In many cases, these words have evolved into slang, and many euphemisms for diseases are in common use. Select from verb = raus laysa (pick out; choose from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. Difference noun = da diffans (not da unnahshitt). North Philly is one of the more dangerous places to go in the city. This swear word is often used when something is not going right, similar to how in English we might say f**k . 2. To describe pop, Coke or soda are examples of words that are the same in meaning but said differently across the state. It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. Health adj = health (with another noun)Hosht du ennich health problems? About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)Miah sinn baut datt. Mer muss uff sich selwer achtgewwe. Dont care about cycling but do care about cursing in the Netherlands? Because after that, I promise you, if you keep your efforts, therell be a click, and suddenly you will find it easier to start talking, you will notice you understand people around you, you will lose the fear. Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit). The thing you have to know about godverdomme is that you can also just repeat it in the same word when you feel like uttering profanities. Pennsylvania Dutch proverb Ich winsch dir en hallich, frehlich, glicklich Nei Yaahr.--I wish you a happy, joyful, prosperous New Year. 7. Not always, of course. Synonyms for Pennsylvania Dutch in Free Thesaurus. Now moving to the southwest across the state you come across Lancaster next. Ready adj = reddiBisht reddi? Put it on the bill. A Buggy- also known as a horse and buggy. Does any know what it means and how its actually spelled in Dutch? 1 At that time, Germans and Swiss of all social classes spoke regional dialects that in most cases differed quite substantially from the emerging written dialect known today as . Pennsylvania Dutch English is a dialect of English that has been influenced by the Pennsylvania German language. No? Under it / beneath it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Cards (n, pl) = di koadaIch kann baut nett voahra fa koada shpeela. Grandfather = dauddy. The Shore What it means everywhere else: A place where the water meets the land. Make ends meet = endah meeda macha (as in, financially)Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. Piled up verb = uf gepeild (PP)Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild. Cut verb = shneida (often with scissors. Pannenkoek en poffertjes connoisseur/expert. Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)Miah sinn faloahra. Unhitched adj = auskshpandIs da donkey auskshpand? Verbs that go with alli-ebbah are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Alli-ebbah is am goot du. The 100 Best Swear Words In The English Language. Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words). Yesterday = geshtah (See also Times of day). Start noun = da shteahtSi henn en goodah shteaht katt. See also once; compare with oft)S vatt is als getrenslayt veld. Anyways, a lot of Dutch swear words are hard to translate into english. Flickr/Kate Hopkins. For (it) = difoah (usually used when putting for at the end of a thought or sentence) (Compare with previously)Veah is da boi gmacht difoah? Keep driving west and eventually, you will hit the city of Pittsburgh. View verb = mayna (to have a viewpoint or opinion) Compare with ohgukkaS mensht leitmaynaes is. The only other situation where you should use one of these is never. He doesnt keep up the faith. Verbs that go with di Grohs Drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Mir gleiche die Amische brieder bsuche. Prepare verb = reddi greeya (literally, get ready) (Conjugate greeya based on who is preparing). Somewhere = eiyetzDu bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is. Ill willingly take his part. Nothing stirred, not even a mouse. Lets go birds referred to the professional football team the, Soda Soda is the ultimate reference for any kind of drink. Contradictory to what people believe the entire state is not Amish, or Mennonite, and Philadelphia is not the whole state. Older adj = eldah (as in comparison to something else)Vi doon selli es eldah sinn shpiahra veyyich yungi?Ich binn eldah heit es ich voah geshtah!Sis hatt fa eldah vadda. Tobacco noun = da doowak (not doovak or duahk), Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day), Tonight = dinohvet (See also Times of day). Rutsching is another loanword that comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch verb "rutsche," meaning to squirm. Er hot en iwwerflissich lewe gfaahre. Anyone can do that. Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt). This is a dictionary of English and non-English words of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, providing Pennsylvania Dutch words and their English meanings as well as English words and phrases and their equivalents in Pennsylvania Dutch. It is also the home to fort Pitt. Godverdomme I love the Dutch swear words. ), Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few). What are synonyms for Pennsylvania Dutch? Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba (pl). Still no? [1] Additionally, a substantial number of curse words in the Dutch language are references to sexual acts, genitalia, or bodily functions. The Pennsylvania Dutch language is a English variety derived from the Germanic roots of past generations dating back to the 1700s. See Related:Minnesota Stereotypes to Know. Also used instead of hey now or to begin a conversation with someone. The first major emigration of Germans to America resulted in the founding of the Borough of Germantown in northwest . Well, thats a great question. With a variety of words and phrases to know, the World War II Generation was the last generation that widely spoke Pennsylvania Dutch (which is actually a German dialect, and varies across regions of the US). Wasted adj = gwaystSo feel ess-sacha is gwayst. Try it out verb = ausboviahraIch habb en neiyah tool gekawft. Sell kann ennichpepper duh. Profanity in the Netherlands, the unholy grail of the Dutch pronunciation challenge. In this section, here are some Pa Dutch/ Amish and Lancaster Pennsylvania slang terms to know. Leave verb = lossa (as in to leave an item behind)Ich loss een en message. = gell (used at end of sentence as a confirmation of something)Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell? Song noun = da song (see also metaphorical gender on how to use with pronouns)Ma gleicha da song. Are you my mother and do you want to berate us for all these Dutch swear words? Keep up with verb = ufhalda mittSis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news. Download verb = daunlohda (see other Technology Words). lul (penis) klote (scrotum) Animal Species vuilehond (dirty dog) Appearances dikke (fat) schele (cross eyed) Last but not least, we come to a very popular, if not slightly odd, Dutch swear word. Judged adj = gejudged (used with a form of sei or vadda). Listen to audio and watch videos in Pennsylvania Dutch on, Check words used in the Watchtower Online Library (Pennsylvania Dutch version), Abbreviated Watchtower Study noun = Katzah Shtoddi Funn Da Vatshtavvah. Pittsburgh, located in western pa and uses the word yinz, Yinz the Western pa way of saying you all, Yinzer- The people of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, Creek pronounced crick it is a body of water. Then it will be godverdegodverdomme. This is home to the 412 or as it is well known as Pittsburgh. Heres a guide to multiple Pennsylvania slang terms you need to know. I = ich. Governing Body noun = di Drubb es Foahgayt. In Dutch, swear words often fall into categories, however, it is very common to combine one or more of the categories to come up with an extra strong swear word. Free adj = free (not frei)Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and Kind of for additional meanings. Dictionary for the Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) dialect. This time = dessamohlAvvah dessamohl, voahra sacha diffand. If you really want to make an effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch website. PS The Dutch translation of tasty dick would be Lekkere pik/lekkere lul. Decision noun = da decisionVass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha? Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)Du kanshts ablossa. When they say cute in English what does that mean? See also us). Pennsylvania Dutch Words, Terms, and Expressions Here are a few other uniquely Pennsylvania Dutch words, terms ,and expressions you might find interesting: "They drink milk for an achey belly (stomach ache)." Not the same as to cut or saw wood. That has been used when something terribly went wrong. Sis niemand do.---There's nobody here. Dippy eggs- it is eggs that you can dip your toast in. Based verb = gebayst (PP)Eah hott sei discussions uf facts gebayst. When = vann (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson). 2. (this) Evening = dinohvet (See also Times of day). Have I verb = havvich (combination of habb ich; used after time words)Shpaydah, havvich en appointment.Vann ich 18 voah, havvich en latt zeit kshpend shaffa. So dad (Daed) and mom (Mamm) are capitalized in all usages. Historically they have spoken the dialect of German known as Pennsylvania Dutch or Pennsylvania German.. 20. Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. The Daily Bonnet previously compiled a list of Russian Mennonite profanity. Well, thats just because it actually is pretty bad. The roots of the Pennsylvania Dutch language extend back to the migration to Pennsylvania of around 81,000 German speakers from central and southwestern Germany, Alsace, and Switzerland during the eighteenth century. No one pro = kenni (as in not a single person/thing; often used by itself in reply and for emphasis). Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Thankfully, there are other ways to swear in Dutch that dont involve diseases. Lul is one of the many creative ways to curse at someone in Dutch. Answer (1 of 4): It depends on the community. Hassle noun = vattshaftSis en vattshaft! Ich saag dank am disch. Profanity Words. Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone), Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation), Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun)), Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox, Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)Compare with to tell a story; narrate. Field service = di ministry (not feld deensht). Helmond was kattenmeppers Flickr/Kelly The dishes need washed. So it became Luilebol. Editors Note: This article was originally published in July 2018, and was fully updated in August 2020 for your reading pleasure. This is not a complete dictionary, but a compliment to the Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary. You can even go on study-buddy dates where one of you will speak one language and then []. They are Philadelphia and the Amish. The Watchtower (magazine) noun = Da Vatshtavvah. The spelling i know is not right but thats how it sounds in English. 1. bleck 2. blech 3. tsupp 4. tsepp 5. brill 6. brillah 7. grattlah 8. griddlich 9. strimph 10. schimpha 11. schlissel 12. schissel And by the way, if these were English expressions I'd tell you #2 is what I say when I bite into something nasty, and #3 is how we used to say hello back when we were the "cool" kids in school. pokke is most used when some thing wont work then its used like pokke ding! or when you try to make a scentence like Klere pokke tyfus!, My parents spoke Dutch in the home we live in CA now but it was a real fun show to watch and listen to the words they would throw against each other when they argued or got mad at one another .. Own pro = ayknesUf unsah ayknes kenna miah nettachtgevvauf alles. Believe it or not, there are times when even the Amish and Swiss Mennonites get frustrated. I have no idea how the words were spelled in Dutch, and my parents would never tell us what it meant, not even as adults. Verbs that go with alles are conjugated for he/she/it not they. The wind might wreak havoc on your barn-raising plans, or Elder Hershberger might interfere with your courtship of Maria Bontrager from over by Intercourse. A stitch in time, saves nine. Kind of / Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Barb katt? The something can be replaced by many words (bliksems/lightning, duivels/devils, or the usual variety of diseases), so Im not sure which specific one your dad mustve used. Grandmother = mommy. The term is more properly "Pennsylvania German" because the so-called Pennsylvania Dutch have nothing to do with Holland, the Netherlands, or the Dutch language. (as in open)Ich zaylds uf lossa zu dich. Single men and young men will not have any facial hair. Starting with the well-known most eastern city in Pennsylvania Philadelphia. My closest guess would be Godverdomme, (something) nog aan toe!. Previously = difoah (before now, earlier) (Compare with before and for it)Ich habb sell nett keaht difoah! Instead = in blatz (not imblatz)In blatz funn sell, eah vill havva es miah layva enjoya. in the = im (combination when used with masculine or neuter nouns). There are several insults in the Dutch language that are based on the disease known as cancer. One of the other types of stereotypes in Philadelphia is that they are big flyers fans as it is the locals professional hockey team, some are even die-hard fans of their team. There are also a lot of museums in that area. Godverdomme literally translates to the English goddamnit. )Da class is beshteld alli Samshdawk. Deal Wise Mommy. In addition to some influence from Philidelphia and the Pennsylvania dutch. *Serious disclaimer: we know were having a laugh here, but especially using cancer/kanker in your Dutch swearing is more than frowned upon. There are not many printed sources in Pennsylvania Dutch, because it is primarily a spoken dialect, but there are some that will help you become a fluent reader. So if you want to impress your Dutch friends with some profanity, click here. Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary Home The Amish at Home Amish in the World not of the World Amish Buggies Wagons Bikes and Rollerskates Amish at Work More Amish at Work Auction Sales Amish School and Scholars Amish Children 1 Amish Children 2 Sunday in Amish Country Amish Weddings Short List of Pennsylvania Dutch Phrases Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary Scrapple- a combination of pork fat and trimming with flour and seasoning baked in a loaf. Daughter noun = es maydel / s maydel (common), Day after tomorrow = ivvah meiya (See also Times of Day), Day before yesterday = foah geshtah (See also Times of Day). Dein is an independent possessive pronoun. Saw verb = sayya (as in to cut up wood. But havvich flows a little better when spoke. Never used when talking about wood; use saw (verb) instead. En Schtich in Zeit is neine wart schpaeder naus. Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei. Here are some of the most common swear words used by the Dutch people: Kankerlijer: This is one of the most common Dutch curses. wtf [], Copyright 2023 The Daily Bonnet - All Rights Reserved, Mennonite Woman to Listen to Nothing but the Boney M Christmas Album for the Next Six Weeks, Pastor Breaks Down, Admits Entire Sermon Was Just Fake News, Wonder Oil to be Added to Town Drinking Water, Mennonite Fans Ruin Winnipeg Jets Whiteout By Wearing All Black Suits, Mennonite Texting Abbreviations: From LOL to WTF, Mennonite Man Tucks His Beloved Ronnies Into Bed For the Night, Southern Manitoba Candidates Fight to Woo that Key Anti-Vaxxer Vote, Mennonite Critics Excited to Watch Women Talking and Find All the Errors, Mennonite Uncle Barred from Thanksgiving Gathering after Forgetting His ID and Vax Card, Dozens of Seniors Hospitalized After Visit From Penner Children. in a = inna (not innen)Brenna inna feiyahrichi hell faimmah is nett even feah in Gott sei awwa. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? Newer adj = neiyahIs deah neiyah es di anri? Say or Say now- means what about doing this or something else. View noun = da view (viewpoint or opinion)Favass iss so importand fa da recht view havva? I mean, it says "Dutch" in the name but you probably also heard that it. Included adj = includeVass alles is include in da job? The plural of hair is hairs- Did you get your hairs cut today at the salon, Road apples- horse poop normally found in the middle or on the side of a country road, Firehouse wedding- a wedding and reception inside of a fire station. Like; Godvertyfesteringklotekutzooi! Or vieze vuile tering tyfeslijer! Yours pro = dein (possessive pronoun; used only without another noun). Sometimes, older Deitsh words found in the dictionary or The Heilich Shrift (Bible) are no longer used among native speakers. One has to take care of himself. Content of the Dictionary. [17] Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)Ich zayld een hohla. Not racist Force verb = forsaMiah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella. These swear words carry only their literal meaning in Belgium. Brother = brueda. Disciplined adj = dissaplind (often with sei or vadda)Vi doon samm aekta vann si dissaplind vadda bei iahra eldra? [] And if youre feeling a bit cheeky, DutchReview and Learn Dutch also wrote an article on how to curse like a proper Dutchie. Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing). Sis unvergleichlich hees dohin. The ham hoagie made with regular and peppered ham and mild provolone cheese. Hated adj = kast (to be or become hated; used with forms of sei or vadda)Sis nett eesi vann du kast bisht. Bowl (large bowl) noun = di shissel (serving bowl or large mixing bowl), Bridle noun = da zohm (animals headgear; usually containing the bit and reins). Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. 22- Refers to Route 22, take 22 to the right or the left. Generally, shaving ones legs is considered a form of vanity. A headscarf tied under the chin, worn by Russian or Polish women. Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Pennsylvania Dutch, Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, PA German, and Penn German are all names for the same language. Yelling krijg de kanker kut hoer (typical NL swears involve wishing a nasty disease onto someone) in Belgium will get you the same reaction as saying get the cancer vagina prostitute in England: confused looks. The rather large built man on the bike shouted: hey pannekuk, you trying to get yourself hit by a bike? Weather noun = es veddahMiah henn samm shay veddah katt. Si sinn nett dihaym.S nett en dawks fabei gayt, Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with). Some Amish use more Dutch or German words for everything. Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn? Need some Dutch swear words? North shore it is referring to the part of the city where the Steelers play at Heinz Field. Since swear words are based on a culture's taboo categories, and these words can be judged as shocking, swearing people are ofte This section is all about how to talk like a Pittsburgh local and the western Pennsylvania slang terms to know. Have you ever been so angry at someone that you verbally express your desire for them getting cholera? Pennsylvania Dutch Coloring Book. Girl = maedel. Moffenhoer was used in WWII. That all when it comes to profanity in the Netherlands? What people believe the entire state is not a complete dictionary, a... Vann si ufgvaxa sinn its actually spelled in Dutch that dont involve diseases of! Reddi greeya ( literally, get ready ) ( Conjugate greeya based on bike... 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