Yang, K., Guyennon, N., Ouyang, L., Tian, L., Tartari, G., and Salerno, F.: (2021) that took place in Khumbu Valley between 29November and 25December2014, as additional observations and analysis of the local weather conditions were already available. You talk to every player, this is the season. The numbers in the legends refer to the along-valley grid points as plotted on the xaxes of Fig.3. Figure6Along-valley wind velocity in different parts of each of the four valleys (crosses of the same colours in Figs.2 and 3) on the fourth model level (approximately 300m above the surface). Amazing stuff. The local valley circulation, as well as the vertical exchange of heat and momentum between the valley and the free troposphere, is inaccurately modelled in climate models that are typically run at a coarse resolution of up to 100200km (Rotach etal.,2014). The valleys are roughly northsouth orientated and are inclined towards the north, so the valleys face south. Question 2: Lets do it practically in python. The WRF raw output dataset is available upon request (contact author). Is there a configuration to retrieve the speed as km/h? Rev., 136, 50955115, Ueno, K. and Kayastha, R.: Meteorological observations during 1994-2000 at the Appl. Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations. You can also access weather data of cities within a rectangle zone. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science since 2014. The along-valley wind characteristics in Khumbu Valley were found to be similar to what previous research has shown, with respect to both observational (Inoue,1976; Ueno and Kayastha,2001; Bollasina etal.,2002; Ueno etal.,2008; Bonasoni etal.,2010; Shea etal.,2015) and model-based studies (Potter etal.,2018, 2021). Figure8Vertical cross-section of potential temperature (grey contours) and the along-valley wind component (shading) above the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2) on 20December at 09:00LT. Parameters During Weak Mean-Flow Conditions, Bound.-Lay. If you need the geocoder to automatic convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around, please use our, Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the. Two features that differ significantly in the valley topographies are the along-valley variation in the valley floor inclination and the topography of the valley entrances. Similarly, the vertical extent of the amplified diurnal cycle of potential temperature is based on the model level at which the daily range in potential temperature is the same as over the plain (not shown, but three model levels are shown in Fig.11). The up to 1.5K warming between 09:00 and 15:00LT on20December and the cooling between 09:00 and 15:00LT on21December at higher altitudes (>2000m above the surface) most likely occur due to large-scale thermal advection. The valleys are located along the southern slope of the Nepal Himalayas and are called Gaurishankar, Khumbu, Makalu and Kanchanjunga (listed from west to east). In your Rule you need to just supply the units you want. Brutal conditions saw the heat policy enforced on a scorching day at Melbourne Park, with play halted around 2pm on all outside courts with the temperature around 35 degrees. The Weather Research and Forecasting model is run with a 1km horizontal grid spacing covering a 4d period in December2014. Although the large-scale flow during the 4d period was similar to the long-term climatology, the impact of different large-scale flows on the thermally driven winds was not considered. (b) Topography of the d04 domain. Based on the observations at NCO-P, December is a good period for studying the thermally driven mountain winds in this region. This is because the sidewall slopes are not always perpendicular to the valley centre line. the Convection, Viscous Sublayer, and Turbulence Closure Schemes, Mon. Soc., 146, Iredell, M., Treadon, R., Kleist, D., Delst, P.V., Keyser, D., Derber, J., Muoz-Sabater, J., Nicolas, J., Peubey, C., Radu, R., Schepers, D., Simmons, Bull. The World is Not Flat: Implications for the Global Carbon Balance, Bull. Due to the potential interruption of the thermally driven winds by the large-scale winds on 18December and the fact that we want to focus on situations where there is little interaction with the large-scale flow, the analysis mostly concentrates on the 2021December period in the following sections. See current weather conditions across the United States and provide a more accurate delivery date based on weather conditions. Up to 25ms1 near-surface down-valley winds are found in the tops of the valleys where the valley floors are at 40005000ma.s.l. J. This would limit the reliability of the model simulation in the smallest sub-branches of the main valleys. To do this, we relate our results to previous studies that have used highly controlled idealised simulations to quantify the impact of valley geometry on valley winds. These locations are shown by crosses in Figs.2b and 3, and the colours refer to the along-valley wind time series in Fig.6. Parameters During Weak Mean-Flow Conditions, Bound.-Lay. The algorithm starts from the valley top, from a grid point chosen by the user, from where it finds the way down to the valley entrance by choosing the neighbouring grid point with the lowest surface height. In the WRF simulation performed by Bonekamp etal. A recent study showed that Khumbu Valley could act as a source of pre-industrial aerosol in the free troposphere: model results indicate that the biogenic vapours emitted in Khumbu Valley were oxidised and then transported to free troposphere by the daytime up-valley winds (Bianchi etal.,2021). That means you can pass more than one city ID at one time. Comparing the observed wind direction during the 1821December2014 study period (Bianchi etal.,2021) with other periods, such as the winters of 19941999 (Bollasina etal.,2002; Ueno and Kayastha,2001), December in 2003 (Ueno etal.,2008) and December in 2006 and 2007 (Bonasoni etal.,2010), the study period resembles the average wind conditions at the NCO-P station well. The along-valley wind component is calculated based on Eq.(4) for four different parts of each valley. Interactive maps show precipitation, clouds, pressure, wind around your location. Shea, J., Wagnon, P., Immerzeel, W., Biron, R., Brun, F., and Pellicciotti, F.: Welcome to OpenWeatherMapAPI Python tutorial. So you can find the weather data by passing the longitude or latitude of a particular location. and Dhaka, S.K.: Impact of Mountainous Topography on Surface-Layer JSON format is used by default. Meteorol., The length scale of the valleys in the along-valley direction is fairly similar. All this information will be included in the email they send to you. The warming is 12K stronger on21December than on20December, which is consistent with the up-valley wind speeds being stronger on21December compared with20December (Fig.6). Subsidence warming is the dominant mechanisms leading to the heating of the air in the core of the valley in the morning transition phase, whereas the turbulent convective heat flux from the valley floor and the slopes is the dominant mechanism in the afternoon (Serafin and Zardi,2010). To get data in XML format just set up mode = xml. In the WRF simulation performed by Bonekamp etal. Figure3The height profiles (brown shading) of the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2b) and the ridgelines (red dashed lines) correspond to the values on the left yaxis. As a result I get a value which seems to be in m/s. The other modes require a paid subscription plan. To make this data optional within your string you can surround it with the caret symbols. An adaptive time step with a target CourantFriedrichsLewy value of 0.8 was used to keep the simulation numerically stable. Learn more, 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, Min/max temperature in current weather API and forecast API, List of all API parameters with available units, Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude). The night-time down-valley winds are found more during the large-scale northerlies, which is most likely due to channelling of above-valley winds into the valley atmosphere. Daytime up-valley winds are found in all four valleys during the simulated 4d period. over a 100km horizontal distance along the valley. (2018) studied the effect of spin-up time on the output from high-resolution WRF simulations in the Langtang Catchment, which is located just outside our innermost WRF domain to the west. The wind speed and direction above the valleys, particularly at ridge height, can influence the winds within the valleys (Whiteman and Doran,1993; Solanki etal.,2019; Lai etal.,2021). So now lets see the result. Hi my name is Belal Khan.I am the creator of this blog. Res., 19, 111, 2002.a, b, c, d, e, Bonasoni, P., Laj, P., Marinoni, A., Sprenger, M., Angelini, F., Arduini, J., The World is Not Flat: Implications for the Global Carbon Balance, Bull. OpenWeather: Weather Forecast, Get by Time. Wind Speed %wind-speed% - Km/h for Metric, Mp/h for Imperial, Wind Direction %wind-dir% - Eg. You can access the data on the basis of longitude, latitude, city id, city name etc. val kmh = WindSpeed_LYO.state|km/h You might need to cast it to a QuantityType first. Please, do not confuse min/max parameters in our weather APIs. Interactive weather map allows you to watch for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any other location on the interactive global map. Tip: These strings can contain anything you want, not just weather information. Phys., 10, 75157531. Soc., 95, 10211028, The standard score of the daily average wind speed compared to the 40-year monthly means is shown by the black contours with a contour interval of 1SD. Got questions? Ebisuzaki, W., Lin, R., Xie, P., Chen, M., Zhou, S., Higgins, W., Zou, C.-Z., However, overall, the modelled diurnal cycle of winds (with respect to both magnitude and direction) agrees reasonably well with the observations; hence, we conclude that the WRF simulation is sufficient for simulating the valley winds. Res., 18, 2330, 2001.. Figure2(a) Topography of the d01 domain and the inner domains, d02, d03 and d04, in the WRF simulation. Most important for the study, the location and wind speed of the 400hPa subtropical jet are very similar with respect to the high-resolution domain (d04) of our simulation. The following weather data is available: - Current weather data - Hourly forecasts up to 48 hours - Daily forecasts up to 7 days Different values are provided for each variant, such as temperature, air pressure . The simulation was initialised using the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (Saha etal.,2010) which has a horizontal grid spacing of 0.5. Weather Rev., 122, 927945. prediction, 1115, 2004.. Am. OpenWeather products are all ready-to-use and allow to minimise customers . Sci., 67, 37393756, https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JAS3428.1, It includes DNI, DHI and GHI indices for the Clear Sky and Cloudy Sky models. Specifically, the floors of the Himalayan valleys studied here are steeply inclined and rise from less than 500ma.s.l. Positive values for the along-valley wind refer to up-valley winds. A local time of 12:00 is considered because the main focus of the study is the daytime local winds. Gets weather forecast for the specific time (corrected to zero minutes) from OpenWeather with specifying latitude and longitude of the world. To determine if the large-scale flow during our 4d period is representative of the long-term climatology, we compare daily averages of upper-level winds from the study period to the 40-year climatology using the ERA5 reanalysis (Hersbach etal.,2020). At the valley entrance, the onset and peak in magnitude occur at the same time as in the other valleys, but the decay of the up-valley winds is slower; on 20 and 21December, the along-valley wind component only changes to the down-valley direction at around 02:0003:00LT. If you register an new API key with OpenWeatherMap, it will be activated automatically, this typically takes between 10 minutes and 2 hours Laj, P., Lehtipalo, K., Kangasluoma, J., Kerminen, V., Kontkanen, J., Convection was parameterised based on the KainFritsch scheme (Kain,2004) but only in domains d01 and d02. the unified NOAH land surface model in the WRF model, 20th conference on There are no missing or neglected time steps in temperature observations nor in the NCO-P wind observations. During 1821December2014, the daily averaged wind speeds differ from the 40-year average by less than 1 standard deviation (SD) of the December monthly means near the study area (Fig.1b, c, d, e). The valley entrance jets are seen around grid points 140160 in the Makalu Valley and around grid points 100120 in the Kanchanjunga Valley (Fig.S3e and g in the Supplement). In the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys, these strong valley entrance jets (Fig.S4e and g in the Supplement) could potentially be explained by the local strong temperature difference (discussed in detail in Sect.4.2) between the valley and the plain, which would result in forcing of plain-to-valley winds. the closest 100200m to the surface). Schmidli, J., Bing, S., and Fuhrer, O.: Accuracy of Simulated Diurnal Valley Forecasts of Winter Precipitation Using an Improved Bulk Microphysics Scheme. Keep Rocking!! Water Resour. In the Kanchanjunga Valley, the approximately constant increase continues until the valley top. Instead, we select a 4d period to simulate and perform an in-depth case study. The Khumbu Valley observational data are available from http://geonetwork.evk2cnr.org, last access: 19December2022. During this transport, these gases are oxidised and, therefore, able to form new particles and influence the climate once they are in the free troposphere. Figure9Vertical cross-section of potential temperature (grey contours) and the along-valley wind component (shading) above the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2) on 20December at 15:00LT. The 400hPa wind speed above the valleys was around 3040ms1 during the 1820December period (Fig.4a, b, c), but it was weaker (2030ms1) on 21December (Fig.4d). The valleys can be roughly divided in two groups based on their topographic characteristics: the two westernmost valleys, Gaurishankar and Khumbu (Fig.3a, b), and the two easternmost valleys, Makalu and Kanchanjunga (Fig.3c, d). Laj, P., Lehtipalo, K., Kangasluoma, J., Kerminen, V., Kontkanen, J., (range of thunderstorm, drizzle, rain, snow, clouds, atmosphere including extreme conditions like tornado, hurricane etc.). In the result you can see the complete weather data of city ID 2172797. Well-defined daytime up-valley winds are simulated in all of the valleys with some variation in the flow depth and strength among the valleys and their parts. The MBE, MAE and RMSE are calculated using Eqs.(1), (2) and (3) respectively: Here, Xwrf(t) and Xobs(t) are the modelled value at the closest model grid point and the observation at the station at the same time step t respectively. %Icon% - This is replaced with the image tag This is more useful if it is embedded inside a div code block. We provide number of bulk files with current weather and forecasts. In the middle of the top half of the valley (red time series, grid point 90 in Fig.6c), the onset, peak in magnitude, and offset of the up-valley winds are similar to those of the other valleys during the study period. Where the valley floors start to incline strongly up towards the tops of the valleys is approximately where the warmed layer starts to become shallower. The OpenWeatherMap integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.32, and it's used by, Longitude for weather forecast and sensor. Valley names are listed from west to east: Gaurishankar, Khumbu, Makalu and Kanchanjunga. List of all API parameters with units openweathermap.org/weather-data. The valley centre lines (in yellow in Fig.2b) were identified using a simple algorithm. Bollasina etal. Our finding (that the strongest up-valley winds occur in the flatter parts of the valleys) appears to contradict the result of Wagner etal. The valley depth (the difference between the ridge and valley centre line heights) is lowest in the Gaurishankar Valley. You'll then display the wind speed on a web page based on some conditional logic about the wind speed's value. For each point on the globe, we provide historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. Giovannini, L., Antonacci, G., Zardi, D., Laiti, L., and Panziera, L.: So you just need to put the units in your label to display it properly. The entrances into the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys are, in contrast, open without any such obstacles. Glaciol. The up-valley winds exceeding 3ms1 cover half of the along-valley distance in Kanchanjunga, whereas they are only found at the valley entrance in Makalu. (2015). Model Dev., 14, 14271443. Similarly, during the 20062007 winter seasons (NovemberFebruary, NDJF), clear skies and strong diurnal variation in temperature were observed by Bonasoni etal. B1: Set Unit System (Celsius: "metric", Fahrenheit: "imperial") # {EL} The scale measures multiple environmental factors: air temperature, radiant heat, humidity and wind speed, based on readings taken at five different locations around the tournament. weather analysis and forecasting/16th conference on numerical weather (2018), the mean RMSE over all stations in the Lang-tang Catchment is 3.5ms1, which is similar to the range that we compute. When selecting OpenWeatherMap as provider the reported Wind speed for the forecasts time period, metre/sec. Q., Yao, L., Ahonen, L., Bonasoni, P., Buenrostro Mazon, S., Hutterli, M., Figure7Cross-valley wind velocity in different parts of each of the four valleys (see Fig.2b) on the lowest model level (approximately 25m above the surface). the Convection, Viscous Sublayer, and Turbulence Closure Schemes, Mon. Combined Rain and Snow volume for the forecasts time period, mm. Please note that searching by states available only for the USA locations. OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial Getting Started With OpenWeatherMap API, OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial -Access Current Weather Data For One Location, "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather? The red boxes mark the location of the inner domain d04. Dynam., 8, 507528. The valley entrances are significantly different between the valleys. ", "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/group? Thanks everyone. Weve been talking about that for a long time, but Australia is the summer, Australia is January and this event is - from the players perspective - one of their favourite places to play. The up-valley wind maxima are found around the same height in all of the valleys: around 200300m above the valley centre line. Helpful stats, graphics, and this day in history charts are available for your reference. Am. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A., Haimberger, L., Healy, S., Hogan, R.J., Hlm, E., Janiskov, M., variables in the south of central Himalaya, Int. of free tropospheric aerosols, Nat. Sensitivity of Simulated Wind Speed to Spatial Resolution over Complex The model was run as one continuous 5d simulation that was initialised at 00:00UTC (05:45LT, local time) on 17December2014 and ran until 23:59UTC on 21December2014. This results in a warming of 5K (Gaurishankar) and 3K (Khumbu) in the lee of the barrier compared with the base of the barrier over the plain. However, the cross-valley wind component is not always directed in exactly the same direction as the local slope on the valley sidewalls. Karki, R., ulHasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., and Bhner, J.: Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas, Earth Syst. Please note that built-in geocoder has been deprecated. The scale measures multiple environmental factors: air temperature, radiant heat, humidity and wind speed, based on readings taken at five different locations around the tournament. The timing of the diurnal cycle during 1821December varies among the different locations along the Makalu Valley. Id prefer to get in km/h but I cannot find any way of doing that. Figure4 shows the 400hPa wind in the outer domain (d01) in the WRF simulation at 12:00LT (noon) on 1821December2014. In general, numerical weather prediction models require a spin-up period to allow the model to adjust from the specified initial conditions to a balanced state that is consistent with the models' own dynamics and physics. G., Bidlot, J., Bonavita, M., DeChiara, G., Dahlgren, P., Dee, D., Soc., 91, 10151058, Data is available in JSON, XML, or HTML format. The large-scale north-westerly winds at upper levels channel into the valleys, especially in the northernmost and thus highest parts of the Gaurishankar and Makalu valleys, on 18December and are seen as strong down-valley near-surface winds during the day (Fig.5a) and during the night between 17 and 18December (Fig.S2a and c in the Supplement). Res.-Atmos., 126, 3. geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc. The daytime up-valley winds in the two westernmost valleys, Gaurishankar and Khumbu, are shallower and weaker than in the two valleys in the east, Makalu and Kanchanjunga. Setting St John's as my default city on DakBoard, the DakBoard widgit shows the wind as 8. Liu, Q., Chen, Y., Han, Y., Cucurull, L., Reynolds, R.W., Rutledge, G., and At the top of the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, the depth of the up-valley wind layer decreases to a few hundred metres, although it still extends all the way to the top of the valleys (Fig.S4b and d in the Supplement). on Planetary Boundary Layer Growth Over a Valley on the North Side of the Porting a Javascript To Do app to Angular, Obtaining browser location information using Angular. At NCO-P, both the observed and modelled near-surface winds do not have a clear diurnal cycle with respect to speed (Fig.S1a in the Supplement); this is also seen in the skill scores (daytime MAE of 2.5ms1 and night-time MAE of 2.4ms1). This paper was edited by Peter Haynes and reviewed by two anonymous referees. The 40-year December average of the 400hPa wind is mostly westerly with the subtropical jet located on average at around 30N. However, Collier and Immerzeel (2015) suggested that their WRF simulation with a 1km horizontal grid spacing was not accurate enough to fully resolve the thermally driven valley circulations in the narrowest parts (length scales of less than 2km) of the Langtang Catchment (located just outside our innermost WRF domain to the west). Please note that API requests by city name, zip-codes and city id have been deprecated. Yellow lines present the valley centre lines used in the analysis. Refer to the valley depth ( the difference between the ridge and valley line... A target CourantFriedrichsLewy value of 0.8 was used to keep the simulation numerically stable Fig.2b ) identified! Openweather products are all ready-to-use and allow to minimise customers updated based on Eq just supply the units want. Closure Schemes, Mon calculated based on Eq it experts and data from more than one city id 2172797 in... 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