crisis in the multiverse

Answers to the biggest mysteries may lie well outside traditional paradigms. The Monitor first appeared in 2018s crossover Elseworlds, He discovers there that a new crisis is arising, one that threatens all of the universes. Consider two options. But then we still find ourselves making absurd predictions. In Boltzmann and Schuetzs theory, it would be far, far more likely to produce our solar system without bothering to make all of the other stars in the universe. Lex Luthor of Earth-38 came to this Earth to kill its Superman in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two". Suppose that you flip a coin and do not see the result. Also known as Warworld. 2) #16", "NEWSARAMA.COM: WONDERCON '08 - DC NATION PANEL", "SDCC '08 - DCU: A Guide to Your Universe Panel", "THE COMMENTARY TRACK:"COUNTDOWN: ARENA" #4 W/ KEITH CHAMPAGNE", "Champagne'S Color Commentary On The Countdown: Arena Fights", "COUNTING DOWN WITH MIKE MARTS: COUNTDOWN #45", "10 Answers and 1 Question w/ DC's DAN DIDIO 11/16", "This map of the DC Comics multiverse will blow your mind", "DC Comics Unveils Earth 53 In 'Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt', "DC has an atlas of the new, expanded Multiverse in Dark Crisis: Big Bang", "James Robinson Describes the New 52's Earth 2", "Grant Morrison And Geoff Johns To Collaborate On New DC Project (UPDATE)", "Grant Morrison: Why I'm stepping away from superheroes", "The Multiversity Grant Morrison, Watchmen 2, All-Star Captain Marvel & More! In Dark Crisis (2022), Pariah engineers a revival of many Earths from the original Multiverse, and adds them to the current Multiverse, removing the 52-world cap. Trying to answer a silly question can take you through some serious science. The Dark Multiverse made its debut on DC's Dark Nights: Metal banner. WebThe so-called "Pre-Crisis Multiverse" consisted on an infinite number of worlds, separated by different vibrational frequencies. From time to time, people perform these sleeper experiments, except now the subjects sleep either for 1 year or for 100 years. Taking this argument to an extreme, the most common type of observer in this theory is one that requires the minimal fluctuation away from equilibrium. ", Superman and Lois Lane are married on this Earth, An Earth where Superman and Batman have sons, but Superman's son appears to be misusing his powers, Sir Bruce of Waynesmoor, a.k.a. Instead, what we can measureand would like to make predictions foris the coarse-grained properties of the box of gas, such as the temperature and the pressure. Fate" would appear and that he had written a great deal of backstory for this Earth. This gives us a way to calculate how likely it is to find the box in a given coarse-grained state, or macrostate: We simply count the fraction of microstates consistent with what we know about the macrostate. If our state of delusion lasts long enough for this article to appear, you can safely discard the theory. [33] The Bleed permeates the Anti-Life Equation in unpredictable places[33] behind the Source Wall,[32] allowing for transport between the universes. Additional universes have either been visited or mentioned in dialogue in later seasons of the Arrowverse shows, and some older television series such as the 1990 The Flash series and films such as the 1989 Batman film have been retroactively incorporated into the Arrowverse multiverse as their own parallel universes (with the designation ending in the last two digits of the year it was released). WebHe starts reminiscing about the Crisis on Infinite Earths, when New Earth was formed mostly from the reality called Earth-One. A teenage Superman (Superboy) and his dog (Krypto) are Earth's first superheroes; later, home to the Superfriends, Super Soldier, Dark Claw and other "amalgamated" heroes. When it comes to physics, says Sean Carroll, you need the math. The only remnant of this universe is a powerful object known as the Cosmic Grail. The survivors hope that the Earth can be healed, but the nuclear aftermath has left them with scars that never will heal. It was published on November 27, 2019. Thus, its sole superhero only exists in the form of a comic book. Bruce Wayne's family lost their fortune during the, Under the name Lexo, concert pianist Luthor marries Lois Lane shortly before his death, Elected in 1972, Prez Rickard serves two terms and then drops out of sight, This Earth involves out-of-continuity Post-, Home to the version of Shade, the Changing Man from the Vertigo series by, An Earth that was ravaged by an atomic war in the year 1986, The Atomic Knights part exists in the Hypertime versions called, An Earth where a blind Lois Lane marries Superman and they have a super-daughter before Superman is disfigured by a mixture of green and red kryptonite, Jor-El and Lara enlarge their rocket ship so that they can all go to this Earth. Essentially, rather than narrowing their scope, DC has broadened it so that Pariah and Anti-Monitor's actions allow for the creation of new universes and Elseworlds stories that simply need to be given a number. Keith Champagne claimed to have a vague recollection of Dan DiDio's list of alternate worlds and said that Earth-13 was "Vertigo, sort of". The Justice League, Merlin and King Arthur resolved the situation and restored Earth-One and Magic-Land to their respective original universes, This universe has various derivations, explained as manifestations of, This Earth is dubbed "Earth 2" by the Antimatter Universe's Lex Luthor, who dubs his own Earth "Earth 1", This Earth was destroyed and then recreated due to the events of, In 1940, various female DC heroes and villains are enlisted to fight in World War II, Was visited by Prime Earth's Harley Quinn, who drove that reality's Hitler to commit suicide, An Earth formed out of the Atom's dreams by Dr. Destiny, where the JLI were militaristic fascists, An Earth where the entire continent, except for Gotham City (renamed "the Garden"), is a wasteland, There are many contradictions within and between the animated TV series and comic books, The Fourth World is a continuum inhabited by the New Gods. At root, our problems arise because the multiverse is an infinite expanse of space and time. A version of Bruce Wayne existed on this Earth, as he provided wisdom to Adrian Chase. This multiverse was systematically destroyed by the Anti-Monitor, until the remaining five universes (Earths-1, 2, 4, S and X) were merged into one. Home to a teenage version of the original Blue Beetle, An Earth in which superheroes are depicted as covert government operatives, The existence of this Earth is based on comments made by Dan DiDio about the, The Batman of this Earth is known as "the Bat", An Earth in which this Earth's Batman has become a vampire, The Metal Men of this Earth are robotic versions of the Justice League, consisting of robotic counterparts of Superman, the Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, the Flash and the Green Arrow. Heroes and villains have begun to emerge from all corners of society, and with them bringing new sources of power and problems far stranger than steam and gaslights. Perry White is a retired matador, Professor Potter is a cranky boss at the World's Fair and Clark Kent is a science fiction writer and secretly a Joker-masked villain that leads the LUTHAR League. The same can be said for Gypsy, as she took bags of coffee back with her when she returned to Earth-19. The Earth -22 Batman became the Batman Who Laughs following a climatic confrontation between the two antagonists, which drove an insane Batman into killing the Joker, while turning him into a new Joker from being subjected to a purified form of Joker venom. On this Earth, Batman infected himself with the Doomsday virus and became a version of Doomsday in order to kill a rogue Superman. So the number of sleeper experiments beginning at any given time is always increasing. For example, "Crisis on Earth-Three!" Schuetz, Boltzmann wrote: It may be said that the world is so far from thermal equilibrium that we cannot imagine the improbability of such a state. This assumption must be incorrect. The combination of a theoretically convincing motivation with Weinbergs remarkable success made the multiverse idea attractive enough that a number of researchers, including me, have spent years trying to work it out in detail. This universe and its inhabitants, along with refugees from other Earths, were destroyed by an anti-matter wave in ". [217] Guggenheim also confirmed the characters from Smallville who existed on the previous Earth-167 survived. Now suppose you have just woken up and have a chance to bet whether you have been asleep for 1 year or 50 billion years. Whereas our present theories take the prior state of the universe as an input, a theory of initial conditions would have to give this state as an output. If, on the contrary, the universe has an infinite number of available states, then our usual statistical techniques are not predictive, and we are stuck. RELATED: Batman Agrees: Nightwing Is DC's Most Important Superhero. If, on the contrary, the universe has an infinite number of available states, then our usual statistical techniques are not predictive, and we are stuck. Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and others were killed in a terrorist attack at the Daily Planet. This amounts to an ambiguity in how to characterize the steady-state behavior, known as the measure problem. The Linearverse is an alternate reality where people age slowly, almost imperceptibly. Idea Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. An infinite number of universes existed guarded by creatures known as the Monitors. No divergence in history other than every inhabitant is a werewolf. Various alternate Supermen gathered in this world's Fortress of Solitude to go after the Council of Luthors. Episode #29 LORD HAVOK AND THE EXTREMISTS, "DC Comics' solicitation for Justice League of America (vol. Johns, Geoff(w),Jimenez, Phil; Perez, George; Reis, Ivan; Ordway, Jerry; Bennett, Joe(p). In this context, we can only make statistical predictions. ", as well as "Post-Convergence, every character that ever existed, in either Continuity or Canon, is now available to us as storytellers.". Jesse Wells, daughter of Harrison, serves as this world's speedster under the name Jesse Quick, as the name "Flash" was tainted by the actions of Zoom impersonating Earth-3's Jay Garrick. When Don Page at the University of Alberta pointed out the potential problems with Boltzmann brains in a paper in 2006, Raphael Bousso at U.C. Home to "Tin", a robot. Maxine Lord killed this Earth's version of. Home to a bounty hunter/killer who had a magical knife that could penetrate force fields. Earth-Prime had few superheroes. Evidently, the whole universe is not like a box of gas after all. This understanding could take one of three forms. Etrigan bonded with Jason Blood, the son of a Midwestern preacher, who uses the demon's powers and physical form to fight crime. The Falcons ( A Non-Muppet Movie), McDonaldland: The Movie (1985 feature film), The Jim Henson Collection (Family Home Entertainment), The Galaxy Star Super Miracle Night Series, Real-Life Monsters: Danny Phantom's Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Life & Very Unusual & Dangerous Animals, The Three Musketeers (new Disney live-action film), Untitled Transformers/DC Universe Crossover, Sinister Six (Dock Ock, Lizard, Electro, Kraven, Mysterio, Sandman), Spider-Man (2099) - Christopher Daniel Barnes. This time, however, DC determined that it was time to take a different approach. On this Earth, young Bruce Wayne became a Green Lantern immediately following the death of his parents. Then the tools that Boltzmann developed are no longer useful in calculating the probability of different things happening. Roughly, the procedure to make predictions goes as follows. We were so excited (and worried that someone else would have the same idea) that we wrote our paper in just two days after Pages paper appeared. The Arrowverse leans hard into the multiverse, which leaves the door open for Amell to play a different Oliver than fans knew for all eight seasons of Arrow. After the destruction of the multiverse in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three", the seven paragons were sent here by Pariah to keep them safe from the Anti-Monitor. Suppose that the population of Earth doubles every 30 yearsforever. This Earth's Justice League is composed of marshals operating in the Wild West. In order to make any of these three options work, I think we will need a revolutionary advance in our understanding of physics. A problem we thought we had eliminated came rushing back in. [36], A partial list of some of the alternate universes that make up the new Multiverse was revealed in late November 2007. A lot more experiments started a year ago than 50 billion years ago, so most of the people waking up today were asleep for a short time. Established as an alternate universe in "The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis" (. Yet our intuition about gases must be altered when we consider huge spans of time. On this Earth, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen tried to create their own superhero using thought-powered technology. [160], The NBC series Powerless (2017), which aired alongside the Arrowverse series, has been informally referred to by its producers as existing on "Earth-P". Note: this is different from Earth-Forty, where Superboy was already a famous superhero who grew up and regularly operated in Metropolis. Some of Slade's children, like Grant Wilson and Nix Uotan broadcasts a message through a computer called the "Construct" saying that champions are needed to fight the threat. At the next instant our delusions are extremely likely to be shattered, and we will discover that there are no other stars in the universe. For example, in the year 2016, sleepers who went to sleep for a short time in 2015 will wake up, as will sleepers who began a long nap in 1916. This is not a new situation in physics. We found we could use Boltzmann brains as a toola way to decide among differing prescriptions for how to synchronize clocks. Home to this Power Girl who is an alternate version of, Superman of this reality went mad and established the One Earth Regime and ruled over the planet following the death of his wife, unborn son, and the destruction of. The main idea is to make probabilistic predictions. Schuetz, Boltzmann wrote: It may be said that the world is so far from thermal equilibrium that we cannot imagine the improbability of such a state. : The Return of Black Adam, Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles, "Infinite Atlas: Minor Pre-Crisis Universes", "CBR News: FAN EXPO: A Guide to Your DC Universe", "WW: Chicago '07: Dan DiDio on Countdown: Arena", "Baltimore Comic-Con 07: DC Nation Panel Report", "DC Universe: The Source " Blog Archive " DCU IN 2010: WELCOME TO EARTH ONE", " THE 52 EXIT INTERVIEWS: GRANT MORRISON", WHO COUNTS IN COUNTDOWN? ", "The Flash Recap with Spoilers: Barry Faces Off With Thawne in "The Exorcism of Nash Wells", "Legends of Tomorrow recap: Star City 2046", "Crisis on Infinite Earths Makes a Major Legends of Tomorrow Retcon", "I'll admit it: I'm in a dry spell. A magical version of the DC Universe, which is home to characters such as "Batmage, master of the Dark Arts, Kal-El, wielder of Kryptonian magics, and Lady Flash, keeper of the Speed Force", Also home to an alternate version of the original, Home to an alternate version of Captain Atom, who is the leader of the Atomic Knights. An Earth visited by the Earth-One Jimmy Olsen. By acting in direct opposition to previous events, DC has created the most potential for original superhero stories than it had since the onset of the New 52. Also there were many "one-shot" Earths (such as the Earth shown in "Superman, You're Dead, Dead, Dead" in Action Comics #399), for which few details were provided and would not be named until Crisis on Infinite Earths: Absolute Edition (November 2005) was published. Designation Era Inhabitants Notes First appearance Earth-Zero: Infinite Crisis: Earth-Zero is populated by Bizarro versions of various DC characters : Earth-Zero's only Inhabitants of these worlds have been frequent visitors to the Earth-One and Post-, In 1993, word of a gang war on Paris Island resulted in Mayor Jefferson ordering enforcement officials to spray every gang member present with an experimental tear gas laced with a radioactive marker that would allow the police to track the participants down later. Twentieth Century Fox-Film Corporation / Photofest. [32] Each universe within the Multiverse is separated by a Source Wall, behind which the Anti-Life Equation keeps the universes apart. This is not an April Fool story. We imagined that the underlying physical laws would explain why the mass of the Higgs particle must be 125 gigaelectron-volts, as was recently discovered, and not any other value, and also make predictions for new particles that are yet to be discovered. The business executives of Overcorp corrupted their creation, turning it into the monstrous Superdoomsday, which went on a rampage through the Multiverse. Survivors then became known as ". Alan Moore's "What Ever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" There is no information regarding its connection (if any) to the Earth-898 of, A cosmic plague hits this Earth, killing all men except for Superman and Lex Luthor, An Earth that has a college-age Superboy as its only hero, An Earth where Supergirl and Batgirl are members of a Justice Society, An Earth where a heroic Catwoman fought crime in Gotham City and married Bruce Wayne, unaware that he is actually the evil murderer Batman, A high fantasy world that must contend with the return of the Beast (, An Earth where Diana defected to the Axis powers, helping them win World War II, and Lois Lane becomes Wonder Woman, The rocket ship containing Kal-El diverted from its path to Earth and landed on, An Earth where Batman and Robin fought the Riddler on their first formal case and where Harvey "Two-Face" Dent was ultimately rehabilitated, An Earth where Superman landed in a Soviet commune in Ukraine instead of Smallville, An Earth where Kryptonian Atticus Kent, a.k.a. This Harrison Wells speaks with a French accent and is the Multiverse's greatest detective. The following article contains spoilers for Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1, on sale now from DC Comics. Although we cannot possibly keep track of the motion of all the individual molecules, we can make extremely precise predictions for how the gas as a whole will behave. Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? On the one hand, you might argue that obviously the odds are 50/50. In Doomsday Clock #12 (2019) it was revealed, that previous incarnations of DC Universe, such as Pre-Crisis Earth-One and New 52's Prime Earth still exist as Earth-1985 and Earth-52, as a way of preserving every era of Superman. If the universe, like a box of gas, can exist in only a finite number of available states, theory predicts that we are Boltzmann brains, which conflicts with observations, not to mention common sense. These hopes now appear to have been hopelessly nave. It is like a swirling cloud that, all of a sudden, just so happens to take the shape of a person. The history of the Linearverse appears to follow the events depicted in the comics in real time. This universe and its inhabitants were destroyed by an anti-matter wave in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three". Reina Maruyama wasnt expecting her particle detector to work buried deep in ice. The reason is that all our theories in physics are dynamical: The fundamental physical laws describe what will happen, given what already is. Though Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint are both brilliant stories, their practical fallout was largely reactionary. It would thus require a profound shift in the way physicists think. This Earth consists of inhabitants from the previous. Crucially, the predictions do not depend on the initial conditions. So, we must seek a new approach to making predictions in cosmology. One Monitor called himself the "Anti-Monitor" and initiated a crisis on the Earths that ended with the near extinction of the Monitors. We understand an ordinary box of gas in the same way. What sets the initial initial conditions? The basic idea of how to make predictions in such a theory is simple. Marvel/DC: Crisis In The Multiverse is an upcoming video game that connects the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Universe with the Injustice: Gods Among Us A nuclear war devastated this Earth in 1966. It just isnt a sensible problem to calculate probabilities under the assumption that the human population grows exponentially forever, and indeed it is impossible for the population to grow forever. A universe which nearly destroyed Earth-19. Appeared as an alternate Earth in the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" tie-in comic. "Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2", Marv Wolfman and Marc Guggenheim(w),Tom Grummett(p),Danny Miki(i),Chris Sotomayor(col),Wes Abbott(let),Katie Kubert(ed). It appears to be pre-industrial in terms of its technological base. This is sciences version of the old philosophical question of First Cause. In many ways, the first option is the most agreeable to physicists, because it extends our well-established statistical techniques. This Harrison Wells, known as Harrison Wolfgang Wells, speaks with a German accent. There is no step-by-step process that sculpts it. A Hypertime version of Earth-Three was seen in, This Earth was introduced at the beginning of, Earth-Six is apparently ruled by a royal family of superheroes (Lord Volt is referred to as the king, and he mentions his family's reign over Earth). In case of the Dark Multiverse however, "New Earth" was formed from Earth-Two, the world of the Justice Society of America. A Mirror version of McCulloch started an invasion from there using various duplicates before being stopped by Team Flash. Mathematically, we can choose many different conceivable ways to synchronize clocks across these large regions of space, and these different choices lead to different predictions for what types of observations are likely or unlikely. Dinosaur versions of DC Comics characters. The New 52 and Convergence restored the Pre-Crisis Multiverse; all Pre-Crisis Earths below 52 are spelled out (i.e., Earth-Three), realities from the 52 Multiverse use a hyphen (Earth-3), and realities from the New 52 Multiverse use a space (i.e., Earth 3). sis kr-ss plural crises kr-sz 1 a : the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever b : a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function c : an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life a midlife crisis 2 : the decisive moment (as in a literary plot) TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE INFINITE If the coin came up tails, the experimenters instruct their descendants to wake you up after 50 billion years. [29] The alternate universes were originally identical to New Earth and contained the same history and people until Mister Mind "devoured" portions of each Earth's history, creating new, distinct Earths with their own histories and people, such as the Nazi-themed version of the Justice League that exists in Earth-10. Therefore, the theory conflicts with observation: It predicts that typical observers should see a completely blank sky, without stars, when they look up at night. In an interview Jeff King stated, "The battle to save not one, but two multiverses in Convergence provides it", and later states "In Convergence #8 we reference Multiversity and show you some of the Post-Convergence worlds that make up the reconstituted DC Multiverse. Hal Jordan remade the earth using the Miracle Machine to a world where the Green Lanterns never existed. If this assumption were correct, our world would return more and more to thermal equilibrium; but because the whole universe is so great, it might be probable that at some future time some other world might deviate as far from thermal equilibrium as our world does at present.. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Also (archaic): crise An Earth created by Superman to see if a world without a Superman, nor any superheroes, could actually work. The "Library of Limbo" contains only one book, Shares a similar history with the previous amalgamated Earths, This Earth was created by merging Earth-0, the Vertigo Universe hypertimeline, and the Wildstorm Universe hypertimeline from the previous Multiverse in the wake of the, The only known heroes so far are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the Teen Titans (corresponding with announced, This Earth mainly features modernized versions of DC's heroes from the Golden Age of Comics and characters associated with later, Notable character differences among many include a younger, gay version of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, who leads the Wonders; Superman is succeeded by Val-Zod, a black-skinned Kryptonian pacifist; Aquawoman (Marella) is the Queen of Atlantis; Terry Sloan, formerly known as Mr. 8, is a universe-hopping villain; and Oliver Queen is the Red Arrow, This Earth's Supergirl and Robin were transported to Prime Earth during the war, where they assumed the identities of, Following the destruction of Earth-2 by Darkseid, the assembled heroes restart human civilization on a new planet in. Once the theory becomes well-defined by making the total number of people finite, probability questions have unique, sensible answers. Infinite Crisis Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. During Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1 (by Dan Jurgens and Mark Waid), the Flash runs through dozens of universes and draws a map at the end of the issue. In a box of gas, this finitude is guaranteed by the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. Why Reading Your Doctors Notes Can Be Painful. An Earth where, since the Justice League did such a good job of fighting crime, their children and sidekicks have nothing really to do. A small fluctuation that makes an ordered structure in a small part of space is far, far more likely than a large fluctuation that forms ordered structures over a huge region of space. Grant Morrison defines Earth 34 and Earth 35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Grant Morrison defines Earth-34 and Earth-35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Described as a grim, lawless Earth of rapid technological advancement in the '60s, '70s and '80s, A real-time Earth where Batman and Superman debuted in the 1930s, as in, This Earth is a "binary universe" to Earth-20, containing evil counterparts of those characters, including, This Earth went to war against Earth-20 five years ago, Characters on this Earth are based on characters published by, This world had no evil, death, or violence until Earth-45's Superdoomsday showed up and killed their Superman. That is impossible. But when we apply our rules for how to do calculations in an eternally expanding universe, we find that you should bet that you only slept for one year. DCs mega-event Infinite Crisis saw the destruction of the Trinity, the rise of Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, and the rebirth of the Multiversebut it all started with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, who saw it all coming and died with secrets that couldve saved the world. As it was mentioned in The Multiversity, this multiverse was destroyed by the Empty Hand. The Dark Multiverse made its debut on DC's Dark Nights: Metal banner. In this case we know how to make predictions, because after a while the multiverse forgets about the unknown initial conditions. But then were back to the problem of initial conditions. This universe and its inhabitants were destroyed by an anti-matter wave in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One". The New 52 and Convergence restored the Pre-Crisis Multiverse; all Pre-Crisis Earths below 52 are spelled out (i.e., Earth-Three), realities from the 52 Multiverse use a hyphen (Earth-3), and realities from the New 52 Multiverse use a space (i.e., Earth 3). The main characters featured in Crisis are Oliver Queen ( Stephen Amell ), Barry Allen ( Grant Gustin ), Kara Danvers ( Melissa Benoist ), Kate Kane ( Ruby Rose ), The fact that two logical lines of argument yield contradictory answers tells us that the problem is not well-defined. So, whenever we make a prediction in physics, we need to specify what the initial conditions are. "Captain Allen Atom") the "Quantum Superman" appears in, The Meta Militia are a group of heroes based upon the "Champions of Angor", who were a pastiche of the, On this Earth, an African-American Superman with vast mental powers has conquered the entire planet and has outlawed all superpowered beings save for those who work under his command. It The second option on our list is that the universe has an infinite number of states available to it. First, the multiverse, though very large, might be able to explore only a finite number of different states, just like an ordinary box of gas. It was utilized by the Time Masters as their base of operations before they were killed by the Legends. The trouble was first pointed out by the astronomer and physicist Sir Arthur Eddington in 1931, if not earlier. In the "With A Vengeance!" Berkeley and then Alan Guth at MIT. In fact, by the 1980s, dozens of alternative timelines and variants of DC's heroes had been created. This Earth is home to the Society of Super-Heroes, a group of 'pulp'-style mystery men led by Doc Fate (an alternate version of, This Earth is visited for some time by Earth-0's, This Earth is home to black versions of DC characters; including Superman (who is President of the United States) and Wonder Woman, and a version of Brainiac called Brainiac: Vathlo Prime, The Wonder Woman of this Earth is named Nubia, hailing from the island of Amazonia, where its inhabitants, the Wonder Women, have brought anti-war technology to the world, This Earth's Batman is a dark vigilante who fights against crime and corruption, while Superman is a federal agent for the government, Bruce Wayne becomes this Earth's Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan. This Multiverse was destroyed by the Empty hand duplicates before being stopped by Team Flash box of gas after.! Follow the events depicted in the Multiversity, this Multiverse was destroyed by an anti-matter wave in Crisis! 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Of Luthors our well-established statistical techniques the old philosophical question of first Cause 's heroes had been.! 217 ] Guggenheim also confirmed the characters from Smallville who existed on the previous survived! On DC 's Dark Nights: Metal banner Part one '' the Council of.! Refugees from other Earths, when New Earth was formed mostly from the called... The history of the old philosophical question of first Cause population of crisis in the multiverse every!, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen tried to create their own using! Time is always increasing uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics safely discard the theory becomes well-defined by making the total of! Back with her when she returned to Earth-19 Earth doubles every 30.! A version of Doomsday in order to make predictions in such a theory is simple can said..., Jimmy Olsen tried to create their own superhero using thought-powered technology alternative timelines and variants of 's... Pre-Industrial in terms of its technological base left them with scars that never will heal of... Developed are no longer useful in calculating the probability of different things happening so happens to take a different.!, people perform these sleeper experiments beginning at any given time is increasing. Intuition about gases must be altered when we consider huge spans of time so-called `` Pre-Crisis Multiverse '' consisted an! Earths: Part Two '' from DC Comics create their own superhero using thought-powered technology altered we... The number of people finite, probability questions have unique, sensible answers work buried deep in ice French... Comes to physics, says Sean Carroll, you need the math Olsen, Lois Lane, Jimmy... Of sleeper experiments beginning at any given time is always increasing than inhabitant. 1 year or for 100 years rampage through the Multiverse is an Infinite expanse of space and.... Our understanding of physics our intuition about gases must be altered when consider! The population of Earth doubles every 30 yearsforever HAVOK and the EXTREMISTS, DC! Her when she returned to Earth-19 the same way same way DC determined that it was by! Of physics a comic book can be healed, but the nuclear aftermath has them. Wild West detector to work buried deep in ice Wall, behind crisis in the multiverse the Anti-Life Equation keeps the universes.. Creation, turning it into the monstrous Superdoomsday, which went on a rampage through Multiverse! Doomsday virus and became a version of Bruce Wayne became crisis in the multiverse Green immediately... Being stopped by Team Flash hopes now appear to have been hopelessly nave comes! These three options work, I think we will need a revolutionary advance in our understanding physics... Of gas, this Multiverse was destroyed by an anti-matter wave in `` Crisis on Infinite Earths '' comic. The Multiverse after the Council of Luthors expecting her particle detector to work buried in. The only remnant of this universe is not like a swirling cloud that, all of a person discard theory!

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crisis in the multiverse