaces in the bush for pigeon catching) on opposite hills may be so close together that one can be seen from the other, but because of the intervening valley the way between them may be a long one. Grief is painful, and at times you may feel as if your heart is literally breaking in two. Upu fa'amafanafana. 172. The family is the most significant socio-political element of Samoan society. Upu fa'amaulalo. The enemy between the houses. It has a meaning similar to No. 9. The saying is used when some person meets with some unexpected fortune while his thoughts and actions were directed to something else. 135. Whatever your culture or religion, these words help address death as a part of life: It's important to honor those who have gone before us. The barracuda that sleeps apart. 4. Below Ive listed a range of famous and meaningful Samoan quotes including many famous Samoan quotes about family. On the coast near Asu the shark crept into a submarine cave. 6. 118. If the maga breaks or is bitten off by a fish, the loss can easily be repaired. The joy of the welcome was like that with which the birds greet the dawn. The word savini means the beating of the young birds' wings at their first attempts to fly. Ua se u ta'afale. It is like the fishing of the heron. The shade of the high trees in the forest will not allow the weeds to come up and the path is always visible. The trade wind blows mostly during the cool season and brings fine weather for sea travel. E a le puga nisi, a le ana nisi. Ia tala mea fa'asolo. This is the u ta'afale. Applied to a family, village or district which, through dissension, is divided into two equally strong parties. Upu faifai referring to a lazy person or a shirker who will not lend a hand at a job undertaken by the community. This is why he is known as the Shark of Foa. A pair of fish-hooks tied together is called talaga. This Samoan expression literally means like grass by the roadside. Thank you so much for the extensive info. A net that is beyond repair. 38. Loss is too significant to mend itself, but not even death can take away the The word manuia is used to wish somebody well with anything at all, and can be used to say goodbye as well: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this state, which is considered a symbol of repose, it is known as ufu. Also, upu faifai. Na o Neiafu na mele ai le to'elau. E tenetene fua le livaliva, 'ae sagasaga 'ai le vili ia. When the fale is being re-assembled, the carpenter has to take particular care that the purlins of the side of the house are well joined with those of the end. A worthless bird flies over the tia. The Polynesian drill, on which the saying is based, must be considered as an entity, the plate having as much to do with the work as the drill itself. If the apprentice passed the test, the carpenter said: Ua vela lana umuhis oven is hot. The leaves of the pandanus, used for making the mats called fala, have a few spines at the tip. Ia ifo le fuiniu i le lapalapa. ", "The ugliest life is better than the nicest death. Va'a tele (big boat) is used figuratively for 'upega tele (big net). Upu vivi'i: Words of praise referring to the speech of one high chief or orator and the reply made by another. Upu fa'aalualu referring to the frequency of the Samoan civil wars. Ua talaga a pa sina. 11, 12, 96). Governmental power is like a fresh water fish. The fish had a fono regarding the advisability of declaring war on the birds. May the pearl shell fish-hook never be lost before it has been shown to others. The pigeon of the early morning. The first shark caught in a new boat must be presented to the village by the owner of the boat. Before everything else a house. Profitless is the turning of the drill plate, whilst the drill goes on eating through (the wood). As to each coconut leaf belongs a cluster of young nuts, so each individual belongs to his family. 48. 190. Do not enquire too deeply into the things which do not concern you, e.g., the affairs of another family (aua e te sagolegole). Affiliate Disclaimer: Lingalot is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa: The former concord is at an end. Conversely, when relatives from the homeland, specifically from Western Samoa, attend a funeral in the migrants place of residence, they bring mats and money, and the migrants repay them with airfare and exceptional hospitality during their visit. In the bush villages and sometimes also in those near the seashore, the inner bark of the fausoga tree is twisted into a cord used to make fish and lobster nets and for other purposes. 89. Should one be weak and faint-hearted, the undertaking will fail. The purlins are well joined. O le vaivai o le fee. The tree still stands but it is doomed. Should such a bird fly over the tia, it will be ignored by the hunters as only pigeons are wanted. The fish are then driven to a spot previously agreed upon. A few examples include: " Ku'ia Kahele aka na'au ha'aha'a :" "A humble person walks carefully so as not to hurt others." Ua pafuga le a pei o le faiva o seu gogo. 82. The saying means: I have the right to take part in the discussion. " A hui hou :" "Until we meet again." Ua osofia moega luaga. The ise (garfish) is caught by torch light with a hoop-net. Ua se temeteme. The lou is a long pole with a crook at the end, used in gathering breadfruit. The death of the head of the family, on the other hand, is considered a great loss. Proverbs offering support include: Some cultures view death as a very part of life on a larger continuum. O le io i mata o le tama o le teine The pupil of the brothers eye is his sister. ", "Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. A characteristic saying with which a speaker probes the opinion of the leaders of the fono (ta'ita'i fono). Sometimes seeing death is a reminder to live today as fully as possible. When the wild yam is mature, the stalks wither and break into pieces. 69. 29. Upu fa'amafanafana: comforting, consolatory expressions. The fish is near a deep spot. In Asau, Savai'i, the soil is very stony. A gau le poutu, e le tali poulalo. The side entrance had a different purpose. The Tulafales Role: Samoan Oratorial Traditions for Death and 92. Now, it is common to delay funerals for overseas loved ones. Remarks of translator: 1. 8. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa, having a similar meaning to No. The majority of Hawaiian sayings and quotes have a positive message of hope and love. (Kraemer's contention that the moamoa is not eaten in incorrect.). 27. O le faiva 'ese lo Pepe. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. The trunk-fish moamoa moves very slowly and is easily caught. This is no concern of mine. The net that became entangled in the night will be disentangled in the morning. Upu fa'amaulao: I am inferior to you. Sa (matou) tu'u la'au mai nei. Before the advancement of mortuary science there, the deceased was buried the day after death. A Samoan saying about life which means even though life takes us in different directions, we will always find our way back to our loved ones. The matai's sole indoor occupation is the making of sinnet ('afa) out of coconut fibre. When fishing for anae (mullet) the fishermen post themselves around the big net. Before bird-catching an offering should be made. Upu taofiofi. Take down the huts and put everything away. The tulavae is a portion of the fish net made by one person, as explained in No. A pair of coconut trees, one of which is full of maggots. Paraphrase for: To remove someone from a family, a meeting, or a village. When two men are in partnership, they must be of one mind. Choose your words wisely, allowing the person to grieve in their own time. Like the life of the trunk-fish. In order for a Samoan to be accept and respected and therefore find themselves, they must follow the rules of their people. Ua se ta'ata'a a le ala. Like the grass on the wayside. The 'apoa have spines on the back and breast. Upu fa'aulaula with which a matai refers to the common people (tagata-leutele). Upu fa'aalualu. The catching place is full of decoy pigeons. Pull out the weeds between the ti plants. One day her brother went out to noose sharks and stayed away a long time. At the building of the double canoe it is necessary that an ample supply of sinnet be available, lest the tying of the planks and the completion of the boat be retarded. The owner of a certain plantation had his crop stolen time and again. Refers to a chief of the second rank who gives an order which no one obeys. 153. Three Samoan orators, including two tulafale(Credit: Wikipedia). Some maintain that ufu is the name of a certain fish and paipai the substance secreted by it. If the saying is to refer to incestuous brothers and sisters, it may be used only as an obscene jest, but never in the presence of relatives. Your will is as the flight of an old pigeon. 92. All the crabs came to see the baby Sina and they brought food for the mother as is right and proper. So'o le fau ma le fau. The sting of the alamea may be cured by turning over the animal and allowing it to suck out the spines. 11. The barb easily breaks off and remains in the wound, while the fish escapes. When it tries to climb over rocks and tree trunks, it frequently tumbles down. Upu fa'aaloalo: Explain the general aim of the meeting, then we shall give our opinion. 90. Ia lua mata to 'ese. Upu fa'aaloalo: In a difficult situation only a wise tulafale can give advice and help; we, therefore, rely on him to make the decision. The ve'a (swamphen) was shot with bow and arrow, the hunter hiding in a small hut. The aitu tried hard to free himself and the fishermen feared he would tear the net. One night, under the direction of an experienced fisherman (tautai), they stretched a net (lologamata) across the reef passage. A ripe coconut that falls off the tree strikes root and grows. When a village is making a new net, the nearby villages are not allowed to fish for some time before its completion. The fuga has soft dorsal fins; the maono, hard and spiny ones. Ua maefulu le tava'e. Fa'afanauga a laumei. Upu fa'alumaluma: To the u ta'afale we compare a person who meddles in all kinds of things and thereby causes discord, particularly a tale-bearer. As the fish take to flight by jumping out of the net, they are caught in small hand nets (alagamea). Upu alofa to express sympathy for one who is pursued like the bonito. The king had a pa but he did not know how to tie it correctly into a fish-hook. Neiafu is not the village of this name in Savai'i, but a piece of land near Falepuga, Upolu. Samoans the death of the wife or a little child is to be counted among these. O le fogava'a e tasi. O le malie ma le tu'u malie. Ohlone Shellmound Buried Beneath the Emeryville Shopping Center. They are shouting together as at the tern hunt. Rebuke for relatives, friends and neighbours who are quarrelsome and trying to harm one another. It also means that several men have plotted to harm another. O le faila tu i le ama. (Samoan Proverb) More Samoan Proverbs (Based on Topics) Sin - Friendship - Work & Career - Morning - Night - Birds - View All Samoan Proverbs Buy books and product about Samoan @ Amazon Popular Topics Love Proverbs - Life Proverbs - Death & Dying Proverbs - Success Proverbs - Happiness Proverbs - Friendship Proverbs - View All Topics Matalaoa suspected him of having illicit intercourse with her brothers wife, so she watched him and found her suspicions confirmed. A petitioner uses it to indicate he realizes the negative answer he gets is only an evasion. The sinnet ring and the stand for the fishing rod must be equally strong. O le a ou seu foga'afaina is an upu fa'amaulalo used in the same sense as No. If they work in common, one will rely on the other and nothing is done. 1. They can be particularly useful when you are simply trying to find the right words and need a little inspiration. 3. The tautai may not refuse him. For example, the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (from the LMS tradition) ministers to half of the population there. 99. 16. E lafi a taga usi. The fibre being too short, she lengthened it with polata (fibre from the midrib of the banana leaf). Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered Gods Will. It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. The mago fled towards Savai'i followed by the pa'itele. Samoan traditional woven mat(Credit: Wikipedia). 36. 115. Samoan custom requires that a man who has caught many fish, give a few to his neighbour who has not caught any. Plant the coconut tree on the boundary. Gifts include money and fine hand-woven mats (usually for display only and then rolled and stored). 'Ae'ae, the bird has entered (the cage). The sapatu (barracuda) is a big predatory fish which, when caught, is very violent. This extensive process marks the formality of the situation with the acceptance of a new titleholder as well as a possible tulafale into the family and village. 161. However, the orators use them so frequently and they shed so much light on the past history and the present opinions of the people, that their importance cannot be overrated. The lower end rests in a - 151 stand, to which it is tied by means of a rope (umele). 11. "One is certain only of death." The large double war canoe ('alia) and the two-bowed taumualua have been superseded by the big row-boats which the natives have learned to build European style. Inspirational Samoan Quotes & Sayings. The sting-ray escapes, but it leaves its barb behind. 156. E a sipa le lama, 'ae fano malolo. It is used for the pit in the ground in which the Samoans cook their food with hot stones. The busybody's pretended wisdom, therefore, will be of no avail. 167. 8. This practice can be quite a financial burden on Samoan families particularly if there are a number of funerals in a short amount of time. 123. Foga'afa is idiomatic for faga'afa. 11. The work, called milota'i, is usually done by the women. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A fai 'ea a'u mou titi se'ese'e? 138. To rejoice like a young bird on the return of its parent with food. Our lives are decreed to be taken by the gods. Its purpose is to support the fishing rod, the spear, etc., lest they obstruct the narrow hold of the boat. Upu faifai. These proverbs may help: Another way to honor a lost loved one is by making a donation to a cause they supported. Samoan Let each do his share of the work. The thief soon found out that the fetish did not harm him, so he stole again. Upu vivi'i used of a person or a community that performs an undertaking unassisted. A white tern that is so proud of its glossy plumage that it will not associate with darker birds. A logo tai ua logo uta. Upu faaalualu. A fisherman at his work or returning from the sea, being asked whether he has caught anything, will give a negative answer if he wants to keep all the fish for himself. Pilis net has been poured out into the sea. Upu fa'aaloalo used when a matai has died and his title has at once been given to his successor. Not so long ago there was a village there, whose people are now living in Falevai, a fuaiala (section) of Falelatai. The whole village led by the tautai takes part in the drive. Should things take an unfavourable turn, they will then be willing to help you (just as he who is familiar with a fine fish-hook, is able to find a similar one). 19. 189. E sa'olele le tuamafa i lou finagalo. 0 le pa ua sala le fausaga. Upu fa'afiti, fa'amaulalo: ou te le toe si'itia le matalalaga. Let it go the way of the bonito. ), SCHULTZ, E. Sprichwortliche Redenserten der Samoaner. When a crab is caught it is pierced with its own leg. According to Kraemer the hunters climb the rock and kill the sleeping birds or seize them with their hands. 185. 49. 39. The overwhelming religion in Samoa is Christianity. The crab brags about its legs. When the fish see an opening in the net, they swim to the place where the tautai stands as if they obeyed him. Who sits at home in the morning will not eat in the evening. So that it may be used effectively the following morning. Upu faalumaluma. To use thatch a second time. 193. Fa'ape'ape'a le tu. Upu fiafia used at the reception of relatives, friends or guests. Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown!Look at those stars that are waving on it:This is the symbol of Jesus, who died on it for Samoa.Oh, Samoa, hold fast your power forever.Do not be afraid; God is our foundation, our freedom.Samoa, arise: your flag is waving, your crown! This often miscarries. Like a breadfruit plucked on stony ground, (i.e., plucked off a tree growing on stony ground, so that the fruit will be crushed and no longer usable). The Samoans say that the greedy heron eats all the fish it catches and brings nothing to its family. For the next harvest the old lou will be fetched again or a new one will be made. The alamea is a spiny sea star. The fact is that, now and then, fatal poisonings occur after the natives have partaken of pelupelu that were caught with an unavau. Upu vivi'i. At the termination of the war the birds held a fono and drank kava. The most frequently used and best beloved embellishment of the language to which the orator resorts, is the muagagana or alaga'upu. The cure of the alamea. Should anyone, in the excitement of the work or to show off, give orders to his neighbours, no one will heed him, for only the tautai may give orders. La'ulu is the name of a reef near Falealupo, very rich in fish. (LogOut/ The deck of the large double canoe is roomy and able to carry heavy loads. To steer a canoe in such a way that the fishing line (of another canoe) is turned in the wrong direction. A fala se'ese'e is an old dirty mat used to sit on during work. E sau le fuata ma lona lou. In wet soil taro thrives particularly well; it is, therefore, whenever possible, raised in a swamp. Upu fa'anoanoa. The fault was committed in the bush, but it is now talked about on the highway. Shower later." Upu faifai: Why don't you pay respect and deference to others? There were three entrances to her house. O le upega e fili i le po, 'ae talatala i le ao. 187. Fa'aoti (from oti, to die) is a figure of speech for fa'auma (completely, so that nothing is left). Pa'au is the name of a piece of land and a lagoon between Vaisala and Sataua, Savai'i. This expression is one of the best Samoan quotes about family. Upu fa'aulaula addressed to a person who appears unexpectedly. O le i'a ua lata i le loto. There are two explanations: (1) During the hunt of the tern a pause is made for the purpose of feeding the decoy birds. To hang up the paddle (after a fishing expedition). Image: Facebook Sometimes a bit of humor can be a blessing during deep grief. One of the best Samoan sayings about family meaning, in the face of adversity, only family will truly be there for us. Ua se tava'e le ausu i le fulu. One day the boys went fishing for their father. The denial of the fisherman. O le mafuli a puou. Everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. captain lancaster british airways interview, Chief or orator and the others follow making the mats called fala have... Support the fishing rod, the deceased was buried the day after death be used effectively following. May approach another canoe ) is used figuratively for 'upega tele ( big net ) the,. The pigeons without considering those who heeded not his summons, he changed himself into her form went... 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